Old games you would like to see remade.


Aug 14, 2003
I'm completely bored with the current crop of games to the point that I'm reloading old classics to replay. There are a lot of great old games that would be awesome if they were just redone using modern engines and interfaces. What games would you like to see brought up to date? Here are a few of mine:

Star Control
Forget the modern weapons. Allies vs. Axis, Shermans, Tigers, P-51's, B-17's.... doesn't get any better than that... well maybe some better graphics and updated physics like you said.

Since you asked.
For sure Quake2 on an enhanced Doom]l[ engine, with CoOp of course :) Also StarCraft on a brand new engine
Command and Conquer Gold [PC]
Final Fantasy 6[SNES]
Final Fantasy 5[SNES]
Chrono Trigger[SNES]
Illusion of Gaia[SNES]
Paladins Quest[SNES]
Mobile Suit Gundam, Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes [Dreamcast]

Thats for starters, and in no particular order.
Definately Star Control 2! That was such a fun game, especially the melee mode.

I can't wait for StarCraft to be remade as well. I've been looking forward to StarCraft: Ghost ever since the original XBOX was announced :rolleyes:

They re-made One Must Fall 2097 but its ugly as hell and not nearly as fun as the original.

I don't know if its viable anymore, but I remember those old Gold Box Dungeons & Dragons RPGs being incredibly addictive. You know, the turn-based / quasi-3D games from SSI/TSR? I used to love those on my XT: 4.77MHz of raw power there, with a turbo button! :)
Asian Dub Foundation said:
Final Fantasy 7

ha!, wouldn't that be the day? at least we're getting a movie, a cell-phone game, and a ps3? game featuring vincent!

i actually don't know if i would like a remake of that. it would somehow takeaway from the greatness of it i think.

my remake, bionic commando. oh, so many things you could do with that. fps - being able to position yourself places with your bionic arm and/or shoot as you're flying through the air after attaching to something with your arm. pretty f'ing sweet i would say.
second choice: super dodgeball. what a great game.
phoderpants said:
ha!, wouldn't that be the day? at least we're getting a movie, a cell-phone game, and a ps3? game featuring vincent!

i actually don't know if i would like a remake of that. it would somehow takeaway from the greatness of it i think.

my remake, bionic commando. oh, so many things you could do with that. fps - being able to position yourself places with your bionic arm and/or shoot as you're flying through the air after attaching to something with your arm. pretty f'ing sweet i would say.
second choice: super dodgeball. what a great game.

Dirge of Cerberus is supposed to be a PS2 game.

And the rumors are there is going to be a Final Fantasy 7 remake on the PS3
Ultima 7!!!!
Crusader No Remorse/No Regret
Final Fantasy Adventure
Doom 1&2

**bump for this page to be on the [H] front page!
raise of the traid ! lol. That would be just insane.......

Anyways my life

1. unreal
2.FALLOUT 1 useing the marrow wind engine.. which i guess they are doing
3. command and conquer red alert
4. I want to see duke 3d remake using the unreal engine... Duke forever is never coming out
Ron1jed said:
raise of the traid ! lol. That would be just insane.......

Anyways my life

1. unreal
2.FALLOUT 1 useing the marrow wind engine.. which i guess they are doing
3. command and conquer red alert
4. I want to see duke 3d remake using the unreal engine... Duke forever is never coming out

Fallout 1 is one of the best games ever!

THanks alot, now i have to dig the disk out and replay the damn thing for the humteenthbillionth time :p
Asian Dub Foundation said:
i think that day will come...


the tech demo was breathtaking :eek:

always keep the hope alive! ;)

though i still enjoy playing the original on the comp.. at 640x420 max rez no less! :D

hmmm, that's interesting. my bet is it actually is just a tech demo though. in the gamespot article, the sony execs were quoted as not having all of the ff7 spin-offs firmly determined, which leaves room for a remake of ff7, but definitely doesn't say anything about them making one either. they could just be using it to stir up the excitement of all of us FF !!!!!!s. my question is, would great graphics make the game that much better? i say no because the amazing story was what drove that game, not the amazing graphics.
phoderpants said:
hmmm, that's interesting. my bet is it actually is just a tech demo though. in the gamespot article, the sony execs were quoted as not having all of the ff7 spin-offs firmly determined, which leaves room for a remake of ff7, but definitely doesn't say anything about them making one either. they could just be using it to stir up the excitement of all of us FF !!!!!!s. my question is, would great graphics make the game that much better? i say no because the amazing story was what drove that game, not the amazing graphics.

