Planetside 2


New manufacturing contracts will now allow soldiers to purchase a flamethrower for their MAX system for the low low price of 8,000 Auraxium! In unrelated sales, our patent pending” burn creams, ointment and do it yourself skin-graft™ “ kits can be had for the low low price of 9,000 Auraxium.
MAX units now require resources and have a respawn timer.

Outstanding, this was a huge problem as people could just zerg max suits on cap points and it was impossible to defend. So far so good, certainly coming a long way.
Outstanding, this was a huge problem as people could just zerg max suits on cap points and it was impossible to defend. So far so good, certainly coming a long way.

Yup. The Dev team was really against putting a timer and resource cost on the maxes however they finally caved into what the community recommended. Really an amazing Dev team IMO.
Anyone know the best way to get a beta invite at this point besides buying the alpha package.
Anyone know the best way to get a beta invite at this point besides buying the alpha package.

Beg on twitter or scout forums for people giving them away for free. Sometimes PlanetSide Universe gets a good amount of keys (75+). Keep an eye on their FB/Twitter and they say when they have them in. They can sit there for awhile sometimes.
Beg on twitter or scout forums for people giving them away for free. Sometimes PlanetSide Universe gets a good amount of keys (75+). Keep an eye on their FB/Twitter and they say when they have them in. They can sit there for awhile sometimes.

Thanks for the info. Guess I was lucky because I just got a beta invite last night without having to do anything. Downloading now.
got a beta invite to my email, no code, just a link where I had to log in, downloaded last night, finally get to check it out after work today.
DId they ever stop the huge patches every other day? Is it settling down?

I'm on 3g wireless internet, and I stopped trying to log in as every week it seems I have 1-3 gbs worth of patches, and my 50-60KB/s transfers just can't handle it.
DId they ever stop the huge patches every other day? Is it settling down?

I'm on 3g wireless internet, and I stopped trying to log in as every week it seems I have 1-3 gbs worth of patches, and my 50-60KB/s transfers just can't handle it.

That and fast paced, low latency FPS shooters over wireless is not the best experience to begin with.
That and fast paced, low latency FPS shooters over wireless is not the best experience to begin with.

I know. But its my only option. PS2 actually worked decently when I was able to play it earlier in the betas (with less patches)... Just minimal lag at times. The killer is the continous downloads.
Got a beta invite as well. Probably won't play it any time soon due to BL2, though.

Weird, I get BL2 and TL2 being released, and in the surrounding weeks I get invites to MW:O and Planetside 2. TOO MANY GAMES.
Ugh the server changes and character wipes have really put me off playing, a lot of the beta guild activity has dropped off as well, I think this is a game that is going to suffer being in beta as long as character wipes are planned.

I knew it was coming and was prepared for the loss but it just puts me off playing further in the beta, sad truth.
I imagine a lot of people will log back in to check out Essamir in a couple weeks.
Ugh the server changes and character wipes have really put me off playing, a lot of the beta guild activity has dropped off as well, I think this is a game that is going to suffer being in beta as long as character wipes are planned.

I knew it was coming and was prepared for the loss but it just puts me off playing further in the beta, sad truth.

well with the fact that they added crap load more people to the beta i think its a good thing to start everyone at the beginning.. either way i don't mind, the games fun as hell so far.
I was recently awarded a beta key through Twitter. Is there any clans here that I could join up with?
Ugh the server changes and character wipes have really put me off playing, a lot of the beta guild activity has dropped off as well, I think this is a game that is going to suffer being in beta as long as character wipes are planned.

I knew it was coming and was prepared for the loss but it just puts me off playing further in the beta, sad truth.

Over the last week the cert rate has been jacked up to warp speed. You get around 6k certs a day, its been great to try out all the different options.
I played in the tech test and for first couple weeks for beta, but havent had much desire to play since. Will update my client later and see what changes theyve made and hope for the best.
I played in the tech test and for first couple weeks for beta, but havent had much desire to play since. Will update my client later and see what changes theyve made and hope for the best.

Wait till tmrw, a massive patch is coming at 12 AM PST
New patch notes, new ice continent and lots of new certs.

Notable Bugs:

Players should once again be able to send messages to players on friends or outfits list by clicking on the Send Message button. The battlefield is no place for miming.
Players with Nanoweave armor can once again be revived. There wasn't really a problem, we just had to teach Combat Medics how to unbutton it.
Instant Action options should no longer send you where you don't select. Seriously we mean it this time!
A bug was fixed that prevented people from shooting if they died with the Ammunition Belt equipped. You were of course weighted down with ammo so if you don't want things realistic just say so.


New Conglomerate light machine guns are now doing slightly more damage. We haven't adjusted the weapons so we're looking into the possibility it's fueled by rage.
Vanu Sovereignty light machines guns are now better designed to fire on the fly. We tried to pin this on rage also but it's the Vanu Sovereignty. What expressions DO they make under those masks?
General infrantry weapons are now a little more accurate. We'd like to say this will make you a better soldier but realistically this just means you are going to get shot more. Why did we change it? Surplus bandaids. These babies gotta move.


