Player unknown Battlegrounds


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008

I wouldn't post this game but it's #7 for Steam Stats for players 58,000+ peak
Been playing this game for a bit, it's really fun.

General question tho, do you guys disable SLI when playing? I noticed when playing with SLI my 2nd gpu wasn't being used at all.
Is this still only available on the weekends? (I think i heard frankie1080p, say it was only up and running on weekends)


Scratch that I see it was for the beta. Picking it up now. Have been itching to play since i seen frankie playing it.
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I need a new computer to play this, and I would really like to play!

For those of you with specs in your sig, how well is your computer holding up with this game?

I have an i7-920 from 2008, so need a complete overhaul.
Newest game I've played with the old gal is 7 Days to Die... yeah.
I bought Squad and ended up crying it was so bad. :acry:

Long time AMD fan, but Ryzen left me with a few minor doubts, so I'm not sure what to do and am still researching.
Trying to find reviews of those who stream and play resource heavy games to see if those extra cores help at all.
Noticed a lot of streamers have 'donated' computers or capture cards, so tough to find.
Sure must be nice to receive 'free' hardware for a little pimpin'
I need a new computer to play this, and I would really like to play!

For those of you with specs in your sig, how well is your computer holding up with this game?

I have an i7-920 from 2008, so need a complete overhaul.
Newest game I've played with the old gal is 7 Days to Die... yeah.
I bought Squad and ended up crying it was so bad. :acry:

Long time AMD fan, but Ryzen left me with a few minor doubts, so I'm not sure what to do and am still researching.
Trying to find reviews of those who stream and play resource heavy games to see if those extra cores help at all.
Noticed a lot of streamers have 'donated' computers or capture cards, so tough to find.
Sure must be nice to receive 'free' hardware for a little pimpin'

Squad and Battlegrounds are poorly optimized and run poorly on any PC
Squad and Battlegrounds are poorly optimized and run poorly on any PC

I've also heard the same.
Have you played personally, have any opinion either way in regards to this game?

I lean towards buying cutting edge, but (($$$ x $$$)²)³ :banghead:
I am getting over 60 pretty constant with everything on Ultra.

4930K with a regular 980.
I am getting over 60 pretty constant with everything on Ultra.

4930K with a regular 980.

At 1080p or 1440p?

What do you think of the game so far?
Streams and YT videos I watch, I almost never see any game breaking bugs.
Really surprising since it's still EA.
Just a lot of cars doing barrell rolls!
Sorry I have a 1080p 144hz monitor. I like the game so far. I like that me and a friend can be a two player team. You can also do 4 player team modes. I think my only complaint is the over abundance of loot.
low settings really give an advantage while being inside buildings, its way less dark and easier to see items/people. I'd rather run high settings cause it does look way better. I have to either run high settings at 1080p to get above 40 fps in towns. or run low settings at 1440p. its hard to win a gun fight with less than 45 fps. I get lower cpu usage, about 50% with high settings at 1440p. compared to low settings I get cpu usage anywhere from 50%-100%, but better performance. I guess my card is bottlenecking at high settings, but cpu bottlenecking at low?

I'm skeptical of how much performance will improve. squad has been out for awhile now and people with the latest and greatest specs don't get much more performance then with older specs.
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Yea lowest Ive seen on ultra @1080 has been 62, upper is around 94, which is decent for me. May try messing with some settings and see if i can close that gap/keep it consistent.
So anyone who wants to play this game the least bit competitively will play with all low settings, right? This confuses me as to why any attention was put into graphic fidelity. I personally would like the game to look good as I play. I don't want to be going all Solid Snake as I crawl through the grass to line up a sniper shot but to everyone else they see a moron out in the open and prone in a barren, grass-less field.

That is my major setback that prevents me from getting this game...and also not having dependable internet, that too.
Hey guys I want to know if my laptop can run this game, I really want to play it noooow, I dont trust "Can you Run it" and that stuff so... A little help here! This are my spects
Been playing this game for a bit, it's really fun.

General question tho, do you guys disable SLI when playing? I noticed when playing with SLI my 2nd gpu wasn't being used at all.

The game runs on the Unreal 4 Engine which does not currently support SLI and there was a post from a dev stating that they had no intention of offering SLI support in the future either. They did mention that it might be possible to find a way to enable SLI support on the Unreal 4 engine but someone would have to find a way to do so unofficially.

So anyone who wants to play this game the least bit competitively will play with all low settings, right? This confuses me as to why any attention was put into graphic fidelity. I personally would like the game to look good as I play. I don't want to be going all Solid Snake as I crawl through the grass to line up a sniper shot but to everyone else they see a moron out in the open and prone in a barren, grass-less field.

That is my major setback that prevents me from getting this game...and also not having dependable internet, that too.

PLAYERUNKNOWN already stated that they will start forcing server-side foliage and shadow settings so everyone is competing on an even playing field. Naturally, some people are upset since this will raise the minimum specs needed to play the game, but it's a necessary move if they want the game to be competitive.

