Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

Hello everybody and thanks for the comprehensive and informative thread about this monitor which I have had the pleasure to browse trough after I hit some snags with the monitor after I had just purhased it.

I had purchased the BenQ FP241WZ a few weeks ago after my old ViewSonic VP201s broke down and I needed a good monitor to replace it and fast.

I had read good things about the Benq FP241 displays both in reviews and in thread conversations like this and so I desided to order the FP241WZ from a local retailer here at Finland as it was not but a bit more expensive than the ”vanilla” W model and it was available to be pickedup from the store the same day.

The first thing I noticed about the display when I first time booted to XP with it was that the brightness was way too high and it had to be turned down quite a bit so that it wouldnt be like staring in to the sun.

Also the colors did not seem natural in any of the color presets that the monitor had I ended up using the custom mode with settings that was the closest I found pleasing to my eye.

The thing is that when the brightness is lowered down so that the display is not so disturbingly bright the colors seem very washed out nomatter how you try to set the color balance or contrast.

The settings I ended up with my display are as follows:

Mode: Standard
Brightness: 25
Contrast: 50
Sharpness: 3
Color: User Mode
Red 48
Green 49
Blue 47

I'm using a Geforce 8800GTX with the latest drivers (175.16) and I've installed the FP241WZ drivers and color profile in both XP and Vista but still the colors seem very washed out compared to my old Viewsonic VP201s (with a S-IPS panel).

The problem is not so much apparent in office use as text editing and web surfing but when playing any games the picture looks like there is a weird grayish faint fog in the picture. If I go and turn the brightness down so that the fogginess goes away then the blacks get crushed and it impossible to destinguish anything in the games shadowy spots.

I've tested this with older drivers and many games and especially in Crysis the problem is wery bad as the picture looks very foggy and the once so beautifull and crisp colors of the jungles in the game are no where near what it used to be with my old monitor.

I can tweak the brightness and contrast in the games I play or and I can also tweak these from the Nvidia drivers control panel and even turn up the colors with the Nvidia drivers digital vibrance but these still do not solve the problems and I had never had to resort to tweak these with my previous displays (also the brightnest, contrast and gamma settings do not apply to but just to the Windows desktop in Vista and games are again screved).

The interesting thing I have noticed is that if you turn on the other modes in the monitor like movie, dynamics or photo the colors are much better as I'm used to and there is no foggyness in the picture anymore overall. Also the shadovy spots in the games still are displayed without crushing the blacks to a one blob.

The problem thou with these three modes is that the detail sharpness is distorted with these modes and because of this are not ideal for use. Also the sRGB mode seemes very faint in colors compared to the movie, dynamics and photo modes just like the user mode.

The problem persists even with other DVI-cables I've testad, other display port in the graphics card and also with D-Sub and with D-sub and a XBOX360 (only the XBOX360 with component give nice and crisp colors whout these problems).

The thing is that I've not seen anyone else expriencing this kind of problems with the FP241 series displays in any reviews or in these threads as everyone have just praised how great the displays colors are and how good the thing looks at games exept that few have comment also for the monitor being too bright and had to drop the brightness quite a bit.

This has made me think that maybe there is something wrong with my panel and that maybe there is some senseye or dynamic contrast setting stuck on in my monitors user mode and sRGB modes but there is no way for me to test this as they are inaccessible with these modes.

The panel which I have is with the following information:

Model: Q24W5
Mfg. Date: June 2007
Panel: Q24W5 BFI MCEV01E 0516 EUP

The panel type I got from the factory menu with the instructions that I found from these forums (thanks for that).

I'm sorry for posting a long post like this but I thought that this would probably be the best place to ask from fellow FP241 users about the ”problem” I'm expriencing with this otherwice nice monitor just in case if there is really something wrong with this panel (havent had a chance to compare it to any other FP241's) and if I should have it replaced with a properly working version in which the colors would really be nice and accurate in every mode.
Hey Finshady,

You aren't crazy. I may have posted something similar in the FP241VW thread (as I have the VW), but I have noticed the same thing. The standard mode, while being the best mode, seems to wash out a bit of the color. I noticed this mostly with the following picture the most:

If you notice where the grass meets the road it is a slightly yellow color, but mainly green.

When I switch to the other modes, the yellowish green grass turns a yellowish orange. It also shows the same yellowish orange on the BenQ G2400W, NEC LCD2690WuXi, and Dell 2005FPW that I have, and the same way on my LG TV.

