Post your 3dMark 2005 scores here. (Link to list in 1st post)

EQTakeOffense said:
Woo! 790
IT7-Max2 Ver. 2
Pentium 4 2.53B @ 2.76
ATi A.I.W 9700Pro (347, 336)
Audigy 2 OEM
WD 120Gb 8Mb Cache
512Mb Cosair DDR 3200

Ouch I get 2500 with my 9800 Pro/3200+ Athlon/no name ddr3200.

I am in front of MY computer now!! I missed it sooo much.

Here is the updated list with 396 scores now!

Even more good news is that I downloaded the 71.24 ForceWare, opened my window (Iowa has more than 1 foot of snow on the ground) which cooled my case to 30 F and I scored 5,554. I can probably beat that if I overclock higher than 430/1147.
damn it i got pushed out of the top 40... grrrrrrrrrrrrr

well at least im in the top 50
Just look at my AIW 9700 Pro beating or tieing the 9800 Pros and 9800 the only 9700 in the line =)

Shame i had to sell this card......6800nu on the way though =)

Btw fuggin awesome graph
i'll update my score lol

1542 with 9600 Pro @ 500/308

yay..gets me near the middle of all the 9600s. ahaha
My laptop just ran 05

1160 stock
1216 overclocked graphics

Not too shabby for an almost 2 year old laptop :cool:
mentok1982 said:
So um what card is in that laptop?

Duh sorry lol

Radeon 9600Pro 128 mobile. 375/255 clock settings. I think I can get it a bit higher without any problems, probably like 380/260ish....

My home machine I just built with an X800 pro hit 4795 last night. So you can add both :)
Ill oc it some tonight and break 5K I think. I need to do some tweaking first.
Just upgraded (1 hour ago :0 ) to SLI'd BFG 6600GT's

5885 (up from 4788 with "old" BFG 6800GT-OC'd to Ultra speed)

Seems to have been a good upgrade
Bloefield said:
That is a great score for a wicked rig!
Finally got my HD's Back

I think my Old scores:
66.83(?) Drivers: 3200 ish
71.24 Drivers: 3400ish

New Scores:
12 Pipeline 5 VShaders 71.24: 3443
16 Pipleline 6 VShaders 71.24: 3858

I like these scores. Specs in sig. On par with most non-oced 6800's anyways.

The list has been updated! Wow 413 scores...that is a lot. Check out the SLI scores, there are like 7 now I think.

Apologies to Mister E, I forgot to update his score before I took all the screenshots.



P4 2.8C
Intel D865GBF
2x512mb Geil pc3200 (Dual Channel)
Geforce 6800 16/6 @ 390:850

Score = 3,711

any suggestions? I mean I'm happy, but I want the most out of it :).
cpu power has everything to do with getting a higher score now huh!?