Oblivion - Careful Where You Store Items


Aug 11, 2004
Rumors are true you will lose items if you place them in a container that is not in your house......I 'accidentally' tested it out for myself...left about 30k worth of stuff, enchanted, daedric and many times both, in a crate in imperial market district...just a stash spot because it was so conveinent and all the stuff was heavy...it took maybe 2 weeks but last time I checked, it was all gone...

Solution - Buy 2,000 house and 750 storage contract in Imperial city...then you should be able to store...a

That, and I think Fighter's guild chest (or other factions) are safe...just not public chests...
Yup, I left a lot of scrolls, potions, and alchemy supplies in some containers in the Blades Fortress. Came back after a quest and it was all gone. Luckily, I was pretty low level when I learned my lesson, but it really sucked.
Knew about this from Morrowind thank Goodness. I have only left stuff in containers in my Arch Mages quarters and my house in Anvil... ;)
Ive lost items that i was storing at both the blades fort and the fighters guild.
wtburnette said:
Knew about this from Morrowind thank Goodness. I have only left stuff in containers in my Arch Mages quarters and my house in Anvil... ;)

you could stash stuff anywhere in morrowind.
I haven't lost anything from the locked chest in the Captains quarters of the Pirate ship I took from some dead pirates. (well, the're dead now anyway)

I have a house boat! Yay for me!
HydroSqueegee said:
you could stash stuff anywhere in morrowind.

Not that I found. I read about it in forums first, then tried it myself. Saved some Daedric weapons in a chest in Vivec, cause I was overloaded. Came back later to pick them up and they were gone. Some chests were static and you could leave stuff in them, but some weren't. At least in Oblivion I know I can leave stuff in houses and such I own. Anyone know if you can leave items laying around the same way? In MW if I left a pile of stuff in a dungeon, it'd be there whenever I went back. Since Oblivion fills the dungeon with more baddies, does that mean the previous loot disappears?
Alright, