People Touching your Box

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There's a little person in my Dungeons & Dragons LARP guild named Balkazaar, and when I go out of town I pay him to dress up as a gnome and stand in front of my tower under my desk with his arms folded and a Viking helmet atop his head. When anybody tries logging onto MY computer without MY permission, Balkazaar pulls a Gandalf and says, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS," then goes medieval on their shins.
So, i need to get a midget eh? I like that idea, the possibilities are endless i tell you!
Komataguri said:
I'm feeling paranoid that no one is as extreme as me, as far as taking the precautions to prevent people from accessing the PC.

yeah, you're prevention measures seem a bit...on the unecessary side i would say. you just need to ask people to stop using it i think.

Some of you people are real assholes to your family, hahahaha. I have a sister, who is 17. At first, when I got my comp, I was a little paranoid about her going on it because I always thought she would screw it up. So for the first month, it was off limits to her.

Then I ligthened up, and now she can use my computer whenever she wants cause its in my room and I am usually in my basement on her computer (I built it for her). So were cool with everything.

My dad doesn't know anything about computers, he avoids them like a plague. My mom on the other hand, knows some things about computers, but not very much, a lot of stuff she pretends to know. When she has a hardware problem she will call me.
EricNS said:
I guess i forgot to mention a few things, im 19 and since the 1st summer after highschool i have to pay rent, 500 per month that i live there. This isn't too bad because i have a decent job and i live at school mostly (loans in my name or i pay with money i make from work). In addition to paying rent, i am still expected to help around the house, this summer alone i've painted 4 walls and moved an armoir(SP?) up 2flights of stairs and back down because my mom didn't measure the width of it - only the height. I may still be living at home, but arent i entitled to a little bit more respect/privacy/priviledges since i pay rent?

No i dont ask permission to come inside of the house, i pay rent to live there now, i dont have to. Prior to that i was a dependent of her and she was therefore obligated to take care of me (being her kid helped i bet). I didn't have the "this is mine i paid for it" attitude untill something of mine came very close to being broken. I didnt even mind if she used it for whatever, not that she needed to she has her own laptop. As soon as you break something of someone elses, while doing something to it that you shouldnt, knowning you dont know what you are doing, i feel that the "this is mine i paid for it" attitude is perfectly fine.

I wasn't talking primarily about you, but the others who have posted in your thread to say "no one touches my PC or they die" stuff. Your mother expects you to compensate her for living in your house. I would simply tell her that, in the same way, you would expect to her to compensate you for breaking your stuff. (If she did.)

By the way, $500 in rent to your parents to live in their house sounds a bit extreme. If your mother expects too much of you, doesn't respect your equipment, and charges you too much for rent, move out. You're 19. You might be able to find a better deal, living in an apartment or with some other guys, depending on where you live.
Moving out would be nice, and i think i shoud be able to after next semester. Also, anyone think its possible to hook up a webcam, motion sensor, and pepper spray?
True, how could i deactivate it without being hit, i mean motion sensors cant tell if its me or someone else right? =(
Motion sensors sense motion. It shouldn't be hard to not get hit if you don't do anything silly, that's not why. Do you really want to pepper spray your mother?
Don't pull the ATX power cable cable...too extreme and obvious. Just pull the power-on switch cable off the motherboard. When they look inside, everything looks okay....just don't power-up :)

Since nothing got 'Broke" your in a gray area where it may not be acceptable to punch your Mom in the grill. Now if she actually broke something then an elbow off the top rope is in order, and perfectly understandable.
WTF was she thinking she would do with the "Thingy" if she did get it out? :eek:
I'm just trying to picture somone taking a PCI card out of a desktop and trying to put it into a laptop.....

Thankfully my dad is an IT Manager so I trust him with whatever he does, but he has a computer that I built for him so he has no need to get on mine and rarely does and he never opens it but I would trust him if he did.

My mom on the other hand just figured out how to use the internet......I will not let her on my computer and I think Mr. Bil Gates for allowing passwords in Windows cause god only knows what she could do to it. So he now has her own compter a P2 300 with windows XP and can play all the games on Yahoo that she wants.
omg if anyone touched my machine.....many deaths will be apon that person.

My wife doesn't even come into my comp room :D (got her trained good)

Now i did have a friend of mine touch my DC server and play some pron on it...OMFG WAS I PISSED....he also crashed it...i told him to leave if he was going to abuse my machines.....OH it pissed me off so much....Now as for a few of my friend -RIP-Souldragon, and -RIP-Crayak...they can get on my machines without even asking cause they know better :p Also they both work with me in the IT dept. (me being the network admin, them being grunts :D )
My Mom is very slow when it comes to computers.
I installed Noton Antivirus on her computer and the first time it came up when I wasn't there she didn't know what to do so she uninstalled it! :mad:
I wasn't impressed!

One time I came home to find her vacuming my room and bashing the cleaning head into my tower's window.
The case was almost tipping.

