Post Your FEAR Performance Test Results Here

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1280x960 - 2xaa/4xaf - all settings maxed, soft shadows on 81.85 drivers
min - 35
avg - 70
max - 191

<25 - 0%
25-40 - 11%
>40 - 89%

1024x768 - 2xaa/4xaf - all maxed, soft shadows on, 81.85
min - 36
avg - 86
max - 256

<25 - 0%
25-40 - 8%
>40 92%
Cabezone said:
0xAA 8xAf setting maxed, no soft shadow.

Fear loves the SLI...yes it does. :)

QFT... and it also loves 7800 series cards... I can barely play FEAR at acceptable levels (for me) @ 1600x1200 on my 6800GTs... whew...

no AA, no SS, AF= 4x, and all other settings maxed

low: 24
avg: 61
high: 150s

1% under 25
7% under 40
92% over 40

61 fps avg is deceptive! it does look like that for the first few intervals, but it gets real choppy (for me) in some of the big areas, like in intervals 7, 8, and 9 and such.. annoying. with my 23" LCD it looks pretty blocky in any other res than 1600x1200 also.. so I have to make that work! lol. some how. ;)
New here but been reading fourms for awhile now.

This was done on an x800xl AGP card

1st column is unOC'ed, 2nd column is OC'ed (442/550)

Min: 29, 28
AVG: 40, 44
Max: 67, 63

FPS Distribution
Below 25 FPS: 0%
Between 25 and 40 FPS: 60%, 41%
Above 40 FPS: 40%, 59%

SETTINGS : 1024x768
Graphics: Everything is set for Medium just changed reso
Physics: SP Max
Just recently installed this game. Thought I give it a shot to see how it performs on fairly modern hardware & how far it's progress.

Graphics settings all maxed out, including the notorious performance killer soft shadows is set on. All at 1080p.

Minimum: 54
Average: 85
Maximum: 227

Ran on
2700k @4.8ghz
8gig G Skill Ram
GTX 680
almost a 10 year necro... I think that's the oldest one I have seen.

but in FEAR related news... I still play and enjoy FEAR... I play through it usually around the start of Oct to get in the spooky Halloween spirit.
almost a 10 year necro... I think that's the oldest one I have seen.

It's fun running benchmark on older titles that were once performance killers, back in the day. :)

Performance aside, I still find this game to hold up really well, & I'm enjoying it a lot more than many shooters that are released now days.

I hope one day we'll get to see another FEAR title.
the nice thing about older good games is they do perform so well on new hardware, especially in multi monitor mode... I can crank every setting in FEAR to max @ 5760x1080 and it's smooth as butter. :)
the nice thing about older good games is they do perform so well on new hardware, especially in multi monitor mode... I can crank every setting in FEAR to max @ 5760x1080 and it's smooth as butter. :)

Haha very nice. I'm jelly, I don't have triple monitors yet. Currently only running dual monitors. x)
Although my GTX 680 is starting to struggle in newer titles. I was close to getting the GTX 780 Ti, but will wait to at least until Maxwell comes out later this year & see how it peforms. :)
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I remember making all sorts of little tweaks to get this to run on a P4 and 9800 pro. Totally worth it, it looked great and had some intense firefights.
How does the game hold up by today's standards (not the graphics, of course, but the gameplay)?
How does the game hold up by today's standards (not the graphics, of course, but the gameplay)?

I can't think of many better single-player FPS's. It's not the deepest game in the world, the level design isn't as epic as half-life 2, but 9 years later I've yet to play a game with AI as good as FEAR. The fights you get into are always intense and challenging.

Definitely worth playing if you like the genre at all. The sequels aren't as good though.
I think I had a 7800 and a 939 3200+ when this game came out? Playing 10x7 on a CRT. The good ole days...
thats one helleva a res. i remember running this on a x850xt. crazy demanding game at the time.
Good times. I've tried replaying this and Extraction Point but the scare factor just isn't there anymore. :(
whoa thread necro... This thread is bringing out all the old [H] peeps. heh.

I still remember this game having the best multiplayer... Something about shooting up the walls at someone and watching crazy particle effects, then bicycle kicking someone else around a corner after makes me have a big smile.

Cheers on the thread necro.
Ran this on a P4 and an ati x800xl at 1280x1024. Had a ton of fun with this game. I think I'll play through it again this October.

Good necro for a good game.
Graphics settings all maxed out, including the notorious performance killer soft shadows is set on. All at 1080p.

Minimum: 54
Average: 85
Maximum: 227

Ran on 2700k @4.8ghz 8gig G Skill Ram GTX 680

FPS seems very low. No, I'm serious. If you have any Logitech USB devices, disable each of the "HID-compliant device" entries in the Device Manager. No need to disable "HID-compliant consumer control device".

When I did this with a 2500K, 16GB and a 680GTX with all features on at maximum, 1680x1050 and Vsync off, FPS went from 36 minimum, 46 average, 55 maximum to:

Minimum: 149
Average: 306
Maximum: 763
FPS seems very low. No, I'm serious. If you have any Logitech USB devices, disable each of the "HID-compliant device" entries in the Device Manager. No need to disable "HID-compliant consumer control device".

When I did this with a 2500K, 16GB and a 680GTX with all features on at maximum, 1680x1050 and Vsync off, FPS went from 36 minimum, 46 average, 55 maximum to:

Minimum: 149
Average: 306
Maximum: 763

Very interesting, I wasn't aware of the performance bug with logitech products. Using the G15 keyboard, I thought the fps was a little low.... Followed your instructions, the jump in frame rate has increased drastically. :eek:

Now it's

Minimum: 154
Average: 306
Maximum: 748


Thanks for that, cheers! :D
Oh yeah I forgot all about that Logitech bug. This was one of the first games I fired it up with a 5870 and didnt understand why I was barely in the upper 30's. A little Google-fu and I learned about the Logitech problem. Such a weird bug too especially for guys like me that run a lot of Logitech gear.
Holy crap, I have no idea about this logitech bug. I'm using a G15 and G500. Does this bug still apply to modern games?
Ok, someone needs to post the bechmarks with all settings maxed out at 4K resolution. Now let me see if I can dig up the Crysis 1 benchmark thread! :D
Ran this on a P4 and an ati x800xl at 1280x1024. Had a ton of fun with this game. I think I'll play through it again this October.

Good necro for a good game.

Good necro indeed. I ran it on the same system, but I lowered it to 1024x768. Good ole 17-inch CRT, haha. I finally played through the game last year (why it took so long, no clue - college?) on my GTX-560. It was the first game I tried when I got my FW-900.

EDIT: Thanks for the necro! If it hadn't been for that, I wouldn't have known about the Logitech bug. It fixed it for Condemned: Criminal Origins for me. Now I'm pegged at 75hz VSync. Thanks guys!
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Oh yeah I forgot all about that Logitech bug. This was one of the first games I fired it up with a 5870 and didnt understand why I was barely in the upper 30's. A little Google-fu and I learned about the Logitech problem. Such a weird bug too especially for guys like me that run a lot of Logitech gear.

yeah - the ol Logitech bug... PITA. FEAR also doesn't seem to like the Corsair M40, I get a slideshow when I play it with that mouse... that's why I keep the DA handy. ;)

290 xfire, 4770k @ 4.4ghz:

Min: 93-106
Avg: 135-150
Max: 194
almost a 10 year necro... I think that's the oldest one I have seen.

but in FEAR related news... I still play and enjoy FEAR... I play through it usually around the start of Oct to get in the spooky Halloween spirit.

That's a heck of a find to necro, too! :eek:
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