Project: Batman Begins (completed!!!)

...use a heat pipe CPU cooler...and heat up and bend the heat pipes so that they are out of the way...

Err, don't forget the old PV=nRT. A high enough temperature to soften metal is going to play pressure hellfrom the fluid inside those heat pipes. I don't know how most heat-pipe based cpu coolers are sealed, but I doubt most would withstand such treatment without popping a seal.

A copper tube can be easily bent without heating. But anyone with Qtip's metalworking skills can work out a much simpler duct-based cooling system that will perform fine.
yeah, that is true, I was thinking about it after I proposed that Idea, and finally figured it would be a bad idea to do that. However, there is a website out there (I can't remember right now) that shows you how to make heatpipes with copper pipe and water. IIRC you closed off one end of a tube, shape it the way you want it, fill it with water, heat it up till there is very little water left, then while the water is still boiling, close off the other end of the tube and remove the heat.... Now i don't remember how they did this without the tube collapsing like the typical Atmosphereic pressure cham or physics demonstration, but IIRC it worked OK, nothing like a manufactured Heatpipe.
I found the link,, he DOES NOT use water as the cooler, he uses R134a. and he relies on gravity instead of a wick to bring the coolant back down. plus he doesn't get too great performance from them, but then his heatpipes are home-made and are 2 feet long.
I know some of you are expecting an update (or this case to be done today) but I've been working on other stuff so it took a back seat. When I get back tomorrow night I'll have something for you guys to look at.
K i told a fib, I went and saw batman begins instead tonight :p Good movie :D
Qtip42 said:
K i told a fib, I went and saw batman begins instead tonight :p Good movie :D

It's OK, I'm sure most will forgive you. I would have done the same given the choice of watching the movie or working on a mod based on the movie.

Did the movie give you any new ideas for the project?

BTW, I just read this thread the other day since I've been gone for about 6 months with limitied access to the internet and I really like this project. I can't wait to see it finished.
If you are finding it hard to come up with air cooling solutions.
I have one that would work well to keep ait blowing around the case.

If you add 2 of These

That would be able to cover the MB with little effort.

Just an Idea.
Majin said:
If you are finding it hard to come up with air cooling solutions.
I have one that would work well to keep ait blowing around the case.

If you add 2 of These

That would be able to cover the MB with little effort.

Just an Idea.

I would like to put some of those in a desktop case.
That's a bit big for the case. I have 10 inches worth of room where the vents are going to be.

If you're wondering why I'm not posting any update yet, I haven't gotten my louvered wings finished. Give me time. I'm trying to get moved into the new shop also.
well in the vantec hard drive cooler, they have a 5" version of that.
you could buy some of those and rip them out, or their must be some sort of industrial site where you can buy them....
also, why not get a copper 1U cpu cooler, and then a zalman fan bracket, and position a 120mm fan over it, which would cool ram, capacitors and some of the gpu....
Sorry for the lack of updates once again, I know you guys don't want this turning into a Doom3 year long project (hehe crim :D). I'll have an update by wednesday.
Nothing, I'm not sponsored. Would be nice though. I usually don't take a pro-active approach to it. If I have the money, I'll spend it myself. However the drawback to that is that projects take longer because I've got bills to pay first off.
Randolf said:
hate to be a nitpicker... but its wednesday...

It's wednesday for 1 hour and 17 minutes more. Gimme a chance to get myself organized, I just got home from the new shop :p paint booth is up :D
Gah!!! Hurry up and finish it. I leave on monday for 7 months and wont be able to touch a computer.(Air Force). I hate batman, but this is just damn cool. :D
OEM said:
Gah!!! Hurry up and finish it. I leave on monday for 7 months and wont be able to touch a computer.(Air Force). I hate batman, but this is just damn cool. :D

I'm trying man. It's not that it's tough to finish, it's that I'd rather be in the new shop by the end of the month. So I get maybe an hour or two to work on this case daily. As you can see, in the last few days, nothing has gotten done cept this and some louvers (no pics of those till I have them all done). :D This pic shows part the hard drive mount. Underneath will be some LEDs but I've been lazy and after mounting them, I never finished wiring.

oh and I'm late by 5 minutes on the update :p
Could you post a few pic of the set up so far.
You know take a pic of everything you have done todate.
That way everyone can review all this Bat-tousy-goodness without looking throught 18 thread pages, bit by bit.

P.S. I'm Lazy! Just DO IT! :p
altec said:
Well it looks ok.

....never satisfied are ya? It needs some cleaning up and then painting black but other than that it's alright for what it is :p

As far as posting pics of the entire thing, I'm workin on it. Cut me a wee bit of slack because I work 8am-8pm, 7 days this week (because of the moving and all). I don't get nearly enough time to produce anything spectacular.

And omg it's povray.......go back to genmay pov :D We need some more old faces there.
Qtip42 said:
I'm trying man. It's not that it's tough to finish, it's that I'd rather be in the new shop by the end of the month. So I get maybe an hour or two to work on this case daily. As you can see, in the last few days, nothing has gotten done cept this and some louvers (no pics of those till I have them all done). :D This pic shows part the hard drive mount. Underneath will be some LEDs but I've been lazy and after mounting them, I never finished wiring.

oh and I'm late by 5 minutes on the update :p

Hehe, thanks man. I dont mean to rush you I just want to see how this thing turns out. Pretty sweet so far. Keep up the good work.
As of July 1st, I'll be fully moved over to the new place. The problem is the electricity is still needing to be trenched (from the pole) and wired (as of this week), then the inspector has to check everything off...... so I've gotta make due with using only one outlet for the first week that I move in. If I get anything done in the next few days, I'll post an update.
Hey,Nice work! I've been following this and i very muchly like it!

oh,and it's not too hard living off one outlet! I live off two (well i have two in my room) and i've got my TV,fancy antenna,Xbox,Gamecube,dvd player,PC,modem,dual monitors,laptop,stereo,clock radio,surround sound and n64 running off them ;)
Sp3cial Person said:
Hey,Nice work! I've been following this and i very muchly like it!

oh,and it's not too hard living off one outlet! I live off two (well i have two in my room) and i've got my TV,fancy antenna,Xbox,Gamecube,dvd player,PC,modem,dual monitors,laptop,stereo,clock radio,surround sound and n64 running off them ;)

So Com ST said:
o_O can someone say fire hazard?

IIRC, Pluging too many electrical devices into a power outlet is a fire hazard
That Bat case screams
cause if you owned that case and you had friends, they would smash it to save you from its curse! :eek:
CrimsonSky said:
If I run out of vomit can I have some of yours? :eek:
sure, i'll just scoop it up here...

any updates on the case? (the good one)
<- add about 6k to that, the numbers are off
I got most of the shop stuff moved over to the new place today. Now the counters need to be put up and I need to organize stuff. Then things can start moving again. Sorry for the delay.