Ok, FEAR freaked me out

I don't think the game scared me that much, by the looks if it you wusses seemed to have gotten the bejesus scared out of you and then some :p

I'll admit, 1 time she got me, especially in the office level, I was just shooting some guy and I turn around / look down and that son of a bitch is doing the crab walk right at me at high speed I literally said like outload "OH WTF"

I guess I wasn't so scared of the game because the whole little girl thing reminded me of The Grudge / and The Ring, since I've seen em both maybe that made me immune lol.

Aside from it not being that scary, I still enjoyed blowing the limbs off people with teh shotgun, used that sucker throughout the whole game!
the one time I think you are walking past an elevator and then she whispers "come closer" or something like that, so i walk up to the elevator (no lights on in it) and it flashes a white light and she walks past the little opening of the malfunctioning doors. theres one pair of soiled boxers :(

It seems like the whole last two levels were all of the frightening things from the first 9 intervals and then balled up into one. To those who have yet to get there, be ready.
RailGunRiz said:
I'll admit, 1 time she got me, especially in the office level, I was just shooting some guy and I turn around / look down and that son of a bitch is doing the crab walk right at me at high speed I literally said like outload "OH WTF"
It's ironic that you call her a son of a bitch, since I guess technically you're the son of the bitch.
Fear, System Shock 2, and The Undying are the only games that made me close my eyes and hold down the W key :eek:
Yep, scared the crap outta me too. Well not really scared.. but sure did startle me. The crab walk.. yep definatly. The cloakers.. grr.. and especially when the guy gets thrown thru the glass.. i emptied a clip into him before I realized he was allready dead lmao.

Great game so far.
finalgt said:
It's ironic that you call her a son of a bitch, since I guess technically you're the son of the bitch.

The way I see it, about 99% of the people you encounter in FEAR have the same or highly similar DNA.

We are familyyyy. I got all my brothers and sisters with me!
The ending hallucination when Adult Alma slowly walks at you and you're supposed to unload on her with the pistol...she's walking all slow, but when she gets close she flashes across the few remaining feet to jump at you with a deadly embrace. I lept back when I saw that happen. NOT in-game leaping back, but actually jumped off my seat and left and the keyboard and mouse behind.

The main thing is that this game attaches the player's body to the player's view, so it feels more like you're physically placed in that game.

The final ending I'm thinking: "Wow! I'm outside! Finally an outside sequence in the game! Haven't been out of buildings since the start of the game! So wide open and cool! Hmm? What's that sound? *turn* That's a really pretty explosion...Wow that's a really big explosion...Still growing? Isn't this a little excessive? It's still...HOLY$#%^THISISGOINGTOHURT!

Anyway, I felt at the end the game kinda took away my choice as a player. I think Fettel wanted to make peace with you. You have never gotten even close to him without him choosing to allow it. He set soldiers between you two so that you wouldn't stop him, but you chose to risk death chasing him anyway. He eventually ends your game of tag. He chooses to stop and cancel the hallucination after explaining what's really going on. You find him on his knees looking up at you expectantly and you blow your brother away. He wanted you to help him free mother instead of trying to stop him. You get to mother, and meet adult Alma in a hallucination. She wants to embrace you? I thought to myself, cool! Finally mom wants to reunite with her son, no wonder she'd eviscerated all the evil corporate bastards who'd mistreated her and her family but never eviscerated YOU. Instead the game has her kill me :rolleyes: I would've preferred the HL1 ending choice of joining up with the enemy.

C'mon, they're all bastards who deserved to die anyway for torture/pedophelia/slavery/murder. Alma and Fettel just gave them what they had coming.
Just embrace the explosion. I'm pretty sure the player model pulled down his pants and bent over when it was coming for em'. Because that's what I would do, can't outrun that shit :eek:
omg how can you guys play this.

I must be a wuss or something because I got freaked out right from the start.

