Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

I'm in the states, and yesterday I received a FP241W September 2007 build with 1:1 and overscan options. Finding this was difficult because I am unaware of any nearby brick-and-mortar retailers with this product, and most U.S. online retailers cannot verify build dates. I was not aware of, so I called the top 12 retailers that show up on nextag. 10 of 12 not only couldn't tell me build dates – they also couldn't tell me when they received their stock. One retailer could tell me they were selling stock from April, and I obviously ran the other way.

But the last retailer could tell that their earliest product was received September 11:eek: Of course that could be the September build or not. So I then asked if I could be sent more recent rather than older stock? While this retailer could see that they did receive several shipments since September, he could not pick out one for me from a more recent shipment. Unlike all the other retailers, however, this one actually understood and empathized with my need for the September build. So while it was impossible for him to send me a particular box, he did guarantee me this: If upon receipt it's not a September build, I can immediately call him and have it picked up free of charge. That was good enough for me and I made the order!

This retailer is, 1-888-566-6373, and the helpful associate is Jeff Sbado extension #128. Per above, Newegg has shipped some September 2007 builds, but when I called them, they explicitly could not guarantee me a particular build date. You could try your luck, and be lucky like Brymo. does not have the lowest price point (but neither is it overpriced), but I was happy to pay a bit of premium for some peace of mind on the September build. Maybe can make this guarantee.

Regarding usage, I'm only using DVI from my computer and S-video from my satellite TV receiver. I have one quibble that I don't believe has been raised before: The pdf manual page 28 says you can only PIP HDMI-DVI-VGA-component in one window versus S video-composite in the other window. In doing so, they call component a PC source rather than a video source:confused: But has anyone actually tried to PIP component along with a computer source? I was eventually hoping to PIP component from a sat receiver or DVD player along with my DVI computer in the main screen. But I guess I'm out of luck on this one. Otherwise I'm loving my September build!

P.S. No blackouts yet (knock on wood) and I'm DVIing my Apple G4 PowerBook.

YOU WERE SO RIGHT!!! Kim @ Ext 130 checked the warehouse stock date with a stock boy and verified the date of the one that would be shipped to me....she also said there would be a new batch with a DEC07 manufacturing date on them shipped in DEC. There is a 30 day no questions asked return policy like BEST BUY!!!! No dead pixels to worry about...
Okay, I see it, however, if you pull up a list of products, the Z series is not available in the US, however, at least this manual shows the overscan option and can be presented to the BENQ people so they can finally acknowledge it's existence.

BenQ USA probably removed WZ from their list last month because US websites such as and were selling them. I read their user reviews knowing BenQ USA was going to discontinue WZ before I bought mine.
it was a hd 1080 trailer and it was played through quicktime.

ive tried other 1080 trailers through powerdvd and windows media player all with the same result...blockiness...especially in shadows.

dvd's played on the pc with powerdvd (hardware acceleration enabled) look very poor too.

drivers are up to date on gfx card.

its depressing :(

I tried to play blue-ray Pirates of Caribbeans: Dead Man's Chest using PS3 via DVI to my FP241WZ. It looks just fine.

Come On Man.... I don't believe you are testing your FP241W using a DVD player. At least try to use a real HD source.

And don't be so hasty on returning the products; otherwise those easy returnable stores are going to tighten up their return policies.

Always check your SOURCE first!!!
I took back a LG, GATEWAY, WESTY, SAMSUNG, ACER from Best Bujy and just bought my BENQ from THENERDS =D


GATEWAY = bleeding, wierd eye pain, too saturated, banding
WESTY = flickering (when i say flicker i mean light on dark), good color though
ACER = Flicker and too bright
LG = Slight banding, medium flciker, almost perfect though...would of kept this one if it wasnt for BENQ

So if anyone is too cheap or doesnt have big enough balls to take a chance on a BENQ just get a LG for 499 at BB. (price match)

The way I look at it top 3 = NEC (~1200$) > BENQ (~650$) > LG (~500$)


Thanks Hardforums <3!!!!
Thank you for taking initiative.

