PS3 Gaining on 360 – MS Weaknesses Explored

A) Obviously the amount of people that care is not enough to keep the 360 on top
B) 13 year olds are the reason i avoid live like the plague
C) live dont offer enough to justify the cost and im willing to be alot more agree with me than you.

Pretty much nailed it.
I like the way people point to the exclusives of the PS3. All systems have exclusives. Many of the exclusives for the PS3 I could give two craps about.

I still feel the best gaming is on the PC.
Many of the 360 "exclusives" are on the PC or coming to the PC.

CoD4, Gears of War, Halo 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect, etc.
A) Obviously the amount of people that care is not enough to keep the 360 on top
B) 13 year olds are the reason i avoid live like the plague
C) live dont offer enough to justify the cost and im willing to be alot more agree with me than you.

I was just trying to make a point when I said I care about the best online service. The point that there are people that care. I, personally, don't care. Some people don't think anything of $40 a year for a service. It's better, and some people don't mind it. I think $40 a year is nothing. If $40 is too much then you are having financial problems. Just taking an outside point of view.

A) According to the article, 360 still is on top of the PS3 so I don't know what you mean by 360 is not on top.
B) There are 13 year olds everywhere online. Just depends on how unlucky you are. There's a thing called a mute feature.
C) Depends on who you talk to.
Many of the 360 "exclusives" are on the PC or coming to the PC.

CoD4, Gears of War, Halo 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect, etc.

Is Bioshock coming to the PS3? I am asking because I just downloaded the Bioshock theme for my PS3 from the PS3 store. I won't be buying it since I already have it on my PC, but I am curious.
I was just trying to make a point when I said I care about the best online service. The point that there are people that care. I, personally, don't care. Some people don't think anything of $40 a year for a service. It's better, and some people don't mind it. I think $40 a year is nothing. If $40 is too much then you are having financial problems. Just taking an outside point of view.

A) According to the article, 360 still is on top of the PS3 so I don't know what you mean by 360 is not on top.
B) There are 13 year olds everywhere online. Just depends on how unlucky you are. There's a thing called a mute feature.
C) Depends on who you talk to.

I never said the 360 was not on top i said live is not enough to keep it there.

Best service is relative, i think for the price just about everything beats live. Free service means quite a bit to alot of people. See, thing is you look at it as a fan of the service, $40 is too much for live because it should be free. Its not a questuion of my personal finances i just feel my money is better spent on other things. I already pay alot for my broadband it will be a cold day in hell when i pay more to hook up my console, especially when you sink hundreds of bucks into the console alone and then all of the competition gives it away for free.

In the last generation live was a selling point of the Xbox because the online capability of the PS2 was a joke. These days when you look at the current consoles and realize sony has done an awful lot to improve its online functonality there is little justification for to pay for a service like live.
Very good read seem rather correct compared to most the BS that gets posted.

I don't own either system and don't plan on buying them any time soon. I won't buy a xbox360 untill they remake the hardware and it doesn't break, and I won't buy a PS3 until there are at least 5 or 6 games that I want on it and right now there is only one disgea3 (Persona 4 is for ps2).

But in 1 year I'm sure the PS3 will have enough games for me to buy it and the xbox will still have the PROD and will never get my business(even though they got star ocean).
Or, it could just be that due to the head start, MS has sold to nearly everyone who will buy an Xbox. Those people won't buy more of them. Consequently, MANY of those people are now buying PS3's. When you target the same audience, you get overlap. The world isn't ending for MS.
Or, it could just be that due to the head start, MS has sold to nearly everyone who will buy an Xbox. Those people won't buy more of them. Consequently, MANY of those people are now buying PS3's. When you target the same audience, you get overlap. The world isn't ending for MS.

That logic just dont fly. There will always be new people to sell to, just look at the PS2 that still sells well after all these years.
360 launched at $399, which is what the PS3 is priced at. The 360 has a 450 unit and a 350 unit. How is that pricing any better than PS3 @ 400, considering what you get in the fucking box.

Oh, come on now. How is it fair to compare the launch price of a system to the price of the PlayStation 3 now (and not at launch)? PS3 was 500 at launch for the 20GB hard drive.

