People Touching your Box

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also no ones touches my pc any more mom and dad both stuck there fingers in my old pc 2 92mm tornados i think they learned there lesson. they dont look like there spinning when there on because of that grill thing behind them
Boltaction said:
What a bunch of dorks! :cool:

Ok, to the OP: This is your mother we are talking about, right? She owns the house, I assume? Why would you "blow up" on her?? This is your fucking mom. I could be a jerk like you and say "learn some respect" and hit the submit button but instead I like you so i'll explain myself.

Your mom doesn't know a thing about computers. This is your computer that you paid for, its yours, like a car or a sex toy collection. It's not hers to play around with, and that is cool. Problem is, have you educated her in a respectful and loving way so she'll understand why you didn't like it? Think of something you know absolutely nothing about, and think of you doing something along the lines of what she did. Yeah, you were still the asshole, but you didn't know enough to fully comprehend it. Tell your mom you love her and she could have screwed the computer up, then tell her physically why a computer shouldn't have this done and offer to fix her computer for her. Of course you wouldn't do this for a roommate but moms earn a little more respect than that, right?

(im only 21 so take this advice with a grain of salt)

Damn leave it to a youngin to make more sense then all of us.

All jokes aside that is very well said.
Boltaction said:
What a bunch of dorks! :cool:

Ok, to the OP: This is your mother we are talking about, right? She owns the house, I assume? Why would you "blow up" on her?? This is your fucking mom. I could be a jerk like you and say "learn some respect" and hit the submit button but instead I like you so i'll explain myself.

Your mom doesn't know a thing about computers. This is your computer that you paid for, its yours, like a car or a sex toy collection. It's not hers to play around with, and that is cool. Problem is, have you educated her in a respectful and loving way so she'll understand why you didn't like it? Think of something you know absolutely nothing about, and think of you doing something along the lines of what she did. Yeah, you were still the asshole, but you didn't know enough to fully comprehend it. Tell your mom you love her and she could have screwed the computer up, then tell her physically why a computer shouldn't have this done and offer to fix her computer for her. Of course you wouldn't do this for a roommate but moms earn a little more respect than that, right?

(im only 21 so take this advice with a grain of salt)

Negative. I paid for my computer, no one should be snooping around inside it. And honestly, what you said doesn't make sense. If someone doesn't know about something, they shouldn't fuck with it. If I didn't know about something, I wouldn't fuck with it. I am sure many are the same way, so reversing the situation does not apply to me, and I am sure it doesn't apply to others. And if you read the original post, you will notice he said he spent 30 minutes explaining to her why what she did was wrong, and she replied "well, all you do is play games on it".
Same here, i don't like someone else on my machine without permission. They could ruin something or download spyware/adware.
i have two computers, both of which dont have passwords on them and can be accessed by anyone in my house. no one touches my new computer and sometimes my old computer... but for some reason everyone flocks to my moms computer ( amd athlon 1000 mhz "Thunderbird", 256 Megs Pc133, :D Nvidia TNT 2 Vanta 16 megs :D , 60 gig Ata 100 )

and they sure as heck wouldnt open a computer, if any of my family or familys friends computer breaks someone will say " Oh Nate Will fix it " and the next day it is sitting in my room or very near it to be fixed by me.
I'm feeling paranoid that no one is as extreme as me, as far as taking the precautions to prevent people from accessing the PC.
you know what's funny, is that everyone in my family knows better, though, should someone have tried anything, my dad would have taken care of it for me. That's actually how I learned my way around computers at 8 or 9, breaking stuff (software stuff, back in 3.11 days) and then getting to watch my dad try to fix it. Later, it was upgrades and overclocking. Hell, my dad was the first one to do it, not me, I didn't understand it at the time, but he clocked the p60 to 66mhz. The one I did understand was the P200mmx, that got overclocked to 233, though I wasn't able to get it to 250, I did learn my way around a jumper. Then came my own K6-2 300, which also ended up OC'ed, but I can't remember what to. Once I saw that it was free, I was hooked.
I am quite obsessive compulsive when it comes to my electronic gear, always have been back to my first game boy classic (my first real piece of electronics gear that was my own). I always like to keep my stuff in pristine shape, I hate smudges on my stuff, especially on the screen of my portable devices.

My little cousins loved to play with my GBA when I first got it, and they would play with it with their hands all sticky, and they dont really care about getting smudges on the screen. I would sit there and watch them play as they gunk up my gameboy, and it would kill me a little bit inside. HOWEVER, they are family, I love them dearly, and gladly let them use it. After they are done I simply take 5 minutes to thoroughly scrub it down and get it back to like new condition.

