PS3 Gaining on 360 – MS Weaknesses Explored

I dunno, why don't we try FUN games instead of just SHINY games?

Simply- Uno, Fable and Too Human play funner than anything Sony or Nintendo (ugh) has to offer. I would give Pixeljunk Monsters and Eden some kudos, but really, nothing's moderately interested me besides MGS4 due to the nice metacritic score.

fable is a xbox 1 game and too human is not getting a good review so far. ever heard of little big planet? you want a fun game, look at that mate.

both consoles are similar so it all boils down to the actual machine realy and no1 can deny the fact that ps3 is more reliable and quieter then the 360. no MS fanboys cant deny that mate. its a factual statement.
fable is a xbox 1 game and too human is not getting a good review so far. ever heard of little big planet? you want a fun game, look at that mate.

both consoles are similar so it all boils down to the actual machine realy and no1 can deny the fact that ps3 is more reliable and quieter then the 360. no MS fanboys cant deny that mate. its a factual statement.

The problem with your actual facts is that they are actually wrong. Reliability? Firmware updates... Quieter? Like Blu-ray, who the fuck cares? Most people can't hear the xbox because they are busy playing games on it. Don't sound like such a lemming.

The PS3 is a decent machine, it is equal give or take to the Xbox360. What people don't like is the marketing/lying Sony does to make their system seem so superior. Sony fanboys and Apple fanboys must have the same mother I swear. But with all the shit you see/hear on press releases, it's amazing people still back such a company. I'll go with the one all my friends are using online and that has far superior management, and not the one with some coked up Japs making asinine statements, even though Stringer is not much better.
Xbox outselling PS3 in Japan
Wii still dominating
Sony can never make money on the PS3
PS3 gaining on 360 - MS Weakness Explored
PSP gaining on DS
DS prints money

blah blah blah and so on.

Translation: I realized these articles are 99% bullshit a long time ago. No one is pulling a Sega this time around.

And jonney, I would imagine he was talking about Fable 2, the one that is a 360 game. I realize that games that aren't just ports from another system is strange to you PS3 guys, but we do have them here ;) I kid, I am waiting to add a PS3 to my collection. Sony just needs to settle on a normal unit scheme instead of this "PS3 of the month". Hopefully bringing back backward compat too. It really wouldn't hurt them to get some more games though. BR player, MG, GranTourismo, and Versus is about all that is keeping me on the hook right now.
I've always hated this argument used by anyone defending the PS3. You are assuming that the potential buyer wanted a blu-ray player to begin with. Blu-ray is still having trouble penetrating any market, as is evidenced by the latest crop of news reports.

The potential buyer is 90% of the time a GAMER who cares about games more than Blu-Ray movies. So it's actually stupid to buy a gaming console based on the idea that it has blu-ray. Blu-ray doesn't help gaming. Look at all the multi-platform games that came out for both systems, where's all that extra content on the PS3 side?

As you know, the PS3 and Xbox360 just arent gaming machines like the NES. These are modern home media centers that bring home entertainment to a whole new level. Pretty nice addition for any living room is you ask me. To me the PS3 is the better value.
The PS3 is superior in the hardware department with much more future potential than the Xbox360. RROD??? No thank you. As far as software library? Give it another 6 months that argument will be moot.
You sound like you just hate Blu-Ray. Seriously whats wrong with having such luxury? Cant afford to watch HD on a $5000 HDTV? Nothing wrong with buying technology and im pretty damn sure there is a future for 50GB disc. The market for HD Disc is slow, but it will pick up in time like HDTV's.
I've always hated this argument used by anyone defending the PS3. You are assuming that the potential buyer wanted a blu-ray player to begin with. Blu-ray is still having trouble penetrating any market, as is evidenced by the latest crop of news reports.

The potential buyer is 90% of the time a GAMER who cares about games more than Blu-Ray movies. So it's actually stupid to buy a gaming console based on the idea that it has blu-ray. Blu-ray doesn't help gaming. Look at all the multi-platform games that came out for both systems, where's all that extra content on the PS3 side?

