Post Your FEAR Performance Test Results Here

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6800GT (370/1000)
81.85 drivers

Everything is maxed except for Soft-Shadows (they are off). All else max.


average - 33fps.

Thats what i play at too. Slow in some areas but so pretty...
specs are in sig...what the hell is goin on??? i can only play at 1024x768, granted i can max everything and turn on soft shadows and the game runs fine but i use an apple 20" display and the only higher resolution i can run is native 1680x1050...i have this problem in quake 4 as well!!!! if i select a higher viewing resolution it boxes it on my screen and i see a part of my desktop....anybody else experience this?
Why would you turn off vol. lighting on a SLI 6800 GT?? That doesn't make sense, I only have one and I run with that setting on at acceptable frames at 1152x864.
Matrices said:
Why would you turn off vol. lighting on a SLI 6800 GT?? That doesn't make sense, I only have one and I run with that setting on at acceptable frames at 1152x864.

Are you talking to me? anyways, at 1600x1200 it makes a difference... that res is almost double what you are running... I have been playing with settings for a while now and the one I got offers the best fluid frame speed and good IQ...
Yeah, never mind...I dunno WTF happened, but everything SEEMED to run fine indoors, then I loaded up the part of the demo that's outside - barely - with helicopters, and it ran like shit. This is on a P4 running at 3.4 at 6800 GT and 2GB, mind you, at a mere 1024x768 with 2xAA (jaggies were everywhere regardless). This game is way too much of a resource hog.
Min: 17
Avg: 25
Max: 59

35% below 25
67% 25-40
8% 40+

That's playable for me :p
Settings: 1280x960, almost everything is max - except textures, water reflections, and something else (all on med). Oh, and no soft shadows. Loving this game so far.

I guess I could bump down to 1024x768 @ the same settings to get smoother gaming but I got an LCD (native: 1280x1024)... And I like the graphics too much.
Heres what I get in the MP Demo:
Everything on High and 4xAF and 2xAA.
System specs:ASUS X850PRO @ 590/602, P4 2.8C @ 3.4, 1gig DDR400, rest of specs in sig.
hey guys...i finally got my fear copy back :) and here are the results:
everything on max
no soft shadows


under 25: 0
25-40: 47
40+ 53

the card is holding out pretty well i guess :D
if i run it at 1600x1200 would it look better than what im running at now?
alright well i ran the test @ different resolutions and overclocked my card too see how much of a difference it made and this is what i came up with:

i ran the test using the same settings anand tech did for these tests, so 4x TSAA 8x AF everything else on maximum and softshadows off:

Using 81.85's

@ 430/1.2 @ 1024x768 i got an average of 56
@ 430/1.2 @ 1280x960 i got an average of 39
@ 430/1.2 @ 1600x1200 i got an average of 26

@ 490/1.3 @ 1024x768 i got an average of 61
@ 490/1.3 @ 1280x960 i got an average of 43
@ 490/1.3 @ 1600x1200 i got an average of 30

@ 545/1.3 @ 1024x768 i got an average of 64
@ 545/1.3 @ 1280x960 i got an average of 45
@ 545/1.3 @ 1600x1200 i got an average of 31
I'm stuck on my P4 2.53GHz, 1GB RAM (board doesn't have dual channel *cries*), and 9800Pro until Christmas when the San Diego 3700+ and 7800GTX (also new motherboard, power supply, and finally a DVD burner :D). I get lame FPS as it is in FEAR.
yule beeee lovin' that new setup. :)

PS: if you plan on OCing that 3700, and want 3ghz, then get a DFI mobo (the SLI-DR expert will be readily available by then). just fyi :)
Heres my results at 1280x1024 with everything max besides soft shadows.

Min: 37
Average: 63
Max: 192

below 25 - 0%
25-40 - 2%
+40 - 98%

Im in love with this 2nd 7800gt i recieved today for my sli setup! :D
nice... going from one 7800GT to two will be the most dramatic performance increases you can get, imo. 6800 series cards stuggle with this game, and GTXs are already pretty powerful, so the 7800GT being in the middle, then adding another it's very close to the GTX SLi numbers. Anyways... have fun with that. :)
revenant said:
yule beeee lovin' that new setup. :)

PS: if you plan on OCing that 3700, and want 3ghz, then get a DFI mobo (the SLI-DR expert will be readily available by then). just fyi :)

That thing looks like a beast! :eek: How would I manage IDE RAID on it though? (I've got 2 IDE Hard drives in RAID 0 on my current board). Would I have to go and buy converters for SATA or would I be better off getting 2 brand new SATA hard drives?

Sorry for being off topic lol.
Crism said:
That thing looks like a beast! :eek: How would I manage IDE RAID on it though? (I've got 2 IDE Hard drives in RAID 0 on my current board). Would I have to go and buy converters for SATA or would I be better off getting 2 brand new SATA hard drives?

Sorry for being off topic lol.

