Project: Batman Begins (completed!!!)

this is looking pretty sweet. must say that i collected a ton of bat man stuff when i was a kit. favorite super hero if you will.
Destonomos said:
Qtip i'm not sure since i haven't read through this entire thread yet but have u thought about putting a LCD screen in the center of the bat symbol in the front as the monitor? Think about it, u could just hand it up on the wall and monitor and all would be there. Nifty idea anyways.

very nice work Qtip...and not to be an ass or anything but if you haven't read through the thread..why make suggestions?

I'm doing a little experiment to see if I can light up the batman logo. If it works, I'll use this bit, if not, I'll ditch it and try something else. What I'm doing is putting an epoxy filler into the gap and when it dries tomorrow, I'll sand and polish it. The tricky part is keeping it transparent enough for the light to shine through. I don't want you to see the LEDs though, what I want to have happen is have a nice even glow. I'm not sure if I'll get that or not. I may have to approach it a different way. If it works out, I'll mask off the yellow and paint the logo black then paint the rest of the mount black and call it good.



One of the hard drive mounts will be for the older batman logo/utility belt and the other hard drive mount will be for the new one. The 2nd HDD mount will probably not be how it is in the movie though. After seeing a picture of it, I found it to be a little bland and it doesn't even carry the logo either. Bleh.


I might just go ahead and do the same thing with the 2nd mount as I did with the first one, only I'd switch the logo to the new one and the epoxy filler would be a red color.
I hate to say coulda/woulda/shoulda, but instead of screws and burning two taps, try these on for size.

Fantastic work you got going on there Qtip, I was thinking that the bat could actually be wallhung and have red backlighting by either EL or neon.

For a older post the hydrailic lifters that he was suggesting are spring loaded, oil dampened lift kits that require no plumbing. Only a mechanical release to actuate the hinge. The size? The ones i saw were only about 2-3" compressed, extending out to 5-6".
For the HD layout, could I suggest using a staggered layout, with the bottom HDs sticking out about 1.5"? For cooling them, you got the idea using two 80's, no argument over that. Thermostatic controlled 80's will help in keeping the noise down when the system is idle.

For the air circulation, splitting the airflow using baffles in the middle of the frame would be adviseable to keep any air from becoming stagnant or being recirc'ed. Once agian, using controlled 80's to keep the decibels down to a dull roar.
That first epoxy job didn't turn out how I wanted it. The lighting was alright but being the perfectionist I am, it wasn't the best it could be. I took the epoxy out and now I'm working on other ideas to get it lit up perfectly. I'm out of LEDs at the moment so I'm waiting to see if I can get more before the weekend is here.

There's a million and one ways I can approach lighting up the logos so hopefully I can find one that works so I have an update for you this weekend.
EL lighting me thinks, make the epoxy more transport and just put some EL behind it :)

hope that helps
Something around this (i just googled quick and found the closest thing):

"The illuminated half-life of electroluminescent cable is in excess of 6000 hours or 250 days, if lit continuously. At this time it will become ~40% less bright. It never actually burns out, but does become dimmer over a very long period of time."
Qtip42 said: comes through in the clutch:

200 white 6000mcd leds

ordered yesterday evening, received this morning :D Nice service!

nice. they must be near you.

ps. send me a few. ;)
Qtip42 said: comes through in the clutch:

200 white 6000mcd leds

ordered yesterday evening, received this morning :D Nice service!

5-422 5mm White LED 6000mcd $0.60/ea
SUBTOTAL $120.00
TOTAL $130.00

WTF, $130 for 200 led's, seems a bit much? Did you really pay that much? I always thought you could get big bags of leds for cheap off ebay
Ebay takes weeks. I got these when I needed them (overnight). Also the overseas led's suck :D (though I'm sure the difference is nil) If I had time to wait, I'd try ebay but I didn't this time. It's also nice to help out local businesses too :p
WTF, $130 for 200 led's, seems a bit much?