And what exactly do I get? Blu-ray which I'll never use? A hard drive I'll replace? A Wifi connection I wont use anyway because wired is always better for latency anyways? A library of maybe 1-2 games (at launch) that were even decent (Expanding to maybe double digits this christmas)? The privilege to pay another 50 bucks per PS3 controller when I have 4 PS2 controllers that are basically the same damn thing?

This isn't just a knock on PS3. I'm still fed up with the 360 too for being expensive because of some stupid media home capabilities that I'll never fuckin' use. Thanks for allowing me to stream media through my game system--I haven't been doin' that with my computers for years already. I love redundancy in my electronics. 360 and PS3 shoulda been around the same price as the Wii as far as I'm concerned. Probably the only decent priced video game system.

Now if only the Wii didn't have friend codes and horrible network complications...
Oh, come on now. How is it fair to compare the launch price of a system to the price of the PlayStation 3 now (and not at launch)? PS3 was 500 at launch for the 20GB hard drive.

And what exactly do I get? Blu-ray which I'll never use? A hard drive I'll replace? A Wifi connection I wont use anyway because wired is always better for latency anyways? A library of maybe 1-2 games (at launch) that were even decent (Expanding to maybe double digits this christmas)? The privilege to pay another 50 bucks per PS3 controller when I have 4 PS2 controllers that are basically the same damn thing?

This isn't just a knock on PS3. I'm still fed up with the 360 too for being expensive because of some stupid media home capabilities that I'll never fuckin' use. Thanks for allowing me to stream media through my game system--I haven't been doin' that with my computers for years already. I love redundancy in my electronics. 360 and PS3 shoulda been around the same price as the Wii as far as I'm concerned. Probably the only decent priced video game system.

Now if only the Wii didn't have friend codes and horrible network complications...

You'll never use blu-ray? Really?
Why would I? By the time it becomes a decent price, I'll be able to download HD movies through my cable/internet and straight into my DVRs or just streamed. It'll probably cost less per movie too.
Oh, come on now. How is it fair to compare the launch price of a system to the price of the PlayStation 3 now (and not at launch)? PS3 was 500 at launch for the 20GB hard drive.

And what exactly do I get? Blu-ray which I'll never use? A hard drive I'll replace? A Wifi connection I wont use anyway because wired is always better for latency anyways? A library of maybe 1-2 games (at launch) that were even decent (Expanding to maybe double digits this christmas)? The privilege to pay another 50 bucks per PS3 controller when I have 4 PS2 controllers that are basically the same damn thing?

This isn't just a knock on PS3. I'm still fed up with the 360 too for being expensive because of some stupid media home capabilities that I'll never fuckin' use. Thanks for allowing me to stream media through my game system--I haven't been doin' that with my computers for years already. I love redundancy in my electronics. 360 and PS3 shoulda been around the same price as the Wii as far as I'm concerned. Probably the only decent priced video game system.

Now if only the Wii didn't have friend codes and horrible network complications...

and something other than party games.
Many of the 360 "exclusives" are on the PC or coming to the PC.

CoD4, Gears of War, Halo 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect, etc.
CoD4, and Bioshack were never Xbox 360 exclusives. Halo 3 PC hasn't been announced yet.
Oh, come on now. How is it fair to compare the launch price of a system to the price of the PlayStation 3 now (and not at launch)? PS3 was 500 at launch for the 20GB hard drive.

And what exactly do I get? Blu-ray which I'll never use? A hard drive I'll replace? A Wifi connection I wont use anyway because wired is always better for latency anyways? A library of maybe 1-2 games (at launch) that were even decent (Expanding to maybe double digits this christmas)? The privilege to pay another 50 bucks per PS3 controller when I have 4 PS2 controllers that are basically the same damn thing?

This isn't just a knock on PS3. I'm still fed up with the 360 too for being expensive because of some stupid media home capabilities that I'll never fuckin' use. Thanks for allowing me to stream media through my game system--I haven't been doin' that with my computers for years already. I love redundancy in my electronics. 360 and PS3 shoulda been around the same price as the Wii as far as I'm concerned. Probably the only decent priced video game system.

