prerelease benchmarks r520

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DASHlT said:
wow razor1 looses his arguement over at beyond3d so he takes his nvidia trolling to hardocp....funny shit.

Loose what? 3 people there say my point of view and accepted what ATi's M Manger did WAS WRONG. But the thread was locked before it proceded further, which in any case is not a big deal since I don't believe Dev rel reps (yeah you have to becareful about thier optimisations being one sided too), Marketing managers, or PR from any company since they are being paid to show one side of the story and not the other. I've seen it far too often when Graphics companies don't care about thier smaller partners. They will only keep the big name developers happy since thats where the money is.
DASHlT said:
wow razor1 looses his arguement over at beyond3d so he takes his nvidia trolling to hardocp....funny shit.

beyond3d always has had a very heavily ati-biased forum. users there will often shout down your argument and fail to use logic if it disagrees with their pro-ati stance even if they are blatently incorrect. the main site articles are very good, though.

One humorous occasion of logic going to the wayside on Beyond3D to defend ATI is when I argued that Humus' (ATI employee that posts on Beyond3d) Doom3 "tweak" was actually an app-specific optimization based on shader replacement adopted by ATI to avoid the texture lookup table calls which their hardware was slow at. Sure enough, I got the huffing and puffing that I was a moron, Humus was just doing it for the community and it was a tweak nothing more, ATI never uses shader replacement, etc. Was hilarious a couple of weeks after I posted when ATI officially integrated Humus' Doom3 shader replacement optimization w/ app detection into their drivers.
razor1 said:
3 people there say my point of view and accepted what ATi's M Manger did WAS WRONG.

What did ATI do that was wrong? It was pretty obvious to me (even after reading sanders' response and all the emails in context) that he didn't have much of a leg to stand on. The fact that he ducks any specific questions on the benches (the emails is only a minor side issue as far as I'm concerned) just seals the deal for me.

When the R520 releases in the next few weeks, we'll know whether his article was an accurate preview of a unreleased product or pure speculation on the part of a journalist with ego problems.

I suspect that even if the real card shows up to be much faster than the HA preview, some will still say "the HA card was underclocked," or the even dumber "ATI increased the speed of the card to make HA look bad."
this is the space where 4 off topic posted got deleted
(see the report button works :p )
There are many more off topic posts you missed. The first in this page alone are off topic. Just lock it already..
well I pretty much responded to a reported post as opposed to wading through this thread for context and smacking the appropriate parties

besides Im quite busy trying to setup the new [H]igh Altitude Thermal Test Lab ;)

of course if you insist......

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