Official World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Thread.

Quick question since I haven't played much. How do you unlock the new dungeons?
Quick question since I haven't played much. How do you unlock the new dungeons?

You basically just have to go to the entrance area where the portals are. The two starting is in Blackrock Mountain and the other is in the vortex area of the water zone (Vashjir iirc). You will get some yellow text saying you have discovered them, then you can que up for them in the dungeon finder.
I rolled both a Goblin and a Worgen last Night. Only got the Worgen to level 4 or 5. The newb zone was seriously overcrowded ( to be expected of course) The respawn rate of the mobs is off the charts now lol. Died like 4 times with my Worgen Warlock due to such a high respawn rate lol.

The Goblin starting area is just freaking awesome and fun. Really liking my Goblin Rogue so far.
You basically just have to go to the entrance area where the portals are. The two starting is in Blackrock Mountain and the other is in the vortex area of the water zone (Vashjir iirc). You will get some yellow text saying you have discovered them, then you can que up for them in the dungeon finder.

Oh easy enough, will go check them out.
I didn't get to play until after work yesterday, but I managed to make it all the way to 83 before I went to bed. I did nothing but quest yesterday since I was trying to play catch-up with all of my guildies that had the day off. I think today I am going to finish up the last bit of Deepholm and do a few of the new dungeons. I am off tomorrow, so I'll probably use that to finish off leveling.

So far it's been pretty fun. Some of the quests have been pretty dumb though. There's a few quests out in Hyjal that make you fly around on a hippogryph and run into some NPC's riding birds and eventually eggs. It's not that they were hard or anything, but they require you to press a button everytime you want to flap your mount's wings. The controls were so imprecise that it just became a chore after a while.

I'm planning on race changing my DK to Goblin today too. I wasn't planning on it, but after seeing a few Goblins running around Deepholm, I have they decided they are too awesome to not change to lol.
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How would you go about determining the difference between someone that actually leveled a goblin/worgen and someone that just race changed?

What achievements would be different? What else would be different?

Does anyone know? I may stop leveling my goblin priest and start leveling my lvl 70 belf priest and switch to goblin if there isnt any obvious way to distinguish between someone that race changed and someone that actually leveled.
Does anyone know? I may stop leveling my goblin priest and start leveling my lvl 70 belf priest and switch to goblin if there isnt any obvious way to distinguish between someone that race changed and someone that actually leveled.

what difference does it make if someone can tell if you race changed?
Does anyone know? I may stop leveling my goblin priest and start leveling my lvl 70 belf priest and switch to goblin if there isnt any obvious way to distinguish between someone that race changed and someone that actually leveled.

There is no way of telling really. I mean, there may be some achievements for doing the new starting areas, but that's really it.
anyone tried archeology yet? i was trying to see if its worth taking.

It's a freebie so why not...I have been doing while waiting for starter/new xpack zones to clear out a bit. Haven't gotten anything yet and I am likely doing it all wrong, but it is cool checking out some of the re-done zones.
I picked to start my Nelf Druid in Mt Hyjal. Hugging trees and saving burning critters...I'm hoping to get some more druid friendly faction out of it somewhere. Almost done with that zone, and then I'll hope over to the underwater one. I'm glad I didn't have to suffer under the crush of everyone starting it at the same time. Should be a bit more enjoyable.

I'm digging the Guild rep stuff.
I palyed it after work yesterday, and over the course of a couple hours of playing, I saw about 6 people ding to the first 85 of a certain class. They must have been playing all night long.

As someone who was around during vanilla WoW, let me say that I would not be playing again if it was like that. Think about this: the game is six years old now. I first played it in college. Since that time, most of my friends and I went on to grad school, careers, family, children, etc. People who still want to play WoW have no desire to raid for 6 hours, to prepare for raiding for 3 hours, etc. The game has basically aged with the player base. If you want hardcore, go play one of the Korean MMOs where you have to grind mobs for 6 hours to level up. This game is "ez mode" because the consumer demanded it.

If I wanted another experience frought with difficulty and long term pain in the hopes of eventual reward, I would get a second job. :D
I palyed it after work yesterday, and over the course of a couple hours of playing, I saw about 6 people ding to the first 85 of a certain class. They must have been playing all night long.

