~PORTAL! Thread~

crap I didn't hear any commentary, didn't know there was supposed to be some =(, now I have to fix it and replay the game

That commentary is the best part of the game. The female voice absolutely made the game for me.
I don't know if it's been asked already in this thread, but is it possible to "steal" the music from the game--particularly the ending track? In fact, is it also possible to steal music from HL2 as well?
Just finished it. That was amazing, especially considering I had no initial desire to play it at all and just thought of it as a bonus with TF2. I'll really be surprised if E2 is as enjoyable as Portal.
I'm pissed.

Should've played Episode 2 first, because the ending of Portal cannot be beaten by Ep. 2. XD


After you get out of the actual 'lab' and off the cat-walk into the "offices", (where you can look through the windows at all of the previous "test-sties", On the computer screens, they loop the recipe for cake in fractured code.

Also, in that same area, there is a clip-board with, what I assume, is the number of a previous "contestant" who failed. They have a physical diagram of the creature and it looks ODDLY like a Zen inhabitant...

It owns:rolleyes:
Just finished EP2. Sounds like Aperture Science will have a very big role in EP3.

BTW: EP2's ending sucks a$$, and I thought it was supposed to be longer than EP1? EP2 didn't take me nearly as long to complete compared to EP1.

Very disappointed in the length, but Valves best story telling yet.

I would support this episodic content if there wasn't a 1 year delay on each episode. I think I may have just wanted to wait and get a full game than get these extra long demos.

Overall good job.
I didn't have any commentary or anything either during playing. :(

Any news on why yet?

Running Vista 64-bit.

edit n/m found other threads on the subject
I don't know if it's been asked already in this thread, but is it possible to "steal" the music from the game--particularly the ending track? In fact, is it also possible to steal music from HL2 as well?

GCFscape is your friend. Let's you explore the .GCF files and extract from them, including all the music files and GLaDOS voice files. Good times.
i just cant find a way across the goddam room in the challenge 18 . the one with turrets
That's the one that you access from the angle wall segment, right?


You have to send the balls of lightning from the rotating shooter into the turrets to kill them. Relatively simple.

The somewhat difficult part is powering up the generator to get the slide moving. It's timing based, so that's what makes it difficult imo. You have to click that red button on the pylon by using portals to get onto it, but it doesn't keep the door open so you have to be fast. From what I remember, I hit the red button, then quickly diverted a ball using one portal, then re-shot another portal at the square segment that you fall out of to click the red button. That way, on the bounce back, the ball would go out a different exit, this time going straight into the power up chamber.

Getting out is even more fun :D
First let me say this game is Awesome, although right now it is pissing me off I'm stuck on chapter 17 but I know I'm missing something really simple.
got 18. i got out and didnt launch me before the wall got back into place
Just beat it. That ending was freaking epic. Haven't even started EP2 yet (gotta beat EP1), but I don't think it can top that. I don't think any game can. Hats off to valve.
For those who were asking about the vent, and how to get into it, here ya go:

!!!!!!!!!Spoiler!!!! SOLUTION!!!!!!

Go back into the room with the rocket launcher and place a portal on a wall in it's little room. Go back near the vent where you see the whit tube running along the ceiling with companion boxes flying through. Place the exit portal across the room near the ceiling opposite the tube. Go back to the launcher and make it shoot a rocket through the portal. It will break open the tube, freeing a box to stand on.
heres a video for 18 (even though you already figured it out)
getting out is pretty simple so its not in the video
Level 18

Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System

"remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and i said Goodbye and you were like NOWAY, and then i was all we pretended we were going to murder you, that was great"

heh listening to the audio files..
"have i lied to you? i mean in this room? trust me, leave that thing alone"
For those who were asking about the vent, and how to get into it, here ya go:

!!!!!!!!!Spoiler!!!! SOLUTION!!!!!!