No sweat. Besides, too many of us are in the same boat. I spoke to the man again today, whose official title is "Director, BenQ USA Corp". He said he got my detailed email, per the previous phone call, and has requested that the support team look into the problem. I'll be contacted within a week. He also mentioned that NCIX had escalated this as a problem as well, likely referring to the fact that they've asked BenQ for the firmware before. As I'd said previously, I'll be happy if they just offer me an exchange for newer September+ stock at this point. For any who are interested, below is the email I sent to the director Thursday night:


My name is xxxxxx and I spoke to you this evening by phone concerning firmware updates to fix a problem with the BenQ FP241W monitor. First off, thank you for taking the time to speak to me earlier. You and your staff have been very polite and helpful when able. I first spoke to customer support this evening, who then referred me to sales, and finally to you to address my concern. Per our phone call, let me start at the beginning and provide as much detail as I can.

I purchased an FP241W from Canadian dealer NCIX (who now also has a US division) on Feb 6 of this year. I received a unit with a manufacture date of Nov 2006 which NCIX (with BenQ's permission and instruction, preserving the warranty) had updated with the 1:1 pixel mapping firmware. This was one of the reasons I purchased from there instead of a US company like Newegg. It saved me from having to ship the monitor off to be updated in the first place. Anyhow, while it was great to have the 1:1 pixel mapping support now, one huge problem remained. Video sources plugged into inputs other than the DVI port suffered from overscanning. So, when hooking up an HD-DVD player, PS3, Xbox 360, etc, via HDMI or component, the images would be cropped by 5% on all sides. This post describes the issue:

And this page shows how it looks when it the overscanning occurs (post #3583), particularly the test patterns on post #3590:

The sole way for PC users to circumvent the problem has been to use HDMI-to-DVI cables to connect the PC's videocard to the HDMI (or VGA) port so that the PS3 and other devices can freely use the unaffected DVI port. This problem seems not to exist in the FP241VW models in the US, but remains on the W line. As early as May 2007, other BenQ markets such as Australia and the UK were reporting getting new firmware to have fixed this in their W series:

So, hearing this news, I'd been phoning the BenQ customer service number about monthly, figuring that since other markets were getting the fix that we'd be getting a firmware update to do the same in North America. Every time, I'd just be told that they knew of no knew firmware, and that my informing them of other markets having some was news to them. But they added that, if one ever came, it'd be installed for free under warranty if I shipped the monitor out to BenQ in California or New Jersey. Suddenly in August, however, I was informed that despite the fact that BenQ had taken care of this overscan issue elsewhere, no new firmware was going to be coming out for us in North America and that anyone who had one must have been getting it from overseas. I didn't understand what had changed such that we now had no chance of getting one here. Last week I found a post from a Canadian shopper saying that he'd gotten a September 2007 model with the fix on there. The store he purchased it from is called Memoryexpress. Shortly afterward, another user reported getting one from the NCIX in Richmond, BC and even posted pictures to prove the onscreen display has the new "Overscan" option which isn't present in units here with the original 1:1 firmware fix:

As you can see, now HDMI and other connections aren't cropped on all sides when overscan is switched to off. This is exactly what I had bee waiting for. Without this fix, even displaying things in 1080p is impossible on any input but DVI. And just today people are posting saying that some Newegg shoppers are now getting new stock with this fix. This is why I phoned BenQ support tonight to determine what was going on. I was again told no new firmware was available nor coming . This is when I got transferred to sales and then you, xxxxxx, to get more information. After all, if people are buying FP241Ws with the feature, there is a firmware fix, even if the support team for some strange reason doesn't have it. If BenQ Global can get existing users updated in other regions, then why not here?