As someone who was around during vanilla WoW, let me say that I would not be playing again if it was like that. Think about this: the game is six years old now. I first played it in college. Since that time, most of my friends and I went on to grad school, careers, family, children, etc. People who still want to play WoW have no desire to raid for 6 hours, to prepare for raiding for 3 hours, etc. The game has basically aged with the player base. If you want hardcore, go play one of the Korean MMOs where you have to grind mobs for 6 hours to level up. This game is "ez mode" because the consumer demanded it.

If I wanted another experience frought with difficulty and long term pain in the hopes of eventual reward, I would get a second job. :D

Yes. I agree. When I started I was (obviously) younger with almost no responsibilities. Now things have changed so it's nice to have a game that has changed with me.

I stopped playing because of time constraints but I still enjoy keeping up in the periphery.
So far it's been pretty fun. Some of the quests have been pretty dumb though. There's a few quests out in Hyjal that make you fly around on a hippogryph and run into some NPC's riding birds and eventually eggs. It's not that they were hard or anything, but they require you to press a button everytime you want to flap your mount's wings. The controls were so imprecise that it just became a chore after a while.

Guess you never played the arcade version of Joust?
Heres my deal. I have tried a few times to get into WoW, usually when expansions came out. The farthest I have got to was like lvl 46 with a warrior. I enjoyed it the last time I tried it, I just had to stop cuz I really did not have all the time in the world to devote to it. I've never made it to any of the BC or Lich King stuff. Have not had it installed for a couple of years. My real problem with WoW has always been the grind, yet when new xpacs come out i get curious again and kinda want to try it out. Anyone here in the same boat?
Guess you never played the arcade version of Joust?

Joust, old school arcade!

I don't get my CE until tomorrow, so I am hoping to play a new toon this weekend. I did login and think Blizzard redid the graphics pretty good. I actually like it, not that there was anything wrong before with the graphics.
Honestly, the challenge of the game is what you make it. Leveling is a cake walk, and normal instances are a joke. But they're easy and fast and fun.

Heroic instances, on the other hand, are challenging and take a little longer, but do NOT require the insanity and organization that a full-blown raid encounter does.

Raids, of course, are much more indepth, challenging, and difficult. But also, much more rewarding.

So yes, while there are 'ezmode' parts of the game, there is a ramping difficulty curve of easy (instance), medium (heroic), and hard (raid). Thats what makes the game successful, it appeals to all kinds of players.
This would be tons of fun if I had five computers.

I actually run them all on 1 computer. I have 6 gigs of ram and a old 2.4 Quad core and it easily runs all 5 instances at the same time. I run the secondary characters with their graphics settings turned down because I don't need much detail, but all 5 clients run very smoothly on a 6870.

What's with all the idiots saying they miss "vanilla" WoW? No you don't.

If you could somehow play it now, you'd realize it was boring and buggy. I don't know what you think you remember but there wasn't jack-shit to do except the same boring dunge [...] Anyway, I'd have to say the thing I like most about the new expansion is the new guild system. It actually rewards people for saying with their guild and helping it to level up. Some of the perks are pretty cool also.

I don't miss all of vanilla wow but there are definitely some things I miss. I liked old AV, the one that took days on end had multiple fronts and you would go and summon the ice lord. Granted this was because I was playing for fun not grining for honor, but I thought that was significantly more fun then new AV where you just run past the enemy team. To this day I still enjoy the AVs that end up more of a stalemate in the middle.

I miss appearence variety. This came about in vanilla from instance progression, but I don't really care how it comes about. In Wrath everyone wore gear that looked the same and it was boring.

I liked 40 man raids. I have done 40 mans, 25 mans and 10mans and what I liked about 40 mans was there was enough of each class to form a community. We had our own little community of paladins that looked out for each other in 40 man raiding, where we could joke about the other classes and whatnot, I never saw that develop in any 25 or 10 man group. I also the the quantity of people made it feel more epic.

I miss 8 piece sets. People in 8/8 look awesome end of story. It just isnt the same when they are wearing a belt that doesnt match or pink boots and green everything else.

I miss epics being rarer. I miss gear level being proportional to difficulty level. AQ was harder then MC and hence gave better gear. Now instead we have ICC which is easier then Ulduar but gives better gear. And 5 mans which you can do in greens which give ICC level gear. I am fine with there being non heroic versions of dungeons, that is great, everyone can experience the content, cool. However if the encounters are not more difficult they should not give better gear.

I miss burning crusade style healing. At least for paladins I found it much more enjoyable then WoTLK style healing which just seemed like a whack-a-mole clickfest without much difficulty.

