Official World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Thread.

I logged in for 10 minutes this morning before going to the gym. I will do most of my playing this weekend, how long should it take to get to 85??
Hyjal Horde? Have some 70's and an 80 over there....Hardly play them though.
I was alliance, though I deleted all my toons and walked away from WoW after I killed the LK in 25, my main is probably still cached on wow-heroes, can't check atm since it's down. WoW was fun at the time though I can't see starting back up, just too much other stuff to do and other games to play as time allows.
I was alliance, though I deleted all my toons and walked away from WoW after I killed the LK in 25, my main is probably still cached on wow-heroes, can't check atm since it's down. WoW was fun at the time though I can't see starting back up, just too much other stuff to do and other games to play as time allows.
I found that after a while it became the same thing over and over. Level to cap, then run dungeons/raids for better gear. Rinse and repeat.
Cata has really improved the questing and raiding. However, it's still the same game. If you didn't like the time you put into it before, you'll still feel the same way about it I imagine.

I went home for lunch and my bow was broke from all my critter killing :D
I played for about an hour this morning before work. I started an orc warrior last week, and I am up to 42 after about 40 hours played. I didn't have any problems logging on, and there weren't that many players in my zone (1000 Needles).

You blow through the zones quickly, so leveling is fast, and there are at least two choices for each 5-level range, per alli or horde, so you could level 4 chars to 60 and not see many of the same quests twice. Some of the zones are meh, with a rehashing of old quests, but others shine, like Stonetalon and Thousand Needles on the Horde side. Quest variety is good, and most drop rates are not too onerous. Many quests build on classic wow. There is one in Windshear Crag (the infamous Bioshock quest) where you have to collect 4 items, and it turns out they are in the 4 main areas you were sent to for quests in classic, so if you remember, you know right where to go.

I like the new armor designs (especially the shields), and that you get a whole new set about every 10 levels or so, including plate at 40. My orc has looked bad-ass ever since 20.

I already have a name reserved for my gobbo, maybe as a shaman. Man, if I had a dime for every Tauren Paladin and Troll Druid I've seen in the last week...

Amazon kicked ass again, with the CE waiting for me in my office at work this morning. I think I am only going to "work" (i.e., be here) for a half day today.
I logged in for 10 minutes this morning before going to the gym. I will do most of my playing this weekend, how long should it take to get to 85??

My friend says about 15 hours to go from 80 to 85 because that's how long it took in beta. That number really surprised me. It looks like they really cut back on leveling time in general since I played the game.

I drove two of my friends to walmart at midnight to pick the game up. They were both getting it, but I wasn't. Walmart had cookies and posters out in the videogames section. There were only about 10 people there picking up WOW. We made a point of avoiding gamestop though... they said for the wrath release there were 200 people lined up outside the store.

One of my friends isn't going to school nor does he have a job so he should be 85... by dinner time today. I'll check up on him later hehe.
I saw some 83s over lunch. Looks like it's a quick leveling process. Seems almost silly that there's an expansion and people are through it so quickly.

Both my brother and I ordered the CE from Amazon. His came FedEx, I am still waiting on UPS. Funny how they got sent different methods.
I saw some 83s over lunch. Looks like it's a quick leveling process. Seems almost silly that there's an expansion and people are through it so quickly.

Both my brother and I ordered the CE from Amazon. His came FedEx, I am still waiting on UPS. Funny how they got sent different methods.

Leveling to 85 doesn't mean you're 'through' it. My friends have raids scheduled for next Tuesday and he went on and on about how he needs the right gear before then. He has an excel sheet for what gear he needs to get before then. Hence the rush...
Leveling to 85 doesn't mean you're 'through' it. My friends have raids scheduled for next Tuesday and he went on and on about how he needs the right gear before then. He has an excel sheet for what gear he needs to get before then. Hence the rush...

Yeah but you're already at the "end game" again. Now it is back to raid for gear, raid for gear, raid for gear, etc.

I guess they added a lot of other content though. I know I'll certainly be looking to experience the stuff outside of Lvl 85.
Someone already got Realm First 85 on my realm sometime this morning, I don't have the xpac yet but I can't see myself leveling to 85 in less than a week. Call me casual.
Someone already got Realm First 85 on my realm sometime this morning, I don't have the xpac yet but I can't see myself leveling to 85 in less than a week. Call me casual.

