official MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI thread


Quick question...

Is there anyway I can get this board (platinum SLI) to Over VID more than 9.9%?? I have a San Diego 3700+ and the max I can give it is 1.4v +9.9% which should be 1.53V, but the bios only shows 1.48v....Can this Over VID be done through Windows?? I think I will be an old man by the time MSI ever comes out with a bios with more Over VID options.... :(

I am trying to push my San Diego 3700+ past 3.0Ghz....she's at 2.95 and I know there is more headroom If I can get some more CPU voltage...I have the 3.1 bios

Any suggestions??


managerman said:

Quick question...

Is there anyway I can get this board (platinum SLI) to Over VID more than 9.9%?? I have a San Diego 3700+ and the max I can give it is 1.4v +9.9% which should be 1.53V, but the bios only shows 1.48v....Can this Over VID be done through Windows?? I think I will be an old man by the time MSI ever comes out with a bios with more Over VID options.... :(

I am trying to push my San Diego 3700+ past 3.0Ghz....she's at 2.95 and I know there is more headroom If I can get some more CPU voltage...I have the 3.1 bios

Any suggestions??



Try ClockGen. I think you can set the CPU voltage to 1.45V in Windows and then you can still use your +9.9% VID.
Clockgen did not work....This San Diego defaults to the highest the bios and clockgen will let me go is 1.4v....

Thanks for the suggestion though...

managerman said:
Clockgen did not work....This San Diego defaults to the highest the bios and clockgen will let me go is 1.4v....

Thanks for the suggestion though...


Yeah, I guess it lets me go to 1.45V because I have a Winchester.
I have had much better luck with this board than any DFI boards I've owned! I have the Diamond version.
There's a new beta bios listed on the overclockers section of the MSI forums for testing. Apparently this addresses two different bugs:

1. nVRAID shutdown hang.

2. 219MHz POST problems.

The original poster is asking for constructive feedback on how this performs to report back to MSI.

If you feel adventuresome, check out:

If it helps in any way, please provide constructive feedback to the forum.
kirbyrj said:
If it makes you feel any better, DFI has a whole forum dedicated to "problems" with their hardware ;).
Well so far my two SLI DFI boards have been rock solid and I am up to 300x9 with a 3 HTT multi on a Venice core 3000+
The MSI does run fine stock but I did not buy an "overclocking" board to run stock.
And to add insult to injury for you Neo4 Platinum/Diamond guys BF2 has stuttering issues on the SB24bit/Audigy LS with hardware/high/eax enabled. :p
I'm having problems with this board. Mine is not posting and I'm getting an error beep that is continous, signaling a RAM problem. I have the 2x512mb set of Corsair Valueselect RAM PC3200 Unbuffered Double Sided. I don't understand, because Corsair is one of the supported RAM companies when you go on the MSI website. I also tried an old stick of single sided Spectek PC2700 RAM, but that got the same error beep. I have not been able to get the board to post. I know that the Corsair RAM is working, though, because I am using it right now in my old comp. I have also suspected that the problem could be the CPU, because I tested one of my old PCI video cards that I knew worked, and that didn't help anything, and I just RMA'd the mobo to MSI, and I believe they test them before they ship them back out, so the CPU is the only other thing that could be wrong, but the error beeps indicate a RAM problem, what is going on?
Flashed back to 3.1 through the included "WinFlash" utility. For some reason it's always been unstable at stock settings but when I kick her up to 280 HT for 2.52 GHz everything's fine, fast, and rock solid. :D
Has anyone run dual core and win 64 on this board yet ordered both just waiting for them to arrive. Also what about the drivers everything work as advertised even though in beta? Thanks for any info.
BaNaNaS said:
Oh what i meant to say was will it post over 219?
Yes. I am running my Venice at 289@9 HT3. Just don't use 1.3/3.3 and 1.4/3.4 BIOS's. Those twp revisions are buggy and would not overclock. Use 1.2 or a newer beta, which I am using.
Is anyone running the Corsair Valueselect PC3200 (2x512mb) RAM on this board? Or has anyone ran it and had problems with it? I have a problem where I'm getting error beeps indicating a RAM problem, and I have this RAM, but all the info says that it is compatible with the board. If it's not the RAM problem, and the error beeps are wrong, could it be a CPU problem? I know it's not my motherboard because I just sent it back for RMA and they test it before they sent it back, so it would only be my CPU, so is it the RAM or CPU?
boy_wonder said:
Is anyone running the Corsair Valueselect PC3200 (2x512mb) RAM on this board? Or has anyone ran it and had problems with it? I have a problem where I'm getting error beeps indicating a RAM problem, and I have this RAM, but all the info says that it is compatible with the board. If it's not the RAM problem, and the error beeps are wrong, could it be a CPU problem? I know it's not my motherboard because I just sent it back for RMA and they test it before they sent it back, so it would only be my CPU, so is it the RAM or CPU?

