People Touching your Box

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Quite frankly reading through this I see some things I wish to point out.

I respect my daughters and sons privacy. But, If I suspected anything, I would gladly look through anything of theirs. Including the PC.

they live in my house so they respect my rules.

Now I know that a lot of the previous posts wher people talk tough, but if one of my children did that to me, or yelled at me or anything of the above, my belt would be off so fast they wouldnt see it happen.

Respect. That is how it works.....But respecting other peoples property is important too..
jordan12 said:
Quite frankly reading through this I see some things I wish to point out.

I respect my daughters and sons privacy. But, If I suspected anything, I would gladly look through anything of theirs. Including the PC.

they live in my house so they respect my rules.

Now I know that a lot of the previous posts wher people talk tough, but if one of my children did that to me, or yelled at me or anything of the above, my belt would be off so fast they wouldnt see it happen.

Respect. That is how it works.....But respecting other peoples property is important too..

Okay...let's reiterate...this woman opened the side of a machine she knew nothing about, tried to yank out a delicate and probably expensive piece of electronic equipment, and likely would have broken it had she had her convictions about her.

I respect my parents more than most people I know. Why? My parents aren't as stupid (no offense to the OP or his family) as that woman acted. That's ignorant destruction. Respect must be earned, it's not automatic. I've known people who were parents that I knew were complete brain-dead abusive domineering douchepuddles. Why should they be respected?
lol @ the guy w/ the poison thing filled w/ gatorade, at first i thought the label said "PISS" :D

my parents would never need to open up the computer, and im glad about that. we have 3 working comps in the house right now, will b 4 in a couple months. if one doesnt work for some reason, they know that me and my brother know more about the hardware stuff than they do so they'll wait till one of us gets home if neither of us are available, and they just move on to another computer. if that one doesnt work too, they move to another one. if that one doesnt work, check the lights, the power must've gone out >.>
Aelfgeft said:
I'd have knocked him on his ass. That's the equivalent of someone getting in your car and taking a ride, or going in your house and rifling through your closets.

There are real drawbacks to the PC community...

or touching my girlfriends privates ;)
We have a family computer and one of my sisters has her own, so no one has any need to be on my PC. The only odd times where they had/wanted to use it, they asked first (especially after seeing how the family computer seems to always have some weird adware/spyware/crapware slowing it down, I don't want someone getting that crap on my computer).

I generally software-lock my computer when I leave the house, so not likely for anyone to wreak havoc on it when I'm not around.

As a general rule, I don't like anyone playing with my PC hardware, unless it's one of my friend who's more competent than me (even then, I prefer handling it myself if they need to test one of their components). I've invested several thousands of dollars in my rig, so if there's gonna be a hardware failure, I'd rather be the one responsible for it.
I actually kind of want people to be able to get on my computer, to see how much faster it is than theirs and explain to them that it's because their computer has a Pentium 4 in it, making it much much slower. ;)

Seriously though, like someone before me mentioned, I would like it if people just washed their hands before using my machine. I mean, I know hands get ass dirty really easily, and I treat my computer very well in that respect, and I kind of expect the same. Only problem is, if someone asks if they can use your computer "really quickly, just to check my email," they look at you like you're the biggest dick in the world when you ask them to wash up first.

Maybe I should just keep a second keyboard and mouse set around for "guests". :)
I think the wife finally learned her lesson. About 2 weeks ago, when for the third damn time , she installed msn messenger and had one of her chat buddies from WoW send her a fucking virus, on my computer. Now for some stupid reason she turned off real time monitoring on my virus protection. I came home from work to get the "you're going to be mad at me, but I kinda got a virus on your computer". WTF were you doing installing that stupid shit on my box for?!?! After realising it was completely hopeless to try and save any files (esp my 600+ title dvd list, thankfully this was the only file I didnt have a backup of) it was format c: time.

I made her go a week with no internet/ really pissed her off, but now we're even and she doesn't use my computer anymore :D
John G. said:
I actually kind of want people to be able to get on my computer, to see how much faster it is than theirs and explain to them that it's because their computer has a Pentium 4 in it, making it much much slower. ;)

Excellent... bring more souls to the light. :D
I won't tell anyone here that recently I plugged my USB bluetooth thing into the back of my computer, of course assuming that it went into the USB port. After getting annoyed that Windows couldn't find it, I found that I had put it in my mobo's LAN jack right next to the USB ports...

Embarrasing to say the least, but no one was watching. That's why i'm not telling anyone :cool:
who cares, computers are just computers. someone breaks something, its just gives me more reason to buy a newer and better piece of hardware.

its not like its a ferrari or anything, but i guess when youre young and put a lot of time into something the little things can piss you off...
to each their own
brionbastian said:
I won't tell anyone here that recently I plugged my USB bluetooth thing into the back of my computer, of course assuming that it went into the USB port. After getting annoyed that Windows couldn't find it, I found that I had put it in my mobo's LAN jack right next to the USB ports...

Embarrasing to say the least, but no one was watching. That's why i'm not telling anyone :cool:

Never get an HP Laptop - the LAN and USB are right next to each other! Not that i've ever done the same mind you :rolleyes:

Now i have a front mounted USB port - saves on those "misdiscretions" :D
bealzz said:
who cares, computers are just computers. someone breaks something, its just gives me more reason to buy a newer and better piece of hardware.

its not like its a ferrari or anything, but i guess when youre young and put a lot of time into something the little things can piss you off...
to each their own

I pay for the parts, if someone breaks it I would get pissed off. If you don't, well then, you are just gay :p
jordan12 said:
Quite frankly reading through this I see some things I wish to point out.

I respect my daughters and sons privacy. But, If I suspected anything, I would gladly look through anything of theirs. Including the PC.

they live in my house so they respect my rules.

Now I know that a lot of the previous posts wher people talk tough, but if one of my children did that to me, or yelled at me or anything of the above, my belt would be off so fast they wouldnt see it happen.

Respect. That is how it works.....But respecting other peoples property is important too..
What does this have to do with his mom nearly breaking his computer? You're talking about going through files and crap like that, not breaking equipment through a dangerous combination of stupidity and ignorance.
SpoogeMonkey said:
I think the wife finally learned her lesson. About 2 weeks ago, when for the third damn time , she installed msn messenger and had one of her chat buddies from WoW send her a fucking virus, on my computer. Now for some stupid reason she turned off real time monitoring on my virus protection. I came home from work to get the "you're going to be mad at me, but I kinda got a virus on your computer". WTF were you doing installing that stupid shit on my box for?!?! After realising it was completely hopeless to try and save any files (esp my 600+ title dvd list, thankfully this was the only file I didnt have a backup of) it was format c: time.

I made her go a week with no internet/ really pissed her off, but now we're even and she doesn't use my computer anymore :D

Why not just set her up a user account? That way you control everything that's on her profile and reduce the likelyhood of anything going wrong. Also, if you have a serious issue, just do a data backup once a day or so, they don't take long and you can then just ghost back a known working image.

jordan12 said:
Quite frankly reading through this I see some things I wish to point out.

I respect my daughters and sons privacy. But, If I suspected anything, I would gladly look through anything of theirs. Including the PC.

they live in my house so they respect my rules.

Now I know that a lot of the previous posts wher people talk tough, but if one of my children did that to me, or yelled at me or anything of the above, my belt would be off so fast they wouldnt see it happen.

Respect. That is how it works.....But respecting other peoples property is important too..
The belt doesn't equal respect, buddy. It equals hundreds of wasted dollars in therapy 15 years later, but you'll figure that out eventually. Just wait until your kids can kick your ass. My parents respected me and never whipped me with a belt; your idea of respect is a sadistic, old world patriarchy that should have died out years ago. Congrats, I'll look for your kids on "Cops".
(cf)Eclipse said:
when you have a rig that looks like this, people tend to stay away from the hardware anyways :p

Jesus Christ.

TheLonelySwedish said:
The belt doesn't equal respect, buddy. It equals hundreds of wasted dollars in therapy 15 years later, but you'll figure that out eventually. Just wait until your kids can kick your ass. My parents respected me and never whipped me with a belt; your idea of respect is a sadistic, old world patriarchy that should have died out years ago. Congrats, I'll look for your kids on "Cops".

You do realize that the majority of adults in the US have been diciplined "by the belt" and still go on to live productive lives, right?
Darth Bagel said:
What does this have to do with his mom nearly breaking his computer? You're talking about going through files and crap like that, not breaking equipment through a dangerous combination of stupidity and ignorance.

i dunno, they might b hiding drugs in their comp or something :p
My Dad used to wip my ass if I did something wrong, and you bet your ass he knew everything I was doing all the time. I don’t need therapy. Any kid that thinks they need therapy because there dad took off the belt a few time is a weakling, and will always be a low piece of society. It’s a parents job to know everything and bet up in there kids business. As a child you don’t have rights until you have earned them or turned 18. If you think that wrong, then that explains where they get those people that work at fast food there entire lives.
I(illa Bee said:
My Dad used to wip my ass if I did something wrong, and you bet your ass he knew everything I was doing all the time. I don’t need therapy. Any kid that thinks they need therapy because there dad took off the belt a few time is a weakling, and will always be a low piece of society. It’s a parents job to know everything and bet up in there kids business. As a child you don’t have rights until you have earned them or turned 18. If you think that wrong, then that explains where they get those people that work at fast food there entire lives.

No, I only respect those that respect me. If you don't respect me, I don't care who you are, you won't receive my respect. And for you thinking that people need to work for respect proves that you are the weakling. :p I don't expect my parents to open up my computer and start yanking out expansion cards because they think I am hiding something. If they want, they can ask me to open up my computer and they can be there and inspect it without touching anything. I worked for my computer, so they don't have the right to touch it at all. In fact, they don't even have the right to inspect it imo, but since I respect them, they can inspect whatever they want as long as I am there. :eek:
sabrewolf732 said:
No, I only respect those that respect me. If you don't respect me, I don't care who you are, you won't receive my respect. And for you thinking that people need to work for respect proves that you are the weakling. :p I don't expect my parents to open up my computer and start yanking out expansion cards because they think I am hiding something. If they want, they can ask me to open up my computer and they can be there and inspect it without touching anything. I worked for my computer, so they don't have the right to touch it at all. In fact, they don't even have the right to inspect it imo, but since I respect them, they can inspect whatever they want as long as I am there. :eek:

how old are you? exactly....
robberbaron said:
Jesus Christ.

Is he on the forums now, too? :D

You do realize that the majority of adults in the US have been diciplined "by the belt" and still go on to live productive lives, right?

True, but there are equally as many adults who learned respect because their parents demo'd it for them, instead of beating it into them.
Josh_B said:
Does it matter?

He's right.

Respect is a two-way street.

Yes, demoing respect is the right way to do it, but even after proper respect is givin and a kid still breaks rules, punshment must be givin. And besides the belt is getting off easy. as a teenager I would much rather get a beating than get my vehical taken away, or not be allowed to go out on SAT night.
Wolfsbane2k said:
Now i have a front mounted USB port - saves on those "misdiscretions" :D

I have a one of the newer 17" Dell LCDs with USB ports on the side of the monitor. My machine is on the floor, so even front-mounted USB ports would still require some bending to get to. With 'em on the monitor, they're right in front of you and at eye level. Doesn't get any better than that.
John G. said:
I have a one of the newer 17" Dell LCDs with USB ports on the side of the monitor. My machine is on the floor, so even front-mounted USB ports would still require some bending to get to. With 'em on the monitor, they're right in front of you and at eye level. Doesn't get any better than that.

I've broken my back 12 times just trying to get to those front USBs... j\k :p

You should see the havoc those monitor-mounted USB ports wreak with the elderly or underpowered-brain people I deal with at work. (I'm in IT support) More than one has asked me why they still need the hard drive (aka 'tower' or 'case') anymore when the USB is on the monitor. I just say ' well where would you put your CDs?' rather than try to explain anything. :p
brionbastian said:
You should see the havoc those monitor-mounted USB ports wreak with the elderly or underpowered-brain people I deal with at work. (I'm in IT support) More than one has asked me why they still need the hard drive (aka 'tower' or 'case') anymore when the USB is on the monitor. I just say ' well where would you put your CDs?' rather than try to explain anything. :p

Hahaha, how silly.

"Hey what's that big metal box next to your monitor there?"
"Oh that. That's just my USB interface."
I(illa Bee said:
how old are you? exactly....

17, don't worry, I have gotten my fair share of beatings. But once I hit a certain age I was never hit again, I won't allow it. If I respect them, they don't have the right to touch me. That is how it goes for me and I don't care who anyone is, I apply the same rules to all.
sabrewolf732 said:
17, don't worry, I have gotten my fair share of beatings. But once I hit a certain age I was never hit again, I won't allow it. If I respect them, they don't have the right to touch me. That is how it goes for me and I don't care who anyone is, I apply the same rules to all.

yea after about 14 my punshments were getting things or privledges taken away.. the belt dose stop around 13 i guess..
sabrewolf732 said:
Yeah I would have told her she broke your computers sound card and to make her buy you a new one :D

Sound cards are expensive, too. Do you any idea how much 7800GTX soundcards cost?
Get all A's throughout school + never miss class + get rave reviews from teachers at back-to-school night + never do anything (too) bad = Have your parents supporting your decision to ditch class in the later years + have your parents give you alcohol. ;)
Zamboni said:
Sound cards are expensive, too. Do you any idea how much 7800GTX soundcards cost?

:D Winnage.

BTW, you can't just make a concise decision to respect someone. They have to earn it somehow. It's just a fact of life.
Obi_Kwiet said:
:D Winnage.

BTW, you can't just make a concise decision to respect someone. They have to earn it somehow. It's just a fact of life.

not really, everyone has my respect, but they have the chance of losing it. People shouldn't have to earn respect.
All of your pieces of advice are really only useful if the people are on equal ground. A parent and their kid are not on equal ground. I would respect my 13 year old kid until he started whining that I don't respect him because I touched the computer, which in all likelihood I paid for, in a way which displeased him. And if he started saying shit like "I don't respect you because you don't respect me" because I smudged a capacitor on his Audigy, you better believe I would be tempted to whup his ass.

Wait, what does this have to do with AMD processors?
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