Path of Exile vs Diablo 3

Really!?! C'mon dude, look at your post that he was commenting on. It's not exactly like you left an opportunity for a wide range of constructive discussion.

"Non-retard element" <---- This is such a poignant contribution to the discussion.

And the whole tactic of attacking the other side of this debate, or whatever you want to call it, through the means of intelligence is really wearing thin. Its pathetic, and immature. I'm in my 30s, I have a degree in engineering and I'm capable of grasping and playing both games. I simply have more FUN playing D3 than I did playing PoE.

I think that since the whole compare and contrast thing is not going anywhere we should just let this thread die.

There are a few of us offering facts about both, and hopefully some of our comparisons help people try either one. Ignore the shitty posts from either side, and there is actually a lot of info in this thread.
It's not about personal attacks. It's about a game holding your hand and making your choices for you. Corralling you down a path without even the semblance of choice other than this: Items are my choice. Items are what makes me different from other players. I must acquire better items because this is the overwhelmingly primary means of developing my character.

A shocking coincidence, then, that the Auction House provides Blizzard with profit.

And if that weren't bad enough, thought isn't even required to decide if an item is an upgrade for you. That is explicitly spelled out by the game itself! How pathetic is that?

I dont understand why you would put this much energy into hating something that you are apparently not interested in at all.. where is your motivation to be a hater coming from. if you prefer path of exile then play that and leave diablo fans alone. nobody is saying PoE is a bad game Im sure there are lots of people playing it and enjoying it. same goes for diablo. they are two completely different games so stop comparing them, we can just start a thread that has a picture of an apple and an orange and you can talk about the differences if you'd like, that would be about as productive as this thread and topic of discussion.

personally i like oranges more, the colors and the dry wall like rounded edges just fascinate me teehee plus im colorblind so what looks orange to you looks green to me
I dont understand why you would put this much energy into hating something that you are apparently not interested in at all.. where is your motivation to be a hater coming from. if you prefer path of exile then play that and leave diablo fans alone. nobody is saying PoE is a bad game Im sure there are lots of people playing it and enjoying it. same goes for diablo. they are two completely different games so stop comparing them, we can just start a thread that has a picture of an apple and an orange and you can talk about the differences if you'd like, that would be about as productive as this thread and topic of discussion.

personally i like oranges more, the colors and the dry wall like rounded edges just fascinate me teehee plus im colorblind so what looks orange to you looks green to me

It's a comparison thread about two apples (aRPG Diablo-likes). Of course comparisons are going to be made. People come here to discuss the differences, not to be left alone. If people would stop focusing on the inflammatory posts, maybe a good discussion could be had.
And yet PoE will change again in a couple of weeks when they release the next large patch...because the game is still in development.

I don't think anyone is actually trying to change your mind though; only taking the time to point out to others how your opinions are based on minimal playtime of a game that you incorrectly believe is complete.

Pretty much this.

I first tried PoE before D3 came out, and after playing D3 went back to PoE. Holy shit had they added a lot.

I can see how noobs wouldn't like PoE though, too much information to have to digest--especially after coming from D3 where everything is just given to you and you don't have to think.

As with everyone else, i agree that the combat is PoE's weak spot, but, it just feels like a wizard holding a 2hander in D3--slower attack speed means slower animation.
It's not about personal attacks. It's about a game holding your hand and making your choices for you. Corralling you down a path without even the semblance of choice other than this: Items are my choice. Items are what makes me different from other players. I must acquire better items because this is the overwhelmingly primary means of developing my character.

A shocking coincidence, then, that the Auction House provides Blizzard with profit.

And if that weren't bad enough, thought isn't even required to decide if an item is an upgrade for you. That is explicitly spelled out by the game itself! How pathetic is that?

Some people like that type of game otherwise it wouldn't exist. This isn't an insult, but someone out there likes Hello Kitty Island also. Now D3 and Hello Kitty aren't the same thing but they both are easier compared to the alternatives.