What crop of news reports? The ones that steve posts on hardocp? Because thats apparently all the Blu-Ray news you read. Check some of the avsforums or the nieslen sales in the USA alone for BD penetration. Blu-Ray has almost hit 10% of the whole DVD market in terms of movie sales. Thats pretty quick for BD to take a chunk that big in this shrot of a time. Blu-Ray outsells DVD in Japan now. Blu-Ray is up over 300% in EU. The only bad news you have seen are sales for stand alone players, but thats obviously because of the PS3. That is NOT bad news.
Give it another 6 months that argument will be moot.

Hey now... that sounds familiar... (3rd window)

I honestly don't like waiting for so long when the competition already has stuff to play on. Should just wait till Sony tells you to stop waiting right? I mean, even by then the PS3 would be cheaper than when you first bought it. So I think people should enjoy the 360 until the PS3 is "done" with whatever they are trying to sell you. I mean, why not? Almost all the games are on both platforms. You won't be missing out too much.
Being VERY practical, and unbiased. Sony made huge mistakes with the PS3's pricepoint, it's time of release, it's online capabilities (on top of several other features) are only NOW catching up to MS.

People can say "MS's weakness exposed", but'd need to find a weakness within MS's gameplan to open up a window for Sony to catch up.

Look at the numbers. Blu-Ray isn't as revolutionarily popular as Sony and their fans had expected. Sure, it's a great technology, but it isn't worth the money outside of buying the PS3 that uncludes one.

As a gaming system, Microsoft wins in the aspects of online capability, and if you say that Sony won't have to emulate XBL (to an extent, I'm not hating on Sony's online service) to do good in the market, you're being unrealistic. Microsoft has more games...which sounds like a blunt way of trying to win an argument, but when it comes down to it, be honest. Microsoft is bound to garner bigger profit margins if they keep up a larger variety for the same price or less then Sony's systems, peripherals and games.

People who will talk about Sony's huge games, I'll put it this way. The vast majority of Sony's games are made for the 360 with the same product value, and in many situations, much better online integration, etc. Sony's exclusives titles...sure great titles being held onto by Sony, but most of them will go over to the 360 when that contracts up. What can you say? "You have to wait months to get Metal Gear 4!" Cummon man, you'll never get Halo 1, 2 or 3. Beat that.

In this console race, Sony worked very hard, and if the 360 wasn't out and about, Sony would be trumping everything. But MS has played it smart, has worked hard and deserves the recognition as an equal to the PS3, and in most opinions, (sales show it) a superceder to the PS3.

I play and own both systems, and my opinion in the grand scheme of things doesn't have an effect, but open your eyes and really pay attention to what the numbers and gamers say all over. If the PS3 didn't have that Blu-Ray player, it would be a joke. The PS3 has amazing potential in it's technology, but Sony and 3rd party developers alike aren't harnassing and utilizing that potential well enough.

MS is winning. You know it, I know it. Live with it. It's just a game fellas.
Hey now... that sounds familiar... (3rd window)

I honestly don't like waiting for so long when the competition already has stuff to play on. Should just wait till Sony tells you to stop waiting right? I mean, even by then the PS3 would be cheaper than when you first bought it. So I think people should enjoy the 360 until the PS3 is "done" with whatever they are trying to sell you. I mean, why not? Almost all the games are on both platforms. You won't be missing out too much.

Well, PS3 has almost caught up already. 6 months is just an over-estimate. If I bought a 360 instead of a PS3 ill be missing alot. To name a few things:

* Logitech G25 Wheel compatibility on most racing games
* Superior controller for fighting games
* Beautiful HD image and sound on my $7000 Living room system
* Fast Load times
* Reliability (RROD No Thanks)
* Free Web Access in my living room (Hello Porn)

If I were to purchase the Xbox 360 at its initial launch I would miss:

* 1080p

But you know what, fuck both the PS3 and 360. I enjoy gaming on my PC more than I do on my PS3. I use my PS3 as a media center addition.
Sony's exclusives titles...sure great titles being held onto by Sony, but most of them will go over to the 360 when that contracts up. What can you say? "You have to wait months to get Metal Gear 4!" Cummon man, you'll never get Halo 1, 2 or 3. Beat that.

You will NEVER get MGS4 on Xbox just like we won't get Halo 3.

