Ok, FEAR freaked me out

does it get more scary? I've only played it a few sessions, around chapter 6 or so.

They hit a good mix of pulling off creepy without being annoying like doom3.
i didnt think it was very scary, it was a little startiling, mainly the part where u climb down the stairs and see the little girl, then turn around and see a guy. but it really wasnt scary
Brent_Justice said:
i'm officially scared to go to bed tonight with all the lights off
Don't be affraid I'm right behind you...............
lol....I haven't even touched FEAR sp yet....too into Q4 atm. I did try mp though....pretty good stuff.

Q4 owns u.
Are you serious? Play the bugged fear demo and shoot the little girl she splatters everywhere it's hilarious. That'll put you to sleep with a smile on!
F.E.A.R. is absolutely fantastic. Quake 4 is pretty damn good too. Great Week.
Alma(the little scary girl) is under your bed,in your closet and in your head. Nothing to be afraid of,just use the particle rifle.
Aaron_ATX said:
does it get more scary? I've only played it a few sessions, around chapter 6 or so.

They hit a good mix of pulling off creepy without being annoying like doom3.

If you think its creepy up to interval 6 then I think you'll find the last 30 minutes of it to be hella scary.
I was on chapter 3 or something and was in a slightly darker ditch thing.. then the lights flickered and the lil girl appeared out of nowhere. Freaked the hell out of me :mad:
Only part that really freaked em out int he game was the first encounter with the cloakers...

Other than that, FEAR has pretty weak scare factor to it(i guess SS2 has trained me well)
I guess I'm on the same boat as you Brent, the game really started getting jumpy for me near the end, as was the second encounter with the cloakers. Freaky little buggers they are.
Yeah, you know you're REALLY freaked out when you start having nightmares about monkeys with bags of chips and metal nursemaids. :eek: I locked the bedroom door at night when I was at home alone after playing SS2. Still, looking forward to trying out FEAR (picked it up yesterday).
an update

i managed to get to sleep, with the windows open and the blinds cracked to let light in :D

DOOM 3 didn't make me this freaked out, FEAR did a nice job, i love it!
something about little dead girls with long hair

never played fear sp but the ring scared the shit outta me :p
DermicSavage said:
Only part that really freaked em out int he game was the first encounter with the cloakers...

Pretty much the same here. I think I jumped straight out of my chair the first time I saw the cloakers. The begining of that level pretty much had no action going on and then *WHAM* invisible guys jumping through ceilings to get in your face.
sKiDmArK said:
Pretty much the same here. I think I jumped straight out of my chair the first time I saw the cloakers. The begining of that level pretty much had no action going on and then *WHAM* invisible guys jumping through ceilings to get in your face.

that part was kinda frightening, but it hink it was because of the sound they make. you hear the sound of leather crackiling, look up and see something hanging from the walls....that was pretty weird.
not scary really but the graphics/effects are good and the AI is the best so far in any fps. play it at the hardest level to get ur money's worth.
I hate scary game. I always remember when I play Silent Hill, I almost scary to death.
this games really freaks me out... once i even jumped out of my chair when i pushed the empty can in some corner...also had one almost heart-attack moment so far...
i love this game and i love horrors..this is a game just for me

now, Brent becareful with that open window at night
jack1201 said:
I hate scary game. I always remember when I play Silent Hill, I almost scary to death.

Man i remember Silent Hill, stupid lighter wasnt bright enough
RailGunRiz said:
Are you serious? Play the bugged fear demo and shoot the little girl she splatters everywhere it's hilarious. That'll put you to sleep with a smile on!

You know she disintegrates whether you shoot her or not, right?
winston856 said:
calluum said:
you hear the sound of leather crackiling, look up and see something hanging from the wallsQUOTE]

How does leather crackle?

He probably meant creaking rather than crackling...if you've ever worn leather though, you'd know the sound :)
Digital Terror said:
He probably meant creaking rather than crackling...if you've ever worn leather though, you'd know the sound :)

yeah, im not sure how to word it properly, but im sure once u see the scene, you know what im talking about..shit, i remember back in '84, u know the micheal jackson leather suits, those bad boys used to crackle...
I thought the game was fantastic. Alma is quite similar to the girl in The Ring I think, and that girl still gives me the creeps. Something about evil little children frightens me more than anything else. If I had the opportunity, I could add some bits here or there to make the game even scarier, but overall it did have the hair on my neck standing on edge for 80% of the game. Hopefully there'll be a sequel.
DermicSavage said:
Only part that really freaked em out int he game was the first encounter with the cloakers...

