Planetside 2

All my textures won't load in this game. Is this a known issue? It's as if the basic texture loads, looks like everything is shiny rubber. No detail. I would like to tell the devs but don't know how to do that

I never heard of that. Try a clean install of your graphics drivers and playing around with a couple different releases. If that doesn't change anything you may want to seek help on the official forum.
All my textures won't load in this game. Is this a known issue? It's as if the basic texture loads, looks like everything is shiny rubber. No detail. I would like to tell the devs but don't know how to do that

check your graphic settings, and make sure the rendering quality is set at 100.
check your graphic settings, and make sure the rendering quality is set at 100.

I discovered what the issue is. My CPU is maxing at 80% with this game and my GPU is maxing out at 61%. It appears the planetside 2 forums are down. Anyone know why? OR does anyone else have this issue with hardware not being pushed?
Certs are so easy to get now. Instead of requiring 1000 exp, it now takes 250. This makes for a much more enjoyable experience.
Did that just change a day or so ago?

they changed it in the 10/18 update. because they got rid of aur. to much of a pain in the ass to balance how and when to give out aux and also keeping the afk'ers taking up server slots farming aur by doing nothing.

but it looks like they are changing the passive cert gain in a hot fix tonight while the servers are down.
I got into the beta last night. I played for 5 minutes or so before bed, but had no idea what was going on. I went to the areas on the map that said "instant action", but it was all a lie! No action to be had! I'll have to dick around with it some more over the weekend...
I got into the beta last night. I played for 5 minutes or so before bed, but had no idea what was going on. I went to the areas on the map that said "instant action", but it was all a lie! No action to be had! I'll have to dick around with it some more over the weekend...

you have to actually go off a bit, it's not always AT the base
Release date is official. 11.20.2012

Wow, that seems quick, wouldn't they have to go gold as of right now to hit that? Just from casually browsing through the thread, it seemed like there was still a lot of working going on with it.
Wow, that seems quick, wouldn't they have to go gold as of right now to hit that? Just from casually browsing through the thread, it seemed like there was still a lot of working going on with it.

Gold would mean they were shipping a retail disc. This game is F2P/Downloaded so all they have to do is push out the most up to date client the day of launch.
Man, I really want to get into this, but I think it's one of those games where you need lots of friends playing....unfortunately, all my close friends have jumped ship and gone console. Is there an [H] group for gameplay?
Man, I really want to get into this, but I think it's one of those games where you need lots of friends playing....unfortunately, all my close friends have jumped ship and gone console. Is there an [H] group for gameplay?

i am down to give it another go.. i got in a long time ago it feels like and i was not satisfied with the current state of the game.. there were some serious balancing issues
A month is too soon. Smed thinks they have plenty of time, but unless they fix this CPU bound problem, I am not going to want to play it
A month is too soon. Smed thinks they have plenty of time, but unless they fix this CPU bound problem, I am not going to want to play it

I hope you realize that there is always going to be a bottleneck with any piece of software. You can't expect to have infinite performance. Do you want it to be bottlenecked by the GPU instead? Why don't you either overclock your CPU or get a new one if it's an issue?
I was getting 30-35fps with my rig and the graphics were blurry and looked like 640p stretched to 1080. I am not sure what exactly fixed it, but I updated to the latest Nvidia driver, updated the game, forced AA override in NVCP and found a small line of text to delete in one of the config files pertaining to FXAA. Graphics were fixed and gain almost 50% fps. This game isn't going to be released early and then never fixed like BF3. The release date seems like it will just be when they allow everyone to play, unlock all the features, and probably wipe all the beta stats. Since their revenue stream depends on people playing over the long term, the release will be just the beginning as it pertains to updates and fixes
I hope you realize that there is always going to be a bottleneck with any piece of software. You can't expect to have infinite performance. Do you want it to be bottlenecked by the GPU instead? Why don't you either overclock your CPU or get a new one if it's an issue?

How familiar are you with this game's performance? The game is extremely CPU bound. People are likely not getting good stable performance unless they have a Core i7 920 or Core i5 750 or later. Phenom II X2/4 and C2D/Q all have awful performance in this game unless they are very high clocked. I really have only seen Phenom II CPUs get decent performance at over 4GHz. Some people even with SB CPUs are having performance issues as well, SOE has a lot of work to do.

For the record the person you are quoting is already overclocking if you looked at his sig too.
How is this game ? I haven't played a fun multiplayer game in years, with young kids been out of the gaming scene last few years. My recent combat games have been BattleField 2 and Joint Op's from like five years ago.

I am looking to get back into a fun PC game again, is this the one ?
I have been signed up for the beta for several months now, just got my beta key the other day. Haven't gotten around to installing it yet. Can anyone put up screenshots from this game? or is it still on NDA? I never played the first PS, but the concept of this really has me interested BUT again free to play... eh. And such a variety of opinions on it make me uncertain.
I have been signed up for the beta for several months now, just got my beta key the other day. Haven't gotten around to installing it yet. Can anyone put up screenshots from this game? or is it still on NDA? I never played the first PS, but the concept of this really has me interested BUT again free to play... eh. And such a variety of opinions on it make me uncertain.

NDA is long gone. Say and put up w/e you want. F2P is the last issue with this game. Between pinning down balance, map/fight flow, and performance SOE has a lot to do in the next month. F2P is what will make this game work in the long run. There is nearly 2000 people per cont/6000 server. You need a healthy population to make this game work.
Thanks, I thought the NDA was gone but since I never see a screenshot in this forum I was wondering. Heh. I like the free to play aspect of it, but just a bit worried it'll be like some other f2p games that make you feel obligated to spend money to play well. I keep hearing people say the vehicle combat is fun but the foot battles aren't balanced at all making it not fun. I really want to play just having second thoughts.. I'm prolly ocd about installing something then it nit living up to expectations lol
I hope you realize that there is always going to be a bottleneck with any piece of software. You can't expect to have infinite performance. Do you want it to be bottlenecked by the GPU instead? Why don't you either overclock your CPU or get a new one if it's an issue?

Are you trolling? The game isn't even utilizing the CPU to 100%. They are aware that it is an issue. There is no "bottleneck", it's a lack of utilizing hardware.

And I AM Overclocking my CPU...
How familiar are you with this game's performance? The game is extremely CPU bound. People are likely not getting good stable performance unless they have a Core i7 920 or Core i5 750 or later. Phenom II X2/4 and C2D/Q all have awful performance in this game unless they are very high clocked. I really have only seen Phenom II CPUs get decent performance at over 4GHz. Some people even with SB CPUs are having performance issues as well, SOE has a lot of work to do.

For the record the person you are quoting is already overclocking if you looked at his sig too.

He was saying something ignorant to start an argument. I'm glad you know where I am coming from.
NDA is long gone. Say and put up w/e you want. F2P is the last issue with this game. Between pinning down balance, map/fight flow, and performance SOE has a lot to do in the next month. F2P is what will make this game work in the long run. There is nearly 2000 people per cont/6000 server. You need a healthy population to make this game work.

My main thing is that I feel there is no real way to successfully defend a base. You WILL lose it eventually. I have yet to see a base attack that has not ended in a take-over. I'm sure it has happened, I just haven't seen it
My main thing is that I feel there is no real way to successfully defend a base. You WILL lose it eventually. I have yet to see a base attack that has not ended in a take-over. I'm sure it has happened, I just haven't seen it

That is what I mean by Map/fight flow. A lot still has to be done IMO.
I played a ton of this over the weekend. Defense is definitely viable as long as you aren't completely zerged. Certain bases are easier to hold than others and you get +500 defense points several times if you stick around.

I was doing some double-burster MAX anti-air. Skyguard may technically be better AA damage but the MAX is a lot easier to use and more readily available. Fighters have no hope and go down in a few seconds. It will take a reload or two but shooting down bombers, full galaxies, pretty much anything gives a ton of certs if you stick with it for a few hours.

The game is fun as hell though. My MAX had no ability to deal with infantry and at one point two light infantry chased me. This was on a tower with those jump pads like Quake3 had. So I jumped to the next watchtower, then the next, etc around in a circle, with these guys chasing me. Eventually one got ahead, and just as he landed - BAM, yes I have a melee attack :D Insta kill, did the same to the other guy a few seconds later. I love little moments like that.
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I played a ton of this over the weekend. Defense is definitely viable as long as you aren't completely zerged. Certain bases are easier to hold than others and you get +500 defense points several times if you stick around.

Yeah I guess its also matter of if the other teamms give up ever. I just think defense should have a slight advantage...I mean they are in fucking armored base..It should take skill to capture. Not numbers
A lot of it is the natural advantage of being the defender, taking advantage of bottlenecks and whatnot. I defended two bases over the weekend: the jump pad base (A_something bio lab in Esamir west coast) and Jaegers Crossing south of that.

Jump Pad base had a major defender advantage, since the capture points are inside a huge dome and the only way in is via the jump pads. It didnt matter how many attacking tanks were swarming around outside. That landing pad was a goddamn killing zone as single infantry jumped in one at a time every second or two and were gunned down.

The other base had forcefields blocking attackers from getting in and a single tall tower. With no enemy infantry to worry about that was perfect for AA-Max dominance. That base did eventually fall but it took at least an hour and I racked up a stupid amount of kills in the meantime. I don't think pilots actually expect AA. By the time you start firing its too late for them.
How do you swap continents? I assume its probably at the warp gate but couldn't find it?
and found a small line of text to delete in one of the config files pertaining to FXAA.

Did they not get rid of that terrible FXAA yet? I haven't been on the game in a while, but that was one of the things that actually bothered me most. It was some of the worst FXAA I have ever seen in any game, period.
I havent played for about 2 months. Are the terrible framerate issues gone yet that were associated with the HUD and overlay icons?
How demanding is this game on 27" 2560 x 1440 monitors ? Can a GTX-670 or Radeon 7950 handle this game maxed out ? Or do you need a GTX-680 or Radeon 7970 ?
I play it at 2560x1440 on dual 460s, system in my sig, and it runs great. A 670 will be fine. Seems more CPU-constrained than most games.

Only been playing a few weeks so I dont know how performance now compares to prior versions.

edit: reminds me to update my sig!
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I'm really tempted to get the pre-purchase bundle... but I really want to try the game out to see if its even my style... I never played PS1...

anyone have an extra key to trade? I have a few steam games I can trade

I never played PS1 either. People on the PS2 forums seems to get extremely pissy when you compare PS2 and BF3. When in reality they are almost the same exact game. The difference being that you have futurish weapons and the scale is a billion times larger. Everything I learned from BF3 transfered right over.

Other minor differences:
Squads of 8(?)
In game voice chat: squad chat, and proximity chat
night/day cycles
no parachutes (which i find odd that armies in the future didnt think of this)
im sure theres plenty of othes.
Well, i did really enjoy BF3, and squads of 8 i like too, since there will probably be 6-7 of my friends playing at release...
I never played PS1 either. People on the PS2 forums seems to get extremely pissy when you compare PS2 and BF3. When in reality they are almost the same exact game. The difference being that you have futurish weapons and the scale is a billion times larger. Everything I learned from BF3 transfered right over.

Other minor differences:
Squads of 8(?)
In game voice chat: squad chat, and proximity chat
night/day cycles
no parachutes (which i find odd that armies in the future didnt think of this)
im sure theres plenty of othes.

Planetside 2 supports up to 12 players per squad I think.