QFT....going to enjoy it. Going to do archeology and explore that for a while.
From what I understand, if you played the beta, you can probably hit 85 in about 9ish hours. If you didn't play the beta, it's probably going to be like 12ish hours since you won't have any experience with the new zones and quests.

This time around, being super-hardcore has nothing to do with getting to max level in a day. Sure, 9 hours in a single sitting is a lot, but I'm sure everyone here has played a game (any game) for that long at some point.
QFT....going to enjoy it. Going to do archeology and explore that for a while.

Same. I haven't even touched Azeroth since the patch that changed it and plan to experience it when I roll worgen and goblin. I don't have the free time I once had so I'm going to take it at slow casual pace.
I'm holding off for a while on getting it. I picked up 4 copies of vanilla when they went on sale over black friday so for the moment I am amusing myself via 5-boxing which is turning out to be quite fun. I'll probably pick up cataclysm when all my recruit a friends expire.
I'm holding off for a while on getting it. I picked up 4 copies of vanilla when they went on sale over black friday so for the moment I am amusing myself via 5-boxing which is turning out to be quite fun. I'll probably pick up cataclysm when all my recruit a friends expire.

This would be tons of fun if I had five computers.
Gonna wait a few weeks for the bugs and massive groups of people to do there thing. Makes it far more enjoyable when I can level in peace instead of fighting a bunch of other players for quest mobs.

I think I'll level a goblin to later on for the fuck of it.
From what I understand, if you played the beta, you can probably hit 85 in about 9ish hours. If you didn't play the beta, it's probably going to be like 12ish hours since you won't have any experience with the new zones and quests.

This time around, being super-hardcore has nothing to do with getting to max level in a day. Sure, 9 hours in a single sitting is a lot, but I'm sure everyone here has played a game (any game) for that long at some point.


Are you suggesting everyone has gamed for 9 hours straight before? That's a bit much.

Are you suggesting everyone has gamed for 9 hours straight before? That's a bit much.

Well if you're a WOW player you're very likely to have put in that much time straight at one point. Maybe a break in between for a meal. Even the most casual players probably sunk 1 day on a weekend into the game.
Well if you're a WOW player you're very likely to have put in that much time straight at one point. Maybe a break in between for a meal. Even the most casual players probably sunk 1 day on a weekend into the game.

Ive never put that much time into WoW in one day but I know I have done it for a few 360 games.

I remember I played gears of war for like 10 hrs in one day when it came out haha.

Played cata for a little today but I have finals this week so I wont really get to play until the weekend.
Part of me wants to go back, but then I think about it and I don't know that I miss it.

I think if they had truly introduced new classes it might be enough. I just can't see myself leveling any of the classes again even with the changes.
I was so psyched about leveling a goblin and now... at level 17... just about to finish nothern barrens I am ready to quit again. Seriously, every quest in x-roads is the exact same. The fact that I have to do BC and WotLK content over again just makes it more unlikely that I will actually get this character to 85. The only thing thats stopping me from race changing my current priest to a goblin is these "new" zones.
it's been trying to log me in for the last ten minutes. that's launch day for ya!

oh well, i guess i'll be spending time with my wife and kid tonight, haha.
This game absolutely sucks now. I enjoyed playing it 2-3 years ago in classic and I was tempted to see how the game has changed, especially the new zones. So I ordered the cata digital pre-order and was overall very disappointed.

The game was dumbed down for the average carebear gamer. Skills are overpowering now and leveling is a joke. There's no reason to ever change zones until you finish all the quests, and even then you'll still be doing mostly green lvl quests and you'll never die or be challenged.

Also, please explain to me the point of having 3-4 flight paths in the same zone, when mounts are now attainable at lvl 20 now.

Quest hubs are dumb - they spoon feed you everything, as does the dungeon finder. The game basically does all the work for you and you just have to turn in the quests. There is basically no challenge in the game anymore and if there is no challenge, it gets old really fast. And make Achievements something to strive and aim for, is even more pathetic.