Someone I know thought I was crazy, but it turns out I'm not the only one who noticed this. When I showed this person the photo and changed modes, and then showed the other monitor in clone mode, he saw what I was talking about.

I also noticed this in Gears of War in clone mode with my G2400W. The G2400W, albeit being a TN panel showed the colors well, where the FP241VW washed out some stuff and had a "grayish" cast to it.

I agree with what you say. The other presets are so horrible that they can't be used, due to intense, and non-adjustable sharpening.

Otherwise it's a good screen, but this was a pretty disappointing aspect to this very useful monitor.

I still have not found a way to adjust it, and have not been able to "calibrate it out" either. Additionally, once the brightness goes below 30 and at your custom color setting, anything under RGB of 10,10,10 starts to disappear.

The regular FP241W does not generally suffer from this as far as I know. This is specific to the panel in the VW and WZ models I believe.

Regards, and good call,

Many thanks for the fast reply 10e.

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one that has noticed this "defect" and not just imagening and seeing things :)

I checked with the wallpaper you referred by comparing the standard and sRGB modes against the movie, dynamics and photo modes and indeeed the colors seem to change from a greenish yellow to a greenish orange and seem more natural and "right" for a beautifull sunset like that (at least for my eyes) and also the colors are not washed out as in the standard and sRGB modes.

Othervise its a shame that this seemes to be trait in the panels used in the WZ and VW models (what I have understood these use the same panel and have the same features but just a different stand) then and that there is no justification to get this replaced as the problem will perist in presumably in all of these :(

Its a shame as the monitor is othervise nice with all the working overscan and 1:1 options and without any blackout etc. problems.

If the W model has a different panel used in it then maybe if someone would have a chance to check if this color washout in the WZ and VW models could be compared to a W model and if this is not present in the W model then I would definetly be going to replace the WZ with a W model.

I'm a very satisfied owner of the FP241W for about 2 months.

After a lot of non hardware calibration (because i have no coloritmeter) with trying a lot of settings both on the OSD and Nvidia Driver and so on, i run the following settings:

Mode: Standard
Brightness: 29
Contrast: 40
Sharpness: 3
Color: User Mode
Red 45
Green 47
Blue 49

The brightness level of 29 seems to be the best setting, because everything under 29/28 shows an absorbation of the first bars in a black to white color gradient picture:

These settings are also verified with the test pictures for contrast, brightness and gamma / color temperature on this site:

with very good results.

All NVidia settings are on standard mode.

With this settings i have a quite perfect picture without any noticeable issues, both in gaming and video.
Thanks OceanBlue72 for the tips.

Althou the contrast and brightness settings you mentioned seem usable for this particular monitor I've got for a lower lighted environment (example web browsing at evening and at night) it seemes that our W and WZ models panels are somewhat different as the colors did not seem right with the settings you mentioned.

Did you perhaps have a chance to try out what 10e just mentioned about below links wallpapers grass colors changing from greenish yellow to greenish orange when changing from standard mode to for example movie, dynamics or photo?

I'm just curious if the W model really has better colors at the standard and sRGB modes.

The store where I got this WZ from seemes to currently have a W model available there and I'm trying to determine if it would be any use to try and get this WZ I have used for four weeks now changed to the W model even if I would have to pay some extra as this monitor of mine would now be considered a as used product..
I've tried the settings on this photo. For me it's hard to describe the results.

I can't see any color changing in the way as 10e mentioned.

There is a changing in the brightness and contrast of green and yellow / orange, but in the same way / ratio as the the whole picture is changing related to all colors in these settings. For me it's seems to be normal, or not as an issue.
Many thanks OceanBlue72 for checking it out with your FP241W.

Unfortunately in my case the difference is really noticable with my WZ (just as 10e described it also is with his VW) when switching from standard to for example photo mode and if as you said the colors are not that radically changed in your case the it would indicate that indeed the W models colors would probably be more vivid and preferable for my taste in the standard and sRGB modes.

I'll check back to see if any others may have tryed this little comparison and will really have to consider if I'd go and try to have this WZ changed to the W.
The W uses the V0 version of this panel. The VW and WZ use the "V2" apparently.

Other than the Black Frame Insertion technology I don't know of any other differences between the panels. Some have mentioned more CCFL backlights in the V2 vs. the V0, but I'm not sure unless people start taking apart their hard earned monitors, which I advise against :)

Another thing I have noticed on the VW is that in the black level tests, the darkest shades show a tiny bit of temporal dithering over DVI with a PC, but more on HDMI or VGA with PC or Xbox 360. This is likely a panel characteristic.

While the June 2007 and later built models of the FP241XX are the pinnacle (IMHO) in usable connectivity options, I am thinking the W is the best one of them. I can't think of any monitors with granular overscan controls, and full 1:1 pixel matching capabilities over all HD connectors.

Thanks for checking, OceanBlue72. The different modes on the VW show some contrast changes as well, but the other colors are not wholeheartedly different. I think the W is a slightly better overall calibrated panel. I'm going to try and play with my VW's service menu and see if I can do something about it :)


I have FP241W and the colors look good over DVI but when I connected ths LCD to my PS3 over HDMI (yes the 1:1 works, aug. 2007 display) I noticed that the colors where all crap. It helped when i turned off the full color range. If i left it on the screen was to dark even when i changed the contrast and brightness.
+ i have some noise in the background (its clearly visible over gray color) when i use hdmi with my ps3.

Any of you are having the same problems with this LCD? What settings to you use over hdmi and is there a way to fix this noise? Havent tried ps3 hdmi > dvi yet but I need to use the HDMI because my PC is going to the DVI (im not going to use the analog).

Two limitations that I have found with HDMI on the FP241W/VW: Like many TVs it's not full range, so it really only accepts and properly displays RGB of 16 to 255, and doesn't seem to do 1920x1200, only 1920x1080.

Like I said, it's similar to TVs. Many cannot accept full range HDMI either, so it's not a big deal, but to not be able to use it as a secondary DVI connector is weird.

EDIT I just disproved my own theory so I'm full of it. I was able to set it to 1920x1200 over HDMi with my nVidia card using nVidia control panel and custom resolutions. It doesn't fix the black crush over HDMI, but it does work. This is with FP241VW, not W, but for all intents and purposes it should be the same.



I have FP241W and the colors look good over DVI but when I connected ths LCD to my PS3 over HDMI (yes the 1:1 works, aug. 2007 display) I noticed that the colors where all crap. It helped when i turned off the full color range. If i left it on the screen was to dark even when i changed the contrast and brightness.
+ i have some noise in the background (its clearly visible over gray color) when i use hdmi with my ps3.

Any of you are having the same problems with this LCD? What settings to you use over hdmi and is there a way to fix this noise? Havent tried ps3 hdmi > dvi yet but I need to use the HDMI because my PC is going to the DVI (im not going to use the analog).
when NOT using the full hdmi range does the blacks still get washed out or displayed incorrectly?

The problem is that I have to use my PC through DVI, my other PC uses analog and PS3 HDMI. Im just hoping to get good image quality over all of them. So if it displays 1920x1080 over hdmi correctly its ok with me. (yes I'm connecting everything to this monitor)

Anyone has some "good" settings that should work with this LCD using the PS3 with HDMI? I mean the brightness, contrast etc.

And what about the "noise" effect that I'm seeing ?
The blacks do not get washed out or crushed nearly as much because the PS3 will map them differently to compensate for the lacking ability of the screen to understand black levels under 16,16,16 R,G,B. It is similar to the Xbox 360 over HDMI or VGA set to "standard" blacks vs. intermediate or expanded. Expanded maps down to 0 black, but this will only get shown over DVI.

The noise is temporal dithering on grayscales. I see this at its worst over VGA and HDMI, much less so on DVI. I'm assuming it's a fairly dark grey you see, and you are seeing some small dots "cycling" through it? That is the temporal dithering.



when NOT using the full hdmi range does the blacks still get washed out or displayed incorrectly?

The problem is that I have to use my PC through DVI, my other PC uses analog and PS3 HDMI. Im just hoping to get good image quality over all of them. So if it displays 1920x1080 over hdmi correctly its ok with me. (yes I'm connecting everything to this monitor)

Anyone has some "good" settings that should work with this LCD using the PS3 with HDMI? I mean the brightness, contrast etc.

And what about the "noise" effect that I'm seeing ?
the noise is only visible (maybe I haven't found it yet) when I'm using HDMI. Its like old tv or smt... its like "snowing" in the background when you look real closely @ a gray or near black picture. You have to be really close the the screen to notice it.

This far this LCD seems nice but the HDMI thing just sucks :(

But when I use DVI with this "limited color" then I get really badly washed out image. But when using HDMI it doesn't seem to be washed out.

ps: my lcd makes low buss sound when using analog cable. But its this quiet buzzz
With DVI you can use "full range HDMI" on this monitor and you won't see the green/grey moving snow/fuzz and it won't be washed out.

