Project Stackers - High End Builds, Comparative Testing & First Mod! (56k Warning)

Well, ran into yet another problem with my system (naturally... its ALWAYS my system :( )

It appears that I got a bad 512mb from crucual. I ran memtest and got nothing but errors on 1 of them. /cry

Initiated RMA on it through crucial. I am hoping this is the reason for the minor quirks I have been having. :mad: That makes me so upset.....

I've been working on the FRAPS for the Nvidia system. Now if I could only get my wife to benchmark the software rather then play it HAHA. Farcry @ 1600x 4aa max settings looks SOOOOOOO nice ^_^
In my experience Crucial's support has been top notch in the past, they ship stuff rather fast too.

Here is my testing setup. Surrounded by stackers. ^_^

so the twin towers didn't go down....

edit, what kind of monitor is that?
DaCoOlNeSs said:
what kind of monitor is that?

Sony HMD-A440 19" Trinitron. Flat screen and .24dp i think. Very sweet monitor. Too bad sony doesn't sell Trinis anymore like they use to. :(
SelRahc said:
Well, ran into yet another problem with my system (naturally... its ALWAYS my system :( )

It appears that I got a bad 512mb from crucual. I ran the memory tester they recommended and got nothing but errors on 1 of them. /cry

Initiated RMA on it through crucial. I am hoping this is the reason for the minor quirks I have been having. :mad: That makes me so upset.....

I've been working on the FRAPS for the Nvidia system. Now if I could only get my wife to benchmark the software rather then play it HAHA. Farcry @ 1600x 4aa max settings looks SOOOOOOO nice ^_^

ADATA vitesta is better then crucial :D (or even OCZ pc3500 EB )

if you have a good vmem (2.9/3v), you're aiming 285=> 290 cas 2.5-2-3-6

EDIT : by the way, i find stackers to be very ugly. Why didnt you get like lian li v2000/21000/2000b/2100b ????

like these (exclude the dog and the superlanboy)
EDIT : by the way, i find stackers to be very ugly. Why didnt you get like lian li v2000/21000/2000b/2100b ????

Dont call me smart or anything.. but maybe because HE doesnt find them ugly?
The LiLi look doesn't do much for me either... :( Dunno, perforated Al just doesn't say "manly rig of doom and power" to me. :cool:
i just figured, if your gonna spend $250 on a case, might as well have it look nice...
hehe. Actually, the stackers are ganna end up becoming server cases with a good hand full of hot swapable drives in each. They aren't that bad looking, and I wanted the space and a chance to review the case.

I'm ganna build 2 more new computers in spring for lanparties, and retire the stackers to server life. ;)
is it possible to get a picture of the front of the 4 in 3 without the fan installed on it??
my god, and i thoght I had to much money on my hands(belive me, i would be building a 5k rig right now if i had my own credit card)
sweetm is ur wife gunna lan with us sel? rofl man i cant wait to start up the lan w00000000t spring timeee!
the_village_treky said:
my god, and i thoght I had to much money on my hands(belive me, i would be building a 5k rig right now if i had my own credit card)

lol, i WOULD be getting that type of rig, but i already spent the money. actually, some pieces of my rig are better (by that mean more performant/more expensif :D ) (PSU (enermax eps 12v 650w), i personally like my case better, RAM (2x512 corsair pc4400, 2x512 adata vitesta pc4400), watercooling rig (1a cooling, atotech, "ZB" got it all...) ) but thats all...

I WOULD be getting almost the same rig SelRahc is getting (proc, mobo, graphics card) if i sold all my spar parts... i have $2k of spare watercooling parts... For my 1 rig, i have 3 p4 mobos, 3 athlon mobos, 6 processors, 8 graphics cards, 4 PSUs (used to have 5 but my chieftech one blew up), 9 heatsinks and finally 6 cases. i should sell some stuff and upgrade to a64...
I'm not happy right now. Something just isnt right with the system. I need to figure out what the problem is, or im ganna keep getting hella pissed off. I'm going to start another thread to get troubleshooting assistance, as this is my weak area.

EDIT: The Thread is Here
Ok. Well, I got the memory tester that Crucial wanted me to run. Its called DocMemory.
You can download it from free after registration.

It is a bootable tester, and it performs many different test types. I ran it in burn-in mode for 20 hours and had not one failure. So, according to crucial, I do not have a memory problem. >.<

Memory problem != memory conflict... If whatever issues you're having are resolved by switching memory or whatnot then it's a conflict, not their fault but still related to the memory and/or the mobo.
Impulse said:
Memory problem != memory conflict... If whatever issues you're having are resolved by switching memory or whatnot then it's a conflict, not their fault but still related to the memory and/or the mobo.