Thankfully, I was able to cancel my digital pre-order last night. I thank Blizzard for the game in its' old state, but as they've gone mostly downhill from there, it's comforting to know I will never have any desire to every play it again.

Oh, and complete epic fail on them not releasing any new servers with the XP, which also contributed to my cancellation of the pre-order. What about way than to promote the new starting zones and basically all the new zone remakes, than to release a couple new servers?
I tried to play after the last patch with all the shattering stuffs but i just couldn't get into it, part of it is my guild is pretty much consumed with other games. Even so its just not all that intriguing. sigh, i miss vanilla
The only thing thats stopping me from race changing my current priest to a goblin is these "new" zones.

I started a worgen druid just to play through the new starting zone, now that I'm done with that I'll probably just race change one of my other toons thats lvl 65 to a worgen
How would you go about determining the difference between someone that actually leveled a goblin/worgen and someone that just race changed?

What achievements would be different? What else would be different?
Cata has really improved the questing and raiding. However, it's still the same game. If you didn't like the time you put into it before, you'll still feel the same way about it I imagine.

I went home for lunch and my bow was broke from all my critter killing :D

Indeed, one thing people forget is that it is still the same damn game. It's changed a *lot* over time, but everything is still the same at the core. Expecting a brand new game after each expansion is just having a really warped sense of what expansions do: expand on the same damn game.

Anyway, I finally got the CE and started leveling last afternoon. Finished up Vashj'ir. Despite some weird bugs I had at the very end, it's still a pretty awesome way to close up the storyline there.
i'm happy me and my wife got to 81 last night we played from like 7pm to 1130pm ish, it was super fun we were doing the underwater world stuff. made goblins too only got them to level 3 though but seems dope we'll put in more time soon.
This game absolutely sucks now. I enjoyed playing it 2-3 years ago in classic and I was tempted to see how the game has changed, especially the new zones. So I ordered the cata digital pre-order and was overall very disappointed.

The game was dumbed down for the average carebear gamer. Skills are overpowering now and leveling is a joke. There's no reason to ever change zones until you finish all the quests, and even then you'll still be doing mostly green lvl quests and you'll never die or be challenged.

Also, please explain to me the point of having 3-4 flight paths in the same zone, when mounts are now attainable at lvl 20 now.

Quest hubs are dumb - they spoon feed you everything, as does the dungeon finder. The game basically does all the work for you and you just have to turn in the quests. There is basically no challenge in the game anymore and if there is no challenge, it gets old really fast. And make Achievements something to strive and aim for, is even more pathetic.

Thankfully, I was able to cancel my digital pre-order last night. I thank Blizzard for the game in its' old state, but as they've gone mostly downhill from there, it's comforting to know I will never have any desire to every play it again.

Oh, and complete epic fail on them not releasing any new servers with the XP, which also contributed to my cancellation of the pre-order. What about way than to promote the new starting zones and basically all the new zone remakes, than to release a couple new servers?

tl;dr version:

i like leveling, its rooooned.
dinged 82 this morning before work on my warrior, still in the undewater zone. Some of the quests are really cool

I got my worgen to lvl 12 and didnt play it any more, I'll go back to it at some point most likely but I just wanted to play through the new worgen newb zone, its pretty sweet.
The game was dumbed down for the average carebear gamer. Skills are overpowering now and leveling is a joke. There's no reason to ever change zones until you finish all the quests, and even then you'll still be doing mostly green lvl quests and you'll never die or be challenged.

You're right. It was AWESOME having to RUN all the way from westfall back through elwynn forest to the redridge mountains only to find that ALOT of the quests were red and most of the quest mobs were red. The graveyard was miles away from where you'd die so you were constantly running whether dead or alive. Man, that's what I wish WoW was still like!


Really - do you want to constantly grind and die? Is that what will keep you interested? Hitting a wall in a zone where you can't kill mobs because you're not high enough level - then having to RUN through zones you're definitely too low level for to get to another zone you can actually quest in excites you? CORPSE DRAGGING IS FUN? Man - sadists will never cease to amaze me.

Also, please explain to me the point of having 3-4 flight paths in the same zone, when mounts are now attainable at lvl 20 now.