Now if only the Wii didn't have friend codes and horrible network complications...

- Just because you don't use Blu-Ray feature doesn't mean someone else wouldn't.
- A 20GB 2.5" HDD isn't exactly completely worthless either.
- TONS of people use Wi-Fi. Sure, wired is a lot faster, but some people don't want to run wires all through-out their house. Besides, I've gamed on Wi-Fi before. It's not nearly as bad as some people claim it is.
- I could say the same about the Xbox 360 controller, what makes it different compared to Xbox controller aside from moving the little black and white button?
- The Wii, a good value? Oh please! That thing should cost ~$150 tops.
The 360 made several mistakes that will ultimately land it in 3rd place.

-No default hard drive
-Supporting HD-DVD
-Old 9GB DVD discs for game media
-No motion sensing controller
-Charging for online play
-Unbelievably high failure rate
The main reason I bought a 360 was for native support for RB2. After hearing about lag in GH3 and RB1 on the PS3, I didn't want to deal with that on the PS3.

ps3 rockband drummer here, bought the game a month ago, 100% complete hard, 70% complete expert.

i don't notice any lag with my setup on my 47" set which runs an 8ms response time. i do notice unsensitive peripherals. i do notice me not gooder. :p

i have also read about said lag on a few related forums... i mean, it's not like it's an asio connection or anything, i don't really know what people expect but as an amateur drummer who's played in a couple of bands it seems like latency would be the least of people's probs with rockband for the ps3.

the article nailed it though. home will be the silver bullet, as long as sony doesn't charge just for the 'priviledge' of logging online.
i.e.: PGR3/PGR4 and Forza2 vs GT5:p. I'm not paying for a glorified demo. I imagine the 360 will keep the lead in this genre, as I don't think Forza 3 will be long after the final GT5.

worldwide, there is no contest. gran turismo 5, even the prologue, DESTROYS the competition from xbox360.

this fact has been brought to you by an african swallow.
The 360 made several mistakes that will ultimately land it in 3rd place.

-No default hard drive
-Supporting HD-DVD
-Old 9GB DVD discs for game media
-No motion sensing controller
-Charging for online play
-Unbelievably high failure rate

You are right on almost every one of your reasons. I will list my reasons for considering a 360 purchase. I haven't bought one yet, but this is why I was considering it:

1: I have lots of friends that have them and game on xBox live. Most of those friends are too cheap or don't have enough know how to make or purchase gaming capable PC's. Consoles are simpler to them, and cheaper as a complete system.

2: Media Center Extender - My dad and I bought my little brother a 360 for Christmas last year, and he absolutely loves it. But guess what ... so does my 59 year old dad! I have it set up as his media center extender. He can record all the shows he wants on his PC and the xbox brings them right up in the same exact easy to use media center interface found on his PC, except it brings them up flawlessly on his 36 inch TV in the living room. I would use it to both game with my bro, and as a media center extender, which it does a fantastic job, making apple's tv look like a joke. (I've used both)

3. My brother in law is in the army, so he gets stationed all over the place. He's in Washington right now, but he and my little brother that lives in Wyo. with my dad are always getting together via live. It was worth the yearly fee to have that ability. They play on there quite a bit when they have time. I would love to have a 360 to be able to connect with them.

4. This is one of the defining gaming moments of my life. I have never experienced this before, but hope to experience it again someday, almost enough to shell out the $$ for the overpriced xbox: Picture this: My dad hates computer games, except spider solitaire and the like. My wife hates computers in general because I love them so much and they are always scattered throughout our house - go figure. My sister has never been into computers or gaming, just my little brother, and he's not nearly the computer geek that I am, but he loves his xbox games.

