Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

So since its 16:10 and not 16:9 your not sure if it fills the whole screen or has small black bars?? Is that what you mean?

Im pretty sure Im going to buy this, i found this site from google. But im actually wanting a new 46" LCD but holding off for the 2007 models to come out and thought something like this would hold me off a few months and be nice cpu monitor for a long time

i just want to make sure it does full 1080p before I buy
OK guys i want to know if I can hook up an ol geforce 6800 with this monitor at the optimum resolution. I know i need an upgrade but i need a tft monitor now and I havnt got the money to spend on the new monitor as well as on a new system. Also am in love with benq monitor.
rezza said:
OK guys i want to know if I can hook up an ol geforce 6800 with this monitor at the optimum resolution. I know i need an upgrade but i need a tft monitor now and I havnt got the money to spend on the new monitor as well as on a new system. Also am in love with benq monitor.

I'm interested in an answer to this as well, running two XFX 6800 ultra's (SLI), will I be able to run this beast or should I save my pennies and go lower spec. I can't afford new monitor AND new vid cards :eek:

AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
XFX GeForce 6800 Ultra (x2)
1024 MB (2 x 512 DDR-SDRAM )
trotski said:
I'm interested in an answer to this as well, running two XFX 6800 ultra's (SLI), will I be able to run this beast or should I save my pennies and go lower spec. I can't afford new monitor AND new vid cards :eek:

I have an ancient system here. mine is just plain vanilla 6800. i need an upgrade but a completely new PC (including this Benq) is costing me about 2800£. its just not possible for me to spend this amount of money at the mo. Just the monitor and next year a new system. Have an ol' XP 2.7 and 512 ram. Cant expect much from this setup, but cs 1.6 shd be ok for the moment, dont u guys think?
rezza said:
OK guys i want to know if I can hook up an ol geforce 6800 with this monitor at the optimum resolution. I know i need an upgrade but i need a tft monitor now and I havnt got the money to spend on the new monitor as well as on a new system. Also am in love with benq monitor.

I think it depends on what you are going to do with it. I'm pretty sure even my cheapo FX5200 card can drive the display at 1920x1200 (I hope... but from what I've read it can).

The question is for OpenGL or DirectX type stuff.... ie: gaming. The more rez, the more power you need in both GPU and your computer system.... so, if you are coming from a lower rez CRT or LCD... then you'll likely have to get better stuff if you have a lower end system.

I'm just going to use it for a HTPC... so a lower end card should be fine as long as it can drive 1920x1200 rez.

thanks for reply . i am on Athlon XP 2.7 , 512 ram and play cs 1.6 mostly, though once i get a 8800 gtx and a Intel core 2 duo, i should be ok for other games.
How does this Benq handle 1080p over component? Has anyone connected an updated 1080p Xbox360 or maybe a Bluray player via component? I read this whole thread weeks ago but I can't remember if anyone has done this.
Yeah a 6800 should be more than enough to run CS at any res, but also remember if you want to run newer games before you upgrade your graphics card (this applies to steve as well) you can always run the game at lower resolutions, it may not be ideal but it's still possible, or considering that you both have nvidia cards you can tell them to do 1:1 pixel mapping and run the game at a lower res letterboxed...You won't be using all of your screen but as a stop gap measure, for more demanding games to tide you over till your able to upgrade your card it should be fine
Well, I've pre-ordered my Z model (in the UK). It's supposed to be in around next Friday so hopefully it'll be here the week after...

The 1:1 issue isn't really one for me but I'll be interested to see whether these newer models have the mythical firmware update or not.

BenQ UK don't seem to reply to emails.

I'll waiting and watching trustedreviews for their review too.
Edman22 said:
How does this Benq handle 1080p over component? Has anyone connected an updated 1080p Xbox360 or maybe a Bluray player via component? I read this whole thread weeks ago but I can't remember if anyone has done this.
Someone on this forum told me it supports up to 1080i.
I have sent several emails to BenQ UK and have not had a reply to one. The monitor may be good but there customer service is terrible.
I wish they would release some info on what is happening with this firmware upgrade.

I also notice that all the suppliers have put the release of the monitor back several weeks, but you cant get any sense out of them either.
Philwong said:
1080p60 thru HDMI and component-video.

Great, that's good to know. I hope that if the 1:1 firmware upgrade occurs and works over all inputs, this is fixed. If so, I'll definitely consider getting this monitor.

BTW, is everyone here who already purchased the BenQ screwed when it comes to 1:1 if the firmware upgrade occurs.

Furthermore, how will you know if you ordered the monitor from whether you would get a monitor with 1:1 or without?
Some shots to illustrate the Benq's PQ.


1080i via HD generator.

1080p via Samsung BD-P1000 soon.







1080p via Xbox 360

so let me get this straight. The only downfall to this monitor is that it is 16:10 ratio and will not have black bars on the side when displaying 16:9 content (ps3, etc) it will "stretch" it to fill in the entire screen?

and you guys are assuming that there will be an update in the firmware to fix this issue? I want to get this tv but worried about this issue. How much of a "stretch" will that be? Is it pretty noticeable?
I have one more question, since this monitor has no speakers, how would you get sound from your ps3? Are there connections on the monitor to plug in a surround sound system? When using it as a computer monitor I figure there is no issue, but im wondering about when Im using it as a video game monitor and no computer
00bolt said:
so let me get this straight. The only downfall to this monitor is that it is 16:10 ratio and will not have black bars on the side when displaying 16:9 content (ps3, etc) it will "stretch" it to fill in the entire screen?

and you guys are assuming that there will be an update in the firmware to fix this issue? I want to get this tv but worried about this issue. How much of a "stretch" will that be? Is it pretty noticeable?


Top: 4:3 to 16:9.
Bottom: 16:9 to 16:10.

Form your own conclusion. To me, 1:1 is not an issue. Any serious movie viewing should be done on big screens instead.

thanks for that, I agree thats not an issue to me as this monitor wont be used for movie watching really. Basically just a cpu monitor and ps3.

Can someone confirm the sound issue I was asking about? thanks
00bolt said:
thanks for that, I agree thats not an issue to me as this monitor wont be used for movie watching really. Basically just a cpu monitor and ps3.

Can someone confirm the sound issue I was asking about? thanks


PS3 comes with an optical (Toslink) output. You can use that to route multichannel surround sound to your A/V receivers and processors.

So this monitor DOES support 1080p correct? It seems the gateway doesn't handle 1080p correctly over component which I think is a big downfall, especially since they claim it does. So I guess I'll have to wait another month, maybe longer, to get this monitor with the upgrade. Unless the upgrade gets delayed (highly likely), then who knows. Maybe just to spice things up I might go down to Best Buy and test drive the new 24" Gateway and see what it's all about.

Btw, what are your thoughts on the panel that Benq uses and the one used in the Gateway? Which do you think is superior in terms of picture quality, color, viewing angles etc?
Well all you guys who have been unsuccessfull in getting reply form BenQ UK, I have been lucky I have sent two emails and got a reply next day for both of em, well the last one anyway. I asked him:

Hi, Can you advise us if the 1:1 pixel mapping fix for the FP241W will
be announced or is it just rumors.


Benq's reply:

Thank you for your email.

There will be a firmware update to the FP241W however details of it's
contents, dates, and process are yet to be confirmed.

We understand that one of the fixes is display modes, hopefully
including aspect retention.

There will be more detail during december.


So guess its not rumors after all. and I am happy i am gonna get this baby, hahahha
pollaxe said:
Well, I've pre-ordered my Z model (in the UK). It's supposed to be in around next Friday so hopefully it'll be here the week after...

The 1:1 issue isn't really one for me but I'll be interested to see whether these newer models have the mythical firmware update or not.

BenQ UK don't seem to reply to emails.

I'll waiting and watching trustedreviews for their review too.

Where exactly from have you ordered. OCUK doesnt have it on their site, which others..
I emailed BenQ UK to confirm whether the FP241WZ models are updated with the latest firmware or suffer the same issues as with its counterpart the FP241W. Their response dated Nov 24 was as follows:

"It will depend on which batch your supplier buys to whether it will have the 1:1 pixel mapping. We are expecting the shipments that arrive from mid December to have the firmware upgrade done. Please make sure your supplier buys from the batch arriving in December."