See my post above. I will agree there maybe several too many flight paths in zones, but some of the new flightpaths have been needed for years.

And make Achievements something to strive and aim for, is even more pathetic.

What's funny is that you didn't even give the game a chance and yet you criticize the achievement system. Why don't you actually stick with it until endgame and then come back and criticize the achievement system?

The challenge is in endgame. Try to knockout the achievement "firefighter" in uludar 25 with ilevel appropriate gear for the encounter. Or go for "no light in the darkness" at the same time. Heck - work towards 'Bane of the fallen king" in 10 man. Then you'll find achievements that are aimed for.

Oh, and complete epic fail on them not releasing any new servers with the XP, which also contributed to my cancellation of the pre-order. What about way than to promote the new starting zones and basically all the new zone remakes, than to release a couple new servers?

I think it was said once that US and EU accounts had plateaued and that there are currently several underpopulated servers in each region. That's why they aren't opening up new realms at this time.
Oh, and complete epic fail on them not releasing any new servers with the XP, which also contributed to my cancellation of the pre-order. What about way than to promote the new starting zones and basically all the new zone remakes, than to release a couple new servers?

Here is why there are no new servers. They open up 2 or 3 new servers, a bunch of people jump on them for a totally new fresh start, then give up at some point in the leveling process and go back to the previous toons, leaving a dead server.
What's with all the idiots saying they miss "vanilla" WoW? No you don't.

If you could somehow play it now, you'd realize it was boring and buggy. I don't know what you think you remember but there wasn't jack-shit to do except the same boring dungeons over and over again for over a year until Blizzard added a couple ridiculously hard raids near the end that were extremely frustrating to do in the hope that you MIGHT get something you needed to drop and didn't get outrolled or outbid by the 10 other people that wanted it. Yeah, man, those were the days. My personal favorite feature of vanilla WoW was decaying PVP points so I had to play 6 hours a day if I wanted to actually increase my pvp rating + try and find time to raid + farm to earn enough gold to pay for all the raid and pvp repair bills. Sign me up for that!

You probably miss the friends you had back then, the elitism that was rampant back then, your perceived popularity, and maybe the excitement of something new and unknown, but it sure wasn't the game. The game honestly hasn't changed all that much at all in 6 years. Some things are broken now (like the need to CC) but a lot of things were broken back then also. The leveling process has gotten easier, yes, but it was always boring anyways after the 1st time doing the quests. The end-game raiding is still as hard as you want it to be. The only difference is that now you have options.

Anyway, I'd have to say the thing I like most about the new expansion is the new guild system. It actually rewards people for saying with their guild and helping it to level up. Some of the perks are pretty cool also.
Well isn't this refreshing. The new dungeons are actually difficult.

The main cause seems to be that as you level up, your stats drop as you need more rating to reach the same percent increase. At level 82 now and for my resto shaman a ICC-geared 25% haste dropped to 15%, crit plummeted, mana regen went down the drain since class mechanics tie it to crit. Actually had to drink after a few hairy pulls.

I'm sure the same is happening for the tanks because they are getting nailed. I ran Stonecore and Tide Temple yesterday and it got pretty rough. No wipes but still I was feeling the pressure. If I was less geared coming out of WOLK it would have probably been a few wipes. I don't know if it will last, it depends how crazy the gear gets at 85, but so far I'm liking what I see.
Liking the expansion so far in my limited play time. I was pleasantly surprised by the underwater zone, it was a little clunky at first but I have gotten used to it and its pretty cool. The deeper you get into the questing there, the better the world looks. It does feel a tiny bit repetive, pickup 3 quests from hub, complete them, get one quest to go to next hub, pickup 3 quests at new hub, complete them, get one quest to next hub etc. I guess I can't complain because the opposite of that would be pretty crappy in comparison. A bonus is that alot of the quests are kinda fun and different. They may be a bit cheesy, but hey riding a shark around and killing nagas is better than just killing nagas. "naga stole my bike"

Anyways, just got up to level 82 and discovered the entrance to the vashjir 5man, so I can que up for it, will be trying that tonight after work.

Also, the guild leveling is kinda cool, we just hit level 2 and now get 5% xp bonus!