Old games you would like to see remade.

I think my list of older games I would want to see remade would be:

Might and Magic III, IV, and V, or just continue the series. Heroes of Might and Magic was ok, but I liked 3, 4, and 5 better.

I know a lot of people would like to see another X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, and so would I. I loved that game.

Decent Freespace 1 & 2
were wonderful, I would love to see a continuation of that series. I know at least one other person mentioned it.

Total Annialation was fantastic, I can't wait for Supreme Commander. My hope is that SC is as good as TA was. We loved TA. It was one of the first games I ran back when I ran Lan Parties.

Master Of Orion was mentioned, but I loved the first game. So I too would love to see it continued, or remade. MoO 2 wasn't bad, but I never got 3, so I don't konw how it was.

I doubt if anyone remembers this game, but back when I got my first 386DX20, I bought a game called Lightspeed. I had a blast with that game.

Hellbender was a lot of fun for me. I wouldn't mind seeing something along those lines.

It is rather interesting that a number of the games I listed all had some sort of flight function, yet I really dislike flight sims. I like Space Flight Sims though. Hmm...
cell_491 said:
i want a rare remake of goldeneye and perfect dark

Well we will probably never see a Rare remake of it. But I know there is a remake in the makings for the Source Engine , and a couple remakes in production of it for the Unreal 2K4 Engine.
azzkikur said:

I could not agree more.
If they were to reamke it, Id want to keep it 2D, only this time put in realy high quality sprites. Imagine this game running at 1600x1200 or something. With all the artwork done by Amano at super high res and quality. It would be like a peice of artwork.
I wish that Wing Commander 1 and 2 were redone; I keep meaning to build a DOS box so that I can run them, but never seem to get around to it.

DamienThorn said:
I wish that Wing Commander 1 and 2 were redone; I keep meaning to build a DOS box so that I can run them, but never seem to get around to it.

Don't build a DOSBox, run DOSBox: http://dosbox.sourceforge.net

It'll run just about anything. Grab the D-Fend frontend, and you can configure your DOS sessions with a nice concise little interface. So much cooler than using a real DOS computer, because you can click buttons and dropdowns to set up memory management, video, audio, etc.
J3RK said:
Don't build a DOSBox, run DOSBox: http://dosbox.sourceforge.net

It'll run just about anything. Grab the D-Fend frontend, and you can configure your DOS sessions with a nice concise little interface. So much cooler than using a real DOS computer, because you can click buttons and dropdowns to set up memory management, video, audio, etc.

That's fucking awesome. Thanks for that link d00d...I know what I'm playing this weekend! :D

Syndicate is another excellent game that should get a fancy new engine. It would still have to look similar to the way it did before though. (Small characters, huge crowds in the streets, isometric view, etc.) Imagine the first Syndicate with a nice 3D engine with excellent particle effects and lighting. Oh, and free rotating view, so you could see behind buildings. If anyone even remotely related/associated with BullFrog passes through here, let them know. :)
Votes for System Shock 2....the doom3 engine would be perfect....and Deus Ex.
Fallout and Planescape with higher res stuff, but still the same view. I don't think KOTOR/Morrowind style would do these justice, but NWN view might (where you could choose).

Quake 2 with the doom3 engine.
I just picked up medieval total war for cheap, cool game but hard to play after playing R:TW. I would like to see M:TW remade using rome total war graphics because that period of time is far more interesting to me than ancient rome.
J3RK said:
Don't build a DOSBox, run DOSBox: http://dosbox.sourceforge.net

It'll run just about anything. Grab the D-Fend frontend, and you can configure your DOS sessions with a nice concise little interface. So much cooler than using a real DOS computer, because you can click buttons and dropdowns to set up memory management, video, audio, etc.

Dosbox is great, but doesn't work well with everything.

A dedicated DOS gaming machine with a few custom boots really works the best, especially with games that use JEMM like the Wing Commander games.
outpost 2
AlienVsPred 2
total annihilation
CnC red alert 2
CnC Tiberian Sun
Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri
Caesar 3
total annihilation.
Modernize the map and unit formats, better AI, more units max, multiplayer updates, etc

The sad thing is the original with maxed units could probably bring a A64 4800+ / dual 7800 to its knees...damn software 3d rendering.
Karant said:
Chrono-Trigger, Star-Craft, Battlefield 1942.

I want BF1942, but not on the BF2 engine. Hacking it onto e.g. the Far Cry engine would be nice, though.
However, it's still perfectly playable, so I'll happily wait another few years for better-suited, better-looking and generally better engines to appear first.
cell_491 said:
i want to get half life source but im not rebuying half life 2 just to get half life source

bet there's a way to get your account upgraded. call valve, they bumped me to gold