Of course, I hate it when people mess with my computer or laptop as well. I dont have problems with people opening up my equipment however. While I have anxiety about letting other people use my computer, I do it anyways because that is the nice thing to do. I know that the odds of them causing irreperable damage is next to nil just using my computer, and they cant open it up. The only thing I worry about now would be someone messing up my brand new 2005fpw.

Basically I feel the same way as most of you do about other people messing with my electronics. I will still let them use it however, even without my supervision, because the odds of them causing irreperable damage by just using it (gaming, web surfing, word processing, IMing) are so small.
you know it's because you don't want little cousin billy stumbling onto your "art" video collection.
Erasmus354 said:
I am quite obsessive compulsive when it comes to my electronic gear, always have been back to my first game boy classic (my first real piece of electronics gear that was my own). I always like to keep my stuff in pristine shape, I hate smudges on my stuff, especially on the screen of my portable devices.

My little cousins loved to play with my GBA when I first got it, and they would play with it with their hands all sticky, and they dont really care about getting smudges on the screen. I would sit there and watch them play as they gunk up my gameboy, and it would kill me a little bit inside. HOWEVER, they are family, I love them dearly, and gladly let them use it. After they are done I simply take 5 minutes to thoroughly scrub it down and get it back to like new condition.

Of course, I hate it when people mess with my computer or laptop as well. I dont have problems with people opening up my equipment however. While I have anxiety about letting other people use my computer, I do it anyways because that is the nice thing to do. I know that the odds of them causing irreperable damage is next to nil just using my computer, and they cant open it up. The only thing I worry about now would be someone messing up my brand new 2005fpw.

Basically I feel the same way as most of you do about other people messing with my electronics. I will still let them use it however, even without my supervision, because the odds of them causing irreperable damage by just using it (gaming, web surfing, word processing, IMing) are so small.

Yes I agree, but someone that has no idea what they are doing opening my computer and trying to rip components out? (the original poster's mother). THAT IS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH! :D ;)
Gah. I have two sisters, one 8 and one 17, who sometimes go on my computer and mess around with stuff without asking. Never did any damage, but I did once find the entire contents of my My Documents folder moved to a folder on my desktop called "OMG!!". :confused:

I've gotten slightly paranoid since then and I switched around my reset and power-on buttons. Nobody can figure out how to turn on my computer. :D

But I agree totally. If you paid for it, it's yours, and nobody should even touch it without your supervision or permission.
Komataguri said:
I'm feeling paranoid that no one is as extreme as me, as far as taking the precautions to prevent people from accessing the PC.

You are not paranoid, but all those people following you are ;) :p
its hard to respect stuff when its not your own

thats why i have a hard time letting other people use my shit
Man, this is a tough situation. I can honestly feel secondary anger over the OP's situation, but I think the answer is to try to convey to her *why* what she did was ethically and technically wrong.

Respect goes a long way, but then again, I don't know how mature the mother is, and if it words and logic will work (no offense).

I would definitely get a locked tower. You might say "why should i have to?", but the first post is the answer to that question. Good luck.
Doesn't happen to me, but everytime my sister in law comes over and starts using my wife's lappy, it always ends up with all kinds of junk, and I always end up having to clean the thing up. I had to create a Sister in Law profile for her with very limited rights.
NickN said:
Gah. I have two sisters, one 8 and one 17, who sometimes go on my computer and mess around with stuff without asking. Never did any damage, but I did once find the entire contents of my My Documents folder moved to a folder on my desktop called "OMG!!". :confused:

I've gotten slightly paranoid since then and I switched around my reset and power-on buttons. Nobody can figure out how to turn on my computer. :D

But I agree totally. If you paid for it, it's yours, and nobody should even touch it without your supervision or permission.

Man, setting up a bios password would've done the trick. You didn't have to do all that, lol :D
Trinistand said:
Oh man, I've had something like that happen a few times.

Imagine my shock when a friend of mine tried to plug my monitor cable into a serial port.

