PS3 Dilemma


Nov 26, 2012
Hello, I have a dilemma. I want to buy a game console: PS3 or Xbox 360. I tested both. On PS3 I played COD Black Ops II and on Xbox I played Halo 4. The dilemma is about controller sensitivity. On PS3 the sensitivity was very high although it was set to minimum (1). On Xbox the controller sensitivity was OK, and it was setted to middle (5). My questions is: the sensitivity depends on the console, or it depends on the game. For example, if i play Battlefield 3, the sensitivity on PS3 will be the same like in COD?? or it's possible to be different, normal, like Xbox? I'm asking this because i want to buy a PS3 but the lowest sensitivity is too high for me. Thank you.
It depends on the game. You weren't even comparing the same game on both platforms.

Personally I would buy a 360 if I didn't have any console.
I chose the 360, mainly because of the controller preference and that my kid has one (he borrows me titles, mainly old sports games). Really wish XBox Live Silver brought more features to the table or at least bring it on par with Sony's free PSN account (multiplayer gaming, Netflix, etc). Oh, and really wished the 360 had a blu-ray drive too.

One feature that I like about my Xbox 360, and I'm not sure if the PS3 has this, is that you can set the controller sensitivity in your console settings and have the sensitivity universal for all games.
Why do you choose the Xbox for first console? It a better in online? or why?
Because it tends to have the better version of cross-platform titles because the 360 is easier to develop for, and most of my friends have an Xbox and it seems to have a larger online community.

The PS3 has Blu-Ray and a lot of good first party titles. If you want to watch Blu-Rays, that's something to consider. PS3 Online is also free versus paid for with Xbox Live.

So really it depends on what you want to do.

FWIW, I have a PS3, Wii U, and a gaming PC. If you already have a good gaming PC, get a PS3. It has more exclusives than the Xbox, you can play the rest on your PC.
I just finished making the same decision:
I went PS3.
First, I wanted a blue ray player. Xbox is thus out
Second, i wanted something with at least 250gb onboard storage for upgrades later (no 4gb xbox)
Third, games were an issue (of course)- I think Xbox wins on the exclusives, but PS3 wins on graphics a bit.
Fourth, cost. The PS3 had a $200 bundle with 5 games (uncharted and Infamous series) and can take a cheap Brand X HDMI cable, and as I understand it, the Xbox360 still uses a proprietary plug. The competing Xbox packages start at $300 or more, and came with games I already have (Skyrim) or stuff I don't want (Kinect and games). Also, free online play vs XBL.

On a related note, any games I should be playing for PS3?
On a related note, any games I should be playing for PS3?

Tons of games to choose from, what do you like? I think PS3 has much better exclusives but I guess it's what you're looking for.

Uncharted series is amazing, especially 2 & 3. Part one is pretty dated now.

Killzone changes greatly by title. KZ2 has a much more tactical, sluggish feel. KZ3 adopts more of a Battlefield 3 type feel. Online is fun too if you like class base gaming. This series comes in a pack even with PS2 version of KZ1.

Resistance is another series I enjoyed. While the first 2 games might feel dated the 3rd game was pretty amazing, although short. You can get this series in a pack soon.

Starhawk single player is mostly a tutorial for the online but fun if you’re looking for something with multiplayer. Closest thing I can campare it to is the Star Wars BattleFront series. Fly, drive or jog your way to the enemy base. Has some lite RTS elements too since you can build your own base.

Heavy Rain is not everyone cup of tea but it’s an interesting “game”. More like interactive movie. Worth a look see if you like something different. You can replay the game multiple ways, even killing off main characters and it will continue.

Infamous is a good superhero like game. It’s really a 3rd person cover based shooter with Assassin’s Creed wall climbing but it does it well. I felt the second was a great improvement over the first but both good.

There are tons of collections if you missed out on some PS2 classics. MGS HD Collection, Zone of Enders HD Collection, Sly Cooper HD Collection, Ratchet and Clank HD Collection, Journey Collection, ICO HD Collection, Jak & Dexter HD Collection. God of War comes in a complete pack now with all 5 games (counting the two PSP games which you can play on PS3).