I own an HDMI-based DVD player, Xbox 360 Elite, and a PS3. One of the reasons I bought this monitor was because it was the first affordable one to offer HDMI and 1080p resolutions, so I wished to use these players with it as well as my PC. Without the firmware update to fix the problem, I can't use them without losing picture. How can BenQ tech support be telling me no firmware exists and won't be coming to North America when I've now got two stores in the states and Canada selling the same FP241W with the update? And what as a customer under warranty am I supposed to do? I feel I shouldn't have to do something as drastic as go out and buy another FP241W just to get the features I can have in this one with a firmware patch. I can't RMA my current one, as it's not offically considered defective to NCIX, since it came as designed. They said they had contacted BenQ again themselves to see if, as with the 1:1 patch, they could get the ability to update older releases. They've received no response. So now I feel as if I've spent all this money on a monitor, but that even with my warranty I can't even get a patch for it which is proven to exist in our market. I shouldn't have to buy DVI/HDMI cables to use as a workaround either. For the past 10 months I have saved all the original packaging for my monitor in hope that I could send it in to get updated. Right now I just feel stuck with a monitor that can't do what it was advertised to do and that my warranty should entitle me to something. If there truly is no way for me to get my monitor updated here, then perhaps BenQ can just exchange mine for one of the new Sept 2007 or newer builds. As it stands, the only other thing I could do is buy another one, which I simply cannot afford and shouldn't have to do in the first place.

Thank you again for any assistance you can provide, xxxxxx. Right now, you're my last hope. You can reach me here at any time, or contact me at the xxx-xxx-xxxx number I provided you by phone earlier. My monitor's serial number is FTNB608752SL0 and it is registered via the BenQ web site. I look forward to hearing back from you on Friday.
I don't know what you mean by "flickering", I don't notice any anomalies scrolling up and down really fast on the page you are talking about. I see a lot of ... :D

Nice work! You were professional in your response, which is important. If you, and perhaps others with this problem, keep calling the guy at BENQ for a resolution, you'll all be rewarded and all of us soon-to-be BENQ owners, will be rewarded as well. I won't purchase this monitor until I hear something positive that no matter which manufacturing date I get, I'll be taken care of.

Come On Man.... I don't believe you are testing your FP241W using a DVD player. At least try to use a real HD source.

whats hard to believe?
i want to watch dvd's on my new monitor...i want my new monitor to display these dvd's like they should be displayed....i.e not blocky or grainy.

now go away muppet
Nice so VGA works!!! We will see if it looks better than the component.

Doesn't look like NCIX has shipped my monitor yet so I'm guessing I'm not gonna get it until next week. :(


So I walked into Bestbuy today to get 80 dollars back for my Samsung P2 mp3 player since futureshop has it cheaper by that much, then I walked over to the monitor section and noticed they had a FP241VW on display.

Well it wasn't setup properly and was connected via VGA, but overall I just wasn't impressed by it.

The construction in my opinion was pretty cheap and the delay in the OSD was too much. Picture quality over VGA looked pretty crappy as well, display looked dull.

I know it wasn't setup properly, but wow, what a disappointment. Maybe it was the source; the whole Bestbuy ad thing, but still.

I hope this monitor is all that it's cracked out to be.

Shampoo, are you currently from the US. I'm very interested in purchasing this monitor from NCIX and I was wondering how much they charge to ship to a US location? I know that they don't charge tax to US customers. If your not from the US, anyone out there know how much they charge for shipping costs?

Shampoo, are you currently from the US. I'm very interested in purchasing this monitor from NCIX and I was wondering how much they charge to ship to a US location? I know that they don't charge tax to US customers. If your not from the US, anyone out there know how much they charge for shipping costs?


When I bought mine from NCIX Canada in Feb, shipping was about $40 to Virginia and shipping insurance was 1.5% of the total order additionally. However, NCIX's US division opened up since then, so it's possible that may have changed, though I figure all the stock still ships from Canada unless they now have a US warehouse. I did additionally order a few small items, so you can maybe shave a few dollars off the price if the monitor is the sole item ordered.
Ninjak, if you could mention all the same issues affect the WZ that'd be great... so they dont get narrow focused and forget there is at least one other extremely similiar monitor with the same problems.