See I would have kinda thought that too, but the other stacker is running perfectly fine with no problems at all.... and using the same memory. I'm going to trade them out later, but do you think that still could be the issue?
SelRahc said:
See I would have kinda thought that too, but the other stacker is running perfectly fine with no problems at all.... and using the same memory. I'm going to trade them out later, but do you think that still could be the issue?

try with this :

run it with a floppy... boot it and wait for 2h.

if there are no errors, its not the memory.

EDIT : by the way, your airflow isnt optimal...

the PSU on the bottum, even tho it isnt really conventional, its better. and exaust fans on the bottom serv beens. everyone nows how hot (not) USB/firewire and IO headers get...

put the PSU at the bottom and the exaust fans at the top...
SelRahc said:
See I would have kinda thought that too, but the other stacker is running perfectly fine with no problems at all.... and using the same memory. I'm going to trade them out later, but do you think that still could be the issue?
If they're both running the same mobos I wouldn't think one could have issues with the RAM and not the other, unless Crucial is using different chips on the same RAM but they use their own chips AFAIK and it's a new model so I really doubt it. I'm at a loss, sounds like it's magical parts time, trial by error. :(
LyCoS said:
EDIT : by the way, your airflow isnt optimal...

the PSU on the bottum, even tho it isnt really conventional, its better. and exaust fans on the bottom serv beens. everyone nows how hot (not) USB/firewire and IO headers get...

put the PSU at the bottom and the exaust fans at the top...

Oya. This is a temporary setup. Once my water cooling gets in, the PSU will go to the bottom and a 2x120mm rad will go on top, as well as the 2 80mm exhausts.

yup yuppers. ;)

PS: I'm ganna run that test tonight. Thanks.
SelRahc said:
Oya. This is a temporary setup. Once my water cooling gets in, the PSU will go to the bottom and a 2x120mm rad will go on top, as well as the 2 80mm exhausts.

yup yuppers. ;)

PS: I'm ganna run that test tonight. Thanks.

that test tests ram chip by chip, bit by bit, all possible combinations... it also tests memory addressing ( on die for A64...), cache... ;)

if you have no errors, its the mobo that has something wrong.

EDIT : did you check out those other WC systems i told you about??
Got it, ran it, errors up the wazoo. I'll know exactly which one today cause ill test each one, but the memory is bad. Thanks for the link.
SelRahc said:
Got it, ran it, errors up the wazoo. I'll know exactly which one today cause ill test each one, but the memory is bad. Thanks for the link.

hehe, [H] forum members are better then crucial technical support :cool:

by the way, in case you were wondering, the link was memtest + and not memtest 86.

memtest86 is the base of memtest +, but memtest + is mor thourough in searching errors, is more advanced, and has more options.

run it on the other system (the one without problems) and see if you have any errors, and if you dont, replace the memory in the system with problems with the mem from the one without. Just to be sure its not the cache whos screwy..... ;)
It seems I was mistaken??

The memory errors when run together, but when tested individually, there are no errors after 6 hours memtest86 runtime on each one. Also, when they are run together on single channel, they run fine as well. When run together in DUAL channel mode, errors within minutes. So its dule channel mode that's failing me.

I have a troubleshooting thread established to discuss this problem, so please take a look for the latest info and to discuss it there. There is more information post there as well. That way we dont fill the project log up with troubleshooting posts ;)

>>> THE THREAD <<<

woah very suprised at that result, maybe rma that mobo? bios updates?
SelRahc said:
It seems I was mistaken??

The memory errors when run together, but when tested individually, there are no errors after 6 hours memtest86 runtime on each one. Also, when they are run together on single channel, they run fine as well. When run together in DULE channel mode, errors within minutes. So its dule channel mode that's failing me.

I have a troubleshooting thread established to discuss this problem, so please take a look for the latest info and to discuss it there. There is more information post there as well. That way we dont fill the project log up with troubleshooting posts ;)

>>> THE THREAD <<<


by dule understand dual :rolleyes:
LyCoS said:
by dule understand dual :rolleyes:

Yes dual. Sorry my speelink is baad. It honestly feel like a duel to me though. I have only been fighting with this system haha.. >.<

As for the unused parts, I'll sell them probably.
SelRahc said:
Yes dual. Sorry my speelink is baad. It honestly feel like a duel to me though. I have only been fighting with this system haha.. >.<

As for the unused parts, I'll sell them probably.

yeah sell me your x800xt pe + abit av8 :rolleyes: