Old games you would like to see remade.


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 9, 2003
Well, remade, or revisited, but for technology reasons rather than just because you want a sequel. Things you really feel were good then, but would be even better with today's eye candy, physics, etc.

The top title I keep wishing would have another entry in the series is Syndicate. That game was fun with massive ammounts of stuff onscreen even back then, just think what you could do now with DX9/10 and physics processing.

Of course I think system shock needs to be revisited under dx10, and of course fallout needs another GOOD entry with modern graphics.

What are some of yours?
i'd love to see an updated version of the original FPS of Southpark. It wont run on XP, and I miss the yellow snowball fights. Multiplayer was a blast. Id also like to see a Metal Slug multiplay game using the same style of graphics and mechanics.
lol I like the FPS southpark idea, that'd be great, there's plenty of southpark characters to allow 32 or 64 players, like a battlefield 1942/vietnam/BF2 style of game, just set in southpark :D

someone needs to make that mod!
NIVO said:
i'd love to see an updated version of the original FPS of Southpark. It wont run on XP, and I miss the yellow snowball fights. Multiplayer was a blast. Id also like to see a Metal Slug multiplay game using the same style of graphics and mechanics.

I had totally forgotten about that game. Good times were had. xD

My pick is Carmageddon.
Aelfgeft said:
Duke Nukem ;)

Hey now, Duke HAS been remade with every technology available since it first came out. It just hasn'e been finished or released for us to play.

Legends of Kesmai

Ultima Online brought back to its Pre-trammel glory

MAGESTORM!!!!!!!!11111111 (online mage vs mage fighting game)
itsmikey said:

Legends of Kesmai

Ultima Online brought back to its Pre-trammel glory

MAGESTORM!!!!!!!!11111111 (online mage vs mage fighting game)

Oh yeah, I played Magestorm when Darkness Falls servers (MUD) was down. :p

I'd also like to see them bring back Independence Day 4 from Centropolis Gaming.
Actually, now that I think of it, I'd like to see a more successful remake of the Gold Box Games SSI made. They were D&D based, including a couple that had a Buck Rogers theme and used the appropriate system. You could spend hours and hours playing those, and there was a real tabletop D&D experience. The Atari games that have come out were buggy jokes. Baldur's Gate was all right but nowhere near as close to detail as titles like Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Secret of the Silver Blades, Pools of Darkness, Matrix Cubed, etc. I haven't yet managed to get my hands on Neverwinter Nights but I suspect it's pretty good. I'd just like to see the basic concept of trying to recreate the tabletop game experience put as the primary concept above graphics, sound, etc.
I would like to see a new game. Not a "2" or a reduex of a classic, but an honest to goodness NEW game - something that hasn't been done before, not an evolution of an engine. For example, Quake 4 was not "new", it was Quake 2 on a new engine.

GamePublishers keep pushing for what they know will sell - "Give me another Diablo 2" for example. It will sell because it's safe. The battlefield series have evolved, but it's nothing new since BF'42 (which wasn't totally new, but was new in that you coul walk, fly, or drive, etc).

Another exmple - Nintendo and Mairo... how many of the same games have you seen with the name "Mario" in them? Thought so...

So I vote "no" on remaking any game :)


A true Shadowrunner. Wow that was a great game. I used to love watching the ppl sance in that club. Made me laugh 1st time I saw it. Great game.
This is an oldie and perhaps some of you werent even born yet, heh. But I liked it alot and spent many months playing it.

It was a game that played on one of the first computers out there with a color monitor. Anyone remember the old Commador64?

Well, the game I played on that which was so memorable was......

Spy vs. Spy

What could be better than running around a building setting traps for the other player and watching as they set them off.....TONS of FUN!!!

Ahhh, I miss that game....
SAW said:
This is an oldie and perhaps some of you werent even born yet, heh. But I liked it alot and spent many months playing it.

It was a game that played on one of the first computers out there with a color monitor. Anyone remember the old Commador64?

Well, the game I played on that which was so memorable was......

Spy vs. Spy

What could be better than running around a building setting traps for the other player and watching as they set them off.....TONS of FUN!!!

Ahhh, I miss that game....
that would make a good multiplayer - maybe turn based game.
Sewer Shark (Sega CD), that game was hella fun, and it'd be easy to re-do nowadays.
Ascendancy was like the best sifi turn based game back in like 95. They have a number 2 on the to do list but I can't wait for it to come out. This game was so insane back in the day. I am going to load it in a virtual pc image when I get a chance to find the disk.

Anyway southpark was great. Screw the yellow snowballs I liked dropping a cow on someone. If you got hit by it you saw like cow ass on your screen before dieing. I would love to see this remade and the bugs fixed. Hell just convert it to run on like the quake 3 engine or something as a tc. If I remember it ran on the turok dino hunter engine.

Starcraft is another game that they need to update or something. Hell a nice patch that allows higher res and more people(bypass that 200 build limit), and bigger maps and I'd buy it. Game is good how it is but could use some extra fun features.

Even with starcraft and southpark I would take ascendancy over them. It was just that good of a game. Hell if you go to the logicfactory website you can read the pc mag reviews from back in the day.
Tie Fighter for sure. But what I would love is a remake of Fallout 1 and 2. By far my favorite games of all time.
Kind of lame, but the Kings Quest games were great. Not much by todays standards but damn I loved those games.
along with tie fighter, maybe another wing commander...

they really slunked down in making action flyers....

as far as i'm concerned with technology the way it is, a tie fighter or wing commander flight sim + FPS would be SOOOOO COOOOOL.... hybrid game, i'm not talking BF2, i'm talking like one mission you fly, one you shoot, in any combo...

somebody mentioned star control, that was a really great strategy/topview flyer game...

it'd be cool with flight sim....

also, somebody mentioned metal slug... i think side scrollers are about dead (not exactly sure why) but maybe a FPS based on the metal slug series? that would probably do well