0.60 for hi-intensity white LEDs isn't a bad price. You can get std-output red LEDs for a penny apiece, however.
Didn't have much time to work today. I took another shot at the hard drive mount. Looks 100000000 times better than before. Will epoxy it again tomorrow and the glow should be what I'm looking for. The epoxy takes a while to cure though so it probably will be a week before I can sand it and not have it gum up on me. In the mean time I'll probably get started on the other hard drive mount with the new logo. Once the both of those are done, I'll get to painting the mounts black.

I used quite a bit last time and it still gummed up pretty quick (I was being hasty and took a DA sander to it). Anyway it should be alright this time. I bought some MDF earlier this week so I'll start the console pretty quick here. Going to try and speed up my work as to have it done by June 15th (movie release date) w/ pics and all.
looks awesome, BUT is it bright enough to throw a shadow of the logo on your ceiling? about on the clouds of a night sky? Muaha :p
Whitewolf said:
How many minute epoxy you using? Use the 5 minute stuff. It decent brand name?

0mega said:
are you putting the LED's on switches?

Probably not. Depends on how much time I have. I really don't want to get stuck in a wiring mess. I've got a lot to do.

Techx said:
looks awesome, BUT is it bright enough to throw a shadow of the logo on your ceiling? about on the clouds of a night sky? Muaha :p

It's on the inside of the case, you aren't going to see it unless you open it up :p
i was thinking sleve the wires for the LED's and hook em up to one of these

i think its do-able and it wouldnt be messy :) just a little suggestion :)

only problem would be finding an out of the way place for it :rolleyes:
I have never used that epoxy brand so dont know how good it is. Also what temp are you mixing it at? It should be at least 70 degrees F.
Whitewolf said:
I have never used that epoxy brand so dont know how good it is. Also what temp are you mixing it at? It should be at least 70 degrees F.

I usually warm up the epoxy by sticking it in some hot water for a few minutes.
Qtip42 said:
I usually warm up the epoxy by sticking it in some hot water for a few minutes.

If what you using doesn't work just go to home depot an by some 5 minute epoxy... it in dual plunger system ... forgot what it called ...and just push on the hardener side a little more than the resin side. It only costs like $3. Keep the epoxy inside till use it. That is if it not 70 degrees where you are yet.
Now Qtip, I love you and everything, and I do enjoy your work, but you're killing me by starting another mod!

I want to see how your BB mod turns out, and before it's even complete you're starting something else! As if updates weren't scarce enough.... :(
UnknownSouljer said:
Now Qtip, I love you and everything, and I do enjoy your work, but you're killing me by starting another mod!

I want to see how your BB mod turns out, and before it's even complete you're starting something else! As if updates weren't scarce enough.... :(

It's not another's all the same thing. The case hangs above this console or at lan parties, will probably sit on top.....but..........Just for you I will get the other hard drive mount churned out tonight and take pics :p
Qtip42 said:
I haven't done much work on the case this weekend because I got sidetracked on a bigger issue. The console!

If you're not up to speed yet, I'm modeling the console after the batmobile. However after much deliberation I've come to this conclusion:

Now I know this is very un-batman-begins-like but hey, you try making the new batmobile look pretty. IMPOSSIBLE!

Spent a few hours on it today but the framing should be done by the end of the week and the fiberglass/bondoing should begin this weekend *crosses fingers*. It isn't much to look at but I'm sure you'll be pleased with the final product. As far as what will go inside this console, right now all you need to know is an LCD, keyboard, mouse, and speakers. I don't want to give too much away so everything else is a secret till you see it in a picture.

Don't mind the doodles on the side of the MDF, the pencil got out of control.....;) The empty space on the sides will be filled in soon enough.

Damn, i know your on a time frame, but i say throw the time frame away and go for the new batmobile...that thing is PIMP. However yes it does look pretty hard lol

Nice work, good luck and good job man
crazyman_130 said:
a console? xbox ps2...somthing like that...its for a lanparty...and normally they have xbox sections at lans

Hard to tell the scale from the above picture, but my guess is something more along the lines of I/O. Flat panel display, keyboard, mouse, maybe a rom drive tucked in somewhere for easy disc access, etc. Kinda like CrimsonSky's Stealth console.....only not.
