Old games you would like to see remade.

Grim Fandango
gogol 13 (but only if it would to be true to the violence that the NES version sadly lacked)
Would also like to see elite and privateer get remade. Would love to see Colonization get remade also...Still is a fun game even today. Used to play megafortress a lot so that would be a decent remake also imho...
Goldeneye, Starfox 64, Resident Evil 2,3, and Code Veronica, Zombies ate my neighbors. I wanted a new final fight, but we're getting that.
Ultima IV, V were seriously good crpgs back in the day. I never played VII The Black Gate, but most people seem to think it was the best in the series, so that's my vote. I really wished Origin would make a new Ultima game with updated 3d graphics.

X-COM UFO defense I spent months playing this game. It was damn hard. I remember hearing about a fps version in the making several years ago but I think it was vaporware.
I'd like the remake to be 3d but still turn based strategy.

Neuromancer, wow I barely remember that game. I had it on Apple IIGS. Don't think I ever beat it.

I'd like to see all the old SSI Gold Box AD&D games remade with the newest tech isometric engine, make them look like Dungeon Seige II quality graphics, except turn based of course. Temple of Elemental Evil was going down that road, too bad the module they picked wasn't that great and it was buggy and short. I beat it in 2-3 days.

Interstate '76 would be cool. I had it but my computer couldn't really play it. No 3d card = total chop fest. I think I had a P166mmx at the time and 3d accelerator cards were beyond my means.

And last but not least I want some pixel shaded Oregon Trail.
I forgot to mention Commander Keen and a Full throttle-esque game.

How about the monkey island series? GOLD. GOLD.
Because I want to see who remembers it...

Beneath The Root.

C64... too much metal for one hand \mm/

Brief hijack: FFIVj is the best of the oldschool FF's. X has the best feel of a world on the brink (and there's deicide in it! God I loved that part of the game... nothing better than the feeling of power you get from realizing your characters are more powerful than gods. And it wasn't easy for me, that was a 90 minute fight!!!). 7 is the best overall, beacuse it was so bleak. That "tech demo" NEEDS to be a full on game, dammit.

Ok back to remakes.

Super Castlevania IV. SotN is a masterpiece, but for classic gaming goodness, nothing beats SCIV.
I was going to say Shadowrun, but I'm amazed to see that it IS being remade. Good find, whoever that was. To be honest, I was a bit let down to see that it's going to be a FPS. I think the SNES format of the game was perfect. Just imagine that with a remade (and much bigger) Seattle and everything in 3D. I'm not writing it off though. We'll have to see about it. I'm definately not going to buy an X-Box 360... I'll just rent one from Blockbuster when that game comes out. The original has gotta be one of my favorite games, even though certain aspects of it were pretty bad.

I don't know why some of you are saying they need to remake games that are like 5 years old and younger. Like Mafia? Or Ocarina of time? Those games don't need to be remade at all.

I'm all for a remake of Zelda and Zelda 2: Link for the NES. I bought both for my GBA, and had some beautiful nostalgia for a couple of months. It was nice that they weren't changed in any way. I say either TOTALLY remake the game, or leave it totally intact.

Remake Road Rash 3.

More than anything, I think it's time for a new Punchout!! game.
Rampart was the best multiplayer hotseat games ever made. Simple to learn, but very indepth strategies to master...I could always take on two opponents by myself and win. Go Go War Ballon!
Wanamingo said:
M.U.L.E. from back in the day of the Commodore 64 / Atari 800

Archon series from same era

Fallout series in the KoTOR engine (or its upgraded version, whatever it's called)

Duke Nukem 3D in the Half-Life 2 engine

Ohh my god I forgot MULE. Ya that would be a good one.. 64 player network.. :)
Here are a few sites with remakes that I've seen requested throughout this thread. Some of them are simple remakes, or modern engines to allow the old game to be played on modern OSes. Some of them are enhanced graphically. There are tons more, but these are the ones I could think of off the top of my head.

There is a MULE remake called Space Horse. Some friends an I have been planning a Multiplayer MULE game for a few years now. One where it would run on a server, and you could perpetually join in to a game already in progress. Then save your assets on exit. Some of the graphics work has been done, but so far nothing else has. We were going to call it D.0.N.K.3.Y :D It seems that everyone is will to do their part except the lazy coders that we know, so it more or less depends on them. The art, sound, and music are more or less covered.
Freespace 2. Well actually I'd like to see Freespace 3 with a continuing storyline but I know that's not going to happen. RIP Volition :( btw, we need more space flight sims where I can use my joystick. It's getting dusty!

