October Nexus Prime rumors

I have pretty much given up on getting this phone. My OG Droid is still running strong.
Samsung has said they plan to release the Galaxy S3 in Spring; dual core 2.0ghz...1.5gb memory...HiDef 720p Super AMOLED+ screen...better battery life...

Might as well just wait for that device.
Samsung has said they plan to release the Galaxy S3 in Spring; dual core 2.0ghz...1.5gb memory...HiDef 720p Super AMOLED+ screen...better battery life...

Might as well just wait for that device.
Samsung has said they plan to release the Galaxy S3 in Spring; dual core 2.0ghz...1.5gb memory...HiDef 720p Super AMOLED+ screen...better battery life...

Might as well just wait for that device.

Except it will be in Europe for 6+ months before it gets here in the US.
Samsung has said they plan to release the Galaxy S3 in Spring; dual core 2.0ghz...1.5gb memory...HiDef 720p Super AMOLED+ screen...better battery life...

Might as well just wait for that device.

as long as there is a Cyanogenmod rom available for these rumored specs then fine, but otherwise I would rather shoot myself than deal with all the bloated bullshit non-nexus phones are packed with. I'd also caution against playing the waiting game in tech land..
Samsung has said they plan to release the Galaxy S3 in Spring; dual core 2.0ghz...1.5gb memory...HiDef 720p Super AMOLED+ screen...better battery life...

Might as well just wait for that device.
I'm either waiting for the Medfield phone or the Tegra 3 phone. Whichever one comes out first I guess. I'm guessing the Medfield phone.
I'm either waiting for the Medfield phone or the Tegra 3 phone. Whichever one comes out first I guess. I'm guessing the Medfield phone.

You can keep Tegra 3, that piece of shit. The iPad 2 still out performs the Transformer Prime in all GPU tests and the Tegra 3 barely outperforms (to the point of calling it a wash) the iPad 2 in CPU tests.
Samsung has said they plan to release the Galaxy S3 in Spring; dual core 2.0ghz...1.5gb memory...HiDef 720p Super AMOLED+ screen...better battery life...

Might as well just wait for that device.

That's 4+ months away. Then prolly another 4-5 months for it to reach US Carriers (just like the Galaxy S2). Fuck that, bro. You can't even say it's "right around the corner" like you usually can with flagship devices in the smartphone realm. Pretty sure the Nexus is going to be the best phone out for at least until the Quad-core phones hit the market in Q2 or so. But even then, I don't see that extra hardware making a dramatic impact on real-world phone productivity coming from the current 1.2+ GHz dual-cores on the market. Most of the appeal of the Nexus (for me anyways) isn't the hardware, it's the software support that comes directly from Google on top of the wide-spread dev community for it.

Maybe if you have decent phone that launched in the last year, it would be worth the wait. But for people hanging onto their OG Droid (like me) and their upgrade for half of the year (me again), it's definitely not worth waiting for.
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I just talked with a verizon wireless manager at a store in my area and he just was told that Friday is still release.

But we will just have to wait. He is expecting the shipment today of his stock.
For me, it's Nexus phone or nothing. I held out for a VZW Nexus One until Google posted on their page that they weren't releasing one because the "HTC Incredible was similar." Same for the Sprint Nexus One, because of the Evo. Neither is anything like a Nexus device.
For me, it's Nexus phone or nothing. I held out for a VZW Nexus One until Google posted on their page that they weren't releasing one because the "HTC Incredible was similar." Same for the Sprint Nexus One, because of the Evo. Neither is anything like a Nexus device.

Well the Incredible is identical to the Nexus One (which is also made by HTC) in terms of internal specs and the display. It just didn't get the software support from Google and took several months to receive updates from HTC. The Evo is totally different and I've never heard of them being directly compared to each other. The Nexus/Galaxy S is considerably faster than the Evo.
If it isn't out on Friday I'm moving on. Tired of waiting for a reason to switch to verizon. I'm pretty sure that a company this inept would fuck my billing up anyways. I'll just stick to my 4s and AT&T shitty network :( what a bunch of ass clowns Verizon is.
If it isn't out on Friday I'm moving on. Tired of waiting for a reason to switch to verizon. I'm pretty sure that a company this inept would fuck my billing up anyways. I'll just stick to my 4s and AT&T shitty network :( what a bunch of ass clowns Verizon is.

