OCAU asked me to do this


Apr 30, 2003
Yes, after seeing Marty's posting of my original photochop work, a few members there thought I should add a certain something to the mix so here it is.....


Think "Gimme That Duck" by 2 Live Crew .. well I guess it was gimme that nut

Now that's just scary... the moosey flogging the roo, flogging the ducky. It's so dirty.... :D

So the 'roos carry around our ducky in their pouch, hmmm..... Moose you should have done one of your famous reach throughs right there and stole the ducky back. :D

Man, there are some sick bastards around here.

Good to know I'm in the right place. :D

[H]ugh_Freak said:
Think "Gimme That Duck" by 2 Live Crew .. well I guess it was gimme that nut

Gimme that nut was by eazy e. A truely classic song.
The ducky, it has been defiled! It has been touched by thing unclean! ;)

All the more reason we need to get it back.

Anybody know if the AtomicMoose has seen this? :D

Looks like he's been "caught in the Act" ROTFLMAO :D

OCAU huh? Aren’t you glad they didn’t ask you to jump off a bridge, enter a burning building or poke yourself in the eye with a stick? Lol ;)
Okay, so why hasn't moose's production shot up? He seems to be borging Aussies left and right. :p

I must have looked @ this one, the orginal moose one, and the gay boy moose on boy roo 20 times and...

I still laugh my butt off.
Penguincomp said:
Glad it's a duck and not a penguin. I might have issues if it were a penguin.

It’s a shame to see a fellow folder carry around so much “fowl” prejudice baggage :rolleyes: ;)
A [H]orde of Penguins would look better.......... :p

Luck.......... :D
Well would it be inappropriate to suggest that, being wildlife based, maybe an Irishllama should be included?!? :eek:

hehehehe.. good suggestions... I'm working right now but maybe when I get settled at home for the rest of my pathetically short weekend (as usual), I can chop some stuff :D

Spoken by the guy that just had a kid and becomes a moderator.......
VooDoo said:
You really need to at least find a female Roo.


Moderator on OCAU

And once again the nasty roo-fetish rears it ugly head. Maybe instead of the reach around, we need to have a moosey flogging the roo!

VooDoo said:
You really need to at least find a female Roo.


Moderator on OCAU

The one with the duck is a female. There was a joey there in the begining. I have the original if you can't tell the difference from a boomer.

DR_K13 said:
OMG do it! lol :D

As you wish......

ezee said:
Some seriously sick and twisted bastards here, for sure.

thought i was the only one. Glad I made it to the right place:)

[H said:
ugh_Freak]As you wish......
can't wait to see it. Should give me some good laughs

ezee said:
Some seriously sick and twisted bastards here, for sure.

You didn't realize that was one of the requirements? :rolleyes:

Give it time.... It's contagious! :p