Games to look out for next year. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, RPG with Studio Ghibli art, looks beautiful. The Last of Us, name big game from the Uncharted developers. Beyond: Two Souls, looks to be another amazing game by Quantic Dream (Heavy Rain developer)
Thank you for your response. I think that I will purchase both, I will test them and finally I will keep the one I like most.
I own both and if I had to pick one it would be PS3. Main reasons being free online gaming, you can use netflix without having to pay extra, better exclusives, bluray drive. I'm not frugal but I don't game much online and I think it's horse shit that you have to pay for xbox live to watch netflix. As far as sensitivity goes it varies by game. Also keep in mind there are third party controllers available on both platforms.
Thank's, it's a pleasure for me to be a part of [H]. It'a a good community.

Some say that the Xbox Live it is better then PSN (for online gaming), even if it's paid. Is it true?
I'm eager to text them. I will be back soon with my decision.
Some say that the Xbox Live it is better then PSN (for online gaming), even if it's paid. Is it true?

Live is integrated better into the console GUI (NXE) than the PSN is into the XMB.

Otherwise - no. Hell no.
I don't think Live offers anything that the PSN doesn't.
Voice/text chat, friend lists, messaging, online play, game invites. What else is there?

Oh yeah....foul mouthed pre-pubescent jackasses living in their parents house screaming for cookies and milk. :rolleyes:

That's one thing I love about the PSN. Not a lot of people own headsets, so games are fairly quiet; same as PC. The people who own headsets actually use them for what they're made for - productivity.
On the 360, everybody has a damn headset and 95% of them think that racial homophobic slurs are a language and a requirement for Live.

Having to pay for Live is a travesty. It's good, but it's not that good. It's like Apple with their overpriced computers and OS X. It's the only show in town. You either pay or you don't, and if you don't, you can't play (literally). Steam and the PSN are equally just as good, if not better considering the fact that they are FREE.
Can you use any headset for the PS3 , or does it have to be one specifically FOR the PS3?
Live is integrated better into the console GUI (NXE) than the PSN is into the XMB.

Otherwise - no. Hell no.
I don't think Live offers anything that the PSN doesn't.
Voice/text chat, friend lists, messaging, online play, game invites. What else is there?

Oh yeah....foul mouthed pre-pubescent jackasses living in their parents house screaming for cookies and milk. :rolleyes:

That's one thing I love about the PSN. Not a lot of people own headsets, so games are fairly quiet; same as PC. The people who own headsets actually use them for what they're made for - productivity.
On the 360, everybody has a damn headset and 95% of them think that racial homophobic slurs are a language and a requirement for Live.

Having to pay for Live is a travesty. It's good, but it's not that good. It's like Apple with their overpriced computers and OS X. It's the only show in town. You either pay or you don't, and if you don't, you can't play (literally). Steam and the PSN are equally just as good, if not better considering the fact that they are FREE.

Not the way I would have said it but I completely agree :p
Can you use any headset for the PS3 , or does it have to be one specifically FOR the PS3?

AFAIK any bluetooth headset works. Of course Sony sells Ps3 branded ones for like $50, but those aren't necessary IIRC.
There's been a few times I've almost picked a cheap one up at Monoprice, but I just never end up hitting 'check out'. :)
I prefer my PS3 to my Xbox 360

Everything online is free though I pay for PN+ because you get free games . It's an even better deal if you have a Vita because they now have free games for that too. They add new ones every week or two. When they add one you just purchase it for $0.00 and its then permanently on your account download whenever. They also have tons of discounts regularly.

Regardless almost all the services youd pay for on Xbox 360 you get for free on PS3

Secondly, I really couldn't find any lightguns or gun games for Xbox 360 oddly. Where as Ps3 has a ton. I got the entire House of the Dead collection, The shoot, Resident Evil Chronicles, Time Crisis and most of the FPS on PS3 support the Lightguns. I know I know it's just my thing.

Now I'm not sure about what Xboxlive carries but PN+ has a massive and I mean MASSIVE collection of vintage and classic games. My poor bastard friend just bought a Vita. His wife found out she could buy Parapa the Rappa on PN+ and won't give the fucker back now.

