Project: Yuugou

That's probably because they were both buy Nick aka greensabbath
I wonder if he just hasn't posted here 'cause he's about to get swamped with finals. It is that time of year...
unbelieavble. the time and energy needed to make this, and the time just to take and upload the pictures! this is truly stunning :)
The aluminium alone looks really boss. I'm a minimalist though... ;P

I have to ask, from where are all these materials and tools financed from? Your pocket? And where do you send your scrap metals to for reprocessing?
Hey guys. Yes the case is complete and the final article can be found at I've held off with posting more final pictures because I am sending the case into CPU magazine and they need pictures that haven't been used before and I haven't sorted out which ones i'm sending where yet. I will leave you guys with a couple of my favorites though. Thanks for all your support, I have a couple cases on the way too.

@velusip: Since I am a student, I have student loans, and my cases is where that money goes. The tools come from my own pocket and my college's support shop. So far, I still have all my scrap metal, you never know when you'll need a small piece.

Sorry.. I try to keep my language under control but.....

Infuckingcredible... Absolutely unreal man.

It's amazing. I don't really know what else to say.
Thanks very much guys, I truely appreciate it.

One more question: Weight? :p

Well, I can't lift it all together by myself. But if I take the wood off, i can lift each separately. Its friggen heavy though. I'd guess over 100lbs for the whole thing.
Thanks very much guys, I truely appreciate it.

Well, I can't lift it all together by myself. But if I take the wood off, i can lift each separately. Its friggen heavy though. I'd guess over 100lbs for the whole thing.

But it's all worth it :D
That second picture shows how incredibly awesome this mod is. Have you considered taking the warranty sticker off the waterblock? (though it's only a small detail)
Maybe BFD considers it differently, but DD puts those on the blocks only to say that they have been pressure tested. They say it does nothing to the blocks warranty if it is removed. Or at least, thats what I remember readin on their forums before they wiped the database.
I love it, i have been following for awhile and its nucking futs. Just cant wait to see the final shots!:eek:
I just love the way the koa blends with the copper. It's like magic ;)