Why are you mad at Verizon? They said before the end of the year and nothing else.
If it isn't out on Friday I'm moving on. Tired of waiting for a reason to switch to verizon. I'm pretty sure that a company this inept would fuck my billing up anyways. I'll just stick to my 4s and AT&T shitty network :( what a bunch of ass clowns Verizon is.

You have a 4S and already looking for a new device???

Frustrating yes...but give it a month and everyone will be showing off their shiny new Nexus and all this will be forgotten.
Why are you mad at Verizon? They said before the end of the year and nothing else.

QFT. All the raging posts over release date across the internet are funny. All of these dates are just rumors. Until Verizon publicly gives a date, the phone isn't coming out.
QFT. All the raging posts over release date across the internet are funny. All of these dates are just rumors. Until Verizon publicly gives a date, the phone isn't coming out.

While true, it's esp. frustrating for everyone this time because most stores have them in stock now and there were several leaked internal screenshots and reports that Verizon reps telling customers that it would launch on the 9th.

I can almost guarantee that Verizon isn't going to announce the phones release date before it launches though.
While true, it's esp. frustrating for everyone this time because most stores have them in stock now and there were several leaked internal screenshots and reports that Verizon reps telling customers that it would launch on the 9th.

I can almost guarantee that Verizon isn't going to announce the phones release date before it launches though.

Yep, I agree it's messed up that the Verizon reps are telling customers the 9th.

Considering how pre-orders have worked in the past, it's a safe bet that is the case.
You have a 4S and already looking for a new device???

Frustrating yes...but give it a month and everyone will be showing off their shiny new Nexus and all this will be forgotten.

I'm married now and my wife and her family as well as my family are all on verizon. I'm on at&t and would like to move to verizon, so yes I am looking for a new device.

I'm not mad at verizon perse, but I am upset with how they are marketing the Nexus. Verizon reps here in Northern Colorado initially said they would have the phone by Thanksgiving according to internal reports so I skipped on the Rezound and Razr sale for a penny. Internet reports also seemed to confirm the release, then it came and went, then the next speculated rumors came and went, and now they have come and went again.

Set a release date, is it really that difficult to do so? Two other continents have got the phone and consistently internal reports keep showing release dates, store managers are told a date that comes and goes, unconfirmed reports from managers, as well as company memos leaked show release dates that come and go and all verizon can do is stay silent? That is fine as they can do what they want but their marketing team sucks ass.
The only thing that bothers me is price. The longer I have to wait, the worse the $299 price seems (if that is even the true price). With every week that passes with no release I feel more and more like the tech is outdated. I mean, obviously it's not suddenly obsolete, but the hardware specs of the galaxy nexus were not overwhelmingly great to begin with.
I'm married now and my wife and her family as well as my family are all on verizon. I'm on at&t and would like to move to verizon, so yes I am looking for a new device.

I'm not mad at verizon perse, but I am upset with how they are marketing the Nexus. Verizon reps here in Northern Colorado initially said they would have the phone by Thanksgiving according to internal reports so I skipped on the Rezound and Razr sale for a penny. Internet reports also seemed to confirm the release, then it came and went, then the next speculated rumors came and went, and now they have come and went again.

Set a release date, is it really that difficult to do so? Two other continents have got the phone and consistently internal reports keep showing release dates, store managers are told a date that comes and goes, unconfirmed reports from managers, as well as company memos leaked show release dates that come and go and all verizon can do is stay silent? That is fine as they can do what they want but their marketing team sucks ass.

It's a new device with a new O.S. They are being careful. I think they are handling this well. My guess is that they also have some agreements with Apple and Moto about advertising competing products. Their business is to sell service, I would bet they don't make a killing on the devices....

If they had promised a date and didn't hit it you would be mad, if they shoved out the door and it crashed & burned you would be mad.

I believe that the current issue has to do with the LTE outage that VZ is experiencing. They can't activate a couple hundred thousand phones in a few hours over a wonky network, ya know?

I feel your pain, I've been farting around with various 'rental' sets waiting on the GNex and am now, pretty much, using my work phone 100% (iP4s) on AT&T while the family is on VZW... It's a pain, but whatever, I'll just cruise and save my upgrade.

Look at the bright side, if it goes much longer you can wait a few more months and get the next gen 4G radio
OMG for reals???


"Verizon Wireless customers looking to snap up the Samsung Galaxy Nexus this Friday will have to be a little more patient.
The carrier has been cagey about the launch date for the smartphone, which is the first to run on the new Ice Cream Sandwich version of Android, but an informal survey of Verizon stores found that many had expected to start selling the phone on Friday. Now they are hearing that the release of the Galaxy Nexus will be delayed."
OMG for reals???


"Verizon Wireless customers looking to snap up the Samsung Galaxy Nexus this Friday will have to be a little more patient.
The carrier has been cagey about the launch date for the smartphone, which is the first to run on the new Ice Cream Sandwich version of Android, but an informal survey of Verizon stores found that many had expected to start selling the phone on Friday. Now they are hearing that the release of the Galaxy Nexus will be delayed."

Welcome to 22 posts ago :p.
Welcome to 22 posts ago :p.

Just about sums up my life. Seriously though- I thought I had been keeping up on this thread... obviously not. Time to ditch the studies and devote myself full-time until the GN comes out =P

The S2 is looking pretty good these days =P
It's a new device with a new O.S. They are being careful. I think they are handling this well. My guess is that they also have some agreements with Apple and Moto about advertising competing products. Their business is to sell service, I would bet they don't make a killing on the devices....

Meh, not really. If they were being careful they wouldn't have released it on 2 continents already if the software wasn't ready to go and yes they make a lot on each phone sold, as well as accessories, and then to mention the services provided. They make a killing on all ends.

If they had promised a date and didn't hit it you would be mad, if they shoved out the door and it crashed & burned you would be mad.

This is true hehe.

I believe that the current issue has to do with the LTE outage that VZ is experiencing. They can't activate a couple hundred thousand phones in a few hours over a wonky network, ya know?

This would be plausible if they weren't selling other LTE enabled phones atm. I wish that they would say something rather than nothing in regards to the Nexus, or any phone they plan to release. While patience is a virtue, the information and technology age has sorta erased that whole idea :eek:

I feel your pain, I've been farting around with various 'rental' sets waiting on the GNex and am now, pretty much, using my work phone 100% (iP4s) on AT&T while the family is on VZW... It's a pain, but whatever, I'll just cruise and save my upgrade.

Look at the bright side, if it goes much longer you can wait a few more months and get the next gen 4G radio

This is where I'm pretty much at, I just hate telling the wife and family "this xxxx phone is coming out next week, or oh this xxxx phone is coming out next month I'm going to wait, oops its been delayed till next week, next month, ad nauseum, etc... I'm so picky when it comes to electronics that they tease me over it, but it is starting to look silly always waiting for the next best thing to come along.
Light Flow is a MUST install app for this phone. The stock notification light sucks big time. You will miss ALL your messages/emails ect . This app takes control of the light allowing you to set interval time and color. Works great.
I have to agree with folks...I just don't understand the practical blackout of info on this phone from VZW..

really doesnt make sense at all..

and as far as delaying for quality, etc... as has been stated... then why is the phone being sold in Europe?

it MUST be something tied to LTE... and VZW's implementation... and the radio on this phone...
I just hate telling the wife and family "this xxxx phone is coming out next week, or oh this xxxx phone is coming out next month I'm going to wait, oops its been delayed till next week, next month, ad nauseum, etc... I'm so picky when it comes to electronics that they tease me over it, but it is starting to look silly always waiting for the next best thing to come along.

This is where I stand pretty much. I am always saying that my wife really needs a smart phone to keep up with my calendar etc. and she keeps giving me the evil eye. The plan WAS to wait for my one year in with the Thunderbolt, buy this under her upgrade and then get into a every year new smart phone pattern. She is such a good wife she will just take my old phone while I upgrade. This WOULD have been almost perfect timing if it were to come out, well, sometime at all.

As for waiting, I was never told when it was coming out so I am not as mad as I am frustrated and just wanting it to come out so I can get it. Seems simplistic but really isn't that all we want, for it to finally come out?
Meh, not really. If they were being careful they wouldn't have released it on 2 continents already if the software wasn't ready to go and yes they make a lot on each phone sold, as well as accessories, and then to mention the services provided. They make a killing on all ends.