I've been following the game very closely but I'm waiting for first-person only hardcore servers to come out before I jump in.
I made it down to #3 in a solo game. the circle ended up going to a open field lol. I only killed 1 person. I was playing duo game and frame rate was going from 60 to 25 almost the whole time. the performance update ETA: Apr. 14th hopefully that fixes things.

if my cpu usage is at 50%, does that mean my bottleneck is the card?
After playing a lot of Duo with my friend this weekend I think the #1 problem with this game right now is the lag. They need to improve that big time as well.
I think when playing as a squad or duo and you go down. you should be able to be revived as long as you have a team mate up.
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Yea really digging the game. Lag needs to be fixed, but that will be in time. I am really looking forward to hardcore/fps view only! That will be great.

Only seen 1 or 2 hackers. And before anyone says im bullshiting. Well I am in a house with no windows doors closed in a bathroom. Been camping for 3-4 minutes because of the area size going down. And I hear shots in the distance and someone is shooting me threw the house walls/doors and kills me.

But these a minor gripes. Really digging the game.

edit: Games runs perfect on setting in Sig. Never dips below 60fps. Everything maxed out (except motion blur)
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Yea really digging the game. Lag needs to be fixed, but that will be in time. I am really looking forward to hardcore/fps view only! That will be great.

Only seen 1 or 2 hackers. And before anyone says im bullshiting. Well I am in a house with no windows doors closed in a bathroom. Been camping for 3-4 minutes because of the area size going down. And I hear shots in the distance and someone is shooting me threw the house walls/doors and kills me.

But these a minor gripes. Really digging the game.

edit: Games runs perfect on setting in Sig. Never dips below 60fps. Everything maxed out (except motion blur)
what res are you using? maybe your head or feet were sticking out of the wall? i dont know if it happens in this game but i wouldnt be surprised. playing duo is so much fun, every team mate so far has had a mic.
what res are you using? maybe your head or feet were sticking out of the wall? i dont know if it happens in this game but i wouldnt be surprised. playing duo is so much fun, every team mate so far has had a mic.

1080p. And maybe? I mean I made sure to be in the middle because I have killed people knowing where they are because their gun was sticking out of the wall.

The shots I heard were from a long distance. No way he could see me. Too bad there isnt any chat.
1080p. And maybe? I mean I made sure to be in the middle because I have killed people knowing where they are because their gun was sticking out of the wall.

The shots I heard were from a long distance. No way he could see me. Too bad there isnt any chat.
well there is that sniper rifle with the 8x scope i think that you get from crate drops. i didn't know you could shoot through walls. i assume just wood ones?

I swear i think my frame rate went up tonight. maybe a server update, or I kept getting into areas easy on fps. i wouldnt expect a server update to impact fps.
well there is that sniper rifle with the 8x scope i think that you get from crate drops. i didn't know you could shoot through walls. i assume just wood ones?

I swear i think my frame rate went up tonight. maybe a server update or my imagination. i wouldnt expect a server update to impact fps.

Not sure why the frame rate went up. The big update isnt until the 14th.
I've also heard the same.
Have you played personally, have any opinion either way in regards to this game?

I lean towards buying cutting edge, but (($$$ x $$$)²)³ :banghead:

Yes I have both Squad and Battleground. I manage to run both games at 60FPS with an i5-3570 and GTX 970 at 1080P. I'd like to upgrade to a 1070 or 1080 in the future.

Battlegrounds is very playable right now, as mentioned above the biggest issue is the lag but luckily this doesn't effect shooting but just causes a delay picking up loot and opening doors. H1Z1 had this issue for awhile until they fixed it. I also like the shooting in Battleground because it has a great variety of guns and attachments which all shoot differently. Very satisfying shootouts.
They just released a hotfix for lag/rubberbanding according to their Facebook, has anyone tried it yet?
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I've been playing the shit out of this game and have had a hell of a time in duo + squad with my buddies. As others have said, it needs a lot of work with optimizing network lag and overall performance. However, since I have a top end system (7700k@5 ghz + titan x pascal) the performance for me at 1440p is quite good. However, I do run with foilage and shadows on very low just for competitive reasons since both will hinder you otherwise so if they do plan on forcing it server side at some point, they should wait until the game is better optimized for the additional load. Anyhow, here's a video I uploaded tonight:

and another video from my buddy's point of view where I killed the other squad w/a crow bar:

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I was in school and noticed someone running the halls so i chased him down, I was scared shit less and even called out i was dead.. But low and behold, my fists of steel kicked his ass! He had a shotgun and a scar lol

Sorry but this was my most satisfying kill!


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client and server patch was suppose to come out yesterday but:

"After deploying the patch we found that it was causing an unforeseen memory crash for many users and we rolled it back to investigate. When we find and fix the reason for the crash, we will roll the patch out once more. No ETA yet. Thank you for your understanding."
I really enjoy this game. I just built a new rig and bought this on a whim based on this thread. It has the aspects of games like DayZ that I liked but it's faster paced. I like the sense of urgency with the closing play zone. I like the abundance of weapons/gear.

Yea, only played a few hours, but I really like it.
This is true! Truth be told i never even tried a battle royal game, nor the mod in arma, but im stuck on this game. Dunno what it is, even playing solo is fun as shit.. Cant wait for the new map, (If i remember right, i though i heard something about one eventually coming out).

Only real gripe i have is the damn footsteps even with my headphones, i never hear them when im camping out a attic or room, and someone just randomly walks in and blows me away..
Looks to be going strong still thus far, good to see.

Can't justify a new PC at the moment, but I want one, so maybe soon!

Still watching people stream/YT and can tell it's a blast to play, so have fun.