Ok, FEAR freaked me out

Everytime I saw the little girl I had a chil go through my body... even when I played it through again and knew that she was going to me there.

There is a part in the waste treatment plant where you have to go through a air duct and all of a sudden Alma is at the other end and she starts to move towards you... AHHH! (SHAKING!!!)

Or when you went down that ladder and turned around and Fettle was right there.... I think I closed my eyes and just held fire till I ran out of rounds!

Same as the rest of you, the Cloakers scared the shit out of me the first time I saw them.
I heard some buzzing sound, walked into that room and did a double take, and then RAN, I was so freaked out I didn't know what to do, so I just ran away.

Also in the elevator when Alma shows up in the corner!!!!!!
Not that I remember but I think my ass went numb after 5 hours stright, so who really knows! :D
Shit, I ALMOST busted a nut in the vault room. :rolleyes: I really didn't want to see Alma like that, made me feel like I am scared for life. I can deal with the walking slow, but the crawling..... ahhhhhhhh!!
Just shoot the godamn girl, tell her no Sweet sixteen then empty the glock into her
When I first encountered the cloakers i heard the buzzing and thought to myself "god dammit! who left the copy machine on?" lol then WHAP! wtf? SHIT! *goes slow mo and kicks the cloaker to death* it really wasn't that scary though... For some reason just seeing the shadow of something or the disembodied voices are the only things that make my skin crawl. Those and the sections where you're just walking down the hallways, with the blood and the screaming and everything...
Is it me or did the cloakers shock you when you tried to melee them? I did a nice little slide tackle on one only to find that he did about 50 damage back to me :(
retardedchicken said:
Is it me or did the cloakers shock you when you tried to melee them? I did a nice little slide tackle on one only to find that he did about 50 damage back to me :(
I don't remember, too much adrenaline you know?

One other part that made my skin crawl was when you walk into that room and there's blood EVERYWHERE and the remains of that other squad all over the place. I just stopped and thought to myself "...what...happened...here........." Then Jin walked in and started taking freakin pictures! lmao

IMO nothing in the game compares to that trance sequence near the end of the game when you're working your way towards the delivery room and you have to fight the older dead alma a couple of times. Then you get to the delivery room door and turn around, and she's slowly walking towards you. The first time I played that part I unloaded my pistol at her but I wasn't fast enough, she sped up the last couple of steps and puts her arms out to grab you. That was the most scared I've ever been in my life. I dunno if it would have been different during the day around people but alone in a house at night w/ the lights off it almost killed me (literally).
talley said:

Holy Shit.
There were 3 parts that really got to me. The first was one I really didnt expect. When you are checking out the building in the very first interval and ur on the roof when Fettle hits you across the face with the board, that scared the hell outta me. Second was when Alma was crawling towards you like a spider, kinda like in the exorcism movies, and the last one was just seeing Alma as an older lady. It wasn't really an event on that last one just the look of her as an older (still dead?) Alma just got to me for some reason.
(This is somewhat related to topic) One time I picked up a cheap copy of "The Thing" (based on the old John Carpenter classic). At the time my computer desk wasn't against the wall, but actually was in the middle of the room, so i could just look over the monitor and see the door entering the room.

I was at the last boss in The Thing, totally creeped out from the game (remeber the movie?), and as I was fighting the boss, my wife creeps in the room below my line of sight, to the front of the desk, lying at my feet. At the right moment she reaches out and grabs my foot. I jumped so high I literally almost hit my head on the ceiling.

All that to say, this thread makes me anxious and a litttle hesitant to go pick this game up. When I finally go buy this game (after payday), I think I'll play with the light on...and the door locked!
Jesus, I picked a great time to get some decent headphones. The sounds, the visuals, the voice acting, all freaked the hell out of me. The last 30 minutes were some of the most amazing video game effects I've ever seen. Time for bed now. My wife hates me now. LOL.


Let the credits run all the way through guys :) :)
The cloakers literally had me so scared I forgot about SloMo. And Alma...holy shit...this game is so damn awesome I can't stand it...at one point I was so freaked out I emptied a clip while spinning around as fast as I could...it sounds cheezy I know but I just couldn't do anything else.
i just beat the game about 5 minutes ago, i must say i was definitely enjoying the game all the way through.
the part in the elevator shaft when you are walking on the ledge and the elevator all of a sudden falls, i think i soiled myself at that point because i play with my speakers as high as possible to take in all the sounds.

LOVE IT. i didnt expect the ending either.
I just beat the game a second time, this time with cheats.
The damn thing is, I knew where every guy was, I knew when Alma would show up.

It didn't matter, everytime I saw Alma I felt a huge chill
There's a thread on gamefaqs where people claim a certain version of the director's cut will cause Alma to APPEAR on your screen when you are in Windows every now and then.

