Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

I split my votes between healers and people who focus on objectives and play as a team.
Kills and damage I pretty much never vote for but those are almost the ones that always get the votes.
yeah I agree, that you should vote for whoever actually helped win the match, but damn sometimes with all the healing I do, i feel like they would have lost without me....maybe im just full of shit lol
yeah I agree, that you should vote for whoever actually helped win the match, but damn sometimes with all the healing I do, i feel like they would have lost without me....maybe im just full of shit lol

Not likely. Healers make all the difference. Many a good healer has saved my ass and enabled me to kill the ball handler, or kept me alive while multiple people tried to prevent me from reaching the goal line. Without a good healer an individual's survivability is cut short by huge amounts.
nvidia SLI works in windowed mode if you chose "full screen windowed mode" correct?
yeah I agree, that you should vote for whoever actually helped win the match, but damn sometimes with all the healing I do, i feel like they would have lost without me....maybe im just full of shit lol

I think it matters too how many medals you've had. At level 33, I've broken 300k healing done in a match, with only 4 medals, and the MVP goes to some hybrid dps class with only a couple kills, 70k damage, and 100k healing, but he has 7-8 medals.

That being said...what do MVP votes even do?
I think it matters too how many medals you've had. At level 33, I've broken 300k healing done in a match, with only 4 medals, and the MVP goes to some hybrid dps class with only a couple kills, 70k damage, and 100k healing, but he has 7-8 medals.

That being said...what do MVP votes even do?
I think you get 50 extra Valor Points for each MVP vote you get.
Just had a match where I topped healing chart, and scored the only 2 points in votes...
I give up. I'm going to stop voting period.
Just had a match where I topped healing chart, and scored the only 2 points in votes...
I give up. I'm going to stop voting period.

I do remember seeing a post where they were going to add another dozen or so medals and if I remember right some of them would be objective based. Patch 1.2.

Seems like a lot of stuff will be fixed changed(broken :)) in 1.2 whenever it gets here.
This could be just on my end, but is anyone having issues with the game crashing?

I haven't had any problems until today. 15 minutes into the game it crashes, usually during a quest cut scene. I can't just terminate the game client either, I have to restart the computer.

Happened 4 times so far. :(
This could be just on my end, but is anyone having issues with the game crashing?

I haven't had any problems until today. 15 minutes into the game it crashes, usually during a quest cut scene. I can't just terminate the game client either, I have to restart the computer.

Happened 4 times so far. :(

I've been getting a few now while doing space missions :/. And when I would go to log back in it would boot me to the char select screen.
Just had a match where I topped healing chart, and scored the only 2 points in votes...
I give up. I'm going to stop voting period.

If it makes you feel better, my vote always goes to the healer that keeps me alive. Being a sentinel, My usefulness is based off of how good my healer is :D
Anybody else really bored?

I can't even bring myself to log in. :( If you're going to lock the game down and offer little to no sandbox options, you really need to make sure there's a LOT of theme park to go around. And there's not.
Anybody else really bored?

I can't even bring myself to log in. :( If you're going to lock the game down and offer little to no sandbox options, you really need to make sure there's a LOT of theme park to go around. And there's not.

pssst, read my link :D
I think that in terms of content, swtor has "suffered" because it didn't follow suit of other more gear grinding games.
The content seems to be too little at this point because it is too accessible. I've completed both operations in hardmode easily. But they could have gotten a lot more "mileage" out of them if they had put in place random attunement/gear requirements and such. The fact that they didnt is good, but then you just clear content too fast.

Another thing that I am just now realizing. It is all about the server. I was bored to death in my old server. On peak times there were maybe 40 lvl 50s on the empire, about 15 on republic. It meant playing the huttball a whole lot, against the same players. And not much else. So I rerolled on one of the high pop servers. And it is night and day. It finally feels like an mmo. Group questing, etc.

I do agree with the link above that the questing areas feel too truncated. One thing that wow did really well, at least on vanilla, was the sense of a big world. Being able to walk everywhere, and more importantly, having day, night, etc. made it feel more like a real world than swtor has managed to.
yeah, I don't get the reason not to have day and night in TOR. It would make it feel so much more alive. Right now its so bland and pasty I just can't stand it. I got one day left on my sub and I just gave away all of my stuff to the few guild mates who still play and caused a shit storm in chat in fleet. I was there for nearly 2 hours doing this and that in fleet arguing and stating my opinions on the game while I watched a movie, and came back to fleet chat hardcore again and the same people who were bitching about me talking shit were still there LFG and never finding a group....I said that pretty much proves my points about the game, they would rather spend 2 hours waiting in fleet tog et a group together and argue with my admitted trolling than actually play the game.
nvidia SLI works in windowed mode if you chose "full screen windowed mode" correct?

I know this is a late response, but in case anyone else was wondering, yes, it does with TOR and many other games.

