official MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI thread

MellowDude said:
And how's your board going now you've run the 3.0 Bios for a little while RISCmaster.

How's your overclock?

I'm very happy with the 3.0 bios and I really don't think I'll update it until I have a precise need to. Personally I'm very, very happy with this board and I hope many others are aswell.

I guess the main thing to learn from any bios is the latest isn't always the best.


I will be posting my results very soon here and my website with pictures. I am still experimenting with it.

I will make a suggestion to you thou don't mind. :) I see you have Geil PC3200 RAM, which is restricting your systems performance. PC3200 is perfect for normal system but I am pretty sure you did not spent $200 on this MOBO for normal results. Using the Memory Divider causes a bottleneck between RAM AND FSB, nForce systems will give you noticibly better performance when RAM and FSB speeds are in sync. You are also lucky that your Antec 380W power supply is pushing your system at these speeds. One thing is clear, your PSU is damn good.

DDR400 PC3200 is the minimum requirement for MSI K8N NEO4 PLATINUM/SLI but if you really want to unleash its performance you must have higher speed RAM. I have KINGSTON HYPERX DDR500 PC4000 which easily overclocks to DDR600 (300MHz=600MHz DDR. Speed) but I think I can have more stability if I go with even higher speed RAM.

RISCmaster said:

I will make a suggestion to you thou don't mind. :) I see you have Geil PC3200 RAM, which is restricting your systems performance. PC3200 is perfect for normal system but I am pretty sure you did not spent $200 on this MOBO for normal results. Using the Memory Divider causes a bottleneck between RAM AND FSB, nForce systems will give you noticibly better performance when RAM and FSB speeds are in sync.

Once again thanks for your advice. BIOS V3.0 ROCKS. ;)

Yep my Ram is my bottleneck but it was extreamly cheap (Free).

I am running it at 133Mhz and 2-3-3-6 @ 1T and using do see slightly less performance than at higher sppeds. I guess the A64 onboard mem controller compensates for this and makes it less of a concern.

Once my wife get's her new Curtains, Lounge Suite and Kitchen I thinks I'll look at getting something better. I'm an ATI fan so I'll be fairly keen to look at the R520..... once they hit the stores.

Stick with the 3.0 Bios. I'm now on 3.5 but only because it's running at 300 for me with my mem divider. There was nothing wrong with 3.0 either and I might end up flashing back to it anyway as it's been rock solid for age's.
MellowDude said:
Yep my Ram is my bottleneck but it was extreamly cheap (Free).

Once my wife get's her new Curtains, Lounge Suite and Kitchen I thinks I'll look at getting something better. I'm an ATI fan so I'll be fairly keen to look at the R520..... once they hit the stores.

Stick with the 3.0 Bios. I'm now on 3.5 but only because it's running at 300 for me with my mem divider. There was nothing wrong with 3.0 either and I might end up flashing back to it anyway as it's been rock solid for age's.

If your RAM was almost free then you cant beat it. I did not knew ATI is going to manufacture RAM sticks now. Edit(Kind of confused here, you are talking about their new VPU, Sorry my bad. I don't keep up with ATI anymore I am NVIDIA FAN.) I did buy ATI's new THEATER 550 PRO TV Tuner Card (best TV Tuner Card at this time). Do you get Mass Storage Controller Problem with BIOS V3.5. Any ways since you are ATI Fan what kind of Video card do you have. Also what is your most stable overclocked system settings.
RISCmaster said:

After MellowDude tried this BIOS, I thought I should give it a try too. So I flashed the BIOS from 3.0 to 3.5. Since HighTest said this BIOS is supposed to fix the Mass Storage Controller problem, as soon as I booted into Windows I checked my Device Manager. Guess what I found, my Sil 3132 RAIDSATA CONTROLLER was gone and “MASS STORAGE CONTROLLER NOT FOUND” was on.

Yep, this also happened to me. Extremely easy to fix. Go into the BIOS and change the SiI3132 function from SATA to RAID. Once in RAID format, you'll no longer get the "MASS STORAGE CONTROLLER NOT FOUND" error ;)

Yep, kinda annoying, but when posting originally, I was certain BIOS users would check their settings after flashing the BIOS.
HighTest said:
Yep, this also happened to me. Extremely easy to fix. Go into the BIOS and change the SiI3132 function from SATA to RAID. Once in RAID format, you'll no longer get the "MASS STORAGE CONTROLLER NOT FOUND" error ;)

Yep, kinda annoying, but when posting originally, I was certain BIOS users would check their settings after flashing the BIOS.

I already tried that with v3.5 but it did not help. In V3.0 default Sil3132 function is SATA and I left it to that. Even then Sil3132 is detected and installed properly in windows.

I get everything I want from BIOS 3.0 (Extreme Over Clocking, No Errors, Stability, etc.) But I do appreciate your advice.
Sounds very strange. I'm only able to use the SiI3132 as a "Mass Storage Controller", i.e. SATA controller when in SATA mode. When in RAID mode, then it'll work with the SiI3132 Raid drivers and be detected as a RAID controller.

I wonder if there isn't something else happening in your case. If you are happy with just BIOS 3.0 and it works, I guess stay at that rev. But if I had the same problem, I'd contact MSI technical support and see about an RMA or what's going on as that doens't sound right.
** MSI K8N NEO4 PLATINUM/SLI Silicon Image Sil 3132 SATARaid Controller **

It is not just this motherboard but I had the same problem on another MSI K8N NEO4 PLATINUM/SLI. But V3.0 BIOS fixed it. In
DEVICE MANAGER, my Sil3132 is detected under

'Silicon Image Sil 3132 SATARaid Controller'​
.When I open its PROPERTIES under GENERAL TAB it shows
'Device Type: SCSI and RAID controllers'​
. This looks more normal to me then in your case since it recognizes Sil3132 as both SCSI and RAID Contollers.

You know it is funny, in my last reply I was going to tell you that something don't look right in your case and I still think so. I think my installation is the proper one but you never know. Anyway lets see what others have to say about this. :confused:

Thanks for your input. Let me know what do you think.
I'll try to take some screen shots tonight so it's easier to compare, just in case I left something out in the translation.

Maybe I'm the odd one out, but it seems to work fine for me with 3.5 and the SiI3132 controller configured to RAID.
RISCmaster said:
If your RAM was almost free then you cant beat it. I did not knew ATI is going to manufacture RAM sticks now. Edit(Kind of confused here, you are talking about their new VPU, Sorry my bad. I don't keep up with ATI anymore I am NVIDIA FAN.) I did buy ATI's new THEATER 550 PRO TV Tuner Card (best TV Tuner Card at this time). Do you get Mass Storage Controller Problem with BIOS V3.5. Any ways since you are ATI Fan what kind of Video card do you have. Also what is your most stable overclocked system settings.

Yeah I was talking about the new ATI VPU. I'm only running a Gigabyte 256Meg X700 Pro at the moment.

It was surplus to requirements at work so I grabbed it for home. Previously had a 9600XT and 9800Pro but the X700 was PCIE and seems O.K until I shell out some $ out for a bigger monitor (Currently using a Samsung 17" Utrafine CRT).

As far as stable clock goes, with the v3.5 bios and my ram I was running it at 2.8Ghz with the Vcore at 1.45 - 1.5v and running the ram @ 2.75v.

311FSB and about 207Mhz Ram.

My wife use's the PC also and I wanted the stability @ 2.8 that I've had @ 2.7 (300FSB and 200Mem @ Vcore 1.45v and Mem @ Stock Voltage)

Temps after 2 hours of Word and Excel are System @ 22C and CPU @ 27C.

After a few hours of gaming (GTA SA, HL2, Doom3 etc) the CPU might hit 39C at absolute maximum. I've yet to see it go higher.

Brothers In Arms locked up twice @ 2.8Ghz and 2.7Ghz with the 3.5 Bios.

Funnily enough I have not had one single lockup or issue @ 2.7Ghz with the 3.0 Bios for since I started using it weeks ago.

So I decided to flash back to the 3.0 Bios and as I expected haven't had any lockup or issue since.

3.0 does = absolute stability for me!

I also haven't had any issues with the Mass Storage controller with either Bios and I have updated to the 6.66 Nvidia NForce4 drivers about a week ago. I'm only running 1 x SATA Western Digital 160GB Caviar Drive and a LG4163 DVD Writer.

Here's a couple of SiSoftware Sandra Lite 2005 Results -


Benchmark Results
RAM Bandwidth Int Buff'd iSSE2 : 5982 MB/s
RAM Bandwidth Float Buff'd iSSE2 : 5984 MB/s


Benchmark Results
Dhrystone ALU : 12565 MIPS
Whetstone FPU : 4428 MFLOPS
Whetstone iSSE2 : 5731 MFLOPS
boy_wonder said:
Has anyone had any problems with Corsair Valueselect PC 3200 RAM before?