IMO a new graphic engine + voice acting will only help the incredible story come more to life..

i mean let's face it, after playing the newer FFs, (especially X and X2), goin back to play FF7 just feels awkward (though by no means takes away from the story).

either way, it will be sqaureEnix's lost if they don't put out a remake sometimes in the future, IMO they will make alot of $$$ off of fans that will gladly pay the price.

ff7 + ps3 + 1080p HDTV = heaven

damn gotta stop dreaming... :p
Asian Dub Foundation said:
IMO a new graphic engine + voice acting will only help the incredible story come more to life..

i mean let's face it, after playing the newer FFs, (especially X and X2), goin back to play FF7 just feels awkward (though by no means takes away from the story).

either way, it will be sqaureEnix's lost if they don't put out a remake sometimes in the future, IMO they will make alot of $$$ off of fans that will gladly pay the price.

ff7 + ps3 + 1080p HDTV = heaven

damn gotta stop dreaming... :p

oh, totally. they'll make a crapload of cash if they remake it. i, unfortunately, was majorly disappointed with ffX, especially because of the loss of cut-scenes and the voice acting. making ff7 into the style of ffX would make me more angry than happy.
phoderpants said:
oh, totally. they'll make a crapload of cash if they remake it. i, unfortunately, was majorly disappointed with ffX, especially because of the loss of cut-scenes and the voice acting. making ff7 into the style of ffX would make me more angry than happy.

Uh, There were shitloads of Cutscenes in FFX

My favorite being the scene where the Chocobo Knights and the Albed worked together at that one beach to fight off Sin...a miserably failed attempt.
Komataguri said:
Uh, There were shitloads of Cutscenes in FFX

My favorite being the scene where the Chocobo Knights and the Albed worked together at that one beach to fight off Sin...a miserably failed attempt.

were they pre-rendered? man, i must have just blocked them out if they were. i really didn't like that game to be honest. toooo much talking. when everything was text boxes, it all went so much faster.
i want to get half life source but im not rebuying half life 2 just to get half life source
phoderpants said:
were they pre-rendered? man, i must have just blocked them out if they were. i really didn't like that game to be honest. toooo much talking. when everything was text boxes, it all went so much faster.

there were animated cutscenes and Full motion Videos

besides you can skip ahead through the dialogue just like any previous FF if im not mistaken

for me, the talking just brought more depth to the story...

the 2nd time through X i made sure i talked to EVERYBODY lol
Asian Dub Foundation said:
there were animated cutscenes and Full motion Videos

besides you can skip ahead through the dialogue just like any previous FF if im not mistaken

for me, the talking just brought more depth to the story...

the 2nd time through X i made sure i talked to EVERYBODY lol

but if you didn't listen to them talk, you missed the story. :(
No games what-so-ever.

I don't like Hollywood remakes, I don't want game remakes.
phoderpants said:
but if you didn't listen to them talk, you missed the story. :(


i don't understand how can you not just read the text and scroll on...

then again i havent played X for god knos how long

explain please?
JK 1 is being redone. Some one at Massassi is actually recoding the whole engine. It has nice water now.
privateer, ultima7, die by the sword. id pay good money for a good remake of any of these.
Asian Dub Foundation said:

i don't understand how can you not just read the text and scroll on...

then again i havent played X for god knos how long

explain please?

well, from what i remember, there was no text that went along with the speech. maybe i just never had the settings in the game right. man oh man. if i find now that i could have set it up to have text also, i will be kicking myself because that would have made me enjoy it more.

however, i do remember for a fact that there were definitely some parts in the game where you couldn't fast forward through the speech at all because the dialog was dependent on characters moving around the scene and doing things (kissing, praying, whatever), and that flow couldn't be interrupted.

i think i'm remembering this all correctly.
I would love to see a complete redo of the first Zelda, that game was sweet. I would love to play more of a 3d version but not first person, prefer that game in the 3rd person perspective.
phoderpants said:
well, from what i remember, there was no text that went along with the speech. maybe i just never had the settings in the game right. man oh man. if i find now that i could have set it up to have text also, i will be kicking myself because that would have made me enjoy it more.

however, i do remember for a fact that there were definitely some parts in the game where you couldn't fast forward through the speech at all because the dialog was dependent on characters moving around the scene and doing things (kissing, praying, whatever), and that flow couldn't be interrupted.

i think i'm remembering this all correctly.

yeah.. i think you are right. Some part of the game, you can just scroll on through the text and read it

and others, the "intergral to the story" scenes, you can skip the dialogue (nor was there text boxes i think).

anyways lets not go TOO far off the orginal topic (too late huh
:p )
x-wing vs TIE fighter. keep the same story, but just make the graphics look like something more recent than the atari.
Fint said:
x-wing vs TIE fighter. keep the same story, but just make the graphics look like something more recent than the atari.
there was a story to that game...
The Baldur's Gate series in 3D. Of course, it will still have to have that feel of a 2D, in essence, the scenery has to be life-like. Better than what hardwares can do in many years to come.
Pkirk618 said:


in 3d fps view...

no...an FPS version of pacman :D most of the time itll just be pacman but in first person but when you get an upgrade you get a minigun