Project: PrometheusCu

Thank you all.

Hello once again one and all!
In case you forgot... here's one of my later concept sketches for this mod.

I'm proud to say that I once again come before you bearing images.

The quality is sub-par, but when I have the time I'll assemble a great deal of pics using my new camera with some proper studio lighting.

Without further ado...

An overview shot showing the new fittings and One of Two reservoirs installed.



You can see the res is hard piped out from the top port on the mosfet block.
I fabricated a rear mount which can be slotted onto the fan guard.
There is a large gap between the res and the rear mount because I haven't installed the spacers which I cut from carbon which are intended to replicate the 'finned' design of the AquaTube reservoir from AquaCopmuter.
The front of the res actually hangs on the PSU shroud. I'm going to make a small slit in the PSU shroud in which a carbon peg can be slotted.
It took a shockingly long time to conceptualize and install - I'm very pleased. The second res will be mounted directly across the case - parallel - mounted to the copper drive bay shroud.

Here is the top fan guard - the slot is for an e-sata port connected to the Pico-ITX. The filing on this piece is still rough.


Here is the nearly completed modded mac keyboard, complete with carbon bottom.


As mentioned above, there are new fittings... I decided to go black nickel and copper. All the new stuff is 3/8" and came across the pond from
Here's a small sampling.



New dust filters, also from aquatuning.


An SLI adapter to clean the plumbing on the graphics cards. This will require me to mod my customized "PrometheusCU edition" covers... wish me luck ;)



Here are some quick shots of the copper parts, many still unfiled, all still unbent, all still very sexy IMO.








To conclude this teaser, here is - another - mock-up of the base.



Thanks for your patience one and all, I hope you've enjoyed this taste of things to come...
I'll be back soon - and often - but until then, see you 'round the ether.
wow that foot is dirty lol

I was going to say the same thing.

Since this project has been going on for so long, it's a shame that the hardware chosen originally will be so outdated by the time of its completion. I think someone else already mentioned this. It would be sweet, though, if you swapped out the 280's for some 380's, for instance.
Thanks for the comments guys.

In regards to -another- hardware comment. This project is primarily an exercise in design (the first of many yet to come), it'll never see regular use. I have much more powerful kit at my disposal.
See we dont really want to see his powerful kit because lord knows this setup already makes me want to cry. If we saw his full power we might just pass out :)
Over 127,000 views! Glad to hear this is still in the works, you definitely have us held captive by your creativity.
Thank you all for the kind words - I'll respond proder in my next update.

For now, I'd like to invite anyone interested in cheap -brand new- fittings to check out my thread in the For Sale/For Trade section:
Langer's Bitspower BLOWOUT




I was just thinking that i would never see another picture of this mod again, but thankfully i was wrong. bout damn time langer. and now i demand to know the specs of your qoute "I have much more powerful kit at my disposal." rig
Hey Langer, just wondering where you got the black mac keyboard replacement keys? And how much did you end up spending total? I just bought an aluminum wired mac keyboard and would love to mod it to make it black...but without spending more than I paid for the actual KB (50 bucks).

Also, I too am interested in your new rig specs! We need updates!
I cant find how much Langer spent on the keys, but way back on page 7 are a few posts of the work he had to do to get them to fit.
have always wanted to post on this one, the amount of work put in on this computer is mind boggling - and absolutely kick ass!! :cool: When I originally started reading this post, I was glued to the screen! (bad thing when you're at work!! :D )
Langer, you need to tell me where you live, so i can come over and kick your ass for making me wait so much to see updates. Damn it bro, you need to give us an update on this beauty, or so help me god im gonna HOME ROW your ass.
indeed ^ :p

case looks great, cant wait till it is updated. your gonna have to elaborate on that Arduino controller. I am looking for ways to color fade LEDs with one of these...eventually. cant wait to see how you do this, if you still plan on using one!

any who definitely subscribed, good luck on continuing the build!
At first I was coming back every couple days for an update, that changed to every other week, then several weeks, now months...and no new updates, so sad... :(
Hope you are doing well man
Sim Sim Salabim! ..... Swami loves copper & apprises project. Also envisions war with usual cupric antagonists ensues.

been following this .... way to get the hopes up of it being updated :)

hope Langer gets back so we can see some updates to the build
Sorry for the delay folks, but I have recently completed school, once and for all, and am back to modding daily.

Stand-by for a Friday update.
Sorry for the delay folks, but I have recently completed school, once and for all, and am back to modding daily.

Stand-by for a Friday update.
Congratulations on finishing school.

I am looking forward to the update.
sweet, I figured this project was dead......guess you need new PC components, as most of your original ones are out dated :p
meh, copper is all good, but more powerful stuff for the copper to cool is better :)