Probably untrue but would be great if it was...unless of course it was at a bad time or you soil yourself.
Spare-Flair said:
There's a thread on gamefaqs where people claim a certain version of the director's cut will cause Alma to APPEAR on your screen when you are in Windows every now and then.
Probably untrue but would be great if it was...unless of course it was at a bad time or you soil yourself.

That would fucking scare the shit out of me!

No Doubt it would be 18 year old dead Alma
Spare-Flair said:
There's a thread on gamefaqs where people claim a certain version of the director's cut will cause Alma to APPEAR on your screen when you are in Windows every now and then.

Probably untrue but would be great if it was...unless of course it was at a bad time or you soil yourself.

i've got the directors cut, haven't had that happen
I didn't think the game got to me other than when I was playing it but I had a freakish dream of Alma spider runing at me lastnight!!!

I guess it got to me more than I realized
Spare-Flair said:
There's a thread on gamefaqs where people claim a certain version of the director's cut will cause Alma to APPEAR on your screen when you are in Windows every now and then.

Probably untrue but would be great if it was...unless of course it was at a bad time or you soil yourself.

I doubt that is true, legal ramafications would make that a very stupid move indeed...


I have to agree, the last section, especially the older alma coming at you really fast...holy shit. Want to know how fast you can click a mouse button? Play that.

also the bit at the start with fettle, didn't see that one coming

and its already been said but playing with headphones will scare the living crap out of you, the ambient sound is used to great effect.

Plus the sheer voilence/loudness of the combat countered with the moments of faint quiet makes you get very much on edge because you just KNOW any second its gonna get loud. You get to be walked around, pointing in all possible corners....it just makes you live on the edge.
I can see why this game would freak some out ..the ambient noises and background subtle tracks that play all add to the tension ..I dont find the game scary , but it did make me jump once ( so far )
like a previous poster ..it was right after you first encounter the cloaker dudes and you are just walking down a hall ..I was looking intently for a one to be crawling on a far wall ... expecting to find another one in an office should I go into one ..then ..


dead guy gets thrown thru office window into hall... I bounce in my chair a bit recoiling back from my desk and with having my mouse way sensitive and still not being used to it I got my view all over the place in a panicked fashion just spraying wildly trying to get my mousing under control ... I realise that I am not taking any damage , so I settle down and look and see that it was just a dead guy that got thrown thru an office window ..

I chuckle and mumble "..lol ..those dirty buggers..."

How come when I shoot guys in the leg/foot their heads fly off and then sometimes if I shoot em in the ass they explode into a million pieces? (Regardless of that , still funny as hell =D)
Steel Chicken said:
thats nothing, wait till later


in the elevator, the lights go dim for a second, flash and the girls standing right next to you


fires shottie at nothing

This literally scared me to death. I panicked and fired off my shotgun into that corner as the lights went out again. I fumbled to turn on my flashlight and instead found myself dropping a live grenade into a closed elevator.
kelbear said:
instead found myself dropping a live grenade into a closed elevator.
I've done this more times than I can count. Sucks when you are trying to sneak up on a guy and inadvertantly toss a nade into the wall next to you.
You guys are pussies. It had some scary moments... But nothing to the extent that you all have described. It was a really well done game, though. Good music.
I think it took me 11 or 12 hours. Quake 4 only took 6-7 (short). Both were good, but FEAR was better.

The nuclear blast at the end was amazing to me. I was VERY impressed with how the pulled it off. Of course, it didnt look very good from the helo, but such is life. It was a great game.
I too just finished F.E.A.R ... its definitely my choice for SP GOTY, unless CoD2 can change my mind... that should be next.

The funny thing is that I started playing Q4 then FEAR, then I completely forgot about Q4... who wants to run around in a maze the whole damn time! FEAR had its scary moments, the music, mood, effects, graphics are all executed very well... it did get a little repetitive but it was still a supercalifragilisticexpiealidisous game...

Can't wait for the sequel... and by that time, there should be even more powerful cards...

Oh yeah, you guys should check out the directors edition extra videos, like the making, prequel, comments,.... yeah

"And I'm feeling yeeeee!" ~Keak Da Sneak
I remember holding the shift key to walk practically the whole way through the game; I was that nervous. And I could've sworn my heart stopped when the cloakers first appeared. Alma scared me more times than I could remember, especially when she was crawling around on all fours and the epilogue scene.

There's a thread on gamefaqs where people claim a certain version of the director's cut will cause Alma to APPEAR on your screen when you are in Windows every now and then.

That's blatantly false but would still creep me out to the point where I probably wouldn't turn on my computer very often (at least not in Windows).