Ah... I see... you could get a Promise Fastrack TX2000 pci controller or something.. I have one of those are they are very nice... RAID0, 1, or 0+1 for ATA133 drives. Or go SATA, but that would be more pricy.
100% above 40 fps at hell with my 20" widescreen monitor....wont let me set the resolution higher without editing the config file....i dont see how they could have relseased this game with this issue....
For my BFG 7800GT OC @ 460/1180, 81.84 drivers

Min: 32
AVG: 48
Max: 94

FPS Distribution
0% Below 25 FPS
40% Between 25 and 40 FPS
60% Above 40 FPS

SETTINGS (1600x1200)
Video Card Options:
Effects: all Maximum, except for Volumetric Light Density (Medium)
Graphics: 4xAF/0xAA, no soft shadows, no pixel doubling, no DX8 shaders, the rest on or maximum

Computer Options:
Maximum for all Physics/Sounds/Effects

I'm impressed with the performance considering how mediocre the demo ran on my old x800 XT PE and newer 7800 GT OC. And i'm even more impressed that my mediocre P4 3GHz is running the game very well. :p
Mine was something like this:

Min: 48
Ave: 96
Max: 236

At 1024x768


edit: I have 4800+ and 7800gtx's in SLI. My sig doesn't show when i post.
I know most people probably won't be believers. But my 9700Pro plays the SP demo at 1600x1200 with max settings (minus aa and af, but I haven't even tried that :p)
Still waiting for an x800xl user to post. ;)

I'm replacing my value mem with some OCZ EL Platinum Rev. 2 (2x512) Monday. I'll repost new scores then. :cool:

I play @ 10x7 with everything on MAX. Could go higher on the res, but I don't feel it looked at all different to me.

Nice looking game folks...I can tell u that.

EDIT: at 12x9 there is a 20fps loss but still PLAYS very well. This is maxed out too with all lighting effects and physics maxxxxxxxed!

mmynett said:

1600 x 1200

physics = max
effects = max

x2 fsaa
x8 anisotropic

whql driver 78.01

25 min 0 below 25
40 avg 63 between 25-40
78 max 37 above 40

updated drivers to 81.85 & new results below (no soft shadows):

1600 x 1200

physics = max
effects = max

x2 fsaa
x8 anisotropic

27 min 0 below 25
45 avg 47 between 25-40
86 max 53 above 40

Those drivers rock!
All with a single eVGA 7800 GT CO (470/1100)

Settings all maxed out except soft shadows, 2XAA 4XAF.



Wouldnt this post make more sense if we gave a standard of what to put the settings at? Like everyone put at full everything, 0AA 0AF no soft shadows? Then we could actually see the performance difference from card to card...
yeh thats a good idea...what do you suggest? 1024x768 wtih 4aa and 8af, all settings on max, with no soft shadows?
sounds good to me!

you should start a new thread though... Call it "Official" FEAR testing or something...

I went ahead and made it...
the only performance destroyer in this game are the shadows. disable them and you're gold. obviously this only applies to multiplayer since singleplayer minus shadows eviscerates sense of atmosphere.
Mine at 1024x768, 2Xaa and 16Xaf, no soft shadows, everything else maxed. Fear demo.
Min 28
Avg 62
Max 163

0% below 25 fps
21% between 25 and 40 fps
79% above 40 fps

Not bad for a aging X800XT Platinum Edition AGP card.
Got my new PC up and running and I'm more than happy with FEAR's performance on it,In fact this is my first AMD setup and must say I'm *VERY* impressed , For comparison sake I ran the exact same test on the new setup vs. my previous PC setup:

Previous PC: P4 2.8C @ 3.3ghz / Asus P4C800-E Deluxe mobo, 1gb Corsair PC3200 XMS / PNY 6800GT @ stock speed,
FEAR Settings = Both Computer and Graphics set on 'High' in fear which means no soft shadows / no AA / 4x AF / 1024x768 Etc.:

New PC: AMD X2 4800+ Dual Core / Asus A8N SLI Premium mobo, 2GB Corsair PC3200 XMS / EVGA 7800GTX KO Edition (will get a 2nd card for SLI soon), neither cpu or video overclocked or tweaked, Identical FEAR settings as above:
Rig: 4000+ clawhammer, 1GB Corsair 3200XL @ 2-2-2-5, 2xeVGA 7800GT CO

CPU and physics is maximum, running 4xAA (TSAA set in drivers) and 16xAF with everything else to maximum or on (including softshadows) with the exception of textures. Running that at medium since maximum seemed to cause hitching when I moved from one area to the next.

Test results at 1280x960

MIN: 50
AVG: 70
MAX: 199

% below 25: 0
% between 25 - 40: 0
% above 40: 100
ohhh thast why people get so high maximums they all have textures on medium...i dont hitch with everything on max (specs in sig) @ 128-x1024...
The hitching was felt more than seen. One of those you know it is there, but can not put your finger on it things. Also, to my eyes, at least as far as I have played there is not a big difference in look between textures on max or med.
Not sure exactly what I had changed before but in my previous post the graphics were showing "Custom" in the screenshot, Just to be sure ran it again this time making sure both Comp & Graphics show High, Max textures is enabled when using High mode as well, The results were pretty much the same:

Waiting to get a day off so I can actually enjoy this rig but so far from what I've tried (FarCry / FEAR/ Half Life 2) everything runs amazingly smooth :)

I was a little worried about making the switch to AMD after all the compatibility problems I've read about in the past ,but it appears the Nforce 4 chipset is solid as I haven't experienced any oddities or system instability.

At 1680x1050 everything maxed, no soft shadows, no aa, 4xaf. Pretty damn nice.

Bump everything up a fram and set the btwn 25-40 to 32% and you have my latest number at 490.
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