The difference between PS3 and Xbox 360 exclusives? PS3 exclusives stay on the PS3 while many of the 360's get ported to PC.
Jesus you like to gloss over stuff Leezard. If you think the firmware updates 2.40 and 2.41 was an example of PS3's reliability, yes sir I laugh at you.
You will NEVER get MGS4 on Xbox just like we won't get Halo 3.

The difference between PS3 and Xbox 360 exclusives? PS3 exclusives stay on the PS3 while many of the 360's get ported to PC.


If you seriously believe PS3 exclusives go over to 360, you must be dense.

MGS4 360 Version: Please insert disc 10....walks a foot...Please insert disc 11.
It couldn't be done with the 360 hardware nor the DVD drive.
The PS3 1080 game list isn't really any better than the 360, they are both meh. And you would miss out on a cable?

Hell Yeah. HDMI cable makes life alot easier, especially if you hide a ton of cable.
You will NEVER get MGS4 on Xbox just like we won't get Halo 3.

The difference between PS3 and Xbox 360 exclusives? PS3 exclusives stay on the PS3 while many of the 360's get ported to PC.

Exclusives don't really count for much anymore. MGS games have been ported to xbox and gamecube in the past. Halo has never been ported to any other "console."

PS3 exclusives don't stay on the PS3(FFXIII is a simple example, ignoring Devil May Cry 4 and some others that fanboys have cried over) but then again some of 360's exclusives don't stay on the 360 either(Bioshock). So meh, nothing really matters in this world anymore. *slits wrists*
Hell Yeah. HDMI cable makes life alot easier, especially if you hide a ton of cable.

Fair enough, though as I mentioned you can get a 360 with HDMI. I personally have yet to care about it. Sure my TV has HDMI in, but my monitor doesn't, and neither of my receivers do. They have a hard sell convincing me to buy 2 new receivers and a new monitor just to hide an audio cable ;) I can see the point though if you were a late entry in home theater or if you more recently upgraded your setup and have then inputs, but got a launch 360.
Fair enough, though as I mentioned you can get a 360 with HDMI. I personally have yet to care about it. Sure my TV has HDMI in, but my monitor doesn't, and neither of my receivers do. They have a hard sell convincing me to buy 2 new receivers and a new monitor just to hide an audio cable ;) I can see the point though if you were a late entry in home theater or if you more recently upgraded your setup and have then inputs, but got a launch 360.

I love my optical cable lol :D
I usually don't get into these arguements, but this is plain false. Kojima has admitted at least once that the game is completely doable on 360, he just didn't want to.

No he hasn't. It isn't possible because of the sheer size either. I doubt the 360 could run it TBH.
The problem with your actual facts is that they are actually wrong. Reliability? Firmware updates... Quieter? Like Blu-ray, who the fuck cares? Most people can't hear the xbox because they are busy playing games on it. Don't sound like such a lemming.

you sound like a typical ms fanboy. show me a link that even resembles the fact that ps3 is less reliable then the 360. its a know fact that the ps3 is more reliable. what is up with you LOL. most people cant hear a xbox 360? again wtf are you talking about LOL. i wont take that post seriously though because you sound as if you just had alot to drink
Not at launch you couldn't.

Is it still launch time? Time must have just stood still for you for the last couple years huh.

No he hasn't. It isn't possible because of the sheer size either. I doubt the 360 could run it TBH.

Its possible with any game and if you think one system is really any more powerfull than the other then your sadly mistaken.
NSCTripleAgent said:
I usually don't get into these arguements, but this is plain false. Kojima has admitted at least once that the game is completely doable on 360, he just didn't want to.

No he hasn't. It isn't possible because of the sheer size either. I doubt the 360 could run it TBH.

Guitarrasdeamor, you really need to get your facts straight before you speak. Only makes you look like a fool.
now i have a question.... and i am honestly asking this in i'm totally not trying to be a dick here.

you guys who really back the ps3. can i ask you why? like why defend it so vehemently?

I guess i could extend this to the 360 as well, but i see a lot more ps3 fans jump to its defense. This is NOT a loaded question, i just want to know why.

i have both systems, and i as noted earlier i see faults with both... but in the end who the fuck cares? The only thing i have against sony is their marketing practices are repulsive. Things like selling the defects on the first run of psp's as a feature, and many of their baseless claims from the executive branch is a big turn off.

