Old games you would like to see remade.

Mule....it was slated till dan died.

Medal of honor series...just better graphics and bigger maps.

Diablo II and LOD with updated graphics leave the damn game play alone

BF2 with no planes and no hackers ( that will be the day )

AA with better graphics and no hackers ( see above )

Mechwarrior 5 MS won't pull it off the shelf but it is for sale at least to FASA..if they had any money.

Original Delta Force was a blast but no one is interested any more.

Final Fantasy Tactics new graphics and PC based.

all old arcade games with new graphics

carmageddon original game play but new graphics....WOW
someone posted last year that a co picked up this and others and was reworking them...WHAT HAPPENED????

Railroad tycoon...original game play kept

man I loved most of the games on the amiga in the 80's
#1 Syndicate
The first Carmageddon with real peds not zombies!
Turrican Series (keeping it in 2d but higer res graphics, although the sound from those games still sounds good today!)
Same again for contra 3