Other than that, FEAR has pretty weak scare factor to it(i guess SS2 has trained me well)

I really like how it shows you things that happened like SS2. (nothing beats the creep-factor of SS2 though, (I think it's the isolation.)) I don't think it's weak in FEAR, as much as it is done to perfection in SS2.
ss2 = System Shock 2, right? Just making sure :)

I never did get a chance to play that one, and the computer I was playing ss1 on kinda died before I even got an hour into the game, and I never got around to trying to make it work on the next comp I had.
I am not a person that is easily scared, but I love creepy movies and this is deffiantely one of them.

Scary Spoilers and story spoilers (kind of)

I only jumped three Times, Once when your walking and a corspe is thrown through an office window. That didn't scrare me but the civvy that comes running through another window and runs off. The Second was the First clone attack, you are sitting by yourself walking though and you see a glimpse of a person and think its another ghost, it disapears and next second its right in front punching you. The third so far was this time you are in the office just Prior to Picking up the girl, you here a phone ring but you can't find it, I restarted 3 or four times just so I can find this ringing phone. I keep coming back to this room with blood all over the cieling, I get fed up and I shoot at the blood. Right then a boody flops down right in front of me. The one time My heart raced so fast that I felt like taking a break and getting a cigarette.

I say it funny because even though I am not frighten and it isn't really affecting my life, this morning I had my first nightmare in a while, I say Nightmare because of the subject matter, because I never am frighten during the dreams or afterward, So while I can't say I am afraid to sleep and up front I seem fine with the game I feel for brent because the game is even getting to me in a wierd non-scary way.
calluum said:
i didnt think it was very scary, it was a little startiling, mainly the part where u climb down the stairs and see the little girl, then turn around and see a guy. but it really wasnt scary

thats nothing, wait till later


in the elevator, the lights go dim for a second, flash and the girls standing right next to you


fires shottie at nothing
I remember going into that bulletproof reception desk office thinger to turn off the security switch so you can use the elevator, and upon turning it off the lights go off, I turn around and they come back on with the girl standing outside the bulletproof glass, scared the shit outta me :(

Well, here is a shot of it...

Digital Terror said:
ss2 = System Shock 2, right? Just making sure :)

I never did get a chance to play that one, and the computer I was playing ss1 on kinda died before I even got an hour into the game, and I never got around to trying to make it work on the next comp I had.

Yep. You can still find it here and there. There's a big online game store in Australia that sells it. A little extreme I know, (game is cheap, but shipping is pretty ridiculous.) Worth it though. If you like games like these, there really isn't a better one. Graphics are dated, but they were so stylistically designed, that it doesn't detract at all. (In fact, it kind of makes it creepier.) If you can find a copy, I recommend grabbing it. SS1 and SS2 are at the top of my favorite games list.
OldPueblo said:
Yeah, you know you're REALLY freaked out when you start having nightmares about monkeys with bags of chips and metal nursemaids. :eek: I locked the bedroom door at night when I was at home alone after playing SS2. Still, looking forward to trying out FEAR (picked it up yesterday).

talley said:
God every time you hear those buggers make a sound, the creep factor istantly increases by 10

sKiDmArK said:
Pretty much the same here. I think I jumped straight out of my chair the first time I saw the cloakers. The begining of that level pretty much had no action going on and then *WHAM* invisible guys jumping through ceilings to get in your face.
I saw one of the guys perched up on a wall at first, and just after i saw him he jumped off and cloacked.
I figured it was just another gohost and moved on...
1 sec later *WHAP*
me: ofuk! *spray*
*cloaker cloaks and runs away*
me: *pants heavily*
DermicSavage said:
God every time you hear those buggers make a sound, the creep factor istantly increases by 10

I played that game by myself, first time i ever cheated in a game before finishing, i wanted a bigger gun. *shudder* those monkeys, my god i hate those monkeys.