Go back into the room with the rocket launcher and place a portal on a wall in it's little room. Go back near the vent where you see the whit tube running along the ceiling with companion boxes flying through. Place the exit portal across the room near the ceiling opposite the tube. Go back to the launcher and make it shoot a rocket through the portal. It will break open the tube, freeing a box to stand on.

grabbing a chair from the previous room to stand on was easier, but I never thought to try shooting a rocket at it..
You know what Portal reminds me of, The Cube movies.

Haha same for me. The first 18 levels were kind of like Cube 2 being all white and such and the fact that it's a hypercube and we're essentially bending space in portal.

I must say though, this was probably one of the oddest games i've ever played. But entertaining none the less.

Also, don't know how you guys are passing it in 2 or 3 hours. I probably took 4 or 5. I didn't blast through the thing though. Took my time and played around a lot i guess. Didn't find any of the puzzles particularly hard...maybe some areas in the later levels but nothing major.

They did a great job of setting an erie atmosphere as well. I can say I was a little on edge in the later levels. Not really knowing what is going on or what is going to happen. Didn't really expect that kind of twist in the game. In games like Doom and Fear and all those you know someone is going to jump out at you and you know what they look like so it's no that bad. here, we don't really know whats coming and it creates a real tension filled atmosphere that I haven't experience in a game in a while. Kind of felt like watching a movie when you knew something bad might happen.
grabbing a chair from the previous room to stand on was easier, but I never thought to try shooting a rocket at it..

Hah! I did the same thing he did with the rocket. Never even thought to just grab a chair. I wonder if they did that on purpose, allow the player to over complicate things :p.
all people interested in the half life storyline need to see the powerpoint. stay alert for it
heres a video for 18 (even though you already figured it out)
getting out is pretty simple so its not in the video
Level 18

Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System

"remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and i said Goodbye and you were like NOWAY, and then i was all we pretended we were going to murder you, that was great"

heh listening to the audio files..
"have i lied to you? i mean in this room? trust me, leave that thing alone"

Ok I've done this about 60 times and cannot make the jump across. I miss by like 2 ft everytime. When jumping into the first portal, I'm jumping and then using momentum to enter the first portal at the top for best height... still nothing.

Suggestions? I've watched this video about 30 times and mimic it exactly. No go. :mad:
Hah! I did the same thing he did with the rocket. Never even thought to just grab a chair. I wonder if they did that on purpose, allow the player to over complicate things :p.


Ok I've done this about 60 times and cannot make the jump across. I miss by like 2 ft everytime. When jumping into the first portal, I'm jumping and then using momentum to enter the first portal at the top for best height... still nothing.

Haven't watched the movie yet and don't remember the exact puzzle, but what usually works for getting momentum is putting a portal on the ceiling / wall near ceiling, then putting one on the floor and going through the floor -> ceiling -> floor again (might need to remake portal as you fall), that will throw you pretty far.
great game lots of fun, funny as well, never got really stuck so i went through it pretty quick, wish it was longer :(
Just beat it and oh my god it's a FECKING masterpiece... I'm going to play through it with commentary sometime soon just to see how their brains work to make such a great game. I'm not a fanboy about much, but certainly a Valve fanboy. They even made fun of themselves in the Still Alive song "We're coming out of beta We're releasing on time." :p:p
Wow you guys are playing lvl 18 different... I'll do a quick video to show you "my" way that is pretty much fool-proof...
Soo0o0o0o that was pretty damn cool!!! I love the ending song.

How long did it take everyone to complete?>? I checked my steam id for the game and it said 3.4 hours.. And it seems like I took my time on it too.
Soo0o0o0o that was pretty damn cool!!! I love the ending song.

How long did it take everyone to complete?>? I checked my steam id for the game and it said 3.4 hours.. And it seems like I took my time on it too.

Took me 4 hours. I'm not a puzzle guy.
Soo0o0o0o that was pretty damn cool!!! I love the ending song.

How long did it take everyone to complete?>? I checked my steam id for the game and it said 3.4 hours.. And it seems like I took my time on it too.

2.7 hours without doing any bonus maps.