I followed up on this with an email to BenQ UK last week requesting the following information:

"Is there any way to identify whether the monitor is the updated version without opening the box? Is there perhaps a batch number that is printed on the box, or a sticker on the box stating vista certification or something to that effect that I can pass to my supplier and ask him to keep an eye out for?

I ask because it is very possible that my supplier may place the order in December but his suppliers may send him a monitor from an older batch that was sitting in the warehouse. I am unaware of how to identify which is which without opening and testing them.

Also since my supplier has stated he can not guarantee the monitor will be the updated one, and in case he is unable to get a hold of the newer monitors, would it be possible for me to purchase directly from you? If not, can you refer me to a supplier who can guarantee they will offer the updated model?"

I sent the above email last Friday (a week ago), and no response as of yet. If anyone else has better luck it would be great if you could answer some of my questions listed above.
I think all the Z models will have the 1:1 pixel map fix. The non Z model would be based on a new batch number and these would have the fix straight from the production site. Not sure about the non Z models already sold. I have been waiting for this monitor since ages and tbh my patience is running out now.
rezza said:
Where exactly from have you ordered. OCUK doesnt have it on their site, which others..
Here you go, Komplett

They're only getting about 7 in though..

I've no idea whether this will count as the firmware upgraded lot.. I suspect not as it's early December rather than mid December.. seems a bit mad to be releasing them without it.. either way, I would rather it has it but it really isn't a big issue for me as I am unlikely to be using it for anything other than a PC monitor.
Considering that I am spending almost 800£ of my hard earned money I would want it to have the firmware fixes. I don't think BenQ would let anyone make a replacement just coz I want the screen of a particular serial/batch number. Its worth the wait for me if this firmware fixes this issue finally.
rezza said:
I think all the Z models will have the 1:1 pixel map fix. The non Z model would be based on a new batch number and these would have the fix straight from the production site. Not sure about the non Z models already sold. I have been waiting for this monitor since ages and tbh my patience is running out now.

i know how you feel, i researched the Dell and the Samsung 24" models before i came across the BenQ, and i've been following this thread for months. i just want to get this transaction over and done with already.

regarding the update, i hope you are correct as it will clear up a lot of confusion. i was specific in my email to BenQ and their response implies all monitors (specifically FP241W and FP241WZ) that arrive prior to mid-December will require the update. now if there are currently no Z models in the UK, and none expected until mid-December, it's a safe assumption the Z models are updated. i sent BenQ another email and hopefully their response will be more clear this time.
I've sent another email to BenQ and I've also queried Komplett to see if there's an answer. It seems odd to think they'll release a batch at the beginning of the month without the firmware and then new ones from the middle onwards but who knows? Either outcome is possible I suppose.

Like I said, I'd prefer 1:1 but it's not a deal-breaker for me. I understand everyone's frustration with this too, I've been shopping around for ages for a decent LCD and this one seems to tick the most boxes for my requirements (it's going to be next to a HD Samsung which I watch DVDs etc. on anyway and I don't and never will own a gaming console).

If I get any feedback from either BenQ or Komplett I'll post it here.
munz said:
i know how you feel, i researched the Dell and the Samsung 24" models before i came across the BenQ, and i've been following this thread for months. i just want to get this transaction over and done with already.

regarding the update, i hope you are correct as it will clear up a lot of confusion. i was specific in my email to BenQ and their response implies all monitors that arrive prior to mid-December will require the update. now if there are currently no Z models in the UK, and none expected until mid-December, it's a safe assumption the Z models are updated. i sent BenQ another email and hopefully their response will be more clear this time.

Yes after the input lag issues with the Samsung and the chronic banding/trailing disease in the Dell 2407 even after three revisions, I have my eyes set on this one. I hope Benq wont disappoint us.
Edman22 said:
So this monitor DOES support 1080p correct? It seems the gateway doesn't handle 1080p correctly over component which I think is a big downfall, especially since they claim it does. ... Btw, what are your thoughts on the panel that Benq uses and the one used in the Gateway? Which do you think is superior in terms of picture quality, color, viewing angles etc?