I completed the interval 01 and I didn't really want to go on LOL (but I did).

This game is FREAKING FREAKY!!

I absolutely HATE the wispering voices in the background :(

And that one part where you walk into a doorway and turn left and there's a hall with tiled walls, then they just start flying off and the door at the end closes....... OMG!!!

The first part that really started to set me in the 'creepyness mode' was in the very beginning when you go into that building and you get to that door, and you open it and it just falls down......That was creepy.

So what, am I a wuss? (yes ;) )

I hate playing these games, but I really want to play it for the gun battles and fights.

I'm at the part just after the first interval where you find that dead guy on the chair and you're with a partner and he says "You go ahead, I'll stay here and wait for whoever it was".

I'm like, yeah, gee thanks buddy. Then I go a little ways and I come into this room and this construction worker is like dying on the floor, then I walk a little more and this dead body drops and I'm like that's it.

So I go a little further and fight about 5-6 guys, then I saved and now I'm here typing lol.

Man this game is FREAKY!!!

Stupid Grudge movie, got me all freaked out cause the girl in here looks like the grudge girl :(...
The Cloakers aren't as creepy as they are annoying. They move too damn fast to get a bead on them and then when you finally do, they fucking disappear. Makes me wish I had some mines to use on them.


At the End when you come upon Fettle while he is eating his/your aunt. Then he is on his knees and you have to shoot him. Did anybody fell bad about it, I didn't want it to end like that because I thought he rocked. After about 5 minutes of waiting for the dream sequence to end I still didn't have the will to shoot him so I just pistol wipped him. In the end I think that was even more disapointing because at least with a headshot he wouldn't have died like a fricken wimp.
Topweasel said:


At the End when you come upon Fettle while he is eating his/your aunt. Then he is on his knees and you have to shoot him. Did anybody fell bad about it, I didn't want it to end like that because I thought he rocked. After about 5 minutes of waiting for the dream sequence to end I still didn't have the will to shoot him so I just pistol wipped him. In the end I think that was even more disapointing because at least with a headshot he wouldn't have died like a fricken wimp.

I wasn't sure if I was still hallucinating or not. That whole scene was a let down. He looks up at your like some kind of retard, or a dog caught eating its poop or something. I was looking forward to some sort of confrontation, or *something*. He just looks you like hes brain dead, with this stupid grind. I just busted a single cap in his forehead. Talk about anti-climatic.
Yeah, I felt bad too. I pistol whipped him in the face.

And winston- what are you? 10? How are you that scared of a game?
mpsmith said:
Yeah, I felt bad too. I pistol whipped him in the face.

And winston- what are you? 10? How are you that scared of a game?

Glad to hear I am not the only one, felt wierd having any feeling for him, not just because its a gmae but he was also a bad guy. It just didn't feel right to pull the trigger.
Moose777 said:
The Cloakers aren't as creepy as they are annoying. They move too damn fast to get a bead on them and then when you finally do, they fucking disappear. Makes me wish I had some mines to use on them.

SloMo and the Penetrator make them ridiculously easy to take down because they just come straight at you. No trying to stay alive by using cover like the other guys.
Spare-Flair said:
There's a thread on gamefaqs where people claim a certain version of the director's cut will cause Alma to APPEAR on your screen when you are in Windows every now and then.
Probably untrue but would be great if it was...unless of course it was at a bad time or you soil yourself.
If this was true, I think it would be enough to keep me away from my pc forever and change my hobby to collecting beanie babies or something.
I'm glad I read this thread, I'm too much of a wuss to handle this game. I was the guy who sprayed bullets all over the floor in Doom3 because everytime a monster closet opened I jumped and jerked the mouse but wouldn't let go of the button.
I almost picked up FEAR thinking "mmmm pretty graphics" but I learned my lesson with Doom3. The sounds and creepy dead/demonic stuff coming after me...ugh.
How could you show sympathy for that fettle guy. Anyone who knocks me out with a 2x4 and makes me chase them through most of the game is gonna get blasted. I opened fire on that SOB with my pistol and the shotgun didn't feel bad at all. F*** that guy :p
RailGunRiz said:
How could you show sympathy for that fettle guy. Anyone who knocks me out with a 2x4 and makes me chase them through most of the game is gonna get blasted. I opened fire on that SOB with my pistol and the shotgun didn't feel bad at all. F*** that guy :p