GGG wants to fulfill the desires of their hardcore D2 niche players. And all in all as we watch the changes to the game while still in beta unfold, they are doing just that. But you can't blame someone else for not wanting to have to make hard choices in a game when they only have a couple hours to play a week.

D3 is a much easier sit and play experience than PoE. PoE trumps it in complexity and thinking required to accomplish goals obviously. But not everyone is willing to read War and Peace to get there. :)
My whole point was it really wasn't a fair comparison that some people were making then.claiming it is their opinion so they aren't wrong. If I said D3 was easy and a cake walk and it only took me 8 hours to beat who wouldn't call me out for not giving the game a chance. Diablo's game doesn't start until hell and inferno. That was really all I was trying to point out.
where is your motivation to be a hater coming from.

I loved Blizzard. I loved Warcraft 2, Starcraft, and Diablo 2. I grew up playing those games and they were truly distilled excellence. They were works of art, conceived entirely to delight an adoring fan-base and to share incredible imagination and vision with the world.

Blizzard today is a reprehensible shell of its former self, and they are shitting all over the glory of that vaunted name. They now put profit before their fans, and this has been the case since WoW really took off.

Diablo 3 is a painfully transparent money-grab with absolutely no substance, and this is obvious to any intelligent, informed person. I believe that not trashing it publicly would be a moral failure.
I put mana leech on my poison arrow last night, but fucked up my sockets trying to make my bow 5 linked. Now I get to grind out fusing orbs for a few hours. Heh, I got greedy and screwed myself out of my level 11 added cold support gem. As of now, I tossed that set into my boots to at least keep poison arrow plus 3 support gems (faster projectiles, mana leech, increased criticals). The bow now has 5 sockets, 2 green links...
I loved Blizzard. I loved Warcraft 2, Starcraft, and Diablo 2. I grew up playing those games and they were truly distilled excellence. They were works of art, conceived entirely to delight an adoring fan-base and to share incredible imagination and vision with the world.

Blizzard today is a reprehensible shell of its former self, and they are shitting all over the glory of that vaunted name. They now put profit before their fans, and this has been the case since WoW really took off.

Diablo 3 is a painfully transparent money-grab with absolutely no substance, and this is obvious to any intelligent, informed person. I believe that not trashing it publicly would be a moral failure.

Ha ha I agree. But be mindful of the other person too. Nothing wrong with saying something isn't up to standard or you don't like a company. But it's another to say that another human isn't up to standard if they don't agree with you. See the difference?

And when you post from your heart exactly how you feel about a subject without attacking the other person's intellect, but attack his argument vehemently is when people listen to you. Otherwise you come off as just blowing off steam.

Not singling you out as others have done in the past; and I probably have too. I love discussions of new ideas being tossed around. I don't like watching guys scream insults at each other. :)

Debate on!

PoE's complexity rocks btw! That D3 shit needs a good shovel to cover it up ASAP!
I loved Blizzard. I loved Warcraft 2, Starcraft, and Diablo 2. I grew up playing those games and they were truly distilled excellence. They were works of art, conceived entirely to delight an adoring fan-base and to share incredible imagination and vision with the world.

Blizzard today is a reprehensible shell of its former self, and they are shitting all over the glory of that vaunted name. They now put profit before their fans, and this has been the case since WoW really took off.

Diablo 3 is a painfully transparent money-grab with absolutely no substance, and this is obvious. I believe that not trashing it publicly would be a moral failure.

how is it a money grab? idk if you actually played diablo 2 or not. but if you did you must know that buying items was a problem. theyre making it safe and profitable. thats not a money grab thats being intelligent. knowing and understanding the difference isnt difficult.

this is from somebody who doesnt even play the game any more. i find it boring. and i was disappointed with its lack of replayability. and i still think that you are making absolutely no sense.
I put mana leech on my poison arrow last night, but fucked up my sockets trying to make my bow 5 linked. Now I get to grind out fusing orbs for a few hours. Heh, I got greedy and screwed myself out of my level 11 added cold support gem. As of now, I tossed that set into my boots to at least keep poison arrow plus 3 support gems (faster projectiles, mana leech, increased criticals). The bow now has 5 sockets, 2 green links...

