Project: Batman Begins (completed!!!)

uzor said:
Hard to tell the scale from the above picture, but my guess is something more along the lines of I/O. Flat panel display, keyboard, mouse, maybe a rom drive tucked in somewhere for easy disc access, etc. Kinda like CrimsonSky's Stealth console.....only not.

oh...thats a good thought...i didnt think about that...does look like it would house a monitor at this state tho
crazyman_130 said:
a console? xbox ps2...somthing like that...its for a lanparty...and normally they have xbox sections at lans


Qtip42 said:
As far as what will go inside this console, right now all you need to know is an LCD, keyboard, mouse, and speakers. I don't want to give too much away so everything else is a secret till you see it in a picture.
uzor said:
Hard to tell the scale from the above picture, but my guess is something more along the lines of I/O. Flat panel display, keyboard, mouse, maybe a rom drive tucked in somewhere for easy disc access, etc. Kinda like CrimsonSky's Stealth console.....only not.

Something like that.
K I lied, no update tonight. I got sidetracked watching the Heat lose to the Pistons. :(
Qtip, Did you see the new Iwill Zmaxd2 posted on today? If it fits in your case here, that might be what you've been looking/waiting for. You can see a pic of it over at Hexus here, but it sounds like the image is from an engineering sample and that the final board will be a little different.

uzor said:
Qtip, Did you see the new Iwill Zmaxd2 posted on today? If it fits in your case here, that might be what you've been looking/waiting for. You can see a pic of it over at Hexus here, but it sounds like the image is from an engineering sample and that the final board will be a little different.

Sweet board but I think I'm stuck with this MSI board. I'm ready to get this thing done and move on, I've been spending too much time with this thing.
3-4 weeks. Thats if i can 8 hours in a day and actually be productive. I've been working full time elsewhere though so all I get time for is from 6-midnight.

edit: tonight was homeless shelter night so no work done :p
mashie said:
Oh, did your missus kick you out :D

LOL I love how Mashie (and i'm sure everone else) jumped to the conclusion that Qtip need to go there to sleep. ;)
LOL The thought that Qtip would give his time to help the less fortunate never crossed our minds.. LOL :p
Majin said:
LOL I love how Mashie (and i'm sure everone else) jumped to the conclusion that Qtip need to go there to sleep. ;)
LOL The thought that Qtip would give his time to help the less fortunate never crossed our minds.. LOL :p

:p :D
poop, i thought i was being so big and clever.
oh well...
good mobo though, can't see how they will do the psu to support dual 6800gt and dual dual core opterons....
Ya if I was being sponsored in some way I'd love to pick that up but money doesn't fall from the heavens here so I can't drop that kind of cash.

You'd think I'd have an update tonight since it's sunday but guess what, I don't. Allergies have ruined my 3-day weekend.
If anyone knows of a low-profile cpu fan/heatsink combo (1U or 2U maybe?) that will work with athlon 64's, pm me a link.
Heres a link to what he posted if you want something a bit bigger you could try one of the Zalman heatsinks. I believe their shortest heatsinks are 62mm tall that might be to high but if not check them out here.
I'm trying to speed up the process here so expect some updates daily or every other day from now till whenever.

The hard drive mounts turned out alright. The original batman logo is lit up by 30 LEDs (it's turned off in the pic) and the red one will be a bit more. The other one should be done after I pick up some red pigment tomorrow (for the epoxy). They're only in primer now, the final color is black.

If you were wondering why I was looking for a low-profile hsf combo it's because the riser card I ordered was a bit short so the video card will be sitting right on top of the cpu. That aught to be fun.......I'll figure that mess out later when I actually have a cpu and video card to work with.

I found a new spot for the dvdrw. Something tells me the area around the motherboard is going to be hot. I better find a few creative fan solutions...

Next update will have some more do with the console.

edit: Just FYI, I'm almost positive I can get the case done by june 15th. However the console will probably be finished down the road a ways (july maybe?)
Since I can;t seem to PM you right now (forum server has been acting up lately)
Here is the only Low Profile K8 cooler that I could find fans/A1882.htm

You could get creative with some ducting on a Nidec Squirel cage blower and get it cooled.
Nevertheless it will be very tricky, That PCI-E riser slot looks really low could you get one with a PCI slot also ( but not use it) to get it further away from the Socket area?