Its not his fault, he was abused by "the man" just like your mommy in the game
Did they ever explain why he liked to chew on people? I guess I missed that part.
Steel Chicken said:
Its not his fault, he was abused by "the man" just like your mommy in the game
Did they ever explain why he liked to chew on people? I guess I missed that part.

Because they deserved to die. It was his way of working around their lies.

It wasn't that I had feelings for him , I was pissed about the whoole 2x4 thing. I wanted him to die. But I wanted something like De Niro vs. Pacino in Heat kind of ending not a Stabbed in the back by someone else Gandalf vs. Suaramon ending.
mpsmith said:
And winston- what are you? 10? How are you that scared of a game?

No, I'm not scared of the game, I'm freaked out of the things in the game :p

Seriously though, this is one of if not *the* freakiest game I've ever played...

I'm going to beat it, it's just going to be freakin' tense.
Steel Chicken said:
Its not his fault, he was abused by "the man" just like your mommy in the game
Did they ever explain why he liked to chew on people? I guess I missed that part.

Because it's scarier that way.

C'mon, Fettel wasn't such a bad guy. He just went and killed all the bastards who screwed him over. Alma was the one who slaughtered indiscriminately, she's the one who made corpse piles and gore everywhere, Fettel sent strike teams at specific targets.

I want Fettel to LIVE!:( I wanted to rejoin the family!
kelbear said:
Because it's scarier that way.

C'mon, Fettel wasn't such a bad guy. He just went and killed all the bastards who screwed him over. Alma was the one who slaughtered indiscriminately, she's the one who made corpse piles and gore everywhere, Fettel sent strike teams at specific targets.

I want Fettel to LIVE!:( I wanted to rejoin the family!

Ok seriously, what's with him chewing out all the guys he kills? lol

I don't think it's really him doing it. More or less the ghostly fettle.
Fettle was a cool bad guy.
But a better question is...
What really happened to Kawallski.
I know that he's dead and all, telling me "She's afriad of you" And ghost walking down the halls and shit, but where is his body?

I still stand by my Theory that all the damn demons that attack you in the dream state and at the 10th Interval are souls that Alma has killed!
I think the ending sucked. I was hoping for a massive firefight or some big big bossbattle. :(
So let me get this straight, Mr. Harlan bitch ass Wade had Alma with his wife Alma and then found she was psychically gifted so he used her to synthetically create you, Fettle, and then subsequently used fettle to psychically control a whole shitton of replicas? Did they put Alma into a coma at around 8 and then bring her back out of it at 15 to impregnate her, then contain her in that big ass swirling sphere?. No shit Alma went on a rampage.
retardedchicken said:
So let me get this straight, Mr. Harlan bitch ass Wade had Alma with his wife Alma and then found she was psychically gifted so he used her to synthetically create you, Fettle, and then subsequently used fettle to psychically control a whole shitton of replicas? Did they put Alma into a coma at around 8 and then bring her back out of it at 15 to impregnate her, then contain her in that big ass swirling sphere?. No shit Alma went on a rampage.