I want to hate you right now, but I'm tickled pink that you're getting to experiment with stuff like that! Oh want to hear about my biggest mess up? Getting that Keystone skill that lowered my health to 1 HP and coupling it with the Keystone skill where I do 30% more damage when I get low on health. That was my noobiest pick so far as you never get low on health because you're at 1 Hp the entire time!

Have you tried that blue gem that gives 30% more damage, but takes you to 1 HP? I'm scared to use that as even Chris from GGG said it's for master level players only. Should have seen me running the first time I tried that in the middle of a pack of archers. I was dodging arrows like the Matrix!
I want to hate you right now, but I'm tickled pink that you're getting to experiment with stuff like that! Oh want to hear about my biggest mess up? Getting that Keystone skill that lowered my health to 1 HP and coupling it with the Keystone skill where I do 30% more damage when I get low on health. That was my noobiest pick so far as you never get low on health because you're at 1 Hp the entire time!

Have you tried that blue gem that gives 30% more damage, but takes you to 1 HP? I'm scared to use that as even Chris from GGG said it's for master level players only. Should have seen me running the first time I tried that in the middle of a pack of archers. I was dodging arrows like the Matrix!

You need massive energy shield to pull off those 1hp builds, plus chaos innoculation for chaos resist. Chaos damage bypasses energy shield completely, so any poison or green bolts will 1 shot you without it. You also need to find >20% run speed shoes plus the passives. Some people use that build with tons of exploding zombie minions. Hilarious to watch a wall of flesh exploding for like 2k each, showering guts everywhere.
Pretty much this.

I first tried PoE before D3 came out, and after playing D3 went back to PoE. Holy shit had they added a lot.

I can see how noobs wouldn't like PoE though, too much information to have to digest--especially after coming from D3 where everything is just given to you and you don't have to think.

As with everyone else, i agree that the combat is PoE's weak spot, but, it just feels like a wizard holding a 2hander in D3--slower attack speed means slower animation.

For me then, this is exactly why I don't like PoE. Not the noob part lol. Its just that, they clearly made a game that has too much information for me. I think enough at work, I think enough dealing with my wife and kid. I think enough about all the other stuff living a life in your 30s entail. When I'm chillin in front of the pc in the evenings or on the weekends, I want to whirlwind those damn monsters and see bones flying across the screen until my eyes glaze over with pure bliss. Like many have said, for me its 95% combat enjoyment and D3s combat and physics are beautiful in my opinion. And combat is just something an action RPG has got to do well. Its a pretty big part of the genre lol.

When I want my strategy and tactician fix, honestly I fire up Starcraft.
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For me then, this is exactly why I don't like PoE. Not the noob part lol. Its just that, they clearly made a game that has too much information for me. I think enough at work, I think enough dealing with my wife and kid. I think enough about all the other stuff living a life in your 30s entail. When I'm chillin in front of the pc in the evenings or on the weekends, I want to whirlwind those damn monsters and see bones flying across the screen until my eyes glaze over with pure bliss. Like many have said, for me its 95% combat enjoyment and D3s combat and physics are beautiful in my opinion. And combat is just something an action RGP has got to do well. Its a pretty big part of the genre lol.

When I want my strategy and tactician fix, honestly I fire up Starcraft.

And for me it's not that I don't want to think or that I won't think... because I will. I will take it beyond what most people would do. However, the game itself has to be good. I think PoE, the game, is mediocre at best. It might have a cool skill SYSTEM but the skills themselves and the way they work are lackluster.
For me then, this is exactly why I don't like PoE. Not the noob part lol. Its just that, they clearly made a game that has too much information for me. I think enough at work, I think enough dealing with my wife and kid. I think enough about all the other stuff living a life in your 30s entail. When I'm chillin in front of the pc in the evenings or on the weekends, I want to whirlwind those damn monsters and see bones flying across the screen until my eyes glaze over with pure bliss. Like many have said, for me its 95% combat enjoyment and D3s combat and physics are beautiful in my opinion. And combat is just something an action RGP has got to do well. Its a pretty big part of the genre lol.