I got one and detailed all my problems scaling in this thread:

Also, if I'm not mistaken, all models still require 4:3 and 16:9 scaling options (beyond the full/aspect/1:1) to handle all NTSC (composite and svideo input) and 480i/p content properly. These scaling options need to be present for the PiP feature as well.

Is the issue of displaying 1080i/p content over component, over VGA, and HDMI otherwise fixed in more recent firmwares? You'll see in almost every case it was either not handling it at all (VGA), or producing an image smaller than 1920x1080... closer to 1776x1000 or so. (component / hdmi)
Ninjak, thanks for your reply. In response to your previous thread, have you considered filing your complaint to the Better Business Bureu:

I suppose that will depend entirely on the director's response to the issue. He's been more than courteous and, if he can find some way to solve my problem, that I won't have a need to do such a thing. I frankly don't see that it's something that should prove difficult. If they lack the ability to update my existing unit, then they should just be able to do an exchange for a new one. If not...
How is the benq when it comes to noise ? Does it have any noise when it is on ? Please listen carefully maybe it is not so noticable when the computer is on ?

The LG L245WP-BN had problems with this it had a cracking/creaking sound about every 5-10 minutes even when it was off.

It's very important for me to know if it makes any sounds at all because the cracking/creaking sound drove me nuts could not sleep at night because of it.

Does the BENQ have similiar problems ?

Have anyone compared BENQ FP241W to LG L245WP-BN ?

Does the 50hz mode work properly in 1920x1200 resolution without dropping frames like the LG L245WP-BN ? The LG L245WP-BN would only work properly in 50hz with resolutions that was 1920x1080 or lower.

Does ATI Catalyst Control Center make 50hz an option for 1920x1200 resolution with the benq ? The LG had to be forced with Powerstrip to work in 50hz but it instead dropped frames so it could not work in true 50hz at the highest resolution for some unknown reason.

Can the BENQ support 75hz by using Dual Link DVI ?

I know that this is alot of questions but i am hoping that someone can answer them because this seems to be the only other decently priced 24" monitor with a good panel available on the market today.

I am truly tired of trying to find a decent 24" screen.
Ninjak, if you could mention all the same issues affect the WZ that'd be great... so they dont get narrow focused and forget there is at least one other extremely similiar monitor with the same problems.

I got one and detailed all my problems scaling in this thread:

Also, if I'm not mistaken, all models still require 4:3 and 16:9 scaling options (beyond the full/aspect/1:1) to handle all NTSC (composite and svideo input) and 480i/p content properly. These scaling options need to be present for the PiP feature as well.

Is the issue of displaying 1080i/p content over component, over VGA, and HDMI otherwise fixed in more recent firmwares? You'll see in almost every case it was either not handling it at all (VGA), or producing an image smaller than 1920x1080... closer to 1776x1000 or so. (component / hdmi)


You need to update your thread!

Overscan problem with FP241W has been fixed with Sept 07 built firmware.
whats hard to believe?
i want to watch dvd's on my new monitor...i want my new monitor to display these dvd's like they should be displayed....i.e not blocky or grainy.

now go away muppet

Are you using the upscaling from DVD player or FP241W? DVD player has only 720x480 resolution and FP241W has 1920x1200. Even if you upscale it, it won't look as good as a true HD.

If you don't see blockiness and grainy at Windows desktop @1920x1200 then your monitor is fine.

BTW, Beowulf HD trailer looks shitty to start off with anyway. Try other HD trailer.

Thank you for fighting BenQ for our right to getting a perfectly working monitor.

Since you own HDMI based DVD player, PS3, and XBOX360 Elite, I assume you got a DVI/HDMI switch via DVI to get all your devices plug in and working while waiting all these months for BenQ to get their act together? If you don't have a DVI/HDMI switch, are you pluging and unpluging HDMI cable each time when you change device? Even with overscan problem fixed via HDMI and VGA, you still need a HDMI switch, right?

HDMI input sucks anyway because it will shows blue screen if there were no signal coming in because there is no auto power off function with HDMI (it functions just like any other HDTV). My suggestion is to stick with DVI input for all devices.