A couple months ago my wife, son and I visited my dad and brother in Wyo. for a holiday or b-day or whatever. I don't even remember why we were there, but I remember this: My wife, myself, my dad and my brother were all playing on the xbox in Wyo. while simultaneously linked to my brother in law and sister who were both playing on Live in washington. Guess what game we were playing? Halo 3!!! Somehow, even my dad and my wife learned the controls easily, and we were on there fighting and taking turns at campaign levels as a family. In campaign we could take turns doing missions in small groups, and in brawls with other players online we could all play at the same time. My wife and dad got fairly decent after a few hours of practice and some coaching from me and my brother. It was amazing. An actual "cool" computer game that was fun and fast action and my wife and dad were playing it with me for the first time ever in my life. I can't get either one of them to play computer games with me, but there we all were having a blast at halo 3. (which, by the way, I was impressed with. I've never owned a console since the used Super Nintendo I had years ago - Street Figher II FTW!!) I would love to have the 360 so my wife and I could hop on our 360 here in Idaho while my dad and bro hop on theirs in Wyo. and my sis and bro-in-law are also on in Washington. A console that can bring us together like that and still be a fun computer game is a miracle, really.

I have no problem paying 5 bucks a month for that kind of ability. I'll never get any of them to shell out for a decent gaming computer, or even attempt at gaming on a PC. They are flat out intimidated by the thought. PC's are for work ... lol.

But they will sit down with a harmless looking controller with no wires and just a few buttons. They are used to using the TV for entertainment, so they are totally in their comfort zone. To me, that is a great opportunity, and worth more money than any MMO where I pay even more money to play people I don't know at all.

That last reason was almost enough to make me spend the dough, especially since I get a discounted package and cheap accessories and games if I take the Microsoft trainings for Best Buy retail.

But here are the reasons why I REFUSE:

1. At the BBY where I work we can track returns and service items. Of all the 360's we sold, nearly 40% have made it back to the store for repair or replacement under our extended service plans. Some don't even make it past the return policy before the RROD (red ring of death)!!! That's not all - some people will replace a second and even a third xbox. What the crap??? PS3's in our store, which are selling like crazy not only in gaming but also in the home theater department have about a 3-4% replacement rate. That's better than any of our samsung standalone blu ray players, which have about a 15% service rate (and I think I recall them getting sued for their players not playing some of the new release movies a while back). I loathe the day when my brother will see his RROD. I hope it's not soon, but he games an awful lot on it. At least it's the cooler running Falcon model...

2. No next gen media for games. I have read article after article where developers are sacrificing content in order to fit HD games on two disks for 360 players. It wouldn't be as big of a deal if it wasn't $120 for a stupid hard drive ... you could just put your games on the system, or at least a good amount of them.

3. No next gen media for movies. Will digital downloads kill blu ray eventually? Maybe, maybe not. But right now digital hi def downloads are a lot more difficult for the mainstream public. I used to live in a small town where I got 7 meg DSL. It was great! Now that we bought a house in a bigger city we are stuck with 1.5!!! The ISP refuses to upgrade the city's infrastructure!!! With that connection I won't be downloading any hi-def movies at all. It's a million times easier to rent a blu-ray at the blockbuster or hollywood video just a couple blocks away. Or I can buy them when they go on sale at stores. I can't do anything practical in hi-def now with an xbox 360!! I have the dvd drive for it on my HTPC and i got some movies on the cheap when they threw in the towel. They look great, but I can't get any new releases for it. My 360 would be useless for new HD movies.

4. I mentioned this above, but it's worth its own section: No way for me to put in my own 320 hard drive? Ridiculous. The fact that I can buy a 320GB OEM online for about the same price as MS's 120GB proprietary crap, and it's probably a better quality drive, adds $100 to the value of the PS3.

Anyways, I'm a huge fan of a lot the xbox games. I've played a little Halo 3, and just a tad of 2 and 1. I was impressed. I know I would like them. In fact I just bought Halo 1 for the PC, and plan on Halo 2 after I beat it. The story is interesting. I'm sure I will find more people on here to bash halo than to love it because it's kind of the anti-PC FPS for a console, and we [H] folk are to frown on such, but I thought for a console-based FPS it was extremely well executed, had decent graphics and a story that at least intrigued me. I'm by no means a Sony fan. I hate their car audio, and almost hate their home audio as much. But they have a win with the PS3. I don't see it as overpriced at all. The 80gb versions even play a lot of the older games!!!

If the 360 had next gen disc support, I would probably get it, due to my reasons for it listed above, but right now it leaves a lot to be desired for its $300 price tag. And the PS3 would be great, but it wouldn't help me play with my family, and I already have a PC for playing games by myself and online with people I don't know, and the few friends I have who are PC builders and gamers like me.

Hope this doesn't put you to sleep but that's my take on things.
And what exactly do I get? Blu-ray which I'll never use?

I'm loving the new releases coming out in HD. 'tis a shame you refuse to check 'em out.

A hard drive I'll replace?

you have a point here

A Wifi connection I wont use anyway because wired is always better for latency anyways?

everything in my apt is completely wireless. i don't lag during online gaming with either my pc or ps3 in the least.

A library of maybe 1-2 games (at launch) that were even decent (Expanding to maybe double digits this christmas)?

well, i waited until just this past april to spring for a ps3, another good point.

The privilege to pay another 50 bucks per PS3 controller when I have 4 PS2 controllers that are basically the same damn thing?

i didn't own a ps2. pc gaming ruled much more supremely during its lifetime, in my opinion. buying a bunch of wireless ps3 controllers seemed ok for me since nhl 08 multiplayer is a killer drinking game for burying silly maple leafs fans.

This isn't just a knock on PS3.

i know, and many ps3 owners share some of your concerns.

360 and PS3 shoulda been around the same price as the Wii as far as I'm concerned. Probably the only decent priced video game system.

100% agree, although a 'complete' compliment of wii controllers costs as much as an xbox360.

i'm not trying to rabidly defend the ps3 but in my experience, it has been a very worthwhile and entertaining addition to my home media network and offers me some options that my pc cannot.

my ps3 was definitely worth the money i spent on it, and then some.

+ it folds, FTW
i didn't own a ps2. pc gaming ruled much more supremely during its lifetime, in my opinion. buying a bunch of wireless ps3 controllers seemed ok for me since nhl 08 multiplayer is a killer drinking game for burying silly maple leafs fans.

Hey...dont knock my maple leafs :(

I don't know about that wireless comparison. When it comes to consoles wireless is so much more convenient, especially when you move it between tvs, not everyone likes to run 100ft cat5/6 through their house, I know I don't and the wireless on it works great. Plus it COMES with the PS3 integrated, how much is Microsoft charging for the wireless adapter? $100? LOL
I'm too broke to buy games but when I get some money I'll be sure to pick it up and smack around your team, my PSN is Morder2327. :D
When it comes to consoles wireless is so much more convenient, especially when you move it between tvs, not everyone likes to run 100ft cat5/6 through their house, I know I don't and the wireless on it works great. Plus it COMES with the PS3 integrated, how much is Microsoft charging for the wireless adapter? $100? LOL

Hmm.. Wireless included on PS3, but NOT on xBox. Can't believe I forgot to add it to the list on the previous page....
The writer takes all of the good things about the 360 and tries to beat them down. He acts as if FF being brought to the 360 is just an "eh, whatever" thing, when in fact, it's HUGE news. Then he says that Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 will be just as good as GOW2. That's great. "Just as good". Well if PS3 wants to better, then so do it's games. They can't be "just as good". While Resistance is great, Killzone 2 is the sequel to a piece of crap that has absolutely nothing on GOW, so the comparisons should really stop there.

He mentions MGS4 as still being exclusive to the PS3. While that's great and all, the games he mocked MS using (ie: GTA4 and the other cross platform titles) were pretty much ALL that Sony had as top-tier exclusives, and now they're gone. So I don't see his point. Then he moves on to say that, while MS has a lot of great racing titles, Sony has GT. While GT is excellent and all, and if I'm counting correctly, then GT is Sony's ONLY good exclusive racing title. The rest of the good ones (ie: Burnout, etc) are all cross platform, meaning MS has those too, ON TOP of their excellent exclusive racing titles like PGR, DiRT, Rallisport Challenge, and Forza. So it seems to me that Sony has 1 good exclusive racing title, as to where MS has at least 4.

The article states so many good things that MS has going for them, and it tries to shoot those things down. The ONLY point that the writer of the article makes is about the hardware failure rates. MS needs to fix that, because it is rediculous. But everything else, nah, he was whining like a little brat. The titles that MS has picked up has pretty much made exclusivity nearly non-existant on the PS3 except for those few good titles.

I don't think Sony is catching up that much I know that "sales figure charts" and other things are fairly useless, but if it makes any difference:
The 360 would be hands down the best console right now if it didn't break all the fuckin' time.
The 360 would be hands down the best console right now if it didn't break all the ''''ing' time.

And if developers didn't have leave out game content to get games to fit on two disks.

And if it had a bigger hard drive - or at least one you could change yourself.

And if it wasn't noisier than any computer I've ever owned or built for someone.

And if you didn't have to pay an extra hundred to make it wireless.

And if it also doubled as a next gen movie player since it had hi def processing ability.

... Then it would be just like the PS3!.
At this point , who cares really? They both are past their first year of being out. They are solidifed. MS was "winning" until only a few months ago, as far as consoles sold. But market penetration has been enough for me. I play on LIVE with all my friends and have a blast. The games coming out are great. Who cares if they don't sell as many units at this stage in the game? Sony loses money, MS makes money... I rather stay with company that's more financially secure and whose execs do far less coke before making press releases.

I was a hardcore PC gamer, then I got lazy, and then got an xbxo360. When did PS3 have good exclusives? Like SGD said, "all systems have exclusives. Many of the PS3 exclusives people could give a shit about. Most of the better games are multi-console.

LIVE is so cheap, who can't pay $30 for a years worth of the best online system for consoles ever?

My friend, that had 3 - 360's fail, all RROD (including one purchased just this March), would mock you. He despises Sony, and he bought a PS3 because several of his friends gave up their 360's after multiple RROD's themselves because they want to f*cking play games on their consoles. Kinda hard to do that when the dang thing's breaking down every 3-6 months.
i started off with a 360 and it rrod on me 6 times. before that i use to bash and laugh at ps3 fans but now i feel stupid because i now game on a ps3 and i wonder why i diddnt get it instead of the 360. the ps3 is better in alot of ways then the 360. for instance the actual ps3 machine is alot better and no1 can deny that, even fanboys of 360 cant unless you love rrod and the sweet music of your dvd drive sounding louder then a vacum cleaner.

My 360 is now used as a display on my coffe table while my ps3 gets played more and more and can actualy play it while the wife is sleeping too. The article has covered alot of things but i like to add that the sole reason why the ps3 is catching up is because the machine doesn't last more then 2mins. i don't know a single person who has not had there 360 break at least once and that is a fact.

i much rather have a console that works then one that doesn't and i am glad i bought a ps3. it may not have the best online features ATM but its free, it works and i can use it any time i want unlike the 360 with its rrod temperament.

i wont be surprised if sony get the last laugh this gen ie sellling more then the 360 overal as i feel MS are losing a battle due to the 3rrod which they STILL have not found a solution to. shocking but i wil never touch a MS console no matter how good it may be.
Well since everybody is making end-all be-all lists...

My PS3 would get way more game time if:

- The ratio of my friends whom I play online with wasn't 5:1 in the 360's favor

- I didn't hate that fucking controller so bad

- I gave a shit about Metal Gear Solid since the first one on PS1

- ... or Gran Turismo

- ... or Home

- FF13 wasn't coming out for the 360

and last but not least

- if they'd make a fully functional backwards compatible adapter for Guitar Hero 1 and Rocks the 80's because goddammit I want to play 'Even Rats' and 'Shakin' without having to hookup my PS2 to play two freaking games.

- ... or make the PS3 guitars compatible with a patch.

- ... either way I'd be happy

- boop
i started off with a 360 and it rrod on me 6 times. before that i use to bash and laugh at ps3 fans but now i feel stupid because i now game on a ps3 and i wonder why i diddnt get it instead of the 360. the ps3 is better in alot of ways then the 360. for instance the actual ps3 machine is alot better and no1 can deny that, even fanboys of 360 cant unless you love rrod and the sweet music of your dvd drive sounding louder then a vacum cleaner.