Another Idea that just popped into my head was that you could use a heat pipe CPU cooler (similar to the SI-97 in that the cooling area is not attached to the socket) and heat up and bend the heat pipes so that they are out of the way for the Vid Card. Still tricky.

gulp35 said:
Since I can;t seem to PM you right now (forum server has been acting up lately)
Here is the only Low Profile K8 cooler that I could find fans/A1882.htm

You could get creative with some ducting on a Nidec Squirel cage blower and get it cooled.
Nevertheless it will be very tricky, That PCI-E riser slot looks really low could you get one with a PCI slot also ( but not use it) to get it further away from the Socket area?

Another Idea that just popped into my head was that you could use a heat pipe CPU cooler (similar to the SI-97 in that the cooling area is not attached to the socket) and heat up and bend the heat pipes so that they are out of the way for the Vid Card. Still tricky.


I've talked to a couple of companies about their riser cards. I'll have to wait quite a while to get a specific custom one. I'd like to make the riser a little taller but I technically don't have room now. It's just barely below the 4" mark. I'm sure I can make something work. I've gotta find a good deal on a video card and see what kind of heatsink/fan I'm dealing with.

That heatpipe thing is a good idea. I've gotta look into that. I'm pretty sure I'll do some ducting for the cpu (taking air directly from outside the case). Then I just need a couple of fans blowing in between the two because it'll be hot as heck in there. I've got all kinds of fans in boxes (40mm-120mm, squirrel cage/crossflow, etc) that I can look through. Anywho, I haven't gotten to the cooling part yet but here's what I've done so far:


As far as the console is concerned, it's coming together, slowly :D
It's coming along pretty well Qtip. You could try getting a different riser card that has the PCI-E slot facing the other way. Thus, you would not need a low profile cooler. Unfortunately I do not know where to get one.
Snobok said:
It's coming along pretty well Qtip. You could try getting a different riser card that has the PCI-E slot facing the other way. Thus, you would not need a low profile cooler. Unfortunately I do not know where to get one.

Already tried that. You can't take the video card out (if you want to replace it) if the riser faces the other direction.
Qtip42 said:
Already tried that. You can't take the video card out (if you want to replace it) if the riser faces the other direction.

wouldn't all you'd have to do is pull the riser and the card out at the same time?
If you wanted to replace the card, and you had it set up the other way, it looks like you have to remove that sexy Alu Mobo cover to remove the riser. Sort of a PITA if you ask me. Plus it would make the entire project that much cooler (no pun intended) if Qtip pulled off some way of efficiently cooling this.
SpangeMonkee said:
wouldn't all you'd have to do is pull the riser and the card out at the same time?

Hey dont try to bring logic into my head...........*looks around* *whistles* ......... Maybe I want to give people the option of pulling it out both ways! :p :D

edit: I forgot, the bracket made the full size video card not fit also so I'd have to do some extra modification. So there! :D

edit2: you don't have to remove the aluminum to remove the riser. It has clearance.
just wondering.. but the movie comes out next week. What are ya gonna do with this even after movie comes out?
im a huge fan of this project keep up the good work. I like many were hoping you would have it done. but you can't rush greatness.!!!!! ):-p
zalman vf700-cu for the GFX card :) its low profile enough :p besides, its an open design so itd get enough airflow anyway, itll work :p
Crazystick said:
just wondering.. but the movie comes out next week. What are ya gonna do with this even after movie comes out?
im a huge fan of this project keep up the good work. I like many were hoping you would have it done. but you can't rush greatness.!!!!! ):-p

Tote it around to shows or see if someone wants to take it off my hands. I dunno.

I'm sure I can finish the case by the 15th. I probably won't have all of the hardware though. ...can't justify plunking down a couple g's on hardware at the moment. Especially since I'm moving shop pretty soon here.
Qtip42 said:

I'd be a little concerned about not enough airflow with the covering near the power mosfets and NB area. my 2 cents: zap it from the ram all the way accross by the riser card... can leave the bottom right area open for better airflow.
Why not use the Mobo cover like a duct and simply have fans blowing underneath too?

Wouldn't that actually help increase cooling performance? (escpecially if you cut an intake hole to allow outside air in)
I concur wit da Rabbit,

As a second point I was looking for heatsinks for my current project and I found a place that will do custom heatpipes.... go to their heatpipe page and at the bottom there is a link to talk to them about custom heatpipes... I would be neat if the mobo cover could actually be a giant passive cooler for the vid card and/or (probably or) CPU.
CrimsonSky said:
A guy who builds a PC in the shape of a bat clearly has issues....

hehe..looking great, Q--!!

Well I doubt He's Batty or even a JoKeR! ;) ;)

And Yeah I like [H]Rabbit's idea as that cover looks good, But It looks like It would be hard to get a cpu heatsink on and off.

Now for a commercial from the Joker(My Sponsor on the net). ;) :D