LMAO !!! :D
Sir-Fragalot said:
I live alone and my friends know better. Its not an issue for me. No one touches my PC without my knowledge. Especially not without my permission. I am the same way about my vehicles. I don't let people drive them. Ever. My GF has never even driven my vehicles. She rarely even rides in them.

amen, amen. thats how i run things.
(cf)Eclipse said:
ouch.. i guess i'm good at surrounding myself with accepting people. my gf knows computers pretty well. not well enough to be called a hardware enthusiast mind you, but well enough that i definitly feel comfortable letting her mess around with it :cool:

Worrying part is she's a computer engineer.... those people that design PIC's etc for a living? Yeah, she should have known better, but she never got interested in the internals of a Personal Computer - just embedded bits of kit!.
I would be really angry if someone messed up my stuff inside my case, but noone in my family even attepts to open my computer even though I do let them surf the internet and play games AS long as they don't download anything and click no if anything comes up, but I do go balistic if someone touches my monitor, suffice to say noone touches it anymore.
sculelos said:
I would be really angry if someone messed up my stuff inside my case, but noone in my family even attepts to open my computer even though I do let them surf the internet and play games AS long as they don't download anything and click no if anything comes up, but I do go balistic if someone touches my monitor, suffice to say noone touches it anymore.

Yeah - that "click No" is always the killer. Some people just don't understand that "Would you like to install spyware so you can play this online game?" is a definate NO!

Still, firefox has helped thatone somewhat!
I dont' mind if my friend who kno more bout puter and touchs my sys without my permission is ok with me, Mr. Stryker mostly, instead of havin ignorant friend tryin to be friggin cocky and mess around with my system with no permission.

From my experience, nothin happen to my sys so far (hope so). :D

Edit: Wait I just remembered my mom smashed my old MS Intellimouse 3.0 by swing it in the air and hit the desk with it since the computer got her frustrated for no reason. The mosue stop workin for good, and I had to go off and buy new MX510 for myself only. :(
At the end of the day, it is still your mother. She raised you for 17-18+ years, and you should be greatful of that. Some people do not have mothers, like me for example. In fact you should thank her.
What I don't understand is why she removed the sound card. If you don't know what you're looking for, why would you mindlessly start disassembling something?

What she's done is akin to removing the engine from your car because her A/C isn't working.

If you don't know what you're doing, then ASK or leave it alone.

My mother used to do the same thing to my PCs until as others have said, I just started removing the ATX power connector and the power outlet to the wall.
It's not really as much when people touch my PC (some have ASKED to touch the fan on my side panel, of course I let them so they won't do it again :D ), it's when people touch my monitor that I go insane, having a big ass smudge mark on it pisses me off. I usually tell them to clean it off or leave the house :cool:
my mother told me not to touch her computer because she didnt want me to erase anything. now shes pissed cause she got a ton of spyware and i wont touch it. hehehehehe
I have a similar upsetting story.

I run a recurring LAN party called reLANtless. Now... everyone knows that the most sacred rule of any LAN is "do NOT touch other people's equipment without their permission." I think that goes without saying.


The past few LANs have been held in a College forum. There's a big open floor area where the attendees sit, and then a risen stage that all of the admins and servers sit on. I had to make a trip to the little boys room, and I left my computer unlocked, unattended, etc because I figured there would be no problems.

I come back out and see a participant (whom i'd been having problems with all night, mind you) sitting on the stage... on my computer... going through everything I had. He was openly browsing the names on my AIM buddy list, going through my documents, and just about everything else on my computer.

So I walk up behind him and say "um... excuse me????" and he was like "i was just lookin...." and I cut him off with a "oh? just looking? get the fuck off. pack your stuff... you're gone."

The rest of the LAN admins and I got him a cart to wheel his shit out on and he has been banned from any future reLANtless affiliated events.

I was so pissed.
machwireless said:
ur not supposed to hit a guy with glasses..

I have this problem. Its called a "little sister". Me and my brother both have half-decent gaming rigs, paid about $800.00 for them both. We saved our money from working, mowing lawns, and my brother delivered newspapers for a few years.

She, pisses her money away on SHIT. Candy, movies, pop, and just general useless shit. She is now bitching and moaning how its not fair that she doesnt have a good computer (she has a P3-500 dell with 96mb of ram). She is always trying to get on our computers to play some of those stupid internet flash games, or to play the sims.