I asked her if she needed to do that and she said "ITS ONLY A COMPUTER!"
:eek: :mad:
I used to have a problem with my stepdad using my rig without asking me, and searching around to "see what was there." I password protected my rig via the BIOS and from windows for a year or so. For a long time now, I just set up a guest account, limit the hell out of what it can access (I take away just about every privledge that a user can have, making it nothing more than a net account) and don't have problems. At this point, it's known that I know more about the physical hardware in computer than anyone else in the house, so people just leave the insides of my computer alone. When I LAN, I lock up my case using the built in locks, which has always disuaded people from busting into the case.

Tell her that deleting your Windows folder is a secret way to enable wireless on your laptop.
LOL great thread.

#1 we've all got burned in the past due to some lack of physical security.
For future reference, if you guys think it's bad with family... wait until you have room mates in college who will strategically attempt to access your shyte.

It's not a cheap solution, but people in the poster's situation can set up an el cheapo bare bones "public use" web surfer. Limit the rights, and just for fun monitor the keystrokes. :-D

As for the family members, the only suggestion I have is: communication. We're sorta obligated to teach the luddites about tech.
Then again, there are exceptions to every rule like a-hole family or a-hole roomies.

good luck locking down your rig mod.
(cf)Eclipse said:
that said though, nobody touches the actual hardware of my computer aside from the mouse and keyboard.. but when you have a rig that looks like this, people tend to stay away from the hardware anyways :p

that poor computer. that's spousal abuse....
i dont even like it when my sister surfs the web, cause then she fills the address menu with useless girl sites and then i have scroll down everytime i want to go to a my own site. I only have 8 address in my menu and i plan to keep it that way :)
This is my warning label ;)

My personal computers (as in Mine!) are locked both software wise and Hardware size. More so software because the people I live with fear the innards of computers, but software wise more so because sometimes they get lazy and want to use my internet, and sorry but I don't like people coming in my room when I'm not around, let alone accessing the most important peice of equipment I own (I can live without my car).
Jonsey said:
I can sympathize with the OP and others who have family members who don't respect your things, especially siblings.
Still, I think people that are under age and still live at home lack a bit of perspective. I understand that you paid for your computer. I understand the sense of entitlement that brings you.
I've been looking to buy a home myself. Where I live, $300,000 is a low end house. Many people, including your parents, I suspect, pay more per month on their mortgage than your computer is worth. They buy you food, give you shelter. Raising a kid is expensive. Do you ask permission to walk through the door everyday?
I'm not saying that you're not entitled to a little respect for your things. I just seems like they are sharing things with you that are many times more expensive than your things, and that they've worked far harder to get.
Having a "this is mine because I paid for it" attitude is immature and selfish. A far better attitude is "Please have respect for my things, I worked hard for them, because I have respect for the things you worked hard for."

point is that that is their job actually, i mean you can't pretend that a minor acts as an adult. it is the adult's and parnets responsability to work for their children hader and harder and to respect that stuff that they couldn't afford themselves, and that their sons/daughters worked hard for them and bought them, considering always that by doing so that have put a greater effort since than again they are not adults. Later on when they grow up, it is their responsability oalso to work up hard for their children
+ i agree for does who hate that touvh their monitor, previosly onwing a crt with those smudges and now an lcd, with the same kind of smudges but with a differnet kind of 'removal process' bevcasue yu need to be gnetler *aaa* i hate it
+ i agree with those who get annoyed who use their computer without permission, and i'd like to not give permission also, but its just that i don't know how to say no =(
but the most that make me angry are those ppl who pretend they got some kind of rights to use your computer and they make yu feel obliged of letting them use it geez *breath in breathe out*
+ i decidedly agree with those who hate touching their computer hardware starting from using the mouse which choclate stained hands [i have an mx 1000!!!!] to my brother in law poking through my stuff, just 'to see the brand of the vid car' - finally resulting in him pushing it up and broke my agp slot on my mobo becasue he didn't know that an agp had a switch lock -.- [ obviously he paid for it and obviously he had to forgive me the str8 i gave him :rolleyes: ]

point is : not your stuff = not your stuff
not your stuff = don't use
lol its funny reading this thread. I just told my new gf if she ever fucks anything up on my computer or downloads something by going to site she shouldnt be on that i be realy pissed and she been getting kicked out. I explained to her its like a car i like to get tuned a certain way and if some fucks it up it going take along time to get it right again.
I'm reading the 6 pages of this thread, just trying to picture my mom touching my computer. She's scared to death of my red Ultra tower with side window and glowing red tubes and uv stuff in there. She's scared to come in my room, much less USE the thing.
i couldn't imagine anyone in my family or my friends doing some of the things in this thread. everyone knows that computers and electronic gadgets are my hobby. even if they thought it was "just a computer", they know i don't think of it like that and would respect that. my family members have their own computer and i'm happy maintaining the domain/family computers/any other electronics and car stuff that might go wrong. i think that's a better approach than the entitlement approach: anotherwords, my mom is not entitled to touch my stuff just because she provides for me. i do feel like i'm grateful that she provides for me and since i'm handy with fixing almost anything around the house, i choose to help out and save the family money. i'm sorry if some of you guys feel like you're somehow obligated to your parents. family should never be an obligation, it should be people who live together and enjoy helping each other out.