I know a lot of people that praise that stuff. Mostly being the fact its cheap and for the price to performance ratio compared to more expensive RAM. It will allow you to overclock too...of course depending on if you get a good batch or not (other factors play in as well). Not very fast timings on it but...for $100 for 1 gig of that stuff...its tough to beat.
boy_wonder said:
Has anyone had any problems with Corsair Valueselect PC 3200 RAM before?

Yes, I did. Last year I bought 2 sticks of 256mb x 2 Corsair Value Select PC 3200 RAM for my ASUS A7N8X-E DELUXE nForce2 Ultra 400 MOBO. Came to find out it was incompatible with that Motherboard, as I kept on getting the Blue Screen of Death in Windows XP Pro. nForce boards are picky on RAM, specially the one I mentioned. Tried GEIL also, but same thing. Well I replaced it with Kingston ValueRAM. Everything was fine after that. Did not have good luck with Corsair Value Select, but tried Corsair XMS 256 PC3700 with this MOBO and it rocked.

Here is a suggestion, if you don't mind. In my 8 years of experience in computer field, I have noticed Kingston is the most compatible brand of RAM in the market. It is almost in every Motherboard's recommended RAM list. I have had the best luck with Kingston VALUERAM and its performance is also great, plus it is inexpensive. Since last year I have never ordered Corsair Value Select, would rather order Kingston VALUERAM in this price range. Right now I have Kingston HyperX DDR500 PC4000 and it rocks. I have tested both Kingston VALUERAM PC3200 and the HYPERX Series on MSI K8N NEO4 PLATINUM/SLI, and they are completely compatible with it. Matter of fact Kingston VALUERAM PC3200 is one of the compatible memories in MSI K8N NEO4 recommended RAM list. Kingston Value RAM 512 x 2 Dual Channel set uses MICRON TECH CHIPS and I have run it on MSI board at 236MHz without any errors on 2.6volts default.

May be I have said too much here, hopefully it will give you some answers. GOODLUCK! :)
2uantuM said:
I think white text will do for 99.99% of the non OCD posters, riscmaster.

I guess in that case these colors will help the rest of the .01% of the non OCD posters. Let me know if I am not aware of any color codes that are enforced in this forum, since I am a 'n00bie' to this Forum. If there is any color code, I will gladly comply with it. :)
To add to what RISCmaster said the Crucial Ballistix series memory also uses the Micron Tech. chips in there line up. I have experience with them in numerous setups and they are extremely stable.

If overclocking is in your future the TCCD with the Brain Power (spelling?) PCB; usually found in G.Skill memory and a few others (forgot the rest), Micron based chips or the new Mushkin Red Line memory to include OCZ's new release (at high vDimm settings) are all good overclockers. If your not overclocking and don't plan on overclocking then look for PC3200 mem. with strict timings (low latency).

I have experience with Corsair, Kingston, and Crucial....I can say they all worked for me. Geil gave me problems in the past but other than that...all good experiences! Out of them all I've had the best experiences with the Crucial Ballistix series!
boy_wonder said:
Has anyone had any problems with Corsair Valueselect PC 3200 RAM before?

I'd try Kingston or the OCZ value stuff before I would try Corsair again. It was not stable for me at stock speeds (didn't pass memtest86 tests). There are also two different kinds of Corsair Value RAM. One is Cas 2.5 and that's the stuff that didn't work for me. The other is Cas 3...never tried that stuff.
MICRON TECH RAM is also listed in MSI K8N NEO4 PLATINUM/SLI official Compatible RAM List. The same RAM is also listed in this list under Kingston brand. I have had very good experience with MICRON TECH chips. mluke245 is right, many major RAM companies use MICRON TECH chips. They are usually respected for their over clocking ability. I had bad luck with GEIL like I said in my previous post and also recently my friend had problems with "Intel BOXD955XBKLKR Socket T (LGA 775) Intel 955X ATX Intel Motherboard" using GEIL DDR2 RAM. But I see MellowDude is getting some great results with GEIL on his MSI K8N NEO4.. It all depends on what chips are used not what brand RAM it is, so always check that before investing your money into RAM.