When I want my strategy and tactician fix, honestly I fire up Starcraft.

There's an honest answer. I hear you. Luckily PoE kinda does both. Upgraded skills do get chunks of enemies shooting all over. Fewer explosions early on unless you're lucky with skill gems.

Even if you're never going to play again, it's worth it to check out a few of the Build of the Week youtube episodes from GGG. I'm telling ya, some of those builds are revolutionary for the entire genre and extremely well thought out. The game gets hilarious when you're dishing out a metric fuckton of DPS.
how is it a money grab? idk if you actually played diablo 2 or not. but if you did you must know that buying items was a problem. theyre making it safe and profitable. thats not a money grab thats being intelligent. knowing and understanding the difference isnt difficult.

You know you could drop $15 have have a fully decked out D2 character? $15 in D3 will barely get you one mediocre item, which is why I feel D3 is a money grab.

Well that and the fact that progression = gear, and gear = money for blizzard. I just want a way to customize my character outside of that.

They could have done SOOO much more with gems (and enchanting, had they not stripped it for the expansion) if they wanted customization to be solely item-based.
You know you could drop $15 have have a fully decked out D2 character? $15 in D3 will barely get you one mediocre item, which is why I feel D3 is a money grab.

Well that and the fact that progression = gear, and gear = money from blizzard. I just want a way to customize my character outside of that.

They could have done SOOO much more with gems (and enchanting, had they not stripped it for the expansion) if they wanted customization to be solely item-based.

the fee's are flat..... the only time theres a % involved is when you move it to your paypal account. theres only a fee if it sells.

that 15% is to encourage you to keep the money in the game. they dont want you to put the money in your paypal they want an economy. 1$ is not a money grab dude. especially not when you are selling something that isnt real

Transaction Fee (Real-Money Auction House): $1.00 USD per item / $1.00 AUD per item

so the cost of the items has no relevance.

and granted yes the auction house and poor itemization has cause problems and a reliance on the auction house in my opinion but it in no way at all is a money grab sorry.
You know you could drop $15 have have a fully decked out D2 character? $15 in D3 will barely get you one mediocre item, which is why I feel D3 is a money grab.

Well that and the fact that progression = gear, and gear = money for blizzard. I just want a way to customize my character outside of that.

They could have done SOOO much more with gems (and enchanting, had they not stripped it for the expansion) if they wanted customization to be solely item-based.

You know it's the players setting the prices, right? So if anything, blame your fellow gamers.
It's not about personal attacks. It's about a game holding your hand and making your choices for you. Corralling you down a path without even the semblance of choice other than this: Items are my choice. Items are what makes me different from other players. I must acquire better items because this is the overwhelmingly primary means of developing my character.

A shocking coincidence, then, that the Auction House provides Blizzard with profit.

And if that weren't bad enough, thought isn't even required to decide if an item is an upgrade for you. That is explicitly spelled out by the game itself! How pathetic is that?
Just LOL. First and last sentence highlighted for effect. Absolutely hilarious to see that you contradict yourself in a single post. The reality is that you affirm your love for PoE by belittling those who don't like the PoE game mechanics because according to you those who are intelligent and sophisticated want to spend hours and hours huddled over spreadsheets to figure out whether an item is an upgrade or not.

I already have a fulfilling and rewarding job, I don't want another one. What I do want when I am not working is entertainment and the PoE devs have made a large number of game mechanic choices which make PoE not entertaining to me.

