Post your workstation 2008 !

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Very classy, computermod!! What's that long, black tubular item projecting up from the silver platform with a green light?

<<resists urge to use more colorful description ;)>>
Yea, it's on the top floor. I have a portable ac that keeps the room around 78 degrees, without the ac it reaches about 100.

Mr. wolf...that black tubular thing is my logitech mic ;)
Are those undergarments? and are they yours? :eek: :confused:

No they aren't mine... well technically I guess they are seeing as I'm married to the one who wears them :p Since an explanation seems to be in order, they're there to sit my Canon XTi on and wrap it so it doesn't get dusty when not in use... I was under the impression that they were to be used to wrap valuable things ;)

prodigee... thanks, and your welcome.
Toobookoo.. Im loving how casual your setup is, looks very relaxing.

Since we own an exhaust shop, I just drew up the plans today and im building myself what should be a BAMF of a desk.. of course out of exhaust tubing! maybe I'll put some stacks on it.. buhaha
My PDXLAN 12 rigs:
I am going to add fiber optics going from RAM to selected cities on the globe. Also might add another light feature if a fellow modder helps out.







and then my personal LAN rig, Skully:

GLobe goes to Nvision 2008, looks like Cherry X goes to AMD (they want it QuakeCon but that is a few days away . . ..eeeekkkkkk).
Toobookoo.. Im loving how casual your setup is, looks very relaxing.

Since we own an exhaust shop, I just drew up the plans today and im building myself what should be a BAMF of a desk.. of course out of exhaust tubing! maybe I'll put some stacks on it.. buhaha

It is indeed very relaxing and I usually keep it pretty dark... except in the day when I open the curtains and let the sun shine through my bamboo blinds. I like an earthy feel I guess.

That desk you're making sounds pretty neat, make sure you show us when you get it completed.
TooBooKoo, did you replace your fronts which were the polks (i believe) with the insignias? How are the insignias? Sound better than the polks or...?

What are you using to power them?
awesone setup toobookoo.

ijust redid mine... so, ill have to take pics when i get back. Dont worry, i didnt get a new desk :p... just moves stuff
sick setup man. lots of toys, haha. you're into production? what kind of music do you do? i'll have to post up my setup in a few days when i get my new case.

Yeah i am. I used to use pro-tools, but it was on my old comp and it was XP. It was going to be $$$$$ to upgrade to vista so i said screw it and am now using Sonar home studio its pretty simple. I play alot metal/hard rock (that i record through the 5150) but i do a lot of acoustic of finger picked acoustic/piano lighter stuff too. I use an SM57 for the acoustic it sounds great for the price of the mic!

Have you ever knocked over that CD rack?? LOL

Very nice man.

Thanks. I screwed it into the wall on top so no hahaha that would be a mess! Ikeas stuff is great! It was like $12.00 or something. BTW SD- what voltage are you running that Q6600 at for 3.0ghz?
Yeah i am. I used to use pro-tools, but it was on my old comp and it was XP. It was going to be $$$$$ to upgrade to vista so i said screw it and am now using Sonar home studio its pretty simple. I play alot metal/hard rock (that i record through the 5150) but i do a lot of acoustic of finger picked acoustic/piano lighter stuff too. I use an SM57 for the acoustic it sounds great for the price of the mic!

nice man, i use sonar as well. i make electronica/ambient piano type stuff. haha, it's hard to explain. not electronica as in techno really, it's just like ambient piano/acoustic type stuff with synth mixed in. i also do some drumming and keys for my brother's folk/acoustic type project. i've got an m-audio keystation 61es midi controller that i use with Reason, and a microKorg as well. you have any of your music online? i wouldn't mind giving it a listen.
I like the sound the Insignias produce a bit more than the Polks... and I'm just running them from my Onkyo reciever. I put the Polks as my B speakers. I am happy with the sound setup so far.

Thanks... I think you and I tend to change things around alot :D especially wallpapers.
Thanks. I screwed it into the wall on top so no hahaha that would be a mess! Ikeas stuff is great! It was like $12.00 or something. BTW SD- what voltage are you running that Q6600 at for 3.0ghz?

I can check for you when I get home :) I believe 1.3x something. Im going to try to up my FSB voltage because for some reason I cant get it to go any higher.
Just moved into a new place. The desk I have is awful(literally held together with duct tape:confused:) Computer has been acting up with BSOD's, I'll take the time to get it running better in a few weeks.

Before cleaning.


Dropped the G15 for my 1984 IBM Model M, makes me feel cooler.

After some cleaning and wire management(Pardon the dirty wood floor, it's an older house)


It's changed a bit more since these pictures, I'll post some new ones soon, possibly with a better desk.
HellToµpée;1032796402 said:
Just moved into a new place. The desk I have is awful(literally held together with duct tape:confused:) Computer has been acting up with BSOD's, I'll take the time to get it running better in a few weeks.

Before cleaning.


It's changed a bit more since these pictures, I'll post some new ones soon, possibly with a better desk.

Man, that'll be one sweet setup once you get a new desk.

Model M's are beautiful.

after :D




I looked around a lot for desks and there really wasn't alot out there that is even worth buying. its all cheap crappy material not steady at all and paying +$900 (aus) and having to replace it after 6 months.

So i decided to design my own desk and my uncle (kitchen maker) said he would do it for me and it came out really good. Pics taken with phone so color is a bit off and the pics just don't do it justice...:D
Man, that'll be one sweet setup once you get a new desk.

Model M's are beautiful.

Yeah, I probably won't be getting a new desk right away. I want to find a jerker without shelves, which is damn near impossible on craigs list.

The Model M is amazing, probably my favorite peice of hardware.
Yeah I was looking for a jerker as well on craigs list, There are a few in canada but thats like a 4 hour drive for me.
yeah those are the ones. just bought them today. im thinking about getting a new desk....not sure....main reason cause my sister kinda damage the surface by spilling super glue...
I love the setup overall with the lighting.. do you have any more pictures of the case.
so... i was waiting until i cleaned up my basement before i posted my workstation. then i realized that in order to properly represent the area in which i fulfill my electronics hobby i should just take pictures as is and post them.

so here is my summer setup at my parent's house...




i'm in the middle of installing windows on a new drive in my main rig and transferring all my stuff over (just that time to reformat). while i was doing that i had the dell laptop open to just goof around between prompts and transfers. two of the cases on the floor are empty shells. the other rig on the floor i was setting up for a friend. and the other laptop is out on the trunk because i honestly didn't know where to put it, lol.
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