If BenQ were not to include a HDMI input to start with for FP241W/WZ/VW and just bundle a HDMI-DVI cable, I guess more people will be a lot happier from the beginning.

Thank you for fighting BenQ for our right to getting a perfectly working monitor.

Since you own HDMI based DVD player, PS3, and XBOX360 Elite, I assume you got a DVI/HDMI switch via DVI to get all your devices plug in and working while waiting all these months for BenQ to get their act together? If you don't have a DVI/HDMI switch, are you pluging and unpluging HDMI cable each time when you change device? Even with overscan problem fixed via HDMI and VGA, you still need a HDMI switch, right?

I've been putting off buying a pair of these $11 DVI/HDMI cables from for a while now, waiting until I absolutely have no other choice. When I do, though, I'm not going to bother with an HDMI switch for the FP241W, but for my single-HDMI Sony 30" HDTV in the living room where the non-PC stuff will reside most. This is the one I had in mind. I just like to be able to have the option to play my 360 or PS3 in the bedroom since I have a 5.1 surround system on the PC with an audio input jack. For the living room, I need the switchbox because there I'll be sending sound over the HDMI to the tv as well. For now, I just run stuff in the "Aspect" setting. Should the BenQ resolution not work in my favor and I can't ebay the monitor to use the cash to buy a newer date of the model (if I even grace them with my money again, in that event), then I'll invest money into the cables.
How is the benq when it comes to noise ? Does it have any noise when it is on ? Please listen carefully maybe it is not so noticable when the computer is on ?

No noise at any setting

The LG L245WP-BN had problems with this it had a cracking/creaking sound about every 5-10 minutes even when it was off.

No cracking

It's very important for me to know if it makes any sounds at all because the cracking/creaking sound drove me nuts could not sleep at night because of it.

Does the BENQ have similiar problems ?


Have anyone compared BENQ FP241W to LG L245WP-BN ?

Does the 50hz mode work properly in 1920x1200 resolution without dropping frames like the LG L245WP-BN ? The LG L245WP-BN would only work properly in 50hz with resolutions that was 1920x1080 or lower.

480i PAL over component displayed fine (Shadow of Colossus PAL version).

Does ATI Catalyst Control Center make 50hz an option for 1920x1200 resolution with the benq ? The LG had to be forced with Powerstrip to work in 50hz but it instead dropped frames so it could not work in true 50hz at the highest resolution for some unknown reason.

50hz = 50fps, why would you do that?

Can the BENQ support 75hz by using Dual Link DVI ?

I know that this is alot of questions but i am hoping that someone can answer them because this seems to be the only other decently priced 24" monitor with a good panel available on the market today.

I am truly tired of trying to find a decent 24" screen. sorry, don't know

I have to type some other crap here other than quote tags to get the post to post properly.....
Pinoy> NCIX has an US branch. I don't know how much they charge for shipping to the US, but I'm in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Guys, my monitor didn't come in yet. :(

My coworker ordered one on Thursday, so his should be in on Monday, through our company and mine should be in on Monday or Tuesday since I ordred it from NCIX last Saturday.


I have to type some other crap here other than quote tags to get the post to post properly.....

ok what i wanted to know was if 50hz mode worked ok in 1920x1200 on dvi/hdmi because it does not work well on the LG. I will not be using the component output.

Does the HDMI connection work without any overscan? So that it displays 1920x1200 in 1:1 pixelmode.

Because i have a long 4meter dvi-hdmi cable that i need to use that i bought for the lg which only have hdmi.

Is the backside of the BENQ made of metal or plastic?

Because it is probably the plastic that made the LG L245WP-BN (LG L246) have the creaking/cracking sound it was horrible especially at night.
I noticed that on the NCIX website, under the BenQ FP241W title, it states:
"Updated firmware with 1:1 Pixel mapping support - AUO A-MVA Panel"

Does that mean they're only shipping Sept '07 and later manufacturing dates of this model?
I noticed that on the NCIX website, under the BenQ FP241W title, it states:
"Updated firmware with 1:1 Pixel mapping support - AUO A-MVA Panel"

The firmware they were referring to is pre-September. It is been like that ever since 1:1 Pixel mapping firmware came out in Jan 07.