My 360 is now used as a display on my coffe table while my ps3 gets played more and more and can actualy play it while the wife is sleeping too. The article has covered alot of things but i like to add that the sole reason why the ps3 is catching up is because the machine doesn't last more then 2mins. i don't know a single person who has not had there 360 break at least once and that is a fact.

i much rather have a console that works then one that doesn't and i am glad i bought a ps3. it may not have the best online features ATM but its free, it works and i can use it any time i want unlike the 360 with its rrod temperament.

i wont be surprised if sony get the last laugh this gen ie sellling more then the 360 overal as i feel MS are losing a battle due to the 3rrod which they STILL have not found a solution to. shocking but i wil never touch a MS console no matter how good it may be.

I am a Sony hater due to all my failed home theater equipment and other consumer electronics. I got the 360 because it was out first and worked really well.

Now, after being on my third console, I hate all MS gaming as well. The hardware is faulty by design and there is NO fix for it as far as anyone knows. That single fact ALONE should make anyone stay away from that box. It's a shame because the games are great (what I bought it for) and the controllers are great also. Live is great, except for the price.

MS was off to a good start and had everything going their way, but the faulty hardware AND how they begrudgingly admitted it and how long it took them to deal with it and the fact that all the hardware is proprietary makes me ill just having to look at the 360 and the games I own. All my stuff is up for sale so I can focus on my new hobby (guitar) and do what little gaming I still do on the Wii and DS, and maybe PC for some old games like Desert Combat, BF2, and some older UT games.
With MS it's easy. They ran out of ideas what they can copy from the competition, they hit a brick wall that's why they start to get behind. Of course all the problems and neglecting all the problems isn't helping them either.

It may or may not have been fixed, but as long as people perceive there are reliability issues, sales will suffer. It was one of the facors in me getting a PS3.

It's like a hit or miss with the brother has had his over a year now and hasn't had it yet....he has the 5-year extended warranty from Best Buy on it though.....
I have had several of Sony's consumer electronics products over the years and I will tell you first hand, they are the king of proprietary hardware forcing consumers to buy over priced accessories to work with their products. Case in point, we use Sony digital cameras at our office and when we need a new interface cable, it's not as easy as going to Radio Shack and buying a mini-usb cable that EVERYONE else uses. No, you have to spend $20 for a stupid proprietary cable. Also, has everyone forgotten about Memory Stick Duo. Everyone else is perfectly content to use SD cards but Sony has to go and make theirs different just to fleece more money from us. You PS3 fanboys crack me up thinking Sony is your friendly console producer while MS is big and evil. Sony is the grand champion of overpriced electronics using catchy phrases like "HDNA" or "Bravia" to help sell their overpriced TV's and electronics that are no better than the other Japanese brands and in some instances, worse. I'll take a Pioneer Kuro or Panasonic plasma over a Sony Bravia any day of the week.

You fellas who are hating on the 360 need a simple lesson in economics concerning supply/demand

If you ever want to be able to afford the next generation console, you better pray that BOTH systems sell huge numbers and make profits. If one jumps out of the business, you will be paying $700-800 for your next console mark my words.

Both systems have their strengths and weaknesses. Stop the fanboy crap and just play what you want to play.

I do have a question though. If Best Buy or Circuit City sell people on a PS3 over a stand alone blu-ray player and some of those people never touch a game, does it really help Sony seeing as how they are losing money on the console in the first place?
I have had several of Sony's consumer electronics products over the years and I will tell you first hand, they are the king of proprietary hardware forcing consumers to buy over priced accessories to work with their products. Case in point, we use Sony digital cameras at our office and when we need a new interface cable, it's not as easy as going to Radio Shack and buying a mini-usb cable that EVERYONE else uses. No, you have to spend $20 for a stupid proprietary cable. Also, has everyone forgotten about Memory Stick Duo. Everyone else is perfectly content to use SD cards but Sony has to go and make theirs different just to fleece more money from us. You PS3 fanboys crack me up thinking Sony is your friendly console producer while MS is big and evil. Sony is the grand champion of overpriced electronics using catchy phrases like "HDNA" or "Bravia" to help sell their overpriced TV's and electronics that are no better than the other Japanese brands and in some instances, worse. I'll take a Pioneer Kuro or Panasonic plasma over a Sony Bravia any day of the week.