Lastly, because Microsoft makes developers pay a bunch of money and jump through enormous hoops to patch games. This isn't a political issue this is actually a consumer issue. Konami announced they literally couldn't patch Silent HD collection on Xbox 360 because Microsoft was making it a giant pain in the ass. So if you bought that game you're basically shit out of luck it's broken. Many many Indie developers are jumping ship on Microsoft products because of this. Games like Silent hill HD are getting patches on PS3 no problem.

My Xbox 360 is ok I have a few exclusive titles for it but other than that I never play it. I use my PS3 for all my other media.
I heard about online split screen gaming.It's true? For example, I can play Battlefield3 or COD blackops 2, in online in split screen mode, with a friend? It's possible on PSN or in XBL?
I heard about online split screen gaming.It's true? For example, I can play Battlefield3 or COD blackops 2, in online in split screen mode, with a friend? It's possible on PSN or in XBL?
A few rare games support it. But forget about XBL BS it requires you to have 2 gold accounts even if the game supports it.
Hello, I have a dilemma. I want to buy a game console: PS3 or Xbox 360. I tested both. On PS3 I played COD Black Ops II and on Xbox I played Halo 4. The dilemma is about controller sensitivity. On PS3 the sensitivity was very high although it was set to minimum (1). On Xbox the controller sensitivity was OK, and it was setted to middle (5). My questions is: the sensitivity depends on the console, or it depends on the game. For example, if i play Battlefield 3, the sensitivity on PS3 will be the same like in COD?? or it's possible to be different, normal, like Xbox? I'm asking this because i want to buy a PS3 but the lowest sensitivity is too high for me. Thank you.

Sensitivity depends on the game and even then it can change even between games of the same series. In reach i tend to use a sens 6, halo 3 use sens 4, halo 4 sens 5. Same series different games.
Sensitivity depends on the game and even then it can change even between games of the same series. In reach i tend to use a sens 6, halo 3 use sens 4, halo 4 sens 5. Same series different games.

I understand, it's a good info for me.
Also want to add, while there is nothing wrong with the ps3 controller, alot of people think the analog sticks feel better on the xbox. To me the ps3 analog sticks feels a little "squashed", but its nothing i cant get use to if i play for a little while. I think that could have been part of your issue.
I own a ps3, xbox 360, wii, and a decent computer. I'm personally an xbox fan, but i think you should go with the ps3. It has some great first party games, (God of War, little big planet, Wipeout HD, twisted metal, resistance), free online, and blu ray player. If you already have a blu ray player, and dont care for the exclusives, then xbox.
A few rare games support it. But forget about XBL BS it requires you to have 2 gold accounts even if the game supports it.

This is incorrect. You don't need two xbox live gold accounts for split screen multiplayer on xbox. The second player can play online using the guest account. Also split screen multiplayer isn't that rare among multiplayers games. Most of the popular games have it, Halo 4, MW3, Black ops 2, Gears of War 3, Left 4 Dead 2, Minecraft, Borderlands 2, etc. BF3 would be the exception.

As for the OP, you should get the consoles that the majority of your friends have. Multiplayer is fun, but even better if you have a lot friends to play with.
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The Xbox 360 is the superior gaming console. The PS3 is the superior media player. Both have distinct uses.
This is incorrect. You don't need two xbox live gold accounts for split screen multiplayer on xbox. The second player can play online using the guest account. Also split screen multiplayer isn't that rare among multiplayers games. Most of the popular games have it, Halo 4, MW3, Black ops 2, Gears of War 3, Left 4 Dead 2, Minecraft, Borderlands 2, etc. BF3 would be the exception.

As for the OP, you should get the consoles that the majority of your friends have. Multiplayer is fun, but even better if you have a lot friends to play with.


also, OP, just say screw it and get a XIM :) I just did and not looking back. The new edge units work on both PS3 and Xbox
The Xbox 360 is the superior gaming console. The PS3 is the superior media player. Both have distinct uses.

I don't see how the 360 is the superior gaming console.
Show me something that looks close to Uncharted. Or The Last of Us.
I love my 360 and I especially love me some Gears. But no way in hell does the thing put out Uncharted or Last of Us level graphics.
It's no slouch and it holds its own....but console exclusive wise - the Ps3 is the winner here on graphics and arguably I'd say gameplay as well.