Another suggestion to everyone while buying RAM. If you are an Over Clocking Enthusiast, or a type of person who upgrades his system with new technology pretty often (even once a year). Then don't cut corners while buying RAM. Think about it, you can upgrade your CPU or Motherboard every 6 months and stay ahead with the newest technology. But you can in most cases use the same RAM with your new MOBO. Also stick with good brand name, like Kingston, Corsair, etc. because there are more chances of these brands being compatible with the newest Motherboards. Motherboard manufacturers test major brand RAM sticks first when they introduce a new Motherboard into the market. Later on with new BIOS versions they can extend their Motherboard's RAM compatibility. I have built about 50 nForce computers since last year, and I have noticed they are pickier than VIA when it comes to RAM. When it comes to compatibility I had best luck with Kingston (any series). These things work in anything. Always buy good quality RAM.
Just to tell you that if you upgrade the BIOS to 3.5 you might need a Windows fresh install also. From my experience, the new RAID BIOS's do not get along with the old drivers.

Ok guys I have posted the complete results on my website with Screen Shots.

HIGHEST FSB: 317.9 MHz with


For complete overclocked settings and details visit my website:

You can also download BIOS V3.0 from my site, without this you can't do Sh*t (BIG THANKS TO MellowDude & [H]ard|Forum Again). If I would not have found this Forum Thread and MellowDude's Posting, I would have ran my car over this Motherboard and bought DFI. I would not want anyone to go through the frustration; I had to, in order to achieve these results so I just want to help MSI K8N NEO4 PLATINUM/SLI community. HardOCP should give its Award back to this MOBO. This fine MOBO is getting all this bad reputation for nothing, so I decided to build a dedicated site for this MOBO where you can find FAQ, Download BIOS, Overclocking Utilities, Reviews & Awards, Motherboard Comparisons, Important links (like this [H]ard|Forum Thread etc.), Overclocking Results. Check it out. :cool:
Your site will be a good source of info on this board....but I must ask....when are you going to update your site with all the info?? :p

I'll be waiting......
I know this has been mentioned earlier in this thread, but has ANYONE gotten the SIL3132 controller to not show up as a broken device if it is NOT set to RAID mode? I'd just as soon turn mine off, but if I set it to 'disabled' or 'SATA' mode in the BIOS I get a broken "Mass Storage Device" error in the device manager. If I leave it in RAID mode then the Sil3132 drivers install OK and I get no errors, but I wonder what kind of problems I'd run into if I just wanted to use it as an actual SATA controller, not as a RAID.

I don't have any devices curently connected to mine, I just wish it would shut up and behave when not in RAID mode.

P.S. I'm currently running the 3.5 BIOS now with the 6.66 NVIDIA drivers.
smellyfatchick said:
Hey RISCmaster, what kind of overclocks were you getting with the 3.1 bios?

I have never tried BIOS 3.1. I tried 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 but I like 3.0. I got tired of trying different BIOS so I never tested 3.1. But since you have mentioned earlier that it is good I might give it a try one of these days.
Ravenrex said:
I know this has been mentioned earlier in this thread, but has ANYONE gotten the SIL3132 controller to not show up as a broken device if it is NOT set to RAID mode? I'd just as soon turn mine off, but if I set it to 'disabled' or 'SATA' mode in the BIOS I get a broken "Mass Storage Device" error in the device manager. If I leave it in RAID mode then the Sil3132 drivers install OK and I get no errors, but I wonder what kind of problems I'd run into if I just wanted to use it as an actual SATA controller, not as a RAID.

I don't have any devices curently connected to mine, I just wish it would shut up and behave when not in RAID mode.

P.S. I'm currently running the 3.5 BIOS now with the 6.66 NVIDIA drivers.

** MSI K8N NEO4 PLATINUM/SLI, Mass Storage Controller Installation Screen Shot **

I had the same problem with 3.5 BIOS, even if RAID mode was selected. I tried picking SATA mode and RAID mode for Sil3132 in BIOS but same errors on both times I guess someone said I had to install Windows again for it to work in RAID mode. Initially my Windows XP Pro SP2 was installed on BIOS 3.3. But the problem was fixed when I switched to BIOS V3.0. Device Manager in Windows XP Pro SP2 shows the Sil3132 Controller with both SATA Mode or RAID Mode selected in BIOS V3.0. This BIOS is best for Overclocking, Stability, Error Free.

Here is a link to screen shot of my Device Manager.

I am not using RAID since I have only one Hitachi 160GB SATA 2 Hard Drive. But let me know if my Sil3132 installation looks normal or not. I am not sure since HighTest said my Sil3132 installation sound odd, so I took a screen shot to post here. I see the same thing in Device Manager in RAID or SATA Mode.
RISCmaster said:
I have never tried BIOS 3.1. I tried 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 but I like 3.0. I got tired of trying different BIOS so I never tested 3.1. But since you have mentioned earlier that it is good I might give it a try one of these days.

Hmm, wasn't me that said anything positive or negative about 3.1. However, I am wondering what kind of overclocks you got on the non 3.0 bioses.
MellowDude, those stats are pretty impressive. I'm surprised your CPU runs that cold, but from your system temps, I'm guessing your computer is in a pretty chilly room. I have a 3500 Venice @ 2.3 w/ the Al/Cu equivalent of your cooler, and I'm not idling nearly that cool. Although your specs have me wanting to get tweaking more
smellyfatchick said:
Hmm, wasn't me that said anything positive or negative about 3.1. However, I am wondering what kind of overclocks you got on the non 3.0 bioses.

If you are wondering what kind of Overclocks I got on other BIOS versions than 3.0, please visit my Dedicated MSI K8N NEO4 PLATINUM/SLI Website where I have complete results and details. I have concluded that BIOS version 3.0 is best for overclocking.
I was reading the first page and what do you guys mean by -5v rails. I know they come with some PSU's but are they required for the MSI K8N mother board?

Also, did you guys install cardboard / small pieces of washers in between your spaces and the mother board? Is it required?
TwinTurboJosh said:
MellowDude, those stats are pretty impressive. I'm surprised your CPU runs that cold, but from your system temps, I'm guessing your computer is in a pretty chilly room. I have a 3500 Venice @ 2.3 w/ the Al/Cu equivalent of your cooler, and I'm not idling nearly that cool. Although your specs have me wanting to get tweaking more

Yep, It's winter where I live at the moment,

I don't really feel the cold as badly as some people do so I prefer to keep the house at around 18 - 20C at the most. Summer gets up to around 24 - 26C inside.

At the moment my Sys temp's 25C and CPU is 29C

It helps that I'm not shoving that much extra voltage into the CPU and with the mem divider I'm running the ram at 200 so no need for extra voltage there either.

I'm fairly happy with the way things are running which is the main thing I guess.
Ghostface Killah said:
I was reading the first page and what do you guys mean by -5v rails. I know they come with some PSU's but are they required for the MSI K8N mother board?

My Antec 380S already has the -5v feed but I know there was quite some discussion on the MSI forums aswell about this.

It relates to the correct operation of the SoundBlaster Onboard Solution I believe. The newer ATX 2.0 standard drops the -5v rail and the early revision MSI SLI MB's with Creative Onboard SB required -5v for the sound to work correctly.

If it's true they that MSI offerred to correct this if boards were sent in for RMA then I'd feel fairly confident that newer boards would be fixed.

MSI should be able to confirm this.

Ghostface Killah said:
Also, did you guys install cardboard / small pieces of washers in between your spaces and the mother board? Is it required?

No, The motherboard is and should be mounted directly onto the spacers. These also provide a ground connection via the screw.

MellowDude, thank you for visiting my Website and signing the Guest Book. Your overclocking results are insane so I would like to post them on my dedicated MSI K8N NEO4 PLATIUNUM/SLI Website. If you don't mind please write little bit on how you achieved them and send some screen shots. Also if you have any important links or any suggestions you think I should add to this website please let me know.
Hey all, just build a new system.
AMD 64 X2 4200+
MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI
7800 gtx SLI'ed together
2 gigs of corsair xms pc3200

I don't seem to really have any problems but I was wondering more if my scores were about normal. I've looked around the web but I think my marks should be a few thousand higher @ stock than what im getting.

05 is 10100
03 is 26000
01 is 25000

Any thoughts?
Has anyone replaced the stock northbridge fan for there motherboard? I am thinking of replacing it with the Zalman ZM-NB47J

so washers are never needed for this motherboard installation?

MellowDude said:
My Antec 380S already has the -5v feed but I know there was quite some discussion on the MSI forums aswell about this.

It relates to the correct operation of the SoundBlaster Onboard Solution I believe. The newer ATX 2.0 standard drops the -5v rail and the early revision MSI SLI MB's with Creative Onboard SB required -5v for the sound to work correctly.

If it's true they that MSI offerred to correct this if boards were sent in for RMA then I'd feel fairly confident that newer boards would be fixed.