Sure, I guess even $20 net profit on each times a million units is nothing to sneeze at... but compared to the service? - IMO They go after the cool handsets to bring in the contracts. Although you are balls-on with the accys, they make stupid money there.

I think they're asking for trouble if they release another phone with technical problems. Someone brought up a point on another forum regarding the omission of Google Wallet being a legal issue. (anti-trust?)

This would be plausible if they weren't selling other LTE enabled phones atm. ...

Duh, I didn't even think about that ... OK, I'm an idiot
This whole delay has given me time to reevaluate the wisdom of switching to VZW- I was reading up on the whole Wallet fiasco (the latest rumor is that the delay is due to the lack of GW- apparently VZW agreed to NOT block competitors apps as part of their last spectrum license... oops!) and came across stuff like this-

"Launching the Galaxy Nexus–which is supposed to be an open Google phone–on Verizon continues to be a challenge for Google and Samsung. Though its Droid brand helped catapult Android into the mainstream, Verizon is used to highly restricting and modifying the phones on its network. Earlier this year, Verizon went so far as to remove vital Google apps like Maps and put Bing on the LG Revolution, almost entirely removing the main reasons people buy an Android handset. The carrier, like others, also controls the entire launch process for devices. Just yesterday, Samsung employees at a showcase shop in New York were forced to pull the Galaxy Nexus from shelves."

I had totally forgotten about that... and now that I know about it, why would I want to sign up for that? What assurances do I have that the Nexus from VZW is actually a "pure" ICS device? We know some non-Google apps will come pre-loaded (ie:Blockbuster) and that they supposedly can be removed, but seriously... what else is there? We really don't know until folks get these units home and can take a good look under the hood- something reviewers from Engadget, etc can't do with the limited time they have with the devices. Eventually there will be ROMs out there we can flash to remove the crap, but I really don't want to fall back to the "you can just flash it" argument- I want it to work out of the box. That's the whole point of the Nexus, right? It certainly isn't because of the hardware specs or benchmark scores. Besides- often new ROMs on new devices lack functionality- an example is ICS for the Nexus 4G- it's only in the past few days that MMS in any of the ports works, and there aren't any drivers for the WiMax radio (and won't be until there is an OTA).
A follow-up thought to my last post- if it's indeed true that VZW can't block competitors as part of their latest spectrum acquisition, it could be the case that VZW management is just now realizing the SNAFU-in-progress and will decide to NEVER release the Nexus- after all, it's just ONE phone, and considering their $100M investment in Isis so far (and the future revenue from it), burning the Nexus is the cheaper option, keeps them out of legal hot-water and preserves their FCC spectrum arrangement.
This whole delay has given me time to reevaluate the wisdom of switching to VZW- I was reading up on the whole Wallet fiasco (the latest rumor is that the delay is due to the lack of GW- apparently VZW agreed to NOT block competitors apps as part of their last spectrum license... oops!) and came across stuff like this-

"Launching the Galaxy Nexus–which is supposed to be an open Google phone–on Verizon continues to be a challenge for Google and Samsung. Though its Droid brand helped catapult Android into the mainstream, Verizon is used to highly restricting and modifying the phones on its network. Earlier this year, Verizon went so far as to remove vital Google apps like Maps and put Bing on the LG Revolution, almost entirely removing the main reasons people buy an Android handset. The carrier, like others, also controls the entire launch process for devices. Just yesterday, Samsung employees at a showcase shop in New York were forced to pull the Galaxy Nexus from shelves."

I had totally forgotten about that... and now that I know about it, why would I want to sign up for that? What assurances do I have that the Nexus from VZW is actually a "pure" ICS device? We know some non-Google apps will come pre-loaded (ie:Blockbuster) and that they supposedly can be removed, but seriously... what else is there? We really don't know until folks get these units home and can take a good look under the hood- something reviewers from Engadget, etc can't do with the limited time they have with the devices. Eventually there will be ROMs out there we can flash to remove the crap, but I really don't want to fall back to the "you can just flash it" argument- I want it to work out of the box. That's the whole point of the Nexus, right? It certainly isn't because of the hardware specs or benchmark scores. Besides- often new ROMs on new devices lack functionality- an example is ICS for the Nexus 4G- it's only in the past few days that MMS in any of the ports works, and there aren't any drivers for the WiMax radio (and won't be until there is an OTA).