And remember, those that bash the 360's RROD problems. Microsoft deserves it, faulty products need flak for them to improve. BUT, in the same vein the fat ps2's were pieces of shit. great games, but the hardware was junk. I still have 4 or 5 gutted broken ps2's laying around my house.

I just want to know why you guys on either camp defend the game systems so much...they are after all just systems.
now i have a question.... and i am honestly asking this in i'm totally not trying to be a dick here.

you guys who really back the ps3. can i ask you why? like why defend it so vehemently?

I guess i could extend this to the 360 as well, but i see a lot more ps3 fans jump to its defense. This is NOT a loaded question, i just want to know why.

i have both systems, and i as noted earlier i see faults with both... but in the end who the fuck cares? The only thing i have against sony is their marketing practices are repulsive. Things like selling the defects on the first run of psp's as a feature, and many of their baseless claims from the executive branch is a big turn off.

And remember, those that bash the 360's RROD problems. Microsoft deserves it, faulty products need flak for them to improve. BUT, in the same vein the fat ps2's were pieces of shit. great games, but the hardware was junk. I still have 4 or 5 gutted broken ps2's laying around my house.

I just want to know why you guys on either camp defend the game systems so much...they are after all just systems.

Just wanna say Secret of Mana is best multiplayer rpg evaaar(offline at least). :D

Anyways, I'm posting mainly because I'm trying to make people see that some things aren't as bad as others make it out to be. That's all. I guess to set things straight. They're both great systems. You just pick one(or two, or three O_O) that fits you best.

Bottom line, I don't hate other systems. I just don't like the fanboys that bash on other systems using lies/stupidity. And that's where I usually step and tell them how it really is so they won't look like idiots for a wrong interpretation on their part. Or that's what I try to do. Sometimes I fail, horribly :( *cries and shakes his Flammie drum and flies away*
You don't have to pay if you don't want to. If you want to play with other people, then you pay to use that service. It's not rent. Rent is a must.

And besides, if you struggle to see why people pay a monthly subscription then you are definitely not one of the millions of people that play WoW. XD

Yep I don't play WoW at all, I don't like online MMORPG's unless it's something I am actually interested in, and I try not to look like a character from a game.

I played an MMORPG (City Of Heroes) for two months, I got bored and couldn't be bothered to spend out on more boredom.

I prefer free multi-player, and a one off payment on a game, partly why I got a PS3 in the first place...but I get that with all my PC games anyway.
Yep I don't play WoW at all, I don't like online MMORPG's unless it's something I am actually interested in, and I try not to look like a character from a game.

I played an MMORPG (City Of Heroes) for two months, I got bored and couldn't be bothered to spend out on more boredom.

I prefer free multi-player, and a one off payment on a game, partly why I got a PS3 in the first place...but I get that with all my PC games anyway.

I understand your viewpoint. I used to be "i will never ever pay to play." But I think it was because I didn't have a job and no income. Once I started working I was more open to the idea. I figured, I'll play this and pay for it and won't buy any other games because this will keep me entertained for a while. Eventually, I just got used to it.

I agree with you though, it's messed up that they charge us. Free multi-player is always the best. Still paying for FFXI though hahaha. God, that game is too good. XD I don't even play it for the end game stuff anymore. Just playing through the story(Yes it has a story. An interesting/crazy/complex one).
Yea the whole free multiplayer thing is a personal choice thing. I have a job, and I don't mind paying $35/year for online gaming on my console when I play for free on my PC. But the perspective really changes when you dont have income coming in.

I am still at heat a PC gamer. I got an xbox360 because only 2 of my real life friends own a PS3 and 8 other real life friends have an Xbox360. I could care less about the console wars but I just hate bad arguments. Granted I just got a 360 in March, I've been playing my PC games a lot less. But then again 2008 has been and will be just ridiculous in terms of game releases for consoles.

Another big factor in the pc vs consoles discussion is the kind of TV you own. If you have at least a 37in LCD/Plasma, there is a very real tendecy to play on a bigger screen, even if its just bigger pixels.