Umm.... I've been following the Gateway thread closely... and I don't think we know that. We know that there seems to be some issue with XBox and PS3... but no one, to my knowledge, has plugged in something like an HD-DVD player. Both the PS3 and XBox seem to have kind of funky 1080p from what I've heard. (and are having problems on more than just the Gateway display.)

But, like you, I'd LOVE to see some actual real-world comparisons between the Dell, Gateway, and BenQ for actual picture quality, color, motion, etc. Especially as the price difference is pretty drastic between the models. If they were all within say $50.... then I'd just pick the one with the features or looks that I like best (I think the Dell would win on looks, BenQ on features.) But, given that I've seen the Gateway for $650 (or less with discounts).... and the BenQ lowest price is $799... and the Dell somewhere in the middle.. that is quite a bit of money difference. In other words... I'd spend $799 on the BenQ, but it better be noticeably better for that much.

If the BenQ or the Gateway don't have some big advantages over the Dell... then I think the Dell looks the best. So, I'm hunting down real-world differences. :D

SteveW928 said:
Umm.... I've been following the Gateway thread closely... and I don't think we know that. We know that there seems to be some issue with XBox and PS3... but no one, to my knowledge, has plugged in something like an HD-DVD player. Both the PS3 and XBox seem to have kind of funky 1080p from what I've heard. (and are having problems on more than just the Gateway display.)

But, like you, I'd LOVE to see some actual real-world comparisons between the Dell, Gateway, and BenQ for actual picture quality, color, motion, etc. Especially as the price difference is pretty drastic between the models. If they were all within say $50.... then I'd just pick the one with the features or looks that I like best (I think the Dell would win on looks, BenQ on features.) But, given that I've seen the Gateway for $650 (or less with discounts).... and the BenQ lowest price is $799... and the Dell somewhere in the middle.. that is quite a bit of money difference. In other words... I'd spend $799 on the BenQ, but it better be noticeably better for that much.

If the BenQ or the Gateway don't have some big advantages over the Dell... then I think the Dell looks the best. So, I'm hunting down real-world differences. :D


I was in the same boat as you. And you're right there's no definitive word on whether 1080p doesnt work, I thought I was implying that but I guess not. The price difference is what makes me wonder too...
SteveW928 said:
Umm.... I've been following the Gateway thread closely... and I don't think we know that. We know that there seems to be some issue with XBox and PS3... but no one, to my knowledge, has plugged in something like an HD-DVD player. Both the PS3 and XBox seem to have kind of funky 1080p from what I've heard.

Funky? Doubt so.. I'm running my 360 on 1080p with my FP241W for days. No problem at all.

This sounds more like a case of compatibility issue. There are three frequencies for 1080p, 24Hz, 50Hz and 60Hz. Hence if you supply a 24Hz signal from a say Pioneer Blu-ray player, definitely nothing will show up on the monitor.

Just for the record, the BenQ only supports 60Hz 1080p.

Ahh... that is interesting Phil.

So, even though an LCD doesn't have a 'refresh rate', the circuits that convert the component signal do take that into consideration?

SteveW928 said:
Ahh... that is interesting Phil.

So, even though an LCD doesn't have a 'refresh rate', the circuits that convert the component signal do take that into consideration?


LCD monitors have native refresh rate of 60Hz.

The video processor will take in whatever input signal and convert it to 1920 x 1200 @ 60hz for the LCD panel.

SteveW928 said:
Umm.... I've been following the Gateway thread closely... and I don't think we know that. We know that there seems to be some issue with XBox and PS3... but no one, to my knowledge, has plugged in something like an HD-DVD player. Both the PS3 and XBox seem to have kind of funky 1080p from what I've heard. (and are having problems on more than just the Gateway display.)

But, like you, I'd LOVE to see some actual real-world comparisons between the Dell, Gateway, and BenQ for actual picture quality, color, motion, etc. Especially as the price difference is pretty drastic between the models. If they were all within say $50.... then I'd just pick the one with the features or looks that I like best (I think the Dell would win on looks, BenQ on features.) But, given that I've seen the Gateway for $650 (or less with discounts).... and the BenQ lowest price is $799... and the Dell somewhere in the middle.. that is quite a bit of money difference. In other words... I'd spend $799 on the BenQ, but it better be noticeably better for that much.