Have you fitted the D-Bracket2 pinheader which should come with the board and checked the LED sequence on the back.

If it's a memory error it should clearly indicated this if you refer to the manuals codes.
Supasso said:
Yes. I am running my Venice at 289@9 HT3. Just don't use 1.3/3.3 and 1.4/3.4 BIOS's. Those twp revisions are buggy and would not overclock. Use 1.2 or a newer beta, which I am using.

I'm running a Venice 3000 @ 2.7 with Bios 3.0 (Tried 3.1, 3,2, 3.3 and 3.4 and this gives me the best overclock)

MEM divider @ 133
HT @ 3
FSB @ 300
CPU Multi @ 9 @ 4.5v
Memory is Geil 3200 Ultra Platinum @ 2-6-3-3 ( @ 2.85v

Cooler is Zalman 7700cu never run it above 1100RPM and temps remain at 28C average idle to 36C under load. Always use Artic Silver 5 small blob about 2/3 - 1/1 size of a grain of rice size right in the middle of the CPU then put the heatsink on. Too many people spread thermal grease across the entire CPU which won't help.

Case is the ANTEC Sonata ( and I have to say this case is outstanding and quiet.

MellowDude said:
I'm running a Venice 3000 @ 2.7 with Bios 3.0 (Tried 3.1, 3,2, 3.3 and 3.4 and this gives me the best overclock)

MEM divider @ 133
HT @ 3
FSB @ 300
CPU Multi @ 9 @ 1.45v
Memory is Geil 3200 Ultra Platinum @ 2-6-3-3 ( @ 2.85v

Cooler is Zalman 7700cu never run it above 1100RPM and temps remain at 28C average idle to 36C under load. Always use Artic Silver 5 small blob about 2/3 - 1/1 size of a grain of rice size right in the middle of the CPU then put the heatsink on. Too many people spread thermal grease across the entire CPU which won't help.

Case is the ANTEC Sonata ( and I have to say this case is outstanding and quiet.

BTW: This has been 100% stable and I'm not running 2 cards, only a Gigabyte X700Pro 256MB.
MellowDude said:
I'm running a Venice 3000 @ 2.7 with Bios 3.0 (Tried 3.1, 3,2, 3.3 and 3.4 and this gives me the best overclock)

Odd, BIOS 3.0 gave me an very nice overclock as well (310*9 max at 1.5V) but had very bad stability issues even with cranked up voltages. Hell, the BIOS was unstable for me even in stock clocks and settings. 3.1 gave me the best of both worlds. It could've been me, though, so I may try 3.0 again.

Nice temperatures by the way, especially if you're pumping 1.5V into the CPU (I'm assuming you meant 1.5 and not 4.5 :p).
yashooa said:
Wow I am glad I ditched this thing :)

Well apparently MSI has released an official statement saying they will replace the capacitors for current owners who have this SLI problem and new SLI mb's will be shipped with shorter capacitors. Here is the link

Also here is an article titled "MSI K8N SLI Compatibility Issue Debunked" I guess you can just "lean" the capacitor to make the 2nd 7800GTX fit. Here is the link:
Yepp... saw that earlier... smellyfatchick... if I was forced to guess, I'd say you were someone who typically spends time on the MSI forum. ;) none the less, good information. I am glad to see resultion in muliple forms.
revenant said:
Yepp... saw that earlier... smellyfatchick... if I was forced to guess, I'd say you were someone who typically spends time on the MSI forum. ;) none the less, good information. I am glad to see resultion in muliple forms.

hehe, well mostly in the past week as this potential 7800gtx issue had me irked and I was waiting for any news regarding this problem.
heh... yeah, me also. It's often good to go to the source... or closer to it. :)
What's up, fellas
I'm new to the forum and new to this motherboard and I was wondering about a couple of things and was hoping someone might might be able to give me a little insight. First, I have a SATA harddrive and it shows up as a removable device(like a memory stick), is this normal? What is NF4 voltage?, and has anybody, anywhere posted any optimum BIOS settings?, some of the stuff in the BIOS i've never seen before
TBone said:
What's up, fellas
I'm new to the forum and new to this motherboard and I was wondering about a couple of things and was hoping someone might might be able to give me a little insight. First, I have a SATA harddrive and it shows up as a removable device(like a memory stick), is this normal? What is NF4 voltage?, and has anybody, anywhere posted any optimum BIOS settings?, some of the stuff in the BIOS i've never seen before

I don't have that issue with SATA drives. What controller are you running them off of? Is you controller set to SATA or RAID in Bios?

The NF4 voltage is how much voltage goes to the northbridge. I personally run it a little over stock voltage, but I haven't heard of anyone getting signficantly better OC's out of the northbridge with extra voltage.
friend'scatdied said:
Odd, BIOS 3.0 gave me an very nice overclock as well (310*9 max at 1.5V) but had very bad stability issues even with cranked up voltages. Hell, the BIOS was unstable for me even in stock clocks and settings. 3.1 gave me the best of both worlds. It could've been me, though, so I may try 3.0 again.

Nice temperatures by the way, especially if you're pumping 1.5V into the CPU (I'm assuming you meant 1.5 and not 4.5 :p).

Yep, I meant 1.5v.

I've actually dropped the Mem to 120 and cranked the HTT up over 300 to achieve 2.8 and things still run fine at that 1.5 voltage. Only thing is that CPUZ won't display accurate results at that level as I guess it's over the motherboards limits. So I leave it at 2.7 as there isn't much difference for what I'm doing (Photoshop, MSI Software Packaging, Video Editing and CAD) and gaming of course.

Give's me fairlty good scores in SuperPi, 3Dmark01 and 05 etc.

Been playing Doom3, GTA San Andreas and SC - Chaos Theory and have yet to see a lockup so I'm well sold on this combination of Cooler, CPU, Ram and MB.

Gave my K8 Winnie 3000+ and MSI Neo Platinum (NF3) motherboard to a relative as I wanted the Venice core and needed a PCI-E slot for the X700 which was surplus to requirements at work. The onboard Sound was what I liked more than the need for SLI.

Both MB's are great from my experiances though.
I'm not sure why I haven't asked this before since it's been happening from the start, but is anyone else's CMOS clearing when you unplug the computer or switch the PSU off (not the PC itself, but the switch on the back of the PSU)? I know it's not a faulty board or battery (have checked with a 2nd Neo4 plat sli, and tried swapping the battery), so was wondering if it was just normal... I haven't tried a different PSU yet, even though I can, but would like to get a response here in case I don't need to test.

Btw, the supposed beta bios miracle fix didn't fix the barrier on my CBBID Winnie.
boy_wonder said:
Is anyone running the Corsair Valueselect PC3200 (2x512mb) RAM on this board? Or has anyone ran it and had problems with it? I have a problem where I'm getting error beeps indicating a RAM problem, and I have this RAM, but all the info says that it is compatible with the board. If it's not the RAM problem, and the error beeps are wrong, could it be a CPU problem? I know it's not my motherboard because I just sent it back for RMA and they test it before they sent it back, so it would only be my CPU, so is it the RAM or CPU?

I have 2 sticks of Valueselect PC3200 (VS512MB400) as well. They're currently quite happy in my K8N SLI+MSI 7800GTX. Are (or rather were since you RMA'd the board) the beeps consecutive, making a grinding, rattling sound? Or was it really one continuous beep? I found your post because I had an identical problem: I got very fast beeps, the D-bracket showed "RAM error", and the board hung showing the "platinum" boot screen. I couldn't get to a bios setup screen since my PS2 keyboard wasn't recognised. I thought it was a combination of the USB port not working and the PS2 keyboard probem that a fair number of other people had as well. I spent 8h trying to get it to work.

Then I got fed up, swore never to try an MSI product again (Been a loyal ASUS buyer until
i got an A8V 1.02 without the working AGP/PCI lock) and phoned my supplier to RMA. Last MSI item I bought was an GF4400. But before returning it i tried the mobo on a plastic surface, out of the case. And it was working. THe board was shorting with the case on one of the lowest standoffs. I replaxed the standof with a plastic peg and now it runs like a dream (3500+ winnie 10x260 currently). I could get the valueselect to 228 MHz (2.5-3-3-7) at stock voltage, bit I'm trying to find the proc's limit first.
Well, I finally decided to pop in a Venice to see if that will solve my problems. Ordered it yesterday and with the holiday, I might get it by the end of the week :rolleyes: . What Bios works best with the Venice for OCing? 3.1? Problems with the 3.3 and 3.4?
kirbyrj said:
Well, I finally decided to pop in a Venice to see if that will solve my problems. Ordered it yesterday and with the holiday, I might get it by the end of the week :rolleyes: . What Bios works best with the Venice for OCing? 3.1? Problems with the 3.3 and 3.4?

Don't use 3.3 or 3.4.

3.4 was to be blunt Totally useless for anything but stock settings for me.

I'm running 3.0 and haven't had any issues whatsoever but you might want to try 3.1 if it has anything you need for stability.
Sounds good. I'll load up the 3.1 bios and see how far I can take the chip :). I'm looking forward to OCing for the first time since getting this board :rolleyes: . This is it though. If I have problems, I'm just going to throw in the cheap Chaintech VNF4/Ultra I just got and sell this thing in the forums ;). Anyone looking for a cheap SLI board? :D.
What is the reason that HardOCP pulled their award from this board?

We at HardOCP are sorry to report that this MSI K8N Neo4 motherboard has experienced errors in the field with overclockers. There seem to be some bugs that MSI cannot fix that are specific to this board that we never experienced in our testing. That said, we are pulling our award given, and advise you to look elsewhere should you be in the market for an enthusiast motherboard.
That would be the infamous 219 bug. Searching for it, and you find a lot of drama behind it.