Path of Exile vs Diablo 3

Apparently I'm not getting the point either. What exactly are you trying to convince us of? :confused:
While your reply wasn't directed at me I will answer your question anyway; This is the Diablo vs PoE thread, not the PoE fanboi thread. In this thread people post why they do or do not like one vs the other. As such you will find that some people, including myself, find D3 to be the better game in terms of many aspects of the game mechanics even though the loot in D3 is currently jacked up.

You are entitled to your opinion and if you love PoE then that is all that really matters to you. You (as in not just you personally but you the reader) are not entitled to tell me that the opinion I formed about the game is wrong. It's my opinion and while you may agree or disagree with it it is and will always be 100% correct from my point of view.

My point of view is that PoE sucks and that it doesn't really matter what they will do in the future, I won't be looking at it again because I don't have to. I will at no time be desperate enough with absolutely nothing else to do in my free time to look at PoE again. They have lost me as a customer.

Blizzard too has lost me as a customer (although they extracted $60+ out of me and not just $10) of any additional content that they may but into D3, but as of right now D3 is still the better game in my opinion for the reasons stated earlier in this thread and considering that there is a very definite timetable to fix the loot issue.

I think you're going off the deep end here. You didn't have to pay for anything. Starter packs gets you access and currency, but it is not required to play the game.
You know, that line of thinking often reminds me of people who volunteer and then do a shitty job. When you then point out that they are doing a shitty job they say "Well, we are just volunteers, we don't get paid for this!"

The reality is that in a F2P game *someone* has to pay or the game is not viable as a business venture. Since the devs would like to make some money they do have to consider the needs and wants of consumers who are willing to spend money on their game. Not just people who are willing and able to spend money on leisure/entertainment but specifically spending money on their product.

My leisure time is limited and PoE does not rise to the level of quality I seek in entertainment to fill that limited leisure time with, nor do I find it conceivable that it ever will.
You know, that line of thinking often reminds me of people who volunteer and then do a shitty job. When you then point out that they are doing a shitty job they say "Well, we are just volunteers, we don't get paid for this!"

The reality is that in a F2P game *someone* has to pay or the game is not viable as a business venture. Since the devs would like to make some money they do have to consider the needs and wants of consumers who are willing to spend money on their game. Not just people who are willing and able to spend money on leisure/entertainment but specifically spending money on their product.

My leisure time is limited and PoE does not rise to the level of quality I seek in entertainment to fill that limited leisure time with, nor do I find it conceivable that it ever will.

Yea, no shit. The game isn't shitty, you just don't like it. The devs aren't going to make it casual friendly like you want because that isn't the niche they are targeting. They want to capture the hardcore crowd from D2 and similar games. There is no desire to market the game to people who think Diablo 3 is better. It makes perfect sense; market the game to people who played D2 for a decade, since the F2P model revolves around longevity and microtransactions. PoE is keeping peoples interest with new content and constant polishing.

Like I've said before, many people who like D3 would never ever go back to playing a game like D2. I know you wouldn't.
Basically it is just tailored more for the hardcore element. Not everyone is going to like that.

No, it's tailored more for the non-retard element. If you want your game to tell you exactly how to play, to spell out to you why one item is better than another so you don't even need to think at all, you really shouldn't be playing at all.
it's a good addition to be sure, but they should have either:

A) let you choose where the extra stats go, beyond 100 (but this would mean making each stat more valuable, or it'd just be main stat/vit)
B) added in a tree and given you a point each paragon level.

I doubt this would happen as that would make D3 too hard to play for Blizzard's target audience. Notice how WoW's gear progression is for example? Most of your stats are found on preformed gear because their target audience doesn't want to have choices. They want it picked for them in advance.

There isn't anything wrong with this. But for me it gets very boring thus I fell in love with the PoE system.
No, it's tailored more for the non-retard element. If you want your game to tell you exactly how to play, to spell out to you why one item is better than another so you don't even need to think at all, you really shouldn't be playing at all.

I'm being diplomatic. In "defense" of Diablo 3, items don't need to be figured out at all, so the quick comparison is fine. There is a best in slot item for every slot, no matter your build. This changes a little with new Legendaries, but 99% of the loot for each class is going to have the same value for each individual player.

As was pointed out earlier in this thread, a comparison like that would make zero sense in PoE. Build variations need to be taken into account. What's best for you might not be best for me. A DPS number would be completely irrelevant.
Yea, no shit. The game isn't shitty, you just don't like it. The devs aren't going to make it casual friendly like you want because that isn't the niche they are targeting. They want to capture the hardcore crowd from D2 and similar games. There is no desire to market the game to people who think Diablo 3 is better. It makes perfect sense; market the game to people who played D2 for a decade, since the F2P model revolves around longevity and microtransactions. PoE is keeping peoples interest with new content and constant polishing.

Like I've said before, many people who like D3 would never ever go back to playing a game like D2. I know you wouldn't.

I'd play D2 with D3 graphics, and I think PoE sucks. It feel like a cheesy free to play game.

PoE is just as far from Diablo 2 as Diablo 3.
The skill system isn't even close. Every class I played felt pretty much the same. Oddly enough, I was using the same skills because most them were utterly useless.

It's the same as D3, except you can actually use basically anything to level to 60 in D3. It's not until Inferno that you become stuck. The skills just plain sucked all around in PoE.
The skill system isn't even close. Every class I played felt pretty much the same. Oddly enough, I was using the same skills because most them were utterly useless.

It's the same as D3, except you can actually use basically anything to level to 60 in D3. It's not until Inferno that you become stuck. The skills just plain sucked all around in PoE.

Could you detail what you mean by skills that do nothing? Some skills require speccing a certain way for them to shine, thus they are useless unless you pick those synergistic skill tree points. They even have skills that I wouldn't fathom using until someone showed me it in use with the correct skill tree compliments. I was blown away and immediately made another character to try it myself. Of course I added my own flavor to what they picked to compliment my play style. :)

But that's a very good observation if that's what you mean big_aug. There are skills that seem worthless unless you figure out how to get your passives in the skill tree to compliment them.

In D3 worthless skills seem to stay worthless as you can't really do anything to make it worthwhile. I know I spent a ton of time trying certain things and getting chided in the D3 thread for suggesting trying anything but the top 2 flavor of the month builds. In PoE I can see a new player not grasping the system until they really read and study the forums for answers as to why a skill even exists. Some skills are kinda OP if complimented properly.

Here is a video of a Ranger's build that I took to my Marauder.

Initially my Marauder couldn't really hold aggro until I got a new skill. When I got it my nephew's glass cannon Duelist stopped dying and we just burned through mobs.

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The skill system isn't even close. Every class I played felt pretty much the same. Oddly enough, I was using the same skills because most them were utterly useless.

It's the same as D3, except you can actually use basically anything to level to 60 in D3. It's not until Inferno that you become stuck. The skills just plain sucked all around in PoE.

Basically it comes down to this; you need to make a build based on skills, sockets, gear, synergy and passives. All of them are important to the build. I haven't come across any skills that sucked, other than on my first character who was using skills not suited to his build or his gear. I was able to swap out those skills for ones that suited my gear and passives without a hitch.

You'd want to build up skills that complement each other as well as your playstyle. My current character is using alot of AoE, CC and cone attacks. This works in tight spaces as well as open fields. I've invested mostly in chaos damage, which ignores armor and energy shields, fire traps for damage over time and choke points plus a ton of cold on everything to chill/freeze complementing my high chance to stun enemies. If I get surrounded, I can pound out heavy direct damage AoE's with extra damage over time tacked on.

The recent "Build of the Week" videos are very interesting and show promise for the entire genre.
While your reply wasn't directed at me I will answer your question anyway; This is the Diablo vs PoE thread, not the PoE fanboi thread. In this thread people post why they do or do not like one vs the other. As such you will find that some people, including myself, find D3 to be the better game in terms of many aspects of the game mechanics even though the loot in D3 is currently jacked up.

You are entitled to your opinion and if you love PoE then that is all that really matters to you. You (as in not just you personally but you the reader) are not entitled to tell me that the opinion I formed about the game is wrong. It's my opinion and while you may agree or disagree with it it is and will always be 100% correct from my point of view.

My reply must not have come off the way I meant it to. I was genuinely confused at what exactly he was trying to say. I have no issues with conflicting opinions, and I find both games have their faults. Carry on. ;)
Path of Exile seems to have a better layout for the future, but in all honesty the combat just feels dull, and that is a major issue for a game in this genre.

Yea, no shit. The game isn't shitty, you just don't like it. The devs aren't going to make it casual friendly like you want because that isn't the niche they are targeting. They want to capture the hardcore crowd from D2 and similar games. There is no desire to market the game to people who think Diablo 3 is better. It makes perfect sense; market the game to people who played D2 for a decade, since the F2P model revolves around longevity and microtransactions. PoE is keeping peoples interest with new content and constant polishing.

Like I've said before, many people who like D3 would never ever go back to playing a game like D2. I know you wouldn't.

I dunno, I'm pretty sure the F2P model exists to capture as much of the market as possible. You generally want the people that wouldn't buy the game in the first place (i.e. casuals) playing simply because it's free.
Path of Exile seems to have a better layout for the future, but in all honesty the combat just feels dull, and that is a major issue for a game in this genre.

I dunno, I'm pretty sure the F2P model exists to capture as much of the market as possible. You generally want the people that wouldn't buy the game in the first place (i.e. casuals) playing simply because it's free.

Combat animations could be better, but it's honestly better than Titan Quest in that regard already. I've no issue with dual wielding Duelists or using a bow. A 2 handed Maurader build felt like shit to me, though. Some people are pulling it off really well, but I didn't have much interest in continuing with that playstyle. Hope to see some improvements there.

Nah, a F2P aRPG should cater to its core audience. Casuals will not accept microtransactions like they would in Farmville. With a "core" aRPG, you'd lose your audience if you went too casual. Chris over at the GGG forums explains why keeping core interest is more valuable.
If D3 dropped gear for your class more, and those items actually had stats for that class instead of random weirdness, it would greatly increase the fun I had while playing it. In PoE stuff drops for my class all the time and I don't feel as if I'm getting best in slot gear so I beat the game already. To be exact it makes me want to grind more for another chance for possibly a better item!

In D3 I ended up on the AH searching for gear and depressed looking at the RMAH as I don't believe in buying gear to progress. After I got gear to complete a section from the AH, I didn't care about killing monsters as I lost that feeling that I did it myself. I know I farmed the gold to get it, but it just didn't feel the same as PoE where I killed boss X, Y and Z and the Golden Shoes of Ass Kicking dropped. I have even traded my gear or materials with another person in PoE and felt good about the item I received because it was all done on a personal human level. D3 feels like a spreadsheet to me, but that's just my opinion of course.

I mean there are other issues in D3 but that was a huge obstacle to my enjoyment of the D3. I talked to my buddies about D3 again today and they said hell no again. They all switched to BF3 until PoE has permanent character progression. Actually they are doing more things that that. :)
But back to PoE, they are using the cover of beta to hide behind but at the same time making it accessible by vitually everyone who wants to pay money. I think this may be the part that burns me most. I don't remember ever having to pay for a beta. TBH I regret my 10 dollars on PoE more than I do about spending $60 on D3. I don't even know why this thread exists tbh. Repost it when PoE gets out of their "beta" if they ever do lol. Mark my words, D3 will be the better game when we look back on its entire lifetime.

The sentiment you've expressed here is decidedly...odd. "Cover of beta"?

- The devs did a number of open beta weekends, after which they received requests for ways to support the game and enter the closed beta.

- GGG pays for the servers that host the game, as well as all the development and other resources required to make it work; the logistics of running the game determine how many players they can invite into the closed beta. Thus, if you want to jump that queue and test out the beta they offered the supporter pack you could have misconstrued this as you purchasing a finished product is something I don't understand.