Goldeneye made by Rare. Say it with me now...EA Games killed the 007 series with crappy gameplay.
All the Myth games
Secret of Mana
Deus Ex - don't change ANYTHING except the graphics and enemy placement.
Panzer General
Advent - 3d and with more weps :p
Freelancer - add decent modding capability, more ships, weps, better plot, SEX WITH JUNI + PENETRATION :D
I know we have silent hunter 3 and others out now, but aces of the deep would be a good remake (or even a pacific version of it) with the technology we have out atm.
SparksNelec said:
Freespace 2. Well actually I'd like to see Freespace 3 with a continuing storyline but I know that's not going to happen. RIP Volition :( btw, we need more space flight sims where I can use my joystick. It's getting dusty!

Goldeneye made by Rare. Say it with me now...EA Games killed the 007 series with crappy gameplay.

Oooh yes. Someone really, really needs to pick up those rights soon. I miss Volition, and the story is perfectly ready for a followup.

Freelancer was a fine distraction, but it's not quite up there.
Yes Crusader No Remorse and ROTT!!

baseball bat and hand of god ruled ROTT!

saturnine2 said:
Ultima 7!!!!
Crusader No Remorse/No Regret
Final Fantasy Adventure
Doom 1&2

**bump for this page to be on the [H] front page!
Ya i vote for sin to be remade on the unreal engine....

basicaly any good FPS remade on the unreal egine please. :)

How about chasm the rift on unreal engine lmao. I bet no one remebers that game!
Deus Ex - don't change ANYTHING except the graphics and enemy placement.

AND Please dear god make the aliens at the end NOT QUEER. They looked so gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Such a great game but its all i can remeber...wel that and beating down bums!! Frist time i seen a alien i was like "you can be serious!!!!! This is a joke?"
Black Thorn. Played like the original PoP games, so why not a POP:Sands of Time mimic, with guns. :)
Triple B said:
Because I want to see who remembers it...

Beneath The Root.

C64... too much metal for one hand \mm/

Brief hijack: FFIVj is the best of the oldschool FF's. X has the best feel of a world on the brink (and there's deicide in it! God I loved that part of the game... nothing better than the feeling of power you get from realizing your characters are more powerful than gods. And it wasn't easy for me, that was a 90 minute fight!!!). 7 is the best overall, beacuse it was so bleak. That "tech demo" NEEDS to be a full on game, dammit.

Ok back to remakes.

Super Castlevania IV. SotN is a masterpiece, but for classic gaming goodness, nothing beats SCIV.

It's "Below the Root" and two friends and I just beat it about 3 days ago! :D That's amazing, I didn't really think many people knew about it. It's a totally fun game. I can't believe we just played it, and I'm reading someone else talking about it. Eat Wizzenberries. Time passes. You feel strange. :D :D :D
Its not that old, but if System Shock 2 were remade with a state of the art engine (keeping the awesome audio ambience) I would not be able to play it for fear of the nightmares.
Quak3R said:
I would like to see a nice remake of/ or a them of Quake 1 (goth and NiN music is the best)

aye captain. That game is the .005% of all games i've ever played where I didnt turn the music off within 20 seconds of starting a new game. Rules.
Aaron_ATX said:
aye captain. That game is the .005% of all games i've ever played where I didnt turn the music off within 20 seconds of starting a new game. Rules.


This adds per-pixel lighting/shadows, and other enhancements. You can also download texture and model updates as well. There should be links from the Tenebrae site for the texture/model updates.
awwwwwesome! thanks!

for your next trick, I demand you make farcry co-op (not some buggy mod :p )
TheBlueChanell said:
Wasn't that super Nes game.

It came out for the PC first. Then SNES. But yes, it was. It's also available for the GBA these days. Quite a good game.
There are some texture and model updates for System Shock 2 as well. I like the texture update, but the old low poly models seem a little creepier for some reason.

There was an OpenGL engine being made for SS1, but I think it's more or less been abandoned.