Harlan finds that his daughter has Physic powers and realizes she is the way to achive the Percious Project Objectives (clone army controled by powerful Physic) Project Origin is created.
He puts her in a coma and locks her in the "CELL" till shes 15. He gestates a fetus in her, Fettle is born (due to Fettle mentioning he was there at your birth), then again and you are born.
At 10 Fettle goes nuts and kills people, they find out it Alma Telepathically is communicating with him even though she is in a coma.
Origin is shut down and ALMA dies.
The she is awoken (from death) when Genevive Alistine reopens the vault. You (your life being controled from the shadows) join FEAR and head in to stop all the crazy shit going on with Armatek. All along it's a test of your abilities. You help Genevive cover up Origin (unwittingly) by destroying it.
You are a complete sucsess!
Majin said:
Harlan finds that his daughter has Physic powers and realizes she is the way to achive the Percious Project Objectives (clone army controled by powerful Physic) Project Origin is created.
He puts her in a coma and locks her in the "CELL" till shes 15. He gestates a fetus in her, Fettle is born (due to Fettle mentioning he was there at your birth), then again and you are born.
At 10 Fettle goes nuts and kills people, they find out it Alma Telepathically is communicating with him even though she is in a coma.
Origin is shut down and ALMA dies.
The she is awoken (from death) when Genevive Alistine reopens the vault. You (your life being controled from the shadows) join FEAR and head in to stop all the crazy shit going on with Armatek. All along it's a test of your abilities. You help Genevive cover up Origin (unwittingly) by destroying it.
You are a complete sucsess!

except mommy is still alive :(
Just picked it up... OMG.... the models are very detailed and shiny... I love them.. best models I have seen so far... IMO.. anyways I always game onmy logitech's z-5500/680's with high volumes and the sub thumping... but I had to lower it down or else I would get a heart attack or something.. creeps me out... something about little girls ..and in movies too lol/
retardedchicken said:
except mommy is still alive :(

No she is not, He says she has been dead since the first Sync event. She died 6 days after shutting down and locking the vault. She is like the girl from the ring bent on revenge. Also I think you and fettle are twins. You were born first because they refer you to Prototype one. One sent to hone skills as super soldier and the other (maybe more physically limited) one was used for Army control.

As for the tongue eating I think that was fettle trying to get past the lies. In the little Dark Horse comic they give with th DVD, he talks to that scientist that he is eating in the game and Fettle tells him that it is all lies and starts to eat his tungue. Early in the game same thing happens you see part of the interigation (due to a link between you 2 and Alma) and next thing you know you come upon his body and a tongue is missing.

Kawallski is dead, he was supposed to originally be pinned up against the wall like jesus when you find his squads bloody bones remains. They thought it would be better for the storyline if you had to keep searching for him till the head dude of FEAR figures out the rest is to important.
I really need to get the DVD version of this game.

I'm not learning any of this from the CD version, just from reading it on here.
Topweasel said:
Kawallski is dead, he was supposed to originally be pinned up against the wall like jesus when you find his squads bloody bones remains. They thought it would be better for the storyline if you had to keep searching for him till the head dude of FEAR figures out the rest is to important.

Wasn´t his name Jankowski? That´s the other F.E.A.R. operative you start with right? When do you get any other word about what happens to him?

Oh yeah, you want it scary? Imagine having your electricity cut a few minutes after you see Alma destroy Wade at 3 in the morning. Almost as bad as when we had the lights go out while the credits to the Grudge were rolling.

pigwalk said:
Wasn´t his name Jankowski? That´s the other F.E.A.R. operative you start with right? When do you get any other word about what happens to him?

Oh yeah, you want it scary? Imagine having your electricity cut a few minutes after you see Alma destroy Wade at 3 in the morning. Almost as bad as when we had the lights go out while the credits to the Grudge were rolling.


Yeah thats the guy we ment.
Jankowski is the FEAR member who gets killed with the other soldiers in Interval # 2.
Jin is the girl who never gets killed.

I had the wind slam my door closed right after Alma showed up at one point. I almost followed Gabe from PA with the pee in the pants!
If Fettel had not killed the girl he kidnapped at the end I would not have found it so easy to blow him away. He said something like she told me much before she died and at that point I knew he was toast...............