Prominent tech reporter charged by the FBI in connection with attempting to solicit sex with minors.

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Nov 7, 2006
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Peter Bright, a prominent tech reporter who covered Microsoft for Ars Technica, was charged by the FBI in connection with attempting to solicit sex with minors.

Highly recommend you do not read the second link here, but provided for a secondary source:


I wish it had been Carlos Maza. That would have been epic.

Hope this guy gets sent to gen pop if found (and is actually) guilty.

Peter Bright, a prominent tech reporter who covered Microsoft for Ars Technica, was charged by the FBI in connection with attempting to solicit sex with minors.

Highly recommend you do not read the second link here, but provided for a secondary source:



Just read more.

His Twitter handle was actually DrPizza!?

#pizzagate lives
Seeing his picture I was immediately reminded of Jared Fogle - they both have that "I'd have sex with a box of Craftsman Tools if they were dressed in Barbie clothes" look. Fogle could have been a lot worse, but I imagine it's hard to entice kids into a van by offering 6" Black Forest Ham subs.

Being a sexual predator of any form is bad. But being a pedophile breaks my boundaries for social restraint, sometimes I just want them electrocuted.
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So how exactly does Peter 'Not So" Bright come to the conclusion that it is safe to hook up with kids over the internet knowing that nothing is safe?

Is it ego or stupidity?

It will be interesting how Ars handles this. Silence or piling on.... time will tell.
So how exactly does Peter 'Not So" Bright come to the conclusion that it is safe to hook up with kids over the internet knowing that nothing is safe?

Is it ego or stupidity?

It will be interesting how Ars handles this. Silence or piling on.... time will tell.

Any criminal that gets caught is stupid. Plus, the FBI puts a lot of resources into catching pedos. They have people trained in how to lull people into a false sense of security. Infiltrate common pedo hang-outs, act just the right way, say just the right things, until BAM they're caught in the trap.
Hopefully he can get the help he needs..... nobody who solicits minors is right in the head. I would say lock him up for life but seriously that shit is expensive....
Hopefully he can get the help he needs..... nobody who solicits minors is right in the head. I would say lock him up for life but seriously that shit is expensive....

you mean is not right in the head.
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Innocent until proven guilty. It would be wrong for Ars to "pile on".

Having said that, after guilt of pedophilia is proven...death. Simple, quick (no long appeal: for any appeal you need a REAL basis, not just "I don't like the result"), and then he's not ever going to destroy another innocent child.
If he's guilty...

Any criminal that gets caught is stupid. Plus, the FBI puts a lot of resources into catching pedos. They have people trained in how to lull people into a false sense of security. Infiltrate common pedo hang-outs, act just the right way, say just the right things, until BAM they're caught in the trap.

I don't think I could ever do this as a full time gig. I think it would wear on me, and I consider myself pretty thick skinned.
Innocent until proven guilty. It would be wrong for Ars to "pile on".

Having said that, after guilt of pedophilia is proven...death. Simple, quick (no long appeal: for any appeal you need a REAL basis, not just "I don't like the result"), and then he's not ever going to destroy another innocent child.

I'm feeling you, my dude. These types of crimes really get the blood boiling! With that out of the way, I have watched way too many real crime shows that exonerate people after decades. It's really the only reason I am KINDA against the death penalty.

Hope this doesn't derail the thread!
So far all I see from a defense point of view is FBI entrapment. From the 2nd article, the agent and Mr Bright conversed for weeks about plans for doing bad things to kids. Not exactly a high rate criminal. His lawyer may well claim it was all just some weird fantasy talk with no real plan to commit the act. And unless they can find the real kid the guy allegedly claimed to have molested, saying you did something like that is stupid, not necessarily criminal. Freedom of expression and all.

Further investigation may find more damning evidence. Likely his computers and media accounts are being dissected to the bit level.
This is an opportunity for [H]ardOCP to crank up coverage of Microsoft.
I'm feeling you, my dude. These types of crimes really get the blood boiling! With that out of the way, I have watched way too many real crime shows that exonerate people after decades. It's really the only reason I am KINDA against the death penalty.

Hope this doesn't derail the thread!


if it was shown it was incorrect 10 years down the roads we can at least make amends
death is hard to reverse.

These cases have a tendency to get ppl punished before judgment. judged before evidence. So lets try to keep the emotion intact to after sentencing so we can evaluate the station with a balanced mind.