Wisdom of moving to Verizon? I don't regret tossing my piece of shit iPhone 3G and AT&T to the curb one damn bit.

The Google Wallet thing is complete bullshit and I hope it's proven that Verizon is impeding competition so that they get slapped upside the head. Good news is you can still sideload Google Wallet and it appears to work. ;) So fuck you Verizon!

I'm not worried about ICS not being "pure". I'm sure it's "pure" outside of some limited bloat that Verizon may install. It'll be rooted and removed by the end of the first day of sales so overall it's not that big a deal.

Google will probably second guess releasing a Google phone on Verizon's network again if Verizon keeps doing shit like this. Nexus would have been a huge money maker for Verizon. Instead it's just comical at this point and is doing nothing but generating bad press.
This whole delay has given me time to reevaluate the wisdom of switching to VZW- I was reading up on the whole Wallet fiasco (the latest rumor is that the delay is due to the lack of GW- apparently VZW agreed to NOT block competitors apps as part of their last spectrum license... oops!) and came across stuff like this-

"Launching the Galaxy Nexus–which is supposed to be an open Google phone–on Verizon continues to be a challenge for Google and Samsung. Though its Droid brand helped catapult Android into the mainstream, Verizon is used to highly restricting and modifying the phones on its network. Earlier this year, Verizon went so far as to remove vital Google apps like Maps and put Bing on the LG Revolution, almost entirely removing the main reasons people buy an Android handset. The carrier, like others, also controls the entire launch process for devices. Just yesterday, Samsung employees at a showcase shop in New York were forced to pull the Galaxy Nexus from shelves."

I had totally forgotten about that... and now that I know about it, why would I want to sign up for that? What assurances do I have that the Nexus from VZW is actually a "pure" ICS device? We know some non-Google apps will come pre-loaded (ie:Blockbuster) and that they supposedly can be removed, but seriously... what else is there? We really don't know until folks get these units home and can take a good look under the hood- something reviewers from Engadget, etc can't do with the limited time they have with the devices. Eventually there will be ROMs out there we can flash to remove the crap, but I really don't want to fall back to the "you can just flash it" argument- I want it to work out of the box. That's the whole point of the Nexus, right? It certainly isn't because of the hardware specs or benchmark scores. Besides- often new ROMs on new devices lack functionality- an example is ICS for the Nexus 4G- it's only in the past few days that MMS in any of the ports works, and there aren't any drivers for the WiMax radio (and won't be until there is an OTA).

Good point, Verizon are known as the "Nazi" carrier, not that other carriers are puppies, but still...Plus this is the one good phone Verizon is getting finally, I could care less about any other device they launched this year. Droid brand Motorola phones, lol no thanks.

I am on Sprint, and they have hit home runs with most of their high end phones the last year+. EVO 4G...Nexus-S 4G...EVO-3D...Photon 4G...Epic 4G Touch ( which I now own and LOVE :) All of those phones are very good devices. Same with T-Mobile, they have also released some bad ass phones the last year. Verizon not so much in my opinion.

Next year Sprint is supposed to hit hard again with great devices; Galaxy S3...EVO-Three...etc...
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What are the chances t-mobile will carry this phone by the end of the year? I was looking at the HTC Amaze but the poor battery life shot that idea down. Not that impressed with the SGS II either. My luck, I'll wait out the Nexus Prime and the battery life will turn out to be crap - I can't stand a phone with poor battery life.
So I have the Amaze 4g and love it, with the exception of the battery life. I can usually get a business day out of it no problem, usually 12 - 14 hours at which point I've had the display on for somewhere around 4 hours for browsing and fb and made an hour of calls with some texting and emails thrown in. Fortunately if your one to unlock/root your phone there are some semi custom roms at xda that help with the battery problems and improve performance. Also through donations one of the better kernel devs just bought an Amaze for development so there some good things to come for this powerhouse.
You can keep Tegra 3, that piece of shit. The iPad 2 still out performs the Transformer Prime in all GPU tests and the Tegra 3 barely outperforms (to the point of calling it a wash) the iPad 2 in CPU tests.

REally, cuz I read GLBENCH is optomized for IOS.