Overall certification rate gain has been slowed significantly and costs have gone down. This is math and we don't expect you grunts to think much about it. Just focus on not getting blown up.


The Flash and Sunderer now have certifications to increase Top Speed and Braking Force. Let's be honest. Brakes really aren't going to help you run people over and crashes are more spectacular at increased speed.
The Flash now has a certification for the NFI-2000 Turbo which will temporarily increase its speed. We know you are going to try it because it has the word Turbo in it. Don't worry about the fact you effectively have a small afterburner beneath your crotch. We've tested this thing successfully at least twice, and sometimes the driver didn’t even die.
Vehicle collision has been adjusted, meaning no more Jenga towers with the tanks. Seriously people, do you know what that does to a front end alignment?


An ammunition belt certification is now available for the Infiltrator. Yes, we know everyone else already had one, but YOU guys were the ones who complained it didn't come in black.
The MAX will now start with one of each weapon type. A previous shortage in flamethrower fuel has been rectified. Unrelated, tiki torches are no longer available for afterhours parties.
A Recon Detect Device is now available for Infiltrators. This will allow you track vehicles by hitting them with a tracker. While tagging your fellow soldier may seem fun, these are PROJECTILES. Does someone really need to have an eye put out?


The new continent of Esamir is now available for players. Ok, technically it's not new and it's always kind of been there on the other side of the world, but Maintenance now has the warpgate issue fixed. Really! We've only had one incident of body parts being rearranged incorrectly, and you'd be surprised how easy it is to learn to walk on your hands.
Shield Generators in the various bases now have to be overloaded as mentioned above. While they've been improved enough to be immune to C4, unfortunately all you need to do to overload them is stand close enough to start breaking them. We've nicknamed the person who gets this responsibility "bait."
Note: There were a few hiccups with shield generators. Overloading doesn't display the correct effects and alarms, The HUD indicators aren't blinking yet, and we don't have the voice over. We'll have this resolved as soon as possible.
Population caps have been put in place for Empires and continents. We understand some of you may be concerned we are tampering with who can enter a certain area, but the alternative was tampering with your DNA. Trust me. This is much better.


New voiceover is available for spotting targets. We originally had a creepy kid whispering "I see dead people" but we think you'll prefer this.
Tried playing for the first time tonight. Seemed pretty terrible. Driving a tank in combat results in dozens of friendly infantry troops running out in front of you instantly weapon locking you for 15 minutes as well. Lots of fun there. Not impressed.
Tried playing for the first time tonight. Seemed pretty terrible. Driving a tank in combat results in dozens of friendly infantry troops running out in front of you instantly weapon locking you for 15 minutes as well. Lots of fun there. Not impressed.

How many people did you run over? lol

I wouldn't advise driving around the warpgate, get a jet and fly to where you need to be and grab a tank there.
How many people did you run over? lol

I wouldn't advise driving around the warpgate, get a jet and fly to where you need to be and grab a tank there.

It was a base rush. Shields went down, armor starts moving in and all of a sudden infantry are all over the place running in front of tanks. I killed maybe 10 people? Killed 2 or 3 moving forward, stopped and start moving backwards because I am taking hits, roll over another 6 or so.
It was a base rush. Shields went down, armor starts moving in and all of a sudden infantry are all over the place running in front of tanks. I killed maybe 10 people? Killed 2 or 3 moving forward, stopped and start moving backwards because I am taking hits, roll over another 6 or so.

Gotta look behind you when driving in reverse just like IRL. :p
Holy fuck this game massacres my computer like literally no other before it. It seems especially CPU heavy, like smashing my overclocked Q6600 into the fucking ground mercilessly.

A 3570k may be in the cards...
Got a beta invite yesterday, might give it a try as my weekend begins tomorrow.
Holy fuck this game massacres my computer like literally no other before it. It seems especially CPU heavy, like smashing my overclocked Q6600 into the fucking ground mercilessly.

A 3570k may be in the cards...

yeah i have everything on low or off and get 35-55fps.. my poor computer :( though i think some of the frame rate issues can be fixed through some updates. i notice though if i fly around the map in a fighter and cache as much of the map as possible my frame rate issues start to smooth out and it stays around 40-45 fps until some heavy fighting starts.

Stupid question.... how does one use abilities?

look through the controls and stuff.. i usually fly or am a gunner on the aircraft, my frame rate sucks to much to run around so i don't know much about any ability stuff.

unless you are refering to the certification system, that you just click the down arrow at the top right of the certification page.

Got a beta invite yesterday, might give it a try as my weekend begins tomorrow.

its fun as hell just be warned there are a lot of useless trolls but they are getting cleaned out of the beta by the developers.