It seems that little sisters can fuxxor up computers in no-time at all. So, I have a bios lock, and a windows lock. Every time I get up to leave my computer, I hit windows-key + L to lock the computer.
I can sympathize with the OP and others who have family members who don't respect your things, especially siblings.
Still, I think people that are under age and still live at home lack a bit of perspective. I understand that you paid for your computer. I understand the sense of entitlement that brings you.
I've been looking to buy a home myself. Where I live, $300,000 is a low end house. Many people, including your parents, I suspect, pay more per month on their mortgage than your computer is worth. They buy you food, give you shelter. Raising a kid is expensive. Do you ask permission to walk through the door everyday?
I'm not saying that you're not entitled to a little respect for your things. I just seems like they are sharing things with you that are many times more expensive than your things, and that they've worked far harder to get.
Having a "this is mine because I paid for it" attitude is immature and selfish. A far better attitude is "Please have respect for my things, I worked hard for them, because I have respect for the things you worked hard for."
EricNS said:
So far its not too bad, untill i ask her what happened. In her exact words, "the wireless thingy on my lap top doesnt work anymore, so i tried to get yours out." I do not have a "wireless thingy" in my computer, and that is what i told her. Her only answer to this was "Oh, are you sure?" I built this computer maybe 8 days ago and at this point i kind of lost it, "Of course im sure i dont have a wireless card in it, why the hell didn't you call me and ASK if you could even touch my computer, or better yet ask why yours isn't working?"

After this i go over to my box and begin to look at what has probably been damaged. At first glance nothing looks too bad, untill i see the sound card. She tried to pull the sound card out, without unscrewing anything. Luckily she didnt try to hard and there was no damage to it really, just a couple of things slightly bent.

I've read the entire thread and I'm still wondering, what was she going to do after she got your "wireless thingy"? Was she planning on taking apart her laptop to "install" it?
BillR said:
I didn't jump. Way back when I too did those things, but it was NOT MY HOUSE and there were still rules. I guess the difference respect.

You should be hanged, drawn and quartered, have your entrails ripped out and BURNED.
I guess i forgot to mention a few things, im 19 and since the 1st summer after highschool i have to pay rent, 500 per month that i live there. This isn't too bad because i have a decent job and i live at school mostly (loans in my name or i pay with money i make from work). In addition to paying rent, i am still expected to help around the house, this summer alone i've painted 4 walls and moved an armoir(SP?) up 2flights of stairs and back down because my mom didn't measure the width of it - only the height. I may still be living at home, but arent i entitled to a little bit more respect/privacy/priviledges since i pay rent?

Originally Posted by Boltaction
What a bunch of dorks!

Ok, to the OP: This is your mother we are talking about, right? She owns the house, I assume? Why would you "blow up" on her?? This is your fucking mom. I could be a jerk like you and say "learn some respect" and hit the submit button but instead I like you so i'll explain myself.

Your mom doesn't know a thing about computers. This is your computer that you paid for, its yours, like a car or a sex toy collection. It's not hers to play around with, and that is cool. Problem is, have you educated her in a respectful and loving way so she'll understand why you didn't like it? Think of something you know absolutely nothing about, and think of you doing something along the lines of what she did. Yeah, you were still the asshole, but you didn't know enough to fully comprehend it. Tell your mom you love her and she could have screwed the computer up, then tell her physically why a computer shouldn't have this done and offer to fix her computer for her. Of course you wouldn't do this for a roommate but moms earn a little more respect than that, right?

Explain what exactly? The last time i tried to explain something to her when she had a problem with her laptop, i got maybe 2 sentences in when she replied, "I dont need to know this, one of the guys at HP will fix it for me." (she works at HP) Anytime i try to show her anything on/in the computer she either ignores me, tells me she doesnt really want to know, or does what i do when i dont want to listen, fake it. The difference is, i dont go messing with things i dont know anything about, i dont go dump out her make up or cut out the laces in her shoes because i need them, or start messing around with any of her things.

Where I live, $300,000 is a low end house. Many people, including your parents, I suspect, pay more per month on their mortgage than your computer is worth. They buy you food, give you shelter. Raising a kid is expensive. Do you ask permission to walk through the door everyday?
I'm not saying that you're not entitled to a little respect for your things. I just seems like they are sharing things with you that are many times more expensive than your things, and that they've worked far harder to get.
Having a "this is mine because I paid for it" attitude is immature and selfish. A far better attitude is "Please have respect for my things, I worked hard for them, because I have respect for the things you worked hard for."

No i dont ask permission to come inside of the house, i pay rent to live there now, i dont have to. Prior to that i was a dependent of her and she was therefore obligated to take care of me (being her kid helped i bet). I didn't have the "this is mine i paid for it" attitude untill something of mine came very close to being broken. I didnt even mind if she used it for whatever, not that she needed to she has her own laptop. As soon as you break something of someone elses, while doing something to it that you shouldnt, knowning you dont know what you are doing, i feel that the "this is mine i paid for it" attitude is perfectly fine.

the FBI was probally at your house and your moms covering for them....something about those 80,000 mp3s and 500 movie downloads.....

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