If the BenQ or the Gateway don't have some big advantages over the Dell... then I think the Dell looks the best. So, I'm hunting down real-world differences. :D


The PS3 works fine with my BenQ FP241W through HDMI. Have played Resistance at 720p, Ridge Racer 7 at 1080p, and several Blu-Ray Movies at 1080p with no problem, just a lot of HDCP handshaking, even while playing games.

And Phil, it appears you are using component for your Xbox 360...have you tried it through VGA? I'm using VGA and cannot for the life of me get 1920x1080 to work (though the same resolution does if I use a PC). I know of one other FP241W owner who has the same issue with VGA.

This shouldn't scare off prospective owners just yet though - I've alerted Major Nelson of Microsoft of the problem, and he emailed me back saying that it'd be taken care of in a future update (there's a lot of people like myself who didn't get the 1080 bug resolved with the 11/30 dashboard update).

Oh, and HD-DVD's also look beautiful on this display, though because I can't get the 360 to do 1920x1080, I haven't yet seen them in all their 1080p glory.
tanukibear said:
And Phil, it appears you are using component for your Xbox 360...have you tried it through VGA? I'm using VGA and cannot for the life of me get 1920x1080 to work (though the same resolution does if I use a PC). I know of one other FP241W owner who has the same issue with VGA.

I don't have the VGA cable for the 360.

Philwong said:
LCD monitors have native refresh rate of 60Hz.

The video processor will take in whatever input signal and convert it to 1920 x 1200 @ 60hz for the LCD panel.


I don't think I totally agree with this. I suppose it depends on the port. I thought over DVI, the LCD is directly driven... there shouldn't be a video processor involved.

LCDs have pixel response time, not refresh rate. Refresh rate is is a term for CRTs on how many times per second the electron gun can sweep the screen.

A LCD should just be getting told which pixels to turn to what color and for how long (at least on the DVI input. You're probably correct for VGA or other inputs. Though, I've not seen the graphic card's refresh rate setting really make a difference... it just seems to wok or not work.

But, I agree with you on identification of the issue. If these analog input ports aren't made to process the signal at various scan rates, it would make sense that it would just display nothing, or do something rather odd. :)

tanukibear said:
just a lot of HDCP handshaking, even while playing games.

Oh man.... I'm afraid to even ask. Is this creating a 'stuttering' type problem... or just input lag for games? Or, do you mean something else?

I had read something in some article I was reading about HDCP adding overhead and problems. Have I mentioned that I hate DRM? :mad:

SteveW928 said:
I don't think I totally agree with this. I suppose it depends on the port. I thought over DVI, the LCD is directly driven... there shouldn't be a video processor involved.

LCDs have pixel response time, not refresh rate. Refresh rate is is a term for CRTs on how many times per second the electron gun can sweep the screen.

A LCD should just be getting told which pixels to turn to what color and for how long (at least on the DVI input. You're probably correct for VGA or other inputs. Though, I've not seen the graphic card's refresh rate setting really make a difference... it just seems to wok or not work.

But, I agree with you on identification of the issue. If these analog input ports aren't made to process the signal at various scan rates, it would make sense that it would just display nothing, or do something rather odd. :)


DVI as a digital interface does not requires any analog-to-digital conversion. This minimizes signal degradation during the transmission process. But the signal can still be subjected to scaling or deinterlacing depending on the actual format supplied.

Pardon me but are you suggesting that there is no parameter to govern the number of times a complete picture is rendered on screen for LCD monitor?

Hi there, I've looked through most of this thread, but mostly people have been testing the monitor with Xbox's and DVDs. Has anyone tested the composite input with older consoles or VCRs?

I am specifically interested to know how well it displays 50Hz PAL video from a Snes, Jaguar, Amiga, or similar.

I recently bought a Dell 2007WFP but I'm going to have to send it back because the composite input does not work properly with PAL equipment. I am hoping maybe the FP241W will be better.