360 wins on online play integration, no doubt. Live integration on 360 > PSN integration on Ps3.
But I don't see how a 360 is a superior gaming experience.
The PSN integration being weaker does not put the console behind the 360...sorry.

Ps3 is definitely the superior media player though, you're right about that. All the services it supports for $0 that require Live Gold, plus the Bluray, easily puts it ahead in that category.
I don't see how the 360 is the superior gaming console.
Show me something that looks close to Uncharted. Or The Last of Us.

Most top-tier games released for both consoles have been displayed in 640P on the PS3 and 720P on the 360. There's a much larger library of games for the 360, and no I'm not interested in import titles. Xbox Live works better(and apparently is far more secure) than PSN. Myself included, almost everyone I've talked to who has used both find the XBox 360 controller to be more comfortable, so it's better for long-session gaming.

I own both, and have used both extensively. When I want a variety of games, particularly with good multiplayer, the XBox destroys the PS3. When I want to watch videos of any sort, the PS3 destroys the XBox. Both can do the opposing task...but neither does it as well as the other does.
Xbox Live works better(and apparently is far more secure) than PSN. Myself included, almost everyone I've talked to who has used both find the XBox 360 controller to be more comfortable, so it's better for long-session gaming.

Thats all pretty much wrong. There was one single incident from which no one lost any money on the PSN. On Live there is actual money stolen from people every single day. I've known people this has happened to. It was just over $100 which Paypal reversed for them (Live support did absolutely nothing and didn't really seem to care until the account was closed), that's not a one off event either. So you have one system where no money was actually lost and another system which is "more secure" but money goes missing daily and support who is ineffective in dealing with this. They also steal money monthly to use a peer to peer network. Which raises a point the multiplayer is peer to peer, therefore it's dependant on the host. If you find one better than the other it's due to whoever is hosting the game (either the developer or the player), not due to either network. To claim one "destroys" the other doesn't make any sense (though the headset overuse on Live makes it a terrible experience :p).

Also the Xbox controller isn't good. The PS3 controller isn't perfect, but it does have a working d-pad and non stupid layout, and rechargable batteries as standard. Also doesn't feel (and isn't that horrid Fisher Price grey with primary colors "my first controller" look). :p

The graphics are dependant on how well the developer does the porting. if you have a crap port it will likely run worse. Though if you have a good port, it will likely run better. This isn't due to hardware, it's down to developers abilities.
Thats all pretty much wrong. There was one single incident from which no one lost any money on the PSN. On Live there is actual money stolen from people every single day. I've known people this has happened to. It was just over $100 which Paypal reversed for them (Live support did absolutely nothing and didn't really seem to care until the account was closed), that's not a one off event either. So you have one system where no money was actually lost and another system which is "more secure" but money goes missing daily and support who is ineffective in dealing with this.

I know two people who have money stolen on XBox Live. Both were likely being dumb and re-using passwords from other locations, and they were around the time the FIFA 12 same was going on. Both got nabbed for the same $ amount which was apparently matching the single most expensive thing you could buy in FIFA 12. The main problem here was MS's total lack of competence dealing with the issue after the fact. MS was "unable to find the transaction" in their systems, and one of them got banned from XBox Live for 30 days after they screwed something up when they put his account under investigation (not locked while under investigation, they banned his ass). One even faxed a partial credit card statement to MS and they still claimed ignorance. They got their money back once they filed disputes with their credit card company, MS didn't help them at all.
Most top-tier games released for both consoles have been displayed in 640P on the PS3 and 720P on the 360.

News to me. They both typically upscale though I've seen no definitive evidence of one having a higher resolution of the source image than the other

There's a much larger library of games for the 360, and no I'm not interested in import titles.

Could be. I think the Ps3 has better exclusives but that's my opinion only.

Xbox Live works better(and apparently is far more secure) than PSN.

Don't know where this comes from. Works better? I have no issues with either service.
If you're talking about the hacking because of the PSN Network hacking, well, yeah the PSN was hacked but it seems like there's more active game hacking going on in the 360 realm than the Ps3 realm (if the last few years of Call of Duty footage that I've seen on Youtube is factual).

You also pay for Live.