MSI should be able to confirm this.
So do you belive that If I order the mother board now the problem would be fixed? Since I am going to get the Antec NeoPower 480 watts.
are u plannin on using the onboard sound? i dunno but i have the MSI SLI Plat. with the neopower and my board works fine...but i do use a soundcard so i dunno if my onboard works or not..but if u have a soundcard then dont sweat it, the -5v shouldnt have any affect on anything else (at least it doesnt for me)
lcboyee1123 said:
are u plannin on using the onboard sound? i dunno but i have the MSI SLI Plat. with the neopower and my board works fine...but i do use a soundcard so i dunno if my onboard works or not..but if u have a soundcard then dont sweat it, the -5v shouldnt have any affect on anything else (at least it doesnt for me)
Yes I am planning to use the onboard sound :\
Ghostface Killah said:
Has anyone replaced the stock northbridge fan for there motherboard? I am thinking of replacing it with the Zalman ZM-NB47J

so washers are never needed for this motherboard installation?

So do you belive that If I order the mother board now the problem would be fixed? Since I am going to get the Antec NeoPower 480 watts.

No, I don't know of anyone who has replaced the fan. It's not that noisy so I never worry about it. If you do just make sure you have good airflow through the case otherwise the Zalman passive HS won't be that great if the heat can't be moved out.

No, You definately won't need the MB washers, just screw through the board and hand tight onto the studs or standoffs..

If you want to guarantee it's onboard sound and system operation just get an ATX 1.0 PS like this - Antec True Power 550W.

It has 30A on the 12v rail and therefore can happily supply all the power you'll need through a 20pin - 24pin adaptor cable (Order this aswell!).

Otherwise select from this list -

OCZ Modstream 450W (26a on 12v rail)
OCZ Modstream 520W (28a on 12v rail)
OCZ PowerStream 420W (30a on 12v rail)
OCZ PowerStream 520W (33a on 12v rail)
A+GPB Athena Power500W AP-P4ATX50F12 (28a on the 12v rail)
A+GPB Athena Power520W AP-P4ATX52F12 (28a on the 12v rail)
A+GPB Athena Power 500W AP-P4ATX50FE (28a on the 12v rail)
Enermax EG465P-VE (33a on the 12v rail)
Enermax EG651P-VE (36a on the 12v rail)
Enermax EG465AX-VE (33a on the 12v rail)
Tagan TG480-U01 (28a on the 12v rail)
PC Power & Cooling 510 Sli (34a on the 12v rail)
PC Power & Cooling 510 Express (34a on the 12v rail)

The thing about the ATX 2.0 power Supplies is they have split the 12v output into 12v-1 and 12v-2 rails at around 15A - 18A on one or the other. Normally 12v-1 might have an 18A rating and 12v-2 will be say 15A. Obviously they didn't need the -5v rail and dropped it from the ATX 2.0 standard.

The 12v-2 is for the PCIe SLI cards (As they can draw more power) and is supplied by the extra four pins on the 24 pin connector.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the ATX 1.0 Power Supplies and you wont miss out on anything as long as you have a high enough current capacity on the rails. If you get a 20 pin PS (Such as the Antec True Power 550W) and connect it with a 20 - 24pin adaptor you'll have 30A on the 12v rail which should be plenty enough (The adaptor splits the single 12v rail and shares it where it's needed and does not split it in half).

Again though, you might want to check with MSI if your heart is set on an ATX 2.0 PS and see if the -5v issue is now a non issue as they might have fixed it.
RISCmaster said:

MellowDude, thank you for visiting my Website and signing the Guest Book. Your overclocking results are insane so I would like to post them on my dedicated MSI K8N NEO4 PLATIUNUM/SLI Website. If you don't mind please write little bit on how you achieved them and send some screen shots. Also if you have any important links or any suggestions you think I should add to this website please let me know.

Tried to email through a few Screen Shots and got this back

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

[email protected]

Technical details of permanent failure:
PERM_FAILURE: DNS Error: Domain name not found

Ghostface Killah said:
Has anyone replaced the stock northbridge fan for there motherboard? I am thinking of replacing it with the Zalman ZM-NB47J

so washers are never needed for this motherboard installation?

So do you belive that If I order the mother board now the problem would be fixed? Since I am going to get the Antec NeoPower 480 watts.

My NB fan died so I replaced it with a Zalman, im not sure of the number but its the blue one not the orange looking one. It seems to work fine, the board hasnt burst into flames or anything yet. Has anyone else had their NB fan die? I told MSI about the problem and they said that they would send me a new fan in the mail. That was 3 months ago.