I thought pvp was more fun without resilience.

I miss nonlinear questing. New catalysm changes, feel like you only have one quest line to follow, do 2 quests go get the next to finish those two go and get the next two. It doesn't really feel like that open of a world anymore.

Now granted, there have been a lot of improvements made to wow and I would not want to go back to a full vanilla style game. The dungeon finder, new pvp system for getting gear, the talent tree changes to make all specs viable, all of these are great changes that I appreciate. Heroic 5 mans have been great in both when first introduced in BC and Wrath, I just have not agreed with what they have done with them later on in the expansions where they gave away high level (BT/Hyjal/ICC) gear for doing them.

So would I want to go back to a full blown patch 1.10 vanilla? No I would not. However, if I could mix and match elements that have changed throughout the expansions I would take a lot of elements that were present in Vanilla wow and have since been left behind.
Heres my deal. I have tried a few times to get into WoW, usually when expansions came out. The farthest I have got to was like lvl 46 with a warrior. I enjoyed it the last time I tried it, I just had to stop cuz I really did not have all the time in the world to devote to it. I've never made it to any of the BC or Lich King stuff. Have not had it installed for a couple of years. My real problem with WoW has always been the grind, yet when new xpacs come out i get curious again and kinda want to try it out. Anyone here in the same boat?

Very much so. I was always more of a social player than anything. I played with a couple other RL friends (usually we'd all play in the same room on our own machines). We'd do PvP'ing and whatnot, and it was immensely fun. But I don't play much on my own, but I do like to check out what's new every now and then.
I miss nonlinear questing. New catalysm changes, feel like you only have one quest line to follow, do 2 quests go get the next to finish those two go and get the next two. It doesn't really feel like that open of a world anymore.

That's the main thing I miss. There is no real incentive to explore the world any more, plus there's no more of the "Oh, shit, that mob's too high level, maybe I'd better leave and come back here later."

That being said, around the early 40's leveling is starting to slow down somewhat (which I think is good), and some of the encounter areas are very well done, and actually a bit of a challenge. I just got done with the Grimtotem line in 1000 Needles (only one there questing, BTW), and it was cool. You are mobbed every step of the way on the peaks, sometimes by 5 or 6 enemies at a time. You have a helper, which is good, because you also have to face no fewer than 5 gold elites of your level, including one which requires some thought to beat (it felt like an encounter from DA, sort of). Incidentally, I really like the way they handled movement around the area, in both a riverboat, and a rocket-powered oxygen-supplied diving gear for the underwater areas.

The other thing I noticed is that crafting has been made much easier. Ore and herbs are very plentiful and level-apprpriate to the areas, and they respawn quickly. People still buy metal at good prices though, and still buy crafted goods. I've had no problem keeping mining and BS at my level, even just grabbing ore as I go by on my way to do quests.

Archaeology is okay, I guess. It's basically a hide-and-seek game. You go to a dig site revealed on your map when you have the profession, and use the "survey" skill. A red, yellow or green signal light will appear on the ground depending on how close you are to an artifact, with a telescope pointing the general direction of it. You just keep using the skill until you home in on it and you get what looks like a totem on the ground and you click on it. You can find up to three at each dig site. The interface keeps track of how many artifacts of each of several types you have and when you have enough you can combine them for various items.
There is no real incentive to explore the world any more, plus there's no more of the "Oh, shit, that mob's too high level, maybe I'd better leave and come back here later."

Exploring the World is actually one of my favorite parts of the game. And just last night in the Goblin Starting area after you get shipwrecked I ran into an oh shit ! I better come back here when I'm a higher level mob. A ?? Deaths Head Elite Raptor.
I miss burning crusade style healing. At least for paladins I found it much more enjoyable then WoTLK style healing which just seemed like a whack-a-mole clickfest without much difficulty.

pally bc healing?

I'm interested in getting back and doing all the instances I never got to do due to me not being able to fulfill the 'requirements'.

Do they still have those ridiculous requirements you must meet first before you do instances? Like getting a key to do Molten Core, etc.?
Are the new starting zones just for the new races and combos or also for the old races? So can I start say a dwarf paladin in the new areas?
Someone tell me, I just started a Death Knight on a new realm and I was wondering, do DK's get their flying mount from a quest or what?

I mean, I just don't see how on earth else it'd work since there' sno way I'll have all that gold saved up for the training + mount at lv 60.

I'm lv 58 now an donly have 35gold.
Flying mounts are cheap and so is the basic training. If you want to fly faster and use other mounts then it will cost you more.
Just got to 85. The last level took noticeably longer than the others. Quests were great, I'll have to continue with Twilight Highlands to get more gear and maybe just finish it up anyway.
Hit level 82 last night with the Wife we've still been questing in the under water world non-stop. Having a blast.
hit 83 last night on my warrior. I finished the underwater zone and decided to try at deepholm next, way way way crowded but some cool quests and a neat zone. Trying hyjal before work this morning
Flying mounts are cheap and so is the basic training. If you want to fly faster and use other mounts then it will cost you more.

250g training,
47g mount.

I have 62gold at lv 60 now, no where near enough to afford it.

It seems like Blizz only inteded Death Knights to be played as Twink toons with you helping them out with gold from your other toon, guess they didn't plan for people playing them on a different realm with no other characters there.
Someone tell me, I just started a Death Knight on a new realm and I was wondering, do DK's get their flying mount from a quest or what?

I mean, I just don't see how on earth else it'd work since there' sno way I'll have all that gold saved up for the training + mount at lv 60.

I'm lv 58 now an donly have 35gold.

Yes, one of the early DK quest chains will be for your mount.

I have done 97/115 quests in Mount Hyjal and I am 81.75 to give you an idea of how fast the leveling is.
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I hit 85 last night and will be working on getting more blues to do heroics tonight. Ulduar was by far the best zone, really fun. After 82 the time it takes to level continuously gets longer. Level 84 took me 6hrs and 85 took 8hrs (though this is as a shitty dps healy priest).
250g training,
47g mount.

I have 62gold at lv 60 now, no where near enough to afford it.

It seems like Blizz only inteded Death Knights to be played as Twink toons with you helping them out with gold from your other toon, guess they didn't plan for people playing them on a different realm with no other characters there.

Are you expecting a free hand out? You get to start at level 55, that's a nice perk.

Working as intended...

Pick up gathering professions go back and gather on a normal mount. Easy gold...
Are you expecting a free hand out? You get to start at level 55, that's a nice perk.

Working as intended...

Pick up gathering professions go back and gather on a normal mount. Easy gold...

God Forbid someone expects to be on EVEN Ground as anyone else at their lv, yes they start at lv 55 but literally spent the past week grinding out a character to hit the lv 55 to unlock the DK.

I just assumed that you'd get to know, normally, and not have to grind out 200gold to be on even ground with other people of your lv.
God Forbid someone expects to be on EVEN Ground as anyone else at their lv, yes they start at lv 55 but literally spent the past week grinding out a character to hit the lv 55 to unlock the DK.

I just assumed that you'd get to know, normally, and not have to grind out 200gold to be on even ground with other people of your lv.

Well if you leveled a character to 55, to unlock the DK, you should be on the same level as everyone else that started a new character on a new server. You are looking for a handout in a game that is pretty easy.

You can't really compare someones alt (on the same server as their main) to your new main (on a new server to you). It's just not comparable.

As for making 200g, quest and vendor Outlands loot. Or gather and sell. Both options are fast at making 200g to buy skills, etc...
I just leveled a new shamman from birth to 65 in the last 8 days, and he has 2.9k gold right now at level 65. At level 55 I had probably at least half of that amount. I am not even trying to make gold honestly, just selling stuff on AH and gathering. If your level 55 doesn't have enough to buy your DK flight lessons, that is your fault sir...
It's not fair. Not all of us are rich, we need more PUBLIC transportation until Blizzard adds more public transportation, the minorities will be in a disadvantage. BTW I need to apply for unemployment in the game too.
I hit 85 yesterday afternoon, guild first! Being sick at home really helped (yes, really sick, not *cough cough* "sick"). The quest line I enjoyed the most was the Twilight highlands, but I didn't finish them all right away. I skipped to higher zones as soon as I was at the required level. Now I'm going back and doing all those other quests while queuing for randoms, which are more challenging it seems.

I'm a warrior tank and I'm astounded by the amount of hp I have. I'm at 115k unbuffed and I only have a couple of good blues, the rest are green or even a purple or two left from wotlk. I can't imagine how high it will be once I'm in purples with enchants/gems.

I got extremely lucky and got a rare mount during my first dungeon run, a Vitreous Stone Drake. it's awesome and everybody that sees me flying around asks me how I got it :D
I also found a rare pet, Elementium Geode.
Also pretty cool!