They haven't added the wording "with overscan off option" for Sept model.
hey everyone, i need some advice. I'll be purchasing a monitor before the year ends and i've narrowed it down between the:

1) BenQ FP241W

2) Hyundai W241D:


The Hyundai is currently not available in North America yet so a price tag isn't determined. The differences between the two are that BenQ is A-MVA & PIP function. The Hyundai is a S-PVA and does 16:10, 16:9, 4:3, guaranteed 1:1 pixel mapping, Glossy bezel design, soft-touch buttons.

I will be using:
1) computer (browsing, email, anime, etc.) - DVI
2) blu-ray/HD DVD/ HD television - HDMI
3) PS3/Xbox 360 gaming - HDMI
with #1 being about 40% of the time and #2, 30% & #3 30%.

I don't game on the computer. I'll mainly be hooking up a Macbook to the monitor. I'd like to know which panel is better, A-MVA or S-PVA, for the reasons i'll be using it for? To those who recently got their BenQ (Sept '07 manufacturing date and later), how does it fair in doing all the High Def stuff? Should I wait another month or two before pulling the trigger in order to see how the Hyundai plays out in North America?
Does anyone has XBOX 360 Falcon chipset got HDMI 1:1 mapping working perfectly with no overscan on Pre-September FP241W?
I have this monitor with the original firmware from when it first came out. I'm going to get a ps3 this Christmas and was wondering the best way to hook it up. I know there have been issues with HDMI->HDMI unless you get a firmware upgrade but that isn't really an option for me right now. Is the best way HDMI->DVI?
Also how would I get the sound out to my pc speakers, what kind of cable would I use?
I have this monitor with the original firmware from when it first came out. I'm going to get a ps3 this Christmas and was wondering the best way to hook it up. I know there have been issues with HDMI->HDMI unless you get a firmware upgrade but that isn't really an option for me right now. Is the best way HDMI->DVI?
Also how would I get the sound out to my pc speakers, what kind of cable would I use?

A HDMI<>DVI cable is the best way to go in order to get proper aspect ratio when connecting anything HDMI-based to the FP241W. However, as the monitor has no sound, the only way you can get sound to your speakers is if they have an audio input jack on them somewhere. If not, then your only recourse is to turn your PC on and plug separate PS3 audio cables (standard RCA) into the soundcard's input jack. Assuming it's an analog connection, you're going to most likely need to get a Y-adapter to convert the L and R RCA connections into a single connection. You'll only get stereo sound this way, though. I have Klipsch Promedia Ultra 5.1 speakers on my PC and use such a connector to plug my 360 and PS3 audio into its control box. If using digital speakers, then toslink will work if your soundcard supports the connection.
I have this monitor with the original firmware from when it first came out. I'm going to get a ps3 this Christmas and was wondering the best way to hook it up. I know there have been issues with HDMI->HDMI unless you get a firmware upgrade but that isn't really an option for me right now. Is the best way HDMI->DVI?
Also how would I get the sound out to my pc speakers, what kind of cable would I use?

I have the same setup you do. I have a HDMI --> DVI from my PS3 and swap it with the DVI from my laptop. To get sound from the PS3, use the PS3's multi-A/V cable, and purchase a female RCA to mini-jack (1/8") (male mini-jack if the cable goes into your speakers, or female if there's a mini-jack input already coming out from your speakers).

In the Audio menu on the PS3, even though you have video coming from HDMI, it'll accept optical or multi-AV as well. If you have speakers that'll take S/PDIF connection (i.e. a professional receiver that goes into your speakers), then definitely use the optical connection on the PS3 as it's the same audio quality as HDMI.
Is there anyone who has the overscan fix that can get a correct ratio with the Ratchet & Clank demo? The black bars are bigger than they should be for me. Other games work fine in 720p though.:confused:

The PS3 is a bit strange. Unlike the 360 which upscales to the set resolution (ie. 720p, 1080i/p) the PS3 actually outputs all games at 720p.