Remember the preschool teacher that got accused of pedohpilias by a coworker.
he lost his job and got kicked out f his apartment even before he hit the court.
he never hit the court cause no evidence was found and the corowrked moved to greece
how it did come up from multiple other coworker that the coworker marking the original claim had it out for the accused the teacher, and might have made the accusation just to get him..
I don't think I could ever do this as a full time gig. I think it would wear on me, and I consider myself pretty thick skinned.

I'd imagine any law enforcement person working sex crimes or any kind of division where you see the worst humanity has to offer gets worn down after a while. I know I could never do it.

So far all I see from a defense point of view is FBI entrapment. From the 2nd article, the agent and Mr Bright conversed for weeks about plans for doing bad things to kids. Not exactly a high rate criminal. His lawyer may well claim it was all just some weird fantasy talk with no real plan to commit the act. And unless they can find the real kid the guy allegedly claimed to have molested, saying you did something like that is stupid, not necessarily criminal. Freedom of expression and all.

Further investigation may find more damning evidence. Likely his computers and media accounts are being dissected to the bit level.

As long as its done right, its not entrapment. Entrapment requires law enforcement to coercing or tricking a person into doing something they would not have otherwise done. Pretending to be a child or pretending to pimp out children to pedos is not entrapment by itself.

"I didn't really plan to do all these things I said I was planning to do" is rarely a solid legal defense.
The odds for someone who called himself DrPizza to be pedo were super low. Out of all possible usernames???

He was also DrPizza on Ars account he had from 1999.
People who think cheese pizza isn't an an acronym for CP have not looked at the issue for more than 5 minutes or regurgitated the pedo press verbatim. It's blindingly obvious.
I'd imagine any law enforcement person working sex crimes or any kind of division where you see the worst humanity has to offer gets worn down after a while. I know I could never do it.

As long as its done right, its not entrapment. Entrapment requires law enforcement to coercing or tricking a person into doing something they would not have otherwise done. Pretending to be a child or pretending to pimp out children to pedos is not entrapment by itself.

"I didn't really plan to do all these things I said I was planning to do" is rarely a solid legal defense.
Planning that isn't illegal until he actually does it. Fantasizing that is. It's disgusting, though.
The problem is he actually showed up to meet the "mom". What is he gonna say, he was conducting a reverse sting and was gonna call the cops once he saw the kids?
That was often the kind of excuse perps tried to peddle in "To Catch a Predator". If I was that sick in the head and got busted for it, I think I'd just kill myself; both society and your own self would be better off for it.
Since the FBI got him he will have a nice stay in the F.A.P.P. program and just like that mega church preacher, he will spending a lot of time on his knees but he will not be praying.... someone can introduce them to Tossed Salad Man...
So how exactly does Peter 'Not So" Bright come to the conclusion that it is safe to hook up with kids over the internet knowing that nothing is safe?

Is it ego or stupidity?

It will be interesting how Ars handles this. Silence or piling on.... time will tell.

From their forums:

Creative Director

Posted: 08 Jun 2019 01:12

Peter is no longer an Ars employee, and that's all I can say.

I'm going to respectfully ask that people leave anyone else in his life out of the discussion to protect their privacy.
Since the FBI got him he will have a nice stay in the F.A.P.P. program and just like that mega church preacher, he will spending a lot of time on his knees but he will not be praying.... someone can introduce them to Tossed Salad Man...

You care way too much about this type of thing. On every post where a guy is going to prison you always talk about them and the sex acts awaiting them. Get a grip.
I've been approached once on a chat site and asked if I wanted to rape and abuse her 12 year old daughter for real. Needless to say I ignored her (him?) after that. I hope that was just an agent fishing rather than a mom actually sick in the head.
I've been approached once on a chat site and asked if I wanted to rape and abuse her 12 year old daughter for real. Needless to say I ignored her (him?) after that. I hope that was just an agent fishing rather than a mom actually sick in the head.
I'd think a Screenshot and law enforcement notification or public outing might be called for in such a situation.
I'd think a Screenshot and law enforcement notification or public outing might be called for in such a situation.

Bingo. Just "ignored it"?... Insane.

Anonymous user on the internet where profiles can be created and deleted in literally seconds... I don't think an email is even required to sign up on said site. Yeah, in hindsight I probably could have let some authorities know, but my experience with the authorities haven't exactly been great, and I don't have a lot of respect for them. Became victims of credit card fraud, had video surveillance as proof of who did it, and authorities did nothing because "nobody got hurt and they didn't have time for us." I don't want to go down the rabbit hole of dealing with them unless absolutely necessary. Yes, I know there are good cops and bad cops, but my experience has generally been neutral at best and negative at worst.
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