For some reason it does full 0 to 255 RGB tracking over DVI but not HDMI. Not sure why, but this is an older design and they may have only felt the need to support (at the time) the limited HDMI color range.

I would almost suggest using an HDMI switch to DVI to eliminate this patterned snow. I know with the PS3 over DVI it is superior to PS3 over HDMI. I've even found using component to be somewhat better than HDMI with this monitor.

Mine doesn't make noise unless I have my ear pasted to the vents.



the noise is only visible (maybe I haven't found it yet) when I'm using HDMI. Its like old tv or smt... its like "snowing" in the background when you look real closely @ a gray or near black picture. You have to be really close the the screen to notice it.

This far this LCD seems nice but the HDMI thing just sucks :(

But when I use DVI with this "limited color" then I get really badly washed out image. But when using HDMI it doesn't seem to be washed out.

ps: my lcd makes low buss sound when using analog cable. But its this quiet buzzz
tnx for the info

One more question: does the Component AV cable supports the full hdmi color range and removes the "snow" effect that im experiencing using the hdmi?
Can anyone here who uses a color metre to calibrate this monitor tell us what their setting are? Greatly appreciated.
Hello everyone,

I bought fp241wz a couple days ago. There was some ´flickering on the left side of the screen as soon as I plugged it to my computer ( and it is more clearly visible when perfect motion settings is changed ). I have 8800gtx and I have tested with VGA and DVI and with both cables it has the same problem. Althought I suspect that the cause of flickering is not with the monitor but the video card but I like to know if anyone else has similar problems with this combination ( fp241wz + 8800 gtx). The monitor is tested also with PS3 (hdmi) and xi2550-22p (vga) laptop and there were no flickering.
Hello everyone,

I bought fp241wz a couple days ago. There was some ´flickering on the left side of the screen as soon as I plugged it to my computer ( and it is more clearly visible when perfect motion settings is changed ). I have 8800gtx and I have tested with VGA and DVI and with both cables it has the same problem. Althought I suspect that the cause of flickering is not with the monitor but the video card but I like to know if anyone else has similar problems with this combination ( fp241wz + 8800 gtx). The monitor is tested also with PS3 (hdmi) and xi2550-22p (vga) laptop and there were no flickering.

Perfect Motion will always produce flickering.

My 8800GTX OC working fine here. Try installing the monitor driver from here. Also make sure you have a more up to date video driver and make sure that your video card is secure and not loose.
Perfect Motion will always produce flickering.

My 8800GTX OC working fine here. Try installing the monitor driver from here. Also make sure you have a more up to date video driver and make sure that your video card is secure and not loose.

Yeh, but that horrible flickering happens even when perfect motion is changed to 0. And oddly enough, the flickering happens only on the left side of the screen, about 1/5 part of the screen. I have tried to install old and new drivers but nothing helps. With Iiyama E2201W there has not been any problems ever. But yeah, I have to take a screen shot but until then I'll test with this other computer, laptop which has ati radeon hd2700. This has no such problem only occasional flickers trough the screen. And as I said earlier, no problems with PS3 (hdmi).
Yep, it seems that VGA and DVI are defective or something. This was my first benq monitor and it will be my last as well.
Where is the best place to buy a BenQ FP241W currently?

I know it used to be but now they don't appear to be offering the "zero dead pixel express coverage" least I can't find it anywhere.

Any suggestions?
It sounds like your's is defective. My FP241VW cannot be made to flicker without enabling "Perfect Motion" to some level. Ie. even using a console at 1080i/30fps does not induce flickering.

Even then, Perfect Motion affects the entire screen, not just one side. BenQ's BFI (Black frame insertion) differs from Samsung's MPA (another form of "blacking out") in that it inserts a black frame to minimize motion blur. Samsung does "stripes" or strips to blank out parts of the screen to reduce the flicker effect.

I have used level 1 with Guitar Hero III to some good effect with the Xbox 360. It doesn't flicker much and does not reduce brightness too much on dark games like level 2 and higher would.

Otherwise, it does sound defective. If you can return it to your retailer, I would suggest it you get it replaced as soon as is convenient.