But go ahead, just keep posting on the Internet that you are more intelligent than others because you play/love PoE. At least I am entertained by your posts which is more than I can say about PoE.
Just LOL. First and last sentence highlighted for effect. Absolutely hilarious to see that you contradict yourself in a single post. The reality is that you affirm your love for PoE by belittling those who don't like the PoE game mechanics because according to you those who are intelligent and sophisticated want to spend hours and hours huddled over spreadsheets to figure out whether an item is an upgrade or not.

I already have a fulfilling and rewarding job, I don't want another one. What I do want when I am not working is entertainment and the PoE devs have made a large number of game mechanic choices which make PoE not entertaining to me.

But go ahead, just keep posting on the Internet that you are more intelligent than others because you play/love PoE. At least I am entertained by your posts which is more than I can say about PoE.

spelled out by the game itself! How pathetic is that?

While I was clearly referring to the game in this sentence, now that I think about it it is pathetic that you want your game to play itself while you throw money at it! That isn't a personal attack. It's a fact. There hasn't been a single personal attack in any of my posts in this thread, unlike most of yours. Absolutely hilarious to see you swing and miss like that though, old boy.

Back on topic: figuring out a build in PoE isn't particularly hard. Here's why it's fun:

1. You actually have to figure one out, and your choices actually matter. There is no obvious best skill complement. There is character development besides items. When you acquire an item, you may need to consider for a few moments whether that item fits into your build as an upgrade.

2. You can figure out countless more builds, each just as effective or greater.
It's pathetic that you want your game to play itself while you throw money at it. That isn't a personal attack. It's a fact. There hasn't been a single personal attack in any of my posts in this thread, unlike most of yours. Absolutely hilarious to see you swing and miss like that though, old boy.

Back on topic: figuring out a build in PoE isn't particularly hard. Here's why it's fun:

1. You actually have to figure one out, and your choices actually matter. There is no obvious best skill complement. There is character development besides items. When you acquire an item, you may need to consider for a few moments whether that item fits into your build as an upgrade.

2. You can figure out countless more builds, each just as effective or greater.

While I was clearly referring to the game in this sentence, now that I think about it it is pathetic that you want your game to play itself while you throw money at it! That isn't a personal attack. It's a fact. There hasn't been a single personal attack in any of my posts in this thread, unlike most of yours. Absolutely hilarious to see you swing and miss like that though, old boy.

Back on topic: figuring out a build in PoE isn't particularly hard. Here's why it's fun:

1. You actually have to figure one out, and your choices actually matter. There is no obvious best skill complement. There is character development besides items. When you acquire an item, you may need to consider for a few moments whether that item fits into your build as an upgrade.

2. You can figure out countless more builds, each just as effective or greater.

you attacked jay wilson in the diablo thread yesterday. im having a hard time taking your opinions seriously.

Originally Posted by wabbitseason View Post
We all knew Jay Wilson was a classless, unprincipled douche. He couldn't help proving it just one more time though.

you are obviously biased :)
No, it's tailored more for the non-retard element. If you want your game to tell you exactly how to play, to spell out to you why one item is better than another so you don't even need to think at all, you really shouldn't be playing at all.

Diablo 3 is a painfully transparent money-grab with absolutely no substance, and this is obvious to any intelligent, informed person. I believe that not trashing it publicly would be a moral failure.

I'm not as smart as I thought :D
you attacked jay wilson in the diablo thread yesterday. im having a hard time taking your opinions seriously.

Let's see. You're having a hard time taking my opinion seriously because I attacked Jay Wilson. Jay Wilson, the classy champion of Diablo 3, who responded to Brevik's civil, diplomatic statements with 'fuck that loser'.

I'm having a hard time taking your opinion seriously.
the fee's are flat..... the only time theres a % involved is when you move it to your paypal account. theres only a fee if it sells.

that 15% is to encourage you to keep the money in the game. they dont want you to put the money in your paypal they want an economy. 1$ is not a money grab dude. especially not when you are selling something that isnt real

Transaction Fee (Real-Money Auction House): $1.00 USD per item / $1.00 AUD per item

so the cost of the items has no relevance.

and granted yes the auction house and poor itemization has cause problems and a reliance on the auction house in my opinion but it in no way at all is a money grab sorry.

I worded it poorly i suppose. It's as simple as this:

How do you customize your character? Though gear.

How do you get the gear you want? Through the AH.

In D3 if you ponder: "Hmm i think i want to try out a crit build." (In other games you could respec crit, perhaps.) In diablo 3, you have to go buy new gear because there is no way in hell you're going to get a crit set to drop.

You know it's the players setting the prices, right? So if anything, blame your fellow gamers.

Yes, and IMO blizzard should have set a healthy cap of like $30.
I think the problem is that you're so far beyond our level of intelligence that our simple minds could never grasp whatever points you have attempted to make.
check out a few of the Build of the Week youtube episodes from GGG. I'm telling ya, some of those builds are revolutionary for the entire genre and extremely well thought out.

That's the real fun of the game. The flexibility and uniqueness of the character that you build.
I worded it poorly i suppose. It's as simple as this:

How do you customize your character? Though gear.

How do you get the gear you want? Through the AH.

In D3 if you ponder: "Hmm i think i want to try out a crit build." (In other games you could respec crit, perhaps.) In diablo 3, you have to go buy new gear because there is no way in hell you're going to get a crit set to drop.

if its a money grab why are they fixing itemization. If you look at my post in response to you before I stated that I agree the AH caused problems for them, and people became reliant on them and they werent really finding upgrades. that shit is lame. but thats whats tight about 1.0.4. theyre trying to fix those issues. money grab is such a lame argument man, obviously the game is flawed and shit happens. but they're not money grubbing monsters. the majority of their decisions are logically sound. poor execution is their problem and they're making headway in fixing these issues. i am very impressed by this patch and im excited to finally play again
if its a money grab why are they fixing itemization. If you look at my post in response to you before I stated that I agree the AH caused problems for them, and people became reliant on them and they werent really finding upgrades. that shit is lame. but thats whats tight about 1.0.4. theyre trying to fix those issues. money grab is such a lame argument man, obviously the game is flawed and shit happens. but they're not money grubbing monsters. the majority of their decisions are logically sound. poor execution is their problem and they're making headway in fixing these issues. i am very impressed by this patch and im excited to finally play again

i can't read the patch notes.

I'm also excited by a lot of their changes, and yea they're in the right direction--but i haven't heard anything about them actually fixing itemization.

To my knowledge, they're just fixing legendaries. Again, that's great, but it doesn't fix that fact that most of the dropped gear is still utter shit like int+str+gold pickup or some other nonsense. They need to make new affixes that people want, throw them into the mix, and then actually write an algorithm for determining what can happen on a given piece of gear.

No more of this int + str nonsense. OR, if they really want that sort of gear, give a benefit to being a strength-wearing wizard.
I dont know the entire patch notes but a few noteworthy ones

2hander weapons are being buffed to compare to dual wielding or 1h/offhand. This is in relation to pure damage, and combined stats.

The max roll on damage for ilvl 61 and 62 items will be much closer to ilvl63. 63 will still be the best for highest dps, but the gaps have closed dramatically.

Drop rates for normal elites have been increased by about 4x. Not quality per say, but just mor chances at rares to roll better stats.

Edit: I'm sure there will still be a lot of crap, but the distribution of crap to good items of say 100 rare items will yield more 'good' items.

I guess this is as good as it gets.
i can't read the patch notes.

I'm also excited by a lot of their changes, and yea they're in the right direction--but i haven't heard anything about them actually fixing itemization.

To my knowledge, they're just fixing legendaries. Again, that's great, but it doesn't fix that fact that most of the dropped gear is still utter shit like int+str+gold pickup or some other nonsense. They need to make new affixes that people want, throw them into the mix, and then actually write an algorithm for determining what can happen on a given piece of gear.

No more of this int + str nonsense. OR, if they really want that sort of gear, give a benefit to being a strength-wearing wizard.