It was a base rush. Shields went down, armor starts moving in and all of a sudden infantry are all over the place running in front of tanks. I killed maybe 10 people? Killed 2 or 3 moving forward, stopped and start moving backwards because I am taking hits, roll over another 6 or so.

gotta use your head when your in base rushes you are there to protect the infantry not rush the base so you have to move with them not go ahead of them. you can also press T to get the third person view and look around your tank so you don't run people over. its a good habit to get into.
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Tried playing for the first time tonight. Seemed pretty terrible. Driving a tank in combat results in dozens of friendly infantry troops running out in front of you instantly weapon locking you for 15 minutes as well. Lots of fun there. Not impressed.

i'm kind of with you on what you're saying.
Got a beta invite so I tried it. LOVED the first planetside.

First thing... HORRIBLE framerates. OC Q6600 @ 3.2GHz, 8MB ram, AMD HD6870, 1680x1050rez. I seriously had to turn the graphics to LOW on everything.

I do plan on upgrading my system (it IS a q6600 i built years ago), but man. It crushes my system.

Regardless of the graphics settings, I did have a good time playing for an hour. Once I figured out to jump in instant action, it was really fun and brought me back to the great times I played planetside.

So far, I found the entry weapons to be pretty balanced. I haven't got enough BR to do anything crazy.
sniper rifles in Vanu are pissing me off, not sure about TR - but I'm fairly certain the starting sniper rifle for Vanu is semi-automatic and can be shot from the hip... there have been multiple occasions where a cloaked infiltrator, decloaks and opens up on 2-3 people with a sniper rifle at <5m range... it's rather ridiculous and frustrating

I'm comparing this directly to the NC starting bolt-action sniper rifle that you cannot do this with. Sure supposedly it is a more powerful sniper rifle for the single shot for NC - but c'mon the semi-automatic is ezmode by comparison.

Oh well, maybe buying a different weapon and getting upgrades through cert points will help counter balance this a bit.

I almost have enough Auraxium (7500) to buy a lock-on rocket launcher... I think it's called the Claw, can't remember - the anti-vehicle one though, not the AA one.
Game is running well on my system, even with tons of people it remains playable. i7-920 and SLI 460s.

And yeah, this game is fun as hell, just like the first PS.

Stupid question.... how does one use abilities?

Default is F. That turns on the infiltrator cloaks, light infantry jump jets, heavy shields, etc.
First thing... HORRIBLE framerates. OC Q6600 @ 3.2GHz, 8MB ram, AMD HD6870, 1680x1050rez. I seriously had to turn the graphics to LOW on everything.

I do plan on upgrading my system (it IS a q6600 i built years ago), but man. It crushes my system.

You're not alone, the CPU requirements for the game are through the roof, I have a i7 2600K Quad core with HT enabled, clocked at 4.7Ghz and using 16Gb of RAM and my frame rates aren't especially great in the large battles.

The biggest slap in the face is the game is no where close to loading all the cores efficiently, it doesn't max out a single core, much less multiple cores.

Hopefully they'll improve that significantly in the coming months, only time will tell.
You're not alone, the CPU requirements for the game are through the roof, I have a i7 2600K Quad core with HT enabled, clocked at 4.7Ghz and using 16Gb of RAM and my frame rates aren't especially great in the large battles.

The biggest slap in the face is the game is no where close to loading all the cores efficiently, it doesn't max out a single core, much less multiple cores.

Hopefully they'll improve that significantly in the coming months, only time will tell.

I have the rig in my sig and no framerate problems, maxed out. I capped it at 60fps and it seems like I'm between 50 and 60.

With how slow and expensive it is to unlock new weapons and modules, I wish there was a "test area" where you could try out guns and the such before committing to buy them. Like a target range.
I have the rig in my sig and no framerate problems, maxed out. I capped it at 60fps and it seems like I'm between 50 and 60.

With how slow and expensive it is to unlock new weapons and modules, I wish there was a "test area" where you could try out guns and the such before committing to buy them. Like a target range.

Didn't the first PS have such an area? I vaguely remember a firing range with different targets at varying ranges.
I have the rig in my sig and no framerate problems, maxed out. I capped it at 60fps and it seems like I'm between 50 and 60.

Well the fps is 100+ in a lot of areas but in massive battles it's lucky to get above 30fps, I've not played beta in a while though so maybe there's been more performance tweaks, I hope so.

Didn't the first PS have such an area? I vaguely remember a firing range with different targets at varying ranges.

They did, there was both a firing range for trying weapons and a VR simulator where you could spawn vehicles and drive around to test them, very handy.
Performance is probably a top complaint but it seems that right now optimizations are not a priority and just come with the updates(or break with the updates). They are still adding, changing, tweaking, and other stuff. Can't really optimize when new things are being added constantly. The devs would be endlessly trying to optimize because each new thing would change something.
All my textures won't load in this game. Is this a known issue? It's as if the basic texture loads, looks like everything is shiny rubber. No detail. I would like to tell the devs but don't know how to do that