Project: Vapo Li PC-7A/B

So, your board really hates 385+ FSB? I'm curious to know what extra performance you could get by upping that and lowering your multi.

Nice OC regardless though. :)

With your inspiration I'm rolling @ 3.32 now :)
Wow bro those numbers look nice! I know its not "perfect" to ya, but shoot compared to my are a god. lol. I finally read ur email, sry it took me so long to see it breathing ;)

Another outstanding job...

next! lol
Thanks RX!! I took a few more pictures.. Although this is not the final shot, it's close.. I have some tweaking to do and I plan on cutting a few more pieces of aluminum. I won't have to rely on some other place to give me precision cuts anymore. I invested in some new table tools.. I bought the 14" chop saw and and the drill press is going to be on its way.. This temperature pic was taken at 3.85ghz..


When taken at a distance, everything looks sooo small.. LOL.

yeah u definitely need to upgrade that monitor..too small. I could utilize it though. lol

looks really good, everything finally together.
YEP. I have two different setups in my bedroom. This one and my wife has her computer in the opposite side of the room.

Nice setup, but you guys will have to make sure you get busy on the other side of the bed. :) That could be disastrous, probably wake up the neighborhood if that thing toppled over.

Looks sick!
Wow, that's a lot of hardware shoehorned in the corner. From that last angle, it doesn't look like you have much room for a chair - you don't sit on the bed while gaming do you?
Wow, that's a lot of hardware shoehorned in the corner. From that last angle, it doesn't look like you have much room for a chair - you don't sit on the bed while gaming do you?

Thanks for messing up the "how to not fuck-up your computer in the bedroom with the lady" sex talk!
Beautiful. What do you sit on??? That little bitty stool??
Your back is gonna get tired.:eek:
wow! OM.. that thing came out really nice.. whew. I see you went big on the LCD finally also. :) it certainly adds a lot of immersive effect in gaming.. Anyways.. awesome build.. nice work!! (as usuall :))
wow! OM.. that thing came out really nice.. whew. I see you went big on the LCD finally also. :) it certainly adds a lot of immersive effect in gaming.. Anyways.. awesome build.. nice work!! (as usuall :))

Hey Revenant.. LTNS!!! Yeah, I finally got a bigger monitor.. LOL. As for my chair, it fits perfectly fine between my bed and desk. I can even fully recline back. I even have a whole 3 inches to work with.. LMFAO (I meant with the chair.. ).

------------ = 3 inches. Right?
Dude! More pics! C'mon!

Well I am sort of at a stand still.. I can't technically post my final finished product until I cut some more aluminum and fit it to the front part of the case (on the radiator box). It will match the front of the Lian Li case.. I did end up removing the head the of the Vapo and taping it off to make a better seal around the clam shell. Before I did that, the lowest temperature I could achieve was -46c. Now, I hit -51c. So I gained -5c.. Not bad for some tape.. LOL. Every little bit helps when overclocking this quad!
So, your board really hates 385+ FSB? I'm curious to know what extra performance you could get by upping that and lowering your multi.

Nice OC regardless though. :)

With your inspiration I'm rolling @ 3.32 now :)

I know it probably won't help, but I bought a new motherboard (an eVGA 680i LT. It's basically the exact same as my XFX except with eVGA stickers on it.. LOL). I looked at the physical BIOS chip on the board and noticed that it's S/N is much newer than the XFX board. Other than that, not really any difference. We shall see if this eVGA will allow my quad to O/C higher. I have also been toying around with the idea of buying a dual core processor and throwing it in one of the 680i LT boards. I would LOVE to hit a 475 FSB on a 9x multiplier (4.275ghz). I've hit a 475 FSB before on my old Abit 680i board but I am not sure about these 680i LT boards. A 500 FSB would be a dream. I would probably run into a snag with my VCORE limiting out (limits out at 1.6v) before I could hit anywhere near 4.5ghz (if that's even possible).

I know a 480 FSB should be possible on the "cherry" 680i LT boards.. (on a 9x multiplier, that equals 4.32ghz)..

I know the limitations of the 680i LT vs the full 680i boards.. VCORE and VDIMM are the two main limitations. My Dominator ram runs at 2.2vdimm so no issues there. I would probably settle on a used dual core with a 9x or 10x multiplier. Since it wouldn't be my full time setup, I would keep the price to a minimum as it's just more of a "I wonder how hard I can push a dual core on a 680i LT" thing..
Hey Revenant.. LTNS!!! Yeah, I finally got a bigger monitor.. LOL. As for my chair, it fits perfectly fine between my bed and desk. I can even fully recline back. I even have a whole 3 inches to work with.. LMFAO (I meant with the chair.. ).

------------ = 3 inches. Right?

HEY!.. and if you roll the right direction, blammo! right in the sack. :) again, beautiful work.. I am thinking about a lili pc-g70 for my next watercooling project.. no phase for me.. if our electric bill goes up any more the wife will strangle me.. lol. (got some halides on the reef tank).. sooooo water'll do fine. :)
Hahaha! As for your next project, that sounds cool! Are you thinking about a worklog? I know one thing.. Now that summer is over and winter is around the corner, the rest of my house will be nice and cool at 65 degrees while my bedroom is a toasty 85 degrees.. LOL!

PS.. You don't even want to know what my electric bill is.. I will put it this way..

1. There are a total of 6 computers in my house.
2. There are 2 Xbox's here as well as 5 TV's. My living room tv is a 60".
3. My home theater consists of 2 Pioneer 500w (that's 1000w total power) receivers.
4. I have 2 powered 250w (total of 500 watts) self powered 12" subs.
5. I found out 3 days ago that when my 42" Westy + my 27" television in my room + my computer and Vapochill + my wifes computer and monitor + the ceiling fan/light + the hair dryer in our bedroom bathroom is ALL POWERED UP at the same time, that I WILL trip a breaker. I have done it 3 times already.. I guess there is simply NOT enough currently to support that many items all at the same time.. LMFAO!
If all that hardware is on the same circuit, you definitely should look into running a dedicated breaker and putting your computers on their own circuit. I don't know the age of your house, but my house was built in the 1930's and the wiring they used back then is scary. I ran dedicated breakers and new service to my entertainment center and my computer room, with each having updated wiring and electrical outlets as well as their own circuit breakers. It was a relatively easy project for me because my house is on a crawl space.
If all that hardware is on the same circuit, you definitely should look into running a dedicated breaker and putting your computers on their own circuit. I don't know the age of your house, but my house was built in the 1930's and the wiring they used back then is scary. I ran dedicated breakers and new service to my entertainment center and my computer room, with each having updated wiring and electrical outlets as well as their own circuit breakers. It was a relatively easy project for me because my house is on a crawl space.

WOW! A good friend of mine owns a house built in the 30's.. She can't even power on a 1000w heat gun (to help her strip off layers of old paint) on a furniture project she is working on.. The lights will heavily dim and eventually she will end up tripping the breaker.

For me.. My house isn't "new" but its a fairly recent build, just under 20 years ago (built in 1988).
I found out 3 days ago that when my 42" Westy + my 27" television in my room + my computer and Vapochill + my wifes computer and monitor + the ceiling fan/light + the hair dryer in our bedroom bathroom is ALL POWERED UP at the same time, that I WILL trip a breaker. I have done it 3 times already.. I guess there is simply NOT enough currently to support that many items all at the same time.. LMFAO!

Two Words:
Towel Dry
Yeah.. I have the power in our apartment tapped out pretty much.. I had to balance the home theater, computers, and reef tank all on their own circuits because any one of them combined with the other would trip circuits.. I had to run heavy gauge extention cables under the rug in some areas to tap into power in areas of lower use.. lol. It's been an interesting project, but thankfully we're upgrading to house living next year.. And wow, my Yamaha 7.1 (rxv1400) reciever was litterally killing one of the circuits.. I had to get the breaker replaced. Each time it would come on all the lights would dim on that circuit.. it was bad. Even when idle those recievers draw some power. :eek:


hrm.. a work log.. I reckon I could. Really depends on how much free time I have on my hands... I have alread decided to part out my reef tank when we move this January, so with that major time sucking vortex out of the picture I should be left with a lot more time to get back into the computer modding and OCing hobby.. which I miss a LOT.. I mean, I love the tank.. when it looks awesome and I am not stressing over an anemone moving into my corals it's so nice to stand back and admire it.. but it requires daily dosing of alk and ca++ and food and testing of various water parameters (pH, ca++, Alk, etc..), water changes, cleaning of filters and such.. I have my routine down, but hell.. I spend at least an hour a day doing this stuff and 3 or 4 hours on the weekends.. sometimes all day if I am tinkering with my various filters and reactors.. *sigh* and because of the constant maintenance it's really hard to travel also.. I basically have to have a tank trained house sitter. my wife calls the tank my woman on the side. lol. Anyways.. with a PC I can just turn it off and walk away from it for a bit if I need a break.. no house sitting needed. I so can't do that with the tank.. it's constant.. it's eternal.. it's the one that binds! rofl.
I know it probably won't help, but I bought a new motherboard (an eVGA 680i LT. It's basically the exact same as my XFX except with eVGA stickers on it.. LOL). I looked at the physical BIOS chip on the board and noticed that it's S/N is much newer than the XFX board. Other than that, not really any difference. We shall see if this eVGA will allow my quad to O/C higher. I have also been toying around with the idea of buying a dual core processor and throwing it in one of the 680i LT boards. I would LOVE to hit a 475 FSB on a 9x multiplier (4.275ghz). I've hit a 475 FSB before on my old Abit 680i board but I am not sure about these 680i LT boards. A 500 FSB would be a dream. I would probably run into a snag with my VCORE limiting out (limits out at 1.6v) before I could hit anywhere near 4.5ghz (if that's even possible).

I know a 480 FSB should be possible on the "cherry" 680i LT boards.. (on a 9x multiplier, that equals 4.32ghz)..

I know the limitations of the 680i LT vs the full 680i boards.. VCORE and VDIMM are the two main limitations. My Dominator ram runs at 2.2vdimm so no issues there. I would probably settle on a used dual core with a 9x or 10x multiplier. Since it wouldn't be my full time setup, I would keep the price to a minimum as it's just more of a "I wonder how hard I can push a dual core on a 680i LT" thing..

I have to ask: you obviously know you computer stuff very well (amazing mod, btw :D ), so why did you get anohter 680i LT? Why wouldn't you go for the vanilla 680i if you know the voltage limitations of the LT?
I think the voltage limitation is the lesser of two evils... the other evil being that most of the normal 680i boards don't fair well with OCing quads... I guess the eVGA A1 rev boards might be the exception there though.. anyways.. just a guess. :)
I have to ask: you obviously know you computer stuff very well (amazing mod, btw :D ), so why did you get anohter 680i LT? Why wouldn't you go for the vanilla 680i if you know the voltage limitations of the LT?

Thanks for the compliment! Revenant nailed it on the head.. It is the lesser of two evils. You see, on a quadcore with a Vapochill Lightspeed, I am somewhat limited by the Vapochill unit in stock form. There is only sooooo much load that a STOCK Vapochill can handle (from a quadcore). In terms of VCORE, my limit is right around 1.6v. Some even say that 1.6 vcore on a stock Vapochill for a quadcore processor is on the HIGH side. Well that's exactly where the 680i LT taps out (then you have vdroop, but for explinations sake, we won't get into that).

There are reports here and there, where Vapochill LS owners are hitting easily over 4ghz on quadcores (with a stable amount of VCORE to the processor). Well, in doing so, they are significantly decreasing the life of their Vapochill (or overloading it altogether and end up frying it). The full blown 680i, I believe, will allow you to go to ATLEAST 1.7vcore.. Such is the nature of an overclocker.. More more more.. LOL. Just a little more. Before long, guess what? Poof. LOL.