Hello everyone,

I bought fp241wz a couple days ago. There was some ´flickering on the left side of the screen as soon as I plugged it to my computer ( and it is more clearly visible when perfect motion settings is changed ). I have 8800gtx and I have tested with VGA and DVI and with both cables it has the same problem. Althought I suspect that the cause of flickering is not with the monitor but the video card but I like to know if anyone else has similar problems with this combination ( fp241wz + 8800 gtx). The monitor is tested also with PS3 (hdmi) and xi2550-22p (vga) laptop and there were no flickering.
Yes, there is the FP241VW now but there is still this monitor available direct from BenQ (check the clearance section).
I ordered this monitor direct from BenQ last week, and just got it yesterday. It has a manufacturing date of March 2007. I live in the states so I guess I'm stuck with the later firmware:(

Other then that the monitor is awesome.

I wonder if Spanks just checked his manufacturing date, or if he actually went into the OSD to see if he had the 1:1 or overscan features...

I just ordered a refurbished model from BenQ on Fri (6/13), because the deal was just too good to pass up based on all the good reviews. The rep I called on the phone said that it was part of their check-in/out process to make sure all models were upgraded with the latest firmware. However, he also mentioned that the models that were in stock were refurbs from Taiwan. It was my understanding that all other regions aside from North America got the updates sooner, so I have high hopes that I'll have the 1:1 and the overscan features.

But if not, I figure it won't be the worst thing ever. I plan to use the monitor for PS3, Xbox 360, PC, and Wii. I read a lot (and I mean a LOT) of pages through this thread, and from what I've gathered no matter what firmware you have:

*DVI will always scale the image properly for PS3 and PC.

*DVI will scale the image properly for Xbox 360 as long as you have one of the newer Falcon chipsets, which I guess I could obtain if necessary. If you have the overscan feature, component/VGA will scale properly with any model of Xbox 360.

*VGA will scale the image properly for Wii (you do need the 1:1 firmware at the very least, however) as long as you get a decent component to VGA transcoder like the Vdigi VD-Z3 (

I'm pretty confident that the monitor will at least have the 1:1 firmware, so I'm excited for when this gets shipped out. I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping that it'll be in good condition with little or no dead pixels. I'll post more info when the monitor gets in.
∞Velocitymaster∞;1032615618 said:
Why I don't see this great monitor at or many other online stores. Did they come up with a better monitor to replace this?

It's no longer offered at newegg and at many other places.

However, you can still see the product's page along with the customer reviews.

Notice how it says deactivated item.

Edit: where can you purchase that Hyundai W241D?
You are correct. It is unlikely you will get a firmware older than March 2007.

This will allow:

* Perfect scaling over DVI at almost all resolutions, and it works very well with PS3 or Xbox 360 over HDMI to DVI cable.
* Good scaling for VGA with PC and should preserve most aspect ratios.
* Overscan of 5% over HDMI, but proper aspect ratio
* Overscan of 5% over component, but proper aspect ratio.

Good luck,


I wonder if Spanks just checked his manufacturing date, or if he actually went into the OSD to see if he had the 1:1 or overscan features...

I just ordered a refurbished model from BenQ on Fri (6/13), because the deal was just too good to pass up based on all the good reviews. The rep I called on the phone said that it was part of their check-in/out process to make sure all models were upgraded with the latest firmware. However, he also mentioned that the models that were in stock were refurbs from Taiwan. It was my understanding that all other regions aside from North America got the updates sooner, so I have high hopes that I'll have the 1:1 and the overscan features.

But if not, I figure it won't be the worst thing ever. I plan to use the monitor for PS3, Xbox 360, PC, and Wii. I read a lot (and I mean a LOT) of pages through this thread, and from what I've gathered no matter what firmware you have:

*DVI will always scale the image properly for PS3 and PC.

*DVI will scale the image properly for Xbox 360 as long as you have one of the newer Falcon chipsets, which I guess I could obtain if necessary. If you have the overscan feature, component/VGA will scale properly with any model of Xbox 360.

*VGA will scale the image properly for Wii (you do need the 1:1 firmware at the very least, however) as long as you get a decent component to VGA transcoder like the Vdigi VD-Z3 (

I'm pretty confident that the monitor will at least have the 1:1 firmware, so I'm excited for when this gets shipped out. I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping that it'll be in good condition with little or no dead pixels. I'll post more info when the monitor gets in.

I've recently bought the monitor and I'm very pleased with it. A few questions :

1. My panel has a stuck green pixel, is there a way to fix that? It's getting on my nerves, to be honest. A return is out of the question, I guess.
2. Are the display modes of any use? I've been fiddling with them for some time, but the dynamics mode, for an instance, is a bit too bright for my taste.