You fellas who are hating on the 360 need a simple lesson in economics concerning supply/demand

If you ever want to be able to afford the next generation console, you better pray that BOTH systems sell huge numbers and make profits. If one jumps out of the business, you will be paying $700-800 for your next console mark my words.

Both systems have their strengths and weaknesses. Stop the fanboy crap and just play what you want to play.

I do have a question though. If Best Buy or Circuit City sell people on a PS3 over a stand alone blu-ray player and some of those people never touch a game, does it really help Sony seeing as how they are losing money on the console in the first place?
lol look at the 360 though. for u to use wifi u have to buy THERE own wifi adaptor. is there a third party one? NOPE. can i use my pc gamepad and my pc logitech g25 wheel? Nope! can i with the ps3? yup yup and yep.

sony DOESNT force u to use there control pads.steering wheel. your free to use almost any third party accesories AND HDMI is a standard now.

o and MS are making a loss on there console too. maybe nto as much as sony but if you take in consideration the AMOUNT OF failed consoles, its costing them BILLIONS to repair and replace them. people who are fixing it don't work for free. nore does the UPS guy that delivers then 100+miles away from you. sometimes in a different country for it to be looked at!
btw why is it you have to pay to play games ONLINE on a 360? ps3 is free, wii is free. MS are forcing you to play p2p games ONLINE! i thought paying to play mmo was bad but MS has taken it to a whole new level
lol look at the 360 though. for u to use wifi u have to buy THERE own wifi adaptor. is there a third party one? NOPE. can i use my pc gamepad and my pc logitech g25 wheel? Nope! can i with the ps3? yup yup and yep.

sony DOESNT force u to use there control pads.steering wheel. your free to use almost any third party accesories AND HDMI is a standard now.

o and MS are making a loss on there console too. maybe nto as much as sony but if you take in consideration the AMOUNT OF failed consoles, its costing them BILLIONS to repair and replace them. people who are fixing it don't work for free. nore does the UPS guy that delivers then 100+miles away from you. sometimes in a different country for it to be looked at!

First off, anyone who pays $100 for MS's branded wifi adapter is an idiot. I'm using a 2-Wire wireless gaming adapter that cost me a total of $20 off ebay brand new. Second, HDMI is now standard on all new 360's. Keep in mind, the 360 was released in 2005 and at that time, HDMI was still a newer technology. When the 360 was released, it was $349 including a 20gb HD. When the first PS3's were released, they were $499 for a 20gb. Sure there have been price drops and there are more coming this fall from MS's side (rumored $199 for the arcade edition) That will make it even more competitive.

You are missing my point. They both have their place in the market and we as consumers, need both of them in the market to keep gaming innovation moving forward as well keeping our cost of admission down.
btw why is it you have to pay to play games ONLINE on a 360? ps3 is free, wii is free. MS are forcing you to play p2p games ONLINE! i thought paying to play mmo was bad but MS has taken it to a whole new level

If you buy yearly it's less than $5 a month. It's extremely stable (at least it has been every time I've played it at my brother's house. It is a fluid, intuitive interface. And there are way more people playing Live that I know. Even my friends who own the ps3 don't play it much online. Live is a great service and it's easy enough that my dad and little sister will get on and play with us. I would pay $5 a month for that. It's the other glaring flaws the 360 has that prevent me from buying on right now, and I already mentioned those above.
If you buy yearly it's less than $5 a month. It's extremely stable (at least it has been every time I've played it at my brother's house. It is a fluid, intuitive interface. And there are way more people playing Live that I know. Even my friends who own the ps3 don't play it much online. Live is a great service and it's easy enough that my dad and little sister will get on and play with us. I would pay $5 a month for that. It's the other glaring flaws the 360 has that prevent me from buying on right now, and I already mentioned those above.
a one off fee is better for such a system. I mean its no different then steam and xfire which are both free. do remember that PS3 will eventually come out with Home which will be FREE and more feature packed then the current xbox live offering.

to me xbox live is just a software and software's in general dont require a sub fee!