The main reason is that there are hidden factors that are not the same with every person and these factors can heavily change the perspective of said argument. Some people just like to spend superflorous amounts of money. I just wish for the day when we can play multiplayer cross-platform and it's done right.

btw... anyione play the Forces Unleashed demo yet?
now i have a question.... and i am honestly asking this in i'm totally not trying to be a dick here.

you guys who really back the ps3. can i ask you why? like why defend it so vehemently?

I guess i could extend this to the 360 as well, but i see a lot more ps3 fans jump to its defense. This is NOT a loaded question, i just want to know why.

i have both systems, and i as noted earlier i see faults with both... but in the end who the fuck cares? The only thing i have against sony is their marketing practices are repulsive. Things like selling the defects on the first run of psp's as a feature, and many of their baseless claims from the executive branch is a big turn off.

And remember, those that bash the 360's RROD problems. Microsoft deserves it, faulty products need flak for them to improve. BUT, in the same vein the fat ps2's were pieces of shit. great games, but the hardware was junk. I still have 4 or 5 gutted broken ps2's laying around my house.

I just want to know why you guys on either camp defend the game systems so much...they are after all just systems.
i have both systems too and i prefer the ps3 for many reasons. quieter, reliablity etc etc
By the way - PS3 exclusives -

Resistance 2
Killzone 2
Disgaea 3
Persona 4
FF13 Versus
Gran Tourismo 5
God of War III
Ratchet & Clank
White Knight Chronicles
Valkyria Chronicles
Tekken 6

.... plus a bunch of others that aren't as awesome.

FF 13 is not ps3 exclusive anymore, get a clue.
mgs4 is the shittist game I have ever "played", 90% of the time were just about watching the retarded CG, it is more like a movie with add-on gaming than a real game with CG.

God of War is an infant's game by comparing to Ninja Gaiden.

The rest in the lists are nothing more than garbage, not worthy mentioning.
FF 13 is not ps3 exclusive anymore, get a clue.
mgs4 is the shittist game I have ever "played", 90% of the time were just about watching the retarded CG, it is more like a movie with add-on gaming than a real game with CG.

God of War is an infant's game by comparing to Ninja Gaiden.

The rest in the lists are nothing more than garbage, not worthy mentioning.

Apparently your opinion = all?
FF 13 is not ps3 exclusive anymore, get a clue.
mgs4 is the shittist game I have ever "played", 90% of the time were just about watching the retarded CG, it is more like a movie with add-on gaming than a real game with CG.

God of War is an infant's game by comparing to Ninja Gaiden.

The rest in the lists are nothing more than garbage, not worthy mentioning.

Also tekken, socom, ratchet & clank and gran turismo are more than worth mentioning since each series continues to be very popular and bring alot of would be 360 buyers over to sony instead.

Gran turismo alone will sell more consoles than most games will.

Also you do know ninja gaiden is on the PS3 now right? so the smart folks get to play god of war and ninja gaiden.
Also tekken, socom, ratchet & clank and gran turismo are more than worth mentioning since each series continues to be very popular and bring alot of would be 360 buyers over to sony instead.

Gran turismo alone will sell more consoles than most games will.

Also you do know ninja gaiden is on the PS3 now right? so the smart folks get to play god of war and ninja gaiden.

yea ps3 users only dont get fable 2 and halo 3 but if you have a gaming pc u can buy it for the pc
Also you do know ninja gaiden is on the PS3 now right? so the smart folks get to play god of war and ninja gaiden.

If you are talking about the most current Ninja Gaiden, then no it is not. Unless I am mistaken, that is a 360 exclusive. Now the PS3 does have like a port of the 2004 (or 03? I forget the exact date) version, but that is it last I saw.
If you are talking about the most current Ninja Gaiden, then no it is not. Unless I am mistaken, that is a 360 exclusive. Now the PS3 does have like a port of the 2004 (or 03? I forget the exact date) version, but that is it last I saw.

no its been confirmed that they are making the new ninja gaiden game for the ps3
now i have a question.... and i am honestly asking this in i'm totally not trying to be a dick here.

you guys who really back the ps3. can i ask you why? like why defend it so vehemently?

Because the PS3 is the most hated system in the market right now. Its features as a great secondary system is overlooked.
Because the PS3 is the most hated system in the market right now. Its features as a great secondary system is overlooked.

i agree. there are too many xbox fanboys and bash the ps3. you get more peple bashing the ps3 then people bashing the 360