I've recently bought the monitor and I'm very pleased with it. A few questions :

1. My panel has a stuck green pixel, is there a way to fix that? It's getting on my nerves, to be honest. A return is out of the question, I guess.
2. Are the display modes of any use? I've been fiddling with them for some time, but the dynamics mode, for an instance, is a bit too bright for my taste.

I don't know if there's any way to fix a stuck green pixel, but maybe someone else in this thread can be of more assistance.

If you don't mind my asking, where did you get the monitor from? And did you get the 1:1 and overscan on/off features from your firmware?
How long have you had the monitor Skaldraig? I'd also like to know where you bought it.

Hey gadgetman, a friend also called tech support since he bought an fp24w (it was labeled brand new)yesterday. It's expected to ship on the 20th.

Anyway, the rep also told him that they check the firmware's before shipping them out and update them if they are not up to date. He also was told that it comes with a 3 year warranty. Their dead pixel policy is 7 dead pixels across the whole screen or 4 dead pixels within a square inch - no questions asked and customer pays for shipping.

Apparently they keep monitors brand new in box for up to five years after they stop selling the product in order to honor the warranty.

This may seem silly but I am very scared of dead pixels. I have a Lenovo T61 (6 months) and an old Dell 1901FP (4 years and going strong) and luckily I have never encountered a dead pixel.
It's nice to hear someone got an idea of BenQ Stores dead pixel policy. I have asked FOUR times and everytime get a generic cut and paste "return in 30 days" response. And their web store says all these monitors have a 90 day warranty, where did you get one with 3 years?

I finally told them I will not be ordering from them since their customer service is the worst ever as they are not clearing up the dead pixel policy after multiple times of asking (I was very clear too). I have never had a company do this to me. I know Dell is notorious for bad CS but at least they were clear with me on their pixel policy when I asked.
I have the monitor for about two weeks now. I had one stuck pixel at the beginning, but today I've noticed several new ones. I'm pretty sure they weren't there last time.

And I'm from UE, if that answers your question.
Sorry to hear that Skaldraig. I guess you didn't purchase it from the BenQ Store (considering your location).

Avareyne, a close friend called yesterday and spoke to a service rep after being transferred from a sales rep.

I emailed them earlier this week and got a "We are unable to answer your question, please call 1 800 etc for better service"

I guess their email support is worthless. Have you called their support number? I'm sure you can get a clear answer from them. I agree with you that the warranty and dead pixel policy is hard to find, I couldn't find it on their site which is why I emailed them but was useless.
I think the 90 day policy applies to their refurbed monitors, whereas new monitors have a 3 year warranty.

The 30 day money back guarantee I believe applies to both new and refurbed.



It's nice to hear someone got an idea of BenQ Stores dead pixel policy. I have asked FOUR times and everytime get a generic cut and paste "return in 30 days" response. And their web store says all these monitors have a 90 day warranty, where did you get one with 3 years?

I finally told them I will not be ordering from them since their customer service is the worst ever as they are not clearing up the dead pixel policy after multiple times of asking (I was very clear too). I have never had a company do this to me. I know Dell is notorious for bad CS but at least they were clear with me on their pixel policy when I asked.
Yeah, that doesn't explain their pixel policy. Is it returnable/exchangeable if I end up with 1 dead pixel? I still don't know. The one I wanted was on clearance but not a refurb (I would never buy refurbs).
The Good news is that stuck pixels are potentially fixable, but dead pixels are dead forever.

Here's what I've done in the past with a stuck pixel on my FP241VW and it worked:

1) Grab a soft cloth (microfibre works well) and dampen it with a tiny bit of water. Don't wet it, just make sure it is very slightly damp
2) Find the stuck pixel and gently rub it with your finger inside the cloth. If you see the screen behind where you are rubbing turn completely white, reduce the pressure.
3) If the stuck pixel blinks in continue to rub it for another 30 seconds until it stays
4) If the pixel does not change, try rubbing around it in circles and make the circles around the pixel a bit bigger each time you rub it.

Some people have used a flashing color picture like this one by putting it in a small Internet Explorer/Firefox window and putting it over the stuck pixel. This may or may not work.

Just save it to your hard disk and open it afterwards.


I have the monitor for about two weeks now. I had one stuck pixel at the beginning, but today I've noticed several new ones. I'm pretty sure they weren't there last time.

And I'm from UE, if that answers your question.
How's that even possible? I mean, I had only one stuck pixel and suddenly there's 10 of them.

I'm very dissapointed with the panel now.