If the black bars are too large it may be that, set at 1:1 the PS3 is sending a 720p signal that is not being upscaled by the monitor. You may want to try and set the monitor to full screen or ratio in the picture/advanced picture controls and see what happens.

Otherwise, you can try and set your PS3 to NOT output 720 by DE-selecting that resolution in the system settings, display, custom.

Hope that helps,


The PS3 is a bit strange. Unlike the 360 which upscales to the set resolution (ie. 720p, 1080i/p) the PS3 actually outputs all games at 720p.

If the black bars are too large it may be that, set at 1:1 the PS3 is sending a 720p signal that is not being upscaled by the monitor. You may want to try and set the monitor to full screen or ratio in the picture/advanced picture controls and see what happens.

Otherwise, you can try and set your PS3 to NOT output 720 by DE-selecting that resolution in the system settings, display, custom.

Hope that helps,


Maybe I should have said it, I was using aspect mode when the bars were a bit too big. I just noticed that if I set the monitor to 'full' it has two small black stripes top and bottom. I guess the game outputs an image that has black bars on top and bottom.:eek:
Shampoo, any news of your monitor yet? I'd like to know if leaving a message while ordering from NCIX will ensure Sept 07 manufacturing date.
Well, gang, I just now received a call back from BenQ customer support about the overscan situation for pre-Sept 2007 North American FP241W owners. Unfortunately, the news is grim. The bottom line is that no standalone firmware exists to bring existing FP241Ws up to the new manufactured level. He explained that BenQ isn't doing exchanges for existing customers because the overscanning is not considered a n exchangeable defect. He said that one would have to rely on the place of purchase to accommodate a swap. NCIX has already informed me (as I told him) that they won't switch them out because, as far as they're concerned, the units were shipped "as designed", thus sharing BenQ's "not defective" stance. The support tech did say that if any other problem occurred with the monitor within its 3-yr warranty period which merited a replacement, then it might be possible to get a newer one, but he seemed to imply that it wasn't guaranteed. And, as the final nail in the coffin, he stated that the FP241W was nearing the end of its life cycle, which would make the next retail batches the last hurrah for this model, I would think. This would also explain the lack of rush or incentive to work on a firmware update, not that they're the ones who do so. Support just waits for one to be given to them from headquarters, if at all. If one were to emerge, sales would be the point of contact for such information as opposed to technical support (I don't understand why it'd be sales, but I had been told that before, and that's how I got to this point, I suppose). And even then, that'd have to come down from Taiwan, who I'm assuming would be supplying said firmware. I told the rep that whiIe I understood that there was nothing he could do about it personally and appreciated the callback, I was quite disappointed in this outcome. He did nicely offer me his direct number, however, should I have any problems with my unit.

So, now we know. Basically, if you can't return/exchange your old unit to your store, the only two ways to get the overscan disabling option are to 1) send your current unit in for a valid repair and hope you get a new one in return or 2) buy a new one from the store and hope it's new stock.
Well that's disappointing for the US customers. As is the news that they're retiring such a successful model. At least they've finally got it rigt with the Sept 07 firmware. Do BenQ have a new screen in the works to introduce?
Well that's disappointing for the US customers. As is the news that they're retiring such a successful model. At least they've finally got it rigt with the Sept 07 firmware. Do BenQ have a new screen in the works to introduce?

Probably that G series they announced a while ago. It's more a budget/business version. No adjustable height, tilt, etc. Might even be a different panel. Supposed to be an environmental model. Definitely a bunch cheaper, going by its 24" model.
Just got off the phone with ncix. The rep put me on hold and looked sure enough september 07 models in stock. Went ahead and ordered after that. Hope its has the overscan on off option.
Just got off the phone with ncix. The rep put me on hold and looked sure enough september 07 models in stock. Went ahead and ordered after that. Hope its has the overscan on off option.

Did the rep say they could guarantee that the box they ship you will be Sept 07? They obviously have them in stock, but there could be older ones mixed in too.