Myself included, almost everyone I've talked to who has used both find the XBox 360 controller to be more comfortable, so it's better for long-session gaming.

I don't have a problem with either controller.
I know the DS3 is lighter and has better buttons, triggers, and dpad however it definitely has an odd layout for the analog sticks; in this regard, I do prefer how the 360 sticks are spread far apart. There's been quite a few times I've bumped thumbs on the DS3.

When I want a variety of games, particularly with good multiplayer, the XBox destroys the PS3.

I don't play enough Ps3 (or 360 really) online to say one's better than the other. I've had no issues with either; I see no difference on multiplayer with either, other than as I stated earlier regarding immature kids on Live.
PSN was hacked but it seems like there's more active game hacking going on in the 360 realm than the Ps3 realm (if the last few years of Call of Duty footage that I've seen on Youtube is factual).

Actually the opposite, PS3 was jailbroken the last couple of months which lead to a lot hacked lobbies on MW3. You can't get a Jtagged X360 on live without getting the console banned.
Oh man, fanboy wars ahoy!

So really, I'd just get a better PC to play FPS's and WRPG's on. If you're looking for JRPG's however, the PS3 is the way to go.
You can't get a Jtagged X360 on live without getting the console banned.

Again I don't really follow console modding (and haven't since the Dreamcast days) but I've seen plenty of vids of 360 hackers playing at least a few of the Modern Warfares.....never see hacked Ps3 vids like that but then again maybe that's because Live has more potential victims than the PSN. :D I will say though again I don't follow news on those fronts that closely's moreso stuff I've seen posted to Joystiq, Kotaku etc. Things could be all flipped and reversed now....but I've seen more than a few sites/reports about modded 360s that were Live friendly as well.
Again I don't really follow console modding (and haven't since the Dreamcast days) but I've seen plenty of vids of 360 hackers playing at least a few of the Modern Warfares.....never see hacked Ps3 vids like that but then again maybe that's because Live has more potential victims than the PSN. :D I will say though again I don't follow news on those fronts that closely's moreso stuff I've seen posted to Joystiq, Kotaku etc. Things could be all flipped and reversed now....but I've seen more than a few sites/reports about modded 360s that were Live friendly as well.

I know plenty of coworkers with modded 360s. Mostly to play burned games but they have no problem playing online. They are playing Halo 4 multiplayer happily now.

I’m not an expert but I thought Jtagged was something different. Modded yes but a different type of mod that in fact made it unbannable. One reason MS stopped manufacturing that particular system.
Firstly i want to thank you all for your comments. For me, it's the first forum were people responde so quickly and precise.
Today, i finally purchased the console. Considering what you have told me + what my hearted wanted, I decided to buy the PS3. I'm verry happy for my choice. Thank you all, again.

It's ok to upgrade the software version?? because if i don't upgrade it I don't have access to different sections like PS Store.

I have a problem with connecting the PS3 to the monitor. I have a Dell U2412M, which has a 1x Display Port, 1x DVI and 1xVGA. I connected the PC to the monitor through DVI port. Can I connect the PS3 through the Display port? If it's not recomandable, can i buy a DVI male to 2xDVI female adaptor and connect both, PC and PS3 to monitor. It will harm the monitor if i connect both signals to it??(I allready have an HDMI to DVI adaptor) Thank You.
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It's ok to upgrade the software version?? because if i don't upgrade it I don't have access to different sections like PS Store.

The upgrades are practically mandatory, so go ahead. On rare occasions they've had updates that interfered with certain functions, but it hasn't happened in a while.

I have a problem with connecting the PS3 to the monitor. I have a Dell U2412M, which has a 1x Display Port, 1x DVI and 1xVGA. I connected the PC to the monitor through DVI port. Can I connect the PS3 through the Display port? If it's not recomandable, can i buy a DVI male to 2xDVI female adaptor and connect both, PC and PS3 to monitor. It will harm the monitor if i connect both signals to it??(I allready have an HDMI to DVI adaptor) Thank You.

For what you're talking about, you're probably going to need a KVM switch of some sort. However, this means your signal will be going through an adapter and a KVM switch, which may weaken it.

To be honest, I'd recommend just looking for a monitor or TV with an hdmi input and using that.