- You don't remember ever having to pay for a beta, yet you did to access the PoE beta by buying a "supporter" pack off a screen that said "we're looking to kickstart PoE" on it. What's funny about your attitude and regret of spending the $10 is that the game is going to be free-to-play when it is released. You could have waited for the game to come out as F2P and tried it then, but instead you supported the devs by tossing them $10 to help them get the game into a release-worthy state.

It's like you did absolutely no research before spending your money and now you're mad at GGG for duping you.
Could you detail what you mean by skills that do nothing? Some skills require speccing a certain way for them to shine, thus they are useless unless you pick those synergistic skill tree points. They even have skills that I wouldn't fathom using until someone showed me it in use with the correct skill tree compliments. I was blown away and immediately made another character to try it myself. Of course I added my own flavor to what they picked to compliment my play style. :)

But that's a very good observation if that's what you mean big_aug. There are skills that seem worthless unless you figure out how to get your passives in the skill tree to compliment them.

In D3 worthless skills seem to stay worthless as you can't really do anything to make it worthwhile. I know I spent a ton of time trying certain things and getting chided in the D3 thread for suggesting trying anything but the top 2 flavor of the month builds. In PoE I can see a new player not grasping the system until they really read and study the forums for answers as to why a skill even exists. Some skills are kinda OP if complimented properly.

Here is a video of a Ranger's build that I took to my Marauder.

Initially my Marauder couldn't really hold aggro until I got a new skill. When I got it my nephew's glass cannon Duelist stopped dying and we just burned through mobs.


The skills... do nothing. I mean, the highest I ever got was lvl 30. I used the same exact skills the whole time. They feel boring and useless most of the time. They might get better later on when you go deep into skills, maybe. I did a shadow and a duelist. I used Dual Strike the entire time almost exclusively. Nothing else came close to the damage and killing power. I never payed much attention to my build. I just built around the gear I wanted to use. Dual wield, attack speed, weapon type, etc. I shouldn't have to play for 30 levels to feel like I'm having fun.

I got all these skills a shadow that just felt completely useless. Fire trap, whirling blade, raise zombie, poison something or other, some teleport attack, etc. They just felt like gimmicks. The skill I had at lvl 1, dual strike, was consistently better than all of them.

It's the opposite for Diablo 3. It does a good job of making the skills seem cool from the get go, but you get pigeon holed in the end. Hopefully the patch will fix some of that. I think it might for some classes.

You can disagree, and that's fine. I find PoE to be extremely boring from the get go. At least it takes 60 or so levels for D3 to really get boring.

Edit: The video you posted is exactly what I mean by boring.. I mean look how slow paced combat and movement is. The feel just isn't there for me.
None of the skills you mentioned suck, you just didn't pay attention to your build. It's pretty important to chose skills you're going to get the best use from based on your playstyle and the other things I mentioned. I mean, "some other teleport attack" = Flicker Strike, which is a very effective skill. Every skill you mentioned can be used effectively, and it doesn't take 30 levels for that to be true. You just need some vague goal of how you want to level up.

I use Fire Trap all the time at level 45, nothing gimmicky about it. We aren't talking about opinions here, these are measurably good skills. Damage end effectiveness is measurable in a stat based game.
I did find the skills a bit lackluster in PoE, though that was a month or so before Diablo 3's release, so I'm sure they've added some more. Had a bow ranger, and after a couple auras I activated, all I needed to use was Poison Arrow with a multiple projectiles gem and piercing, and everything was dead in one right click. With that complaint, I still had a lot of fun exploring every inch of dungeons, killing unique monsters, and getting rewarded appropriately.
... The skills just plain sucked all around in PoE.

Lol no, I don't care if that is your opinion but the one thing that doesn't PoE is not the skill system. D3's skill system is the one which sucks. Talk about a dumbing down of a system to the lowest common denominator.

PoE isn't perfect but it is much more in the style of Diablo 1&2 then 3 is. Diablo 3's initial launch was atrocious and after literally 30 forced hours in the game I was done. There is no depth, no replay ability, and no thinking. PoE has almost 200 hours in it in a years playtime and the amount of changes the devs have made have truly been staggering. The combat depth has improved, the skill system has changed for probably one of the best in the history of arpgs, and the economy is considerably better than anything D3 has done.

D3 was and is simply trying to stand on the shoulders of its predecessors and is failing miserably. Personally I think it is the worst game Blizzard has ever done.
Lol no, I don't care if that is your opinion but the one thing that doesn't PoE is not the skill system. D3's skill system is the one which sucks. Talk about a dumbing down of a system to the lowest common denominator.

Opinions. Everyone is entitled to them. You're just as much correct defending PoE as a D3 fan is defending Diablo 3.

The only thing dumb is getting worked up when someone disagrees with another's opinion.

Personally, I am bored of PoE. I was in beta for months. My marauder is 61. Then again, I'm also bored of Diablo 3. There are things that either game does better than the other.
No, it's tailored more for the non-retard element. If you want your game to tell you exactly how to play, to spell out to you why one item is better than another so you don't even need to think at all, you really shouldn't be playing at all.
Feels good to make a post on an Internet forum that puts yourself into the superior crowd, doesn't it?
Opinions. Everyone is entitled to them. You're just as much correct defending PoE as a D3 fan is defending Diablo 3.

Opinions can be wrong. If you don't like something than that is fine, but as much as I hate "examples" but to say that a Lamborghini Aventador Lp 700-4 isn't a fast car because you never took it above 45 because it was your daily commuter in town is a wrong opinion. Ignorance is never justification for an opinion.

I disagree with Thulman's assessment of the game because he didn't spend enough time with it and got a lot of basic details wrong with the game which clouded his view of it. Kinda hard to get the most basic of details wrong with the game then claim it doesn't matter since it is "his opinion".

My disagreement with Big_Aug is similar because of:
The skills... do nothing. I mean, the highest I ever got was lvl 30. I used the same exact skills the whole time. They feel boring and useless most of the time. They might get better later on when you go deep into skills, maybe. I did a shadow and a duelist. I used Dual Strike the entire time almost exclusively. Nothing else came close to the damage and killing power. I never payed much attention to my build. I just built around the gear I wanted to use. Dual wield, attack speed, weapon type, etc. I shouldn't have to play for 30 levels to feel like I'm having fun.

I mean no wonder the skill tree seemed boring and useless, stuck with the same skills till level 30? Craziness. I know early on the game can seem overwhelming and the skill tree can be a nightmare, but you can trade for skills, equip different ones to fit your playstyle. It requires a ton of theorycrafting and trial and error which can be frustrating if left on your own. But there is a really good in game community and lots of builds and help on the forums.

Now if the character didn't grab you, or you hated the combat then ya I can see quitting early and moving on, but to spend the time to get to level 30 and still have the same skill from level 1, I mean c'mon man! The skills are designed to be custom tailored to your playstyle or a certain build. This isn't D3 where your pigeon holed into 1 or 2 builds for leveling or farming. PoE allows for some of the most diversity in a arpg in a long ass time.

To play PoE for a few hours and say the skill system sucks or lacks depth is incorrect. It is one of the deepest most complex systems out there and there is literally no way you can play PoE for a few hours and come to that conclusion. You can say it sucks because it is too in depth, too complex, too far along to build a "perfect build"; you could even say
...I mean look how slow paced combat and movement is. The feel just isn't there for me.
and I can agree with that because combat is the one defining weakness of PoE and that is a true opinion.

The devs are doing a good job with the content, patches, listening to feedback, and trying to fix the problems which come up; however, you got to realize this is GGG not Blizzard and money is a real issue. The general game play and the potential are there enough to make a real great game, probably the best in the genre since D2 and Titan's Quest IMO. While not perfect and many of the complaints I whole heartily agree with, the simple fact remains that D3 failed in so many ways that as Thuleman said "my playtime is limited" and game companies only have so long to capture my attention. Sadly enough D3 failed to do that and I can't begin to express my disappointment since Diablo 1 & 2 are some of my all time favorite game experiences. I was really hoping D3 could have brought back some of those memories and experiences. Maybe the new patch can do that since 1.04 sounds like it fixes some of the more basic problems I had with the game, but we'll see.
I disagree with Thulman's assessment of the game because he didn't spend enough time with it and got a lot of basic details wrong with the game which clouded his view of it.
If I have to spend dozens of hours playing something that I clearly do not enjoy just to get to the part that I may or may not like then the devs failed to attract me as a customer. I have neither the time nor the desire to wade through suckage to get to something that may potentially be good.

I spend one evening/night playing PoE, couldn't tell you how many hours exactly since I already deleted it off my drive. In that time I found a great many things that I did not like, that were annoying, or aggravating, as opposed to entertaining.

You are essentially pulling a Steve Jobs on me saying "You're holding it wrong!", that's one way to look at it of course, another is to just acknowledge that some people think PoE sucks and move on. That's what this thread is all about, it's a comparison thread, and in comparison to D3 I think that PoE sucks. Someone else has to form their own opinion about it, mine is set in stone.
Someone else has to form their own opinion about it, mine is set in stone.

And yet PoE will change again in a couple of weeks when they release the next large patch...because the game is still in development.

I don't think anyone is actually trying to change your mind though; only taking the time to point out to others how your opinions are based on minimal playtime of a game that you incorrectly believe is complete.
Opinions can be wrong. If you don't like something than that is fine, but as much as I hate "examples" but to say that a Lamborghini Aventador Lp 700-4 isn't a fast car because you never took it above 45 because it was your daily commuter in town is a wrong opinion. Ignorance is never justification for an opinion.

I disagree with Thulman's assessment of the game because he didn't spend enough time with it and got a lot of basic details wrong with the game which clouded his view of it. Kinda hard to get the most basic of details wrong with the game then claim it doesn't matter since it is "his opinion".

My disagreement with Big_Aug is similar because of:

I mean no wonder the skill tree seemed boring and useless, stuck with the same skills till level 30? Craziness. I know early on the game can seem overwhelming and the skill tree can be a nightmare, but you can trade for skills, equip different ones to fit your playstyle. It requires a ton of theorycrafting and trial and error which can be frustrating if left on your own. But there is a really good in game community and lots of builds and help on the forums.

Now if the character didn't grab you, or you hated the combat then ya I can see quitting early and moving on, but to spend the time to get to level 30 and still have the same skill from level 1, I mean c'mon man! The skills are designed to be custom tailored to your playstyle or a certain build. This isn't D3 where your pigeon holed into 1 or 2 builds for leveling or farming. PoE allows for some of the most diversity in a arpg in a long ass time.

To play PoE for a few hours and say the skill system sucks or lacks depth is incorrect. It is one of the deepest most complex systems out there and there is literally no way you can play PoE for a few hours and come to that conclusion. You can say it sucks because it is too in depth, too complex, too far along to build a "perfect build"; you could even say and I can agree with that because combat is the one defining weakness of PoE and that is a true opinion.

The devs are doing a good job with the content, patches, listening to feedback, and trying to fix the problems which come up; however, you got to realize this is GGG not Blizzard and money is a real issue. The general game play and the potential are there enough to make a real great game, probably the best in the genre since D2 and Titan's Quest IMO. While not perfect and many of the complaints I whole heartily agree with, the simple fact remains that D3 failed in so many ways that as Thuleman said "my playtime is limited" and game companies only have so long to capture my attention. Sadly enough D3 failed to do that and I can't begin to express my disappointment since Diablo 1 & 2 are some of my all time favorite game experiences. I was really hoping D3 could have brought back some of those memories and experiences. Maybe the new patch can do that since 1.04 sounds like it fixes some of the more basic problems I had with the game, but we'll see.

The skills suck. No amount of theorycrafting or research can fix the problem: they aren't fun. They feel clunky, unresponsive, and simply are not satisfying to use. The act of throwing a fire trap, for example, is extremely painful.

I felt more pigeon holed in the first 10 levels of PoE than I did in D3. That's one thing D3 did well. You can effectively use just about any skills you want and do fine until Inferno. In PoE, I only used other skills because I had them and felt obligated to try and use them. They aren't effective and aren't entertaining.

Combat and skill wise, the two games aren't even in the same league. I never experienced any skills like leap + ground stomp + cleave for a barb... At level 10. There isn't anything like Archon or Disintegrate that are just so satisfying when you mow down literally hundreds of enemies in a few seconds.

Diablo 3 did a lot of things wrong, but they got the skills and combat right. I WANT to use many of the skills, but I can't because the balance is off. They screwed that up. In PoE I didn't want to use the skills, period.
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The skills suck. No amount of theorycrafting or research can fix the problem: they aren't fun. They feel clunky, unresponsive, and simply are not satisfying to use. The act of throwing a fire trap, for example, is extremely painful.

I actually somewhat agree. POE is a game that really splits my opinion. I applaud the devs for attempting to make a game similar to D2 (or whatever you want to compare it to) but ultimately, after MANY hours of game time (since May?), i find myself logging in less and less due to

a) the FoV or distance to the character in the game (it's too close to the playing figure, everything is huge)

b) the Skill tree (it's really a quite boring tree mostly with some interesting things here and there but overall mostly completely uninspired +10 something. It's just too big and too cluttered to be useful and interesting. Add a screen where you can chose a +10 something every level and leave those out of the skill tree for gods sake)

c) the combat and movement feels clunky. And that's a big one for an action RPG. This HAS to be perfect, otherwise it fails.
Well last night I convinced my 26 year old nephew to try D3 again. We played together for the first time since launch. He had quit D3 about four days into it because the skills were boring, the skills had 0 depth and feel to him, the game held his hand too much, and the art looked like WoW 2.0. After I pumped him up that patches had worked miracles, he gave it a try on a fresh install of Windows and D3.

He lagged out about 20 times or more in the 5 hours play session. I rezzed him at least 8 times. These were 1 minute long death sentences. Each death was because he lagged out in poison or got ground pounded while lagged and died. People were bitching in General chat about lag spikes. I never experienced them, but it was funny as hell watching his mage melt like mine used to do for 200+ hours. :)

I kept telling him that mage gets fun when you get the Blizzard spell. Yes, I referenced the WoW spell name but it's iconic there and jogged his fondness for his old WoW mage. So I guess around 26 he gets the spell. First cast and the whole screen melted. He's giggling in Skype! Second cast and he's sounding like Dr. Evil in Skype. After 5 minutes suddenly it hits him hard.

"This shit sucks ass Uncle! WTF is this crap? Freeze mobs, cast AOE spell, and loot? I was so bored playing my witchdoctor during those 5 minutes that I was estatic that he came to this realization! I couldn't even get a spell off before everything was dead. So I said well it gets more complicated in Inferno. You get a spell that freezes and refreezes the enemies so you have to micromanage that so you never take damage from a mob. That elicited this response from him.

"So in Inferno I just spam instawin Blizzard, make sure the mobs never move, work in some tornadoes, and loot? Sounds dumber and dumber to me Uncle! Where are the stat points? How can I customize my character? I said the auction house is where you customize your character as far as I know. He told me that it was time for him to go to bed now as sleep seems more exciting that D3.

He asked me one more time like I work for GGG or something, when is PoE coming out of beta so he can have a permanent character. I chuckled and told him when they say it's finished and not before. He quipped back, "Typical Blizzard!" and signed off for the night.
I am noticing a trend among people who don't like PoE, yet like D3. This trend involves a lot of instant gratification and needing very little intelligence to play a game. I really need try out PoE after reading about the differences between it and D3.
I am noticing a trend among people who don't like PoE, yet like D3. This trend involves a lot of instant gratification and needing very little intelligence to play a game. I really need try out PoE after reading about the differences between it and D3.