that said, my mom, dad, and sister are all competent with computers and i wouldn't mind them sitting down at my pc at all. they know that i'm the expert in the field so they would never try to fix or change settings unless they knew what they were talking about. i'm not a security conscious person at all. i've got a completely unsecured wireless network, although all my pc's have administrator passwords and no shares with "everyone" write access. that said, if you want to l33t h4x my unsecure wireless, somehow make your way into my pc, and steal a movie or tv show, well, i hope you enjoy them! i've got no problem with that. i do like to have things, but because i like the enjoyment they can provide, not for the "what's mine is mine and noone else's" factor. i'm happy to share whatever i have, and if it's not a physical item (like a file on a computer), i'm happy to let you have it.
dualblade said:
i couldn't imagine anyone in my family or my friends doing some of the things in this thread. everyone knows that computers and electronic gadgets are my hobby. even if they thought it was "just a computer", they know i don't think of it like that and would respect that. my family members have their own computer and i'm happy maintaining the domain/family computers/any other electronics and car stuff that might go wrong. i think that's a better approach than the entitlement approach: anotherwords, my mom is not entitled to touch my stuff just because she provides for me. i do feel like i'm grateful that she provides for me and since i'm handy with fixing almost anything around the house, i choose to help out and save the family money. i'm sorry if some of you guys feel like you're somehow obligated to your parents. family should never be an obligation, it should be people who live together and enjoy helping each other out.

Tell my wifes family computer that. I told my wifes family if they want tech support they cannot and will not install any piece of software w/o contacting ME (and I mean me) first. They told me it is there computer and I should fix it when it breaks because they are family. I keep thinking I should take my car, run it off a cliff, and tell them to replace it "because they are family".

Trepidati0n said:
Tell my wifes family computer that. I told my wifes family if they want tech support they cannot and will not install any piece of software w/o contacting ME (and I mean me) first. They told me it is there computer and I should fix it when it breaks because they are family. I keep thinking I should take my car, run it off a cliff, and tell them to replace it "because they are family".


i don't tend to take a hard line with installing software (as in, you can install whatever you want, i'll just remove it if i feel it's causing trouble). also, if i feel that people have done something stupid and caused their own problem (like clicking on every internet popup they saw), i do the work in my own time - i don't just rush over to fix things. if the pc has a legit problem i try to get there as soon as possible. in my family, noone has ever just expected that i'd fix their problems. my extended family pays me for my work (but i'm really very reasonable in my rates). my immediate family and grandparents who live around the corner get my help for free because i see them all the time and they help me out with tons of stuff too.

i know what i'm saying is an idealistic expectation of people and it doesn't always work out like that. my family is italian and if you know any italian families, the whole family pitches in to help each other out. my mom and grandma cook dinner together for family events. when the house needs renovation, i've got uncles and grandparents coming over to help. we all help each other out on projects, so i guess it's just how i've been raised. it never has to feel like an obligation, becuase people always volunteer. i set up a wireless b router for my uncle for free (i had it lying around) because he got a new laptop and wanted wireless. he gave us a connection when we were looking to have our driveway redone because he does some contracting/construction. it's like a big internal barter system for us
using my computer is one thing, but opening it up?!?! FUCK NO. Nonody opens that shit but me. I guess unless they are a close friend and i know they know what they are doing. But they should tell me afterwards or better yet before.
great thread... my rig used to be all mine. Now the kiddies have discovered IM and all the free stuff you can download. Every Saturday morning is now spent running adware, spybot, uninstalling apps, deleting IE cache and temp files. I know, I know, Firefox is already installed, but just can't seem to get rid of IE due to a couple of apps.

Try, just try running any of the latest shooters on my rig without turning off everything including the LEDs. ;)
I just deleted all the shortcuts to IE, you have to go into c:/windows to get to it.

and you should make 1 account and a guest account, or 1 admin account passworded and 1 limited account free for all to use (as I do). Nothing can be installed or removed on the limited accounts, but they can still go online and stuff.
hey is your mom hot? if she is, then why be angry? just let her touch all your "property" :cool:
TheGamerZ said:
I have a similar upsetting story.

I run a recurring LAN party called reLANtless. Now... everyone knows that the most sacred rule of any LAN is "do NOT touch other people's equipment without their permission." I think that goes without saying.


The past few LANs have been held in a College forum. There's a big open floor area where the attendees sit, and then a risen stage that all of the admins and servers sit on. I had to make a trip to the little boys room, and I left my computer unlocked, unattended, etc because I figured there would be no problems.

I come back out and see a participant (whom i'd been having problems with all night, mind you) sitting on the stage... on my computer... going through everything I had. He was openly browsing the names on my AIM buddy list, going through my documents, and just about everything else on my computer.

So I walk up behind him and say "um... excuse me????" and he was like "i was just lookin...." and I cut him off with a "oh? just looking? get the fuck off. pack your stuff... you're gone."

The rest of the LAN admins and I got him a cart to wheel his shit out on and he has been banned from any future reLANtless affiliated events.

I was so pissed.

I'd have knocked him on his ass. That's the equivalent of someone getting in your car and taking a ride, or going in your house and rifling through your closets.

There are real drawbacks to the PC community...
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