I have owned full blown 680i motherboards. Although I can't explain it, my quadcore seems VERY stable on the LT platform vs the full blown 680i boards. It may be as easy as a BIOS update.. Who knows. Every full 680i I have ever owned (or tested on) seems "quirky". For dual core processors, my Abit IN9 32x-max full 680i motherboard could not be beat! But for my quadcore, it simply sucked to say the least. I imagine when I get everything where I want it, I know the new 45nm chips will be out and I will abandon the current line that I have (hello [H] For Sale section.. lol).
OK.. I am now trying my hand at an Evga 680i LT.. I just got it up and going an hour ago so, but it doesn't suffer from the FSB limitations that I was experiencing with my last XFX board.. 400FSB, no problem! After a few days of cycling the system on/off, I will start crankin' out some new overclocks.. For the time being, I nudged it up to 2.8ghz and increased the FSB to 400. Looks very promising..

Not much to update.. I am waiting for the weekend, where I can really start testing the overclock.. I did take a little time to bump the overclock up from 2.8ghz to 3.2ghz.. Of course, it is capable of soooo much more, but this will get me by until Saturday.. LOL

Quick little update.. So far, I've been doing some testing and have found 3.6ghz to be completely stable (Orthos, 3dmark06, Ntune stability test).. It also seems that Revenant's suggestion of me trying the hit and miss version RivaTuner v2.06 for SLi on Vista x64 has worked successfully. With v2.05, I was not able to O/C my Vista x64 rig running an 8800 series SLi setup.. No more my friends.. v2.06 totally works for me.. No issues so far (I've been testing heavily for about 10 hours now).. My GPU Temps are just incredible.. I am glad to see everything O/C'ing like it should.. Whew! Here is a little screenie of my testing efforts thus far.. (thanks Rev! ...oh and sorry for the large screen shot for you 56K users out there):

OK.. I've done some more testing.. I'm not too happy with the "numbers" at this stage of the game but HEY! I can't complain, all things considered. I've been tinkering around with GPU settings and run after run after run of 3dmark06 has yielded me a "safe" 24/7 overclock.. It's going to be 656/984. I tried 664/996 and it technically worked but I got 1 very noticible artifact. Unacceptable for me. I am all about QUALITY (of the rendered video) vs. QUANITY (of the frame rates). I might gain 1-2 FPS between the two settings, so that's definately NOT worth the artifact(s).

I also noticed a HUGE hit in performance when I moved my little slider all the way over to "QUALITY" vs "PERFORMANCE" on the Nvidia Control Panel. I didn't think this 1920 x 1080 resolution would really knock down the "benchmark numbers" this much! ..LOL. BTW, anyone familiar with the Nvidial Control Panel settings?


OUCH! Where is my "OLD" personal best of 17,000+?

Turn FSAA and Aniso to auto in the control panel so you can compare your numbers apples to apples.


Actually, put that shit all on the default settings and repost your scores. :p
Without the base numbers your 15K score doesn't mean much.
We need to know how much turning that stuff on drops your score.
Getting a little bit better.. All of the control panel settings are set to performance (under the global settings tab)..

Did you mod your EVGA 680i LT in any way? What bios are you running? I'm impressed you're able to pull 400Mhz FSB with 4GB of PC2-8500.
CoW]8(0);1031621462 said:
Did you mod your EVGA 680i LT in any way? What bios are you running? I'm impressed you're able to pull 400Mhz FSB with 4GB of PC2-8500.

Well i've been working on finding my FSB limit on my 680i LT /combo / 4 x 1gb memory modules and here is the best I could do..


Anything else, Vista refused to boot past the "Loading Windows" screen. I didn't matter how much voltage I threw at it! So, atleast I know my FSB limit on my current setup.. I will keep it at this speed and do a little testing.. I'm sure the test results will be extremely minimal (if any measureable amount) compared to 3.6ghz / 400FSB.
Have you tried updating the bios? P06 supposedly has timings adjusted for the straps to higher FSB clocks. (Hence they mention 'better 1333Mhz C2D overclocking' as one of their improvements)
Haven't tried the P06 bios.. I am having the best time with P02 so I think I am going to stick with it (as I have read that after P02, evga removed a few volt settings. It capped off a few settings from 1.5 to 1.4 volts, respectively.

Thanks RX! I'll try to call ya soon.. I was able to update a few pics.. Been really pushing the clocks and I must say, I am very happy with 3.6ghz and my video cards OC'd to 648/972! Here are the newest pics..