I'm noticing a trend amongst PoE fanboys. It involves them being just as bad as Blizzard fanboys.

Yea, instant gratification is exactly why I play hardcore mode only. Getting to level 60 and then dying so I can do it all over again... that's that good instant gratification right there.
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If people don't like the way PoE feels, they aren't going to get into it. No need to be insulting (yet again).

I feel like your character getting better over time is what aRPG's are all about, so stacking up attack speed, run speed, casting speed should all have tangible impact as part of character progression. In D3 it is just gear progression, lack of meaningful attributes and leveling turns me off. I think they got the formula for fluid responsive melee down pretty well, but there isn't much currently outside of that I really jive with.

It comes down to the question: can I make my character a complete badass with a build of my own creation? In PoE I definitely can. My Shadow is a monster. He is popping off well over 2.25 attacks per second. My skills are leveling with me and each combination of support gems alters their utility far more than the D3 rune system, it is obviously much more flexible.
Feels good to make a post on an Internet forum that puts yourself into the superior crowd, doesn't it?

You've got one of the most arrogant and self-satisfied posting styles I've ever seen. Every single post I've seen from you, from the ones in this thread to those in the 'RTS' thread, scream "I know better than you do". This last post you made is pretty hilarious, then, isn't it?
Let's compare server downtime for patches between the two games. In PoE the servers have been known to go down for up to 2 minutes for a patch to roll out. Diablo 3 servers are down for 10 hours today for a patch.

Who wins and loses this war? What goes on during the other 9 hours and 58 minutes that makes D3 a better game?
I think any attempt to answer that question would really be out of ignorance, unless you work there. I've yet to find an official statement from an article regarding the week to week maintenance that goes on.
Let's compare server downtime for patches between the two games. In PoE the servers have been known to go down for up to 2 minutes for a patch to roll out. Diablo 3 servers are down for 10 hours today for a patch.

Who wins and loses this war? What goes on during the other 9 hours and 58 minutes that makes D3 a better game?

That and your characters and stash are available on all servers. There was a mild hiccup with the US servers on Sunday, popped on the EU servers and continued on.
You've got one of the most arrogant and self-satisfied posting styles I've ever seen. Every single post I've seen from you, from the ones in this thread to those in the 'RTS' thread, scream "I know better than you do". This last post you made is pretty hilarious, then, isn't it?

Really!?! C'mon dude, look at your post that he was commenting on. It's not exactly like you left an opportunity for a wide range of constructive discussion.

"Non-retard element" <---- This is such a poignant contribution to the discussion.

And the whole tactic of attacking the other side of this debate, or whatever you want to call it, through the means of intelligence is really wearing thin. Its pathetic, and immature. I'm in my 30s, I have a degree in engineering and I'm capable of grasping and playing both games. I simply have more FUN playing D3 than I did playing PoE.

I think that since the whole compare and contrast thing is not going anywhere we should just let this thread die.
And the whole tactic of attacking the other side of this debate,

It's not about personal attacks. It's about a game holding your hand and making your choices for you. Corralling you down a path without even the semblance of choice other than this: Items are my choice. Items are what makes me different from other players. I must acquire better items because this is the overwhelmingly primary means of developing my character.

A shocking coincidence, then, that the Auction House provides Blizzard with profit.

And if that weren't bad enough, thought isn't even required to decide if an item is an upgrade for you. That is explicitly spelled out by the game itself! How pathetic is that?
Well I think that a couple people arguing vehemently about their level of intelligence isn't what these forums are about. But at the same time people trying to tell me that there is only one skill that can be used from level 1 to 30 deserves rebuttal for example. I just wish that rebuttals didn't stoop to name calling.

And Yoshijuki I was just poking a stick at the D3 fanatics through the cage they're trapped in while maintenance happens. I hope this patch does revitalize their game that they spent $60 on as they deserved a better product from launch. $60 is $60 regardless if you make 100k a year or 20k. And I do own D3 also so getting some value from it in the future when I inevitably get bored will be good.