I guess this is as good as it gets.

Random is random. I like it being that way. Increased chances is all I'd ask for.

And there are benefits for all stats to all classes.
i can't read the patch notes.

I'm also excited by a lot of their changes, and yea they're in the right direction--but i haven't heard anything about them actually fixing itemization.

To my knowledge, they're just fixing legendaries. Again, that's great, but it doesn't fix that fact that most of the dropped gear is still utter shit like int+str+gold pickup or some other nonsense. They need to make new affixes that people want, throw them into the mix, and then actually write an algorithm for determining what can happen on a given piece of gear.

No more of this int + str nonsense. OR, if they really want that sort of gear, give a benefit to being a strength-wearing wizard.

I guess this is as good as it gets.

they fixed 2handers and weapon drops i61 and i62 have been fixed to be closer to i63. the minimum being increased

also if you look in the diablo 3 thread somebody found an insane upgrade off his first pack after the patch.

sounds good to me
I like PoE's drop system where random is random but the stats on the item fits a spec. So if you're doing str / int Templar the gear that drops benefits that. In D3 a bunch of times I ended up wearing 100 str / 39 dex / 39 int / +poison toads damage gear on my Hunter because that's what dropped. In PoE all of the Str / Int gear makes sense, but you want X amount of sockets, number of buffs, etc on it. After you find what you want, but it has something you don't like, you reroll it until you get exactly what you want. If your reroll attempts fail you hunt more gear to burn to get more materials to reroll more gear. It's maddening to be one orb short of another reroll attempt. Must play longer!

I personally like standing at my bank making orbs out of armor or rings out of excess gems. Then taking the chance at rerolling it to something better. Or worse as it sometimes bites you in the ass too. In D3 the gear sometimes just doesn't make logical sense. Well 99% of the stuff that drops for me is garbage that I wouldn't put on my character today, tomorrow, or any other day. In PoE the garbage gear could be salvaged and rerolled into something spectacular if you took the time to do so. Naturally most of the time it's not reasonable to do so because the next great drop is waiting for you on the next boss! In D3 I mostly get more junk than usual off the bosses.

So which loot and gearing system is better? I think PoE is vastly superior to D3. I just played 1.04 D3 and I didn't get a feeling of accomplishment when I bought a full set of gear off the AH just then for my 30 WitchDoctor. I played my Hunter in PoE and rerolled 6 quivers until I got one that almost doubled my dps. That's fun to me.

Different strokes for different folks. Time to let it go people. Both games have their ups and downs and some people just respond differently to those differences.
I did a bit of playing back and forth last night between D3 and PoE.

The fluidity of spells in PoE is lacking. They really need to improve their hit detection.

I hope this is something they are planning on improving.

It also finally occurred to me what bothers me about the loot in d3, and it's such a silly thing but i can't help it... the 'dps' number is so big and at the forefront that it belittles the damage range of an item, which is what i have always looked at in rpgs. I know it's still there, but... i dunno. Just something i noticed.
I did a bit of playing back and forth last night between D3 and PoE.

The fluidity of spells in PoE is lacking. They really need to improve their hit detection.

I hope this is something they are planning on improving.

It also finally occurred to me what bothers me about the loot in d3, and it's such a silly thing but i can't help it... the 'dps' number is so big and at the forefront that it belittles the damage range of an item, which is what i have always looked at in rpgs. I know it's still there, but... i dunno. Just something i noticed.

Your misses might be due to a lack of accuracy if playing melee. I'm not sure how much you need though as my marauder is a tank basically and it doesn't matter if he hits or misses as he just soaks damage. Also i'm forbidden from outleveling my nephew so he's on the shelf for now.
No offense, but that's one of the most ridiculously biased pieces I've ever seen. Talk about taking every thing you can find and twisting it.

Blizzard may or may not be money grubbing, but you shouldn't use that post to support anything.

sure it's biased - it's all quotes from the top executives. biased towards the money grubbers.