I basically stopped playing a bit over a month ago and unsubbed before my second renewal hit (I had paid one month after the included one). Just didn't find the game to have enough depth in anything, unfortunately... especially for someone like me who prefers PVP, but even all around to be honest. I'm seriously looking forward to GW2's WvWvW, and it looks like it will deliver the goods on that.
I am at level 44 with 10 days of play time left. So I'll hit 50, but after that I will probably take 2-3 months off before coming back to see if they've made the game more interesting.

It just sucks because this game had so much potential. SO MUCH potential. A star wars MMORPG - it was so perfect. Right when WoW announced their Kung Fu Panda class :rolleyes:, it was a perfect time to switch to another good MMORPG.

And they give us this? This was clearly a matter of the higher-ups throwing money at it and saying "Here's some money, make it, and let's get it on the shelves" without actually taking the time to fix bugs, consider end-game content, tune PVP, and actually listen to what the community really wanted.
i'm enjoying it.

My lvl 50 marauder Rinzler on Saber of Exar Kun is full battlemaster gear and im looking forward to 1.2 so i can take the armoring mods out and look how i want.

I also have lvl 33 operative named Quorra im working on atm and is pretty fun to play and i really like the operative story class quests.

This game has so much content for me its going to be awhile before i see it all since i plan to play all 8 main classes stories.

Is it lacking in some areas? for sure but 1.2 should bring alot of new gear changes which were my biggest issues after seeing how the mod system was in beta and then seeing them strip it come release. It broke me a little inside but seeing them working on a fix to the mod system in 1.2 gives me alot of hope for the game and ill continue lvling up my alts and running ops and pvp on my main because i enjoy it.
I've been an avid Huttballer for like ten years, so I was really happy when they implemented it in this game. ;p
If I were to string together a bunch of .5 second clips of my 2nd and 3rd characters at the end of every dialogue tree, they'd look like extras in House of Pain's "Jump Around" video... only it would last 4 days instead of 4 minutes.
ive been playing on my friends account off and on. at first i was like maybe i should of gotten this game but its just "OK" , its meh. Im level 25 now and i got my mount, i have pretty darn good gear for my level, power leveled the crap out of all my Crew Skills but its just the game world feels kind of Flat, empty, card board cut out.. it really feels like a single player game with sprinkles of multiplayer, but some of the zones are big and empty.. dont get me started on pvp ive been doing that quite a bit to break up some bordumness and i love to pvp but in this game it can be so god damn frustrating you want to punch a wall. im glad i didnt buy it or spend any money on it. I mean hell i enjoyed my weekend in Tera Online closed beta so far more than this, which is pretty lol sense im not fond of asian lookin games. for now ill prob tool around from time to time on my friends account but ill prob play more of tera online in beta and hope to get into GW2 beta.
From what I have read on various sites. It looks like the server pops are starting to go down. It's a shame I wanted to come back to this game after they made the lfg a little better in my opinion. Oh well guess I'll wait for gw2 and hopefully not go back to wow
From what I have read on various sites. It looks like the server pops are starting to go down. It's a shame I wanted to come back to this game after they made the lfg a little better in my opinion. Oh well guess I'll wait for gw2 and hopefully not go back to wow

I think this is going to be one of those games that you only come back to for a single month about once every 6 months to a year, inbetween luls in other games, and once they have enough updates to justify another $15.
Yea. See the lfg thing they put in wow brought me back for a year or so and I really enjoyed that addition. Made the game fun For me again cause I hated finding groups for leveling instances and it gave a break from questing
I think i'm done with TOR, probably for good. 2012 lineup looks too good to turn back.

I had my fun, had some great moments. Endgame is busted, and I'm burnt on PvP. Ilum could've been a masterpiece. It's pretty bad when I couldn't get my daily done yesterday from lack of participation.

Ah, what could've been. Hoping that GW2 WvW is as good as I think it will be.
What's coming out in 2012 besides Mass Effect 3?

I'm not being sarcastic, just being too lazy to go check out
Guild Wars 2
The Secret World
Planetside 2
World of Warplanes (connects to World of Tanks and shares stuff)
World of Battleships (same as Tanks and Warplanes)
Mechwarrior Online
World of Darkness (same guys who do EVE, although I doubt we get anything from them until 2013)
Dust514 game that connects to EVE Online (well for consoles only but whateva)

And that's just the MMO's off the top of my head. And games that aren't a MMO but will have a MP element that will keep people playing for a long time like Diablo 3, etc.
Im still having fun with the game but one thing that is pissing me off is getting your rarer recipes through reverse engineering. I've reverse engineered a peice probably over 20 times and still have yet to get the next schematic.
I think i'm done with TOR, probably for good. 2012 lineup looks too good to turn back.

I had my fun, had some great moments. Endgame is busted, and I'm burnt on PvP. Ilum could've been a masterpiece. It's pretty bad when I couldn't get my daily done yesterday from lack of participation.

Ah, what could've been. Hoping that GW2 WvW is as good as I think it will be.

You blame the game for low pop? I think TOR is excellent. Only real problem is low populations because they have too many servers at launch.

Yea. See the lfg thing they put in wow brought me back for a year or so and I really enjoyed that addition. Made the game fun For me again cause I hated finding groups for leveling instances and it gave a break from questing

Yep I'm just missing that dungeon finder
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well important getting awfully sick of random ctd's, had 3 last night. never use to be a problem till about 3 weeks ago now i get em all the time. if they don't fix it soon ill end up resubbing my wow account
You blame the game for low pop? I think TOR is excellent. Only real problem is low populations because they have too many servers at launch.

Were you even playing at launch? If you were, you'd recall that for the first few days the queue just to get to the character selection screen was close to two hours... at least it was on mine as well as the servers some of my friends' were on. Bioware's "solution" was to add a ton of new servers and spread out the player base. To their credit, it "worked," because the queue quickly went down to a bearable 10-20 minutes during primetime. I say "worked" however, because as we all know now, the server pops are pretty low across the board due to this course of action.

The thing I find hilarious is that their own, current tech already instances damn near everything which leads us into asking the question: why are characters bound to a specific server in the first place?! Why not just let me log in, select my character, and thenselect a server, or an instance, or whatever? It boggles my mind that they didn't go this route... would've solved so many problems for them and players.
I've been trolling this thread awhile and I tend to side with the "be patient the game just launched things will get fixed" camp. However, from a business perspective, they should probably have some shit well taken care of by now. All I know about the game is the small beta period I had and what I've been reading online, so I'm sure my opinions are fairly warped.

Part of me is starting to think how did this miss some of this stuff? Did they not play other MMOs and say "Hey I like this feature, lets be sure to add this come launch". I mean why not have certain functional elements that clearly are working (Dungeon Finder, which I have a complicated love hate relationship with in WoW...another thread someday). I get that some of this stuff has been implemented relatively recently, like DF, but still people like it. Why not include it?

I can see the cycle happening where WoW or Aion or someone releases a feature, TOR likes it, implements it then BAM another cool thing comes out and they just keep going on in an endless pit of development. Some of these things are basic though, /roll? Shrug, not a good sign IMO.
The pendulum sways back and forth way too much in MMOs. Especially the pendulum of opinion. I like the game and I like the mechanics. But PvP hasn't been a shining gem, where I had some hopes. I've moved on from it I think because I've been wanting to get back into Skyrim or play Tribes instead. Maybe (!) a month or two more and I'll just unsubscribe indefinitely. I already subscribe just to play with my roommate, but unsubscribe on the off-shoot that I just want to let it lapse.

But what really plagues all MMOs I've played and it is actually kind of sad is what happens regarding populations:

Server queue's too long? Damn Bioware needs to fix this! Add more servers!
Server's are now dead? Damn Bioware opened too many servers!

*sigh* Bioware made the choice to follow what the players wanted. That didn't work out so well in this case. Like it ever does :(

Why not just let me log in, select my character, and thenselect a server, or an instance, or whatever? It boggles my mind that they didn't go this route... would've solved so many problems for them and players.

Their tech probably doesn't support this, who knows? I don't. We aren't educated enough to speculate what is/is not a good decision.
The pendulum sways back and forth way too much in MMOs. Especially the pendulum of opinion. I like the game and I like the mechanics. But PvP hasn't been a shining gem, where I had some hopes. I've moved on from it I think because I've been wanting to get back into Skyrim or play Tribes instead. Maybe (!) a month or two more and I'll just unsubscribe indefinitely. I already subscribe just to play with my roommate, but unsubscribe on the off-shoot that I just want to let it lapse.

But what really plagues all MMOs I've played and it is actually kind of sad is what happens regarding populations:

Server queue's too long? Damn Bioware needs to fix this! Add more servers!
Server's are now dead? Damn Bioware opened too many servers!

*sigh* Bioware made the choice to follow what the players wanted. That didn't work out so well in this case. Like it ever does :(

Their tech probably doesn't support this, who knows? I don't. We aren't educated enough to speculate what is/is not a good decision.

So I'm playing on the same server as a friend, and we both go to Ilum and are standing in the same place yet can't see each other until one of us switches from "Ilum 2" to "Ilum 1"... how much more "educated" do I need to be to realize that if they can do that then they should be able to have an "Ilum 3 - 300" too? Now just instead of having me pick the instance once I'm in the game world, let me choose which instance I'll go into before I even load into the game. No need to segment me off from playing with friends that are on another "server" like they do currently. No need to worry about balancing server populations. Just scale the number of instances available per zone by the current number of players total. Global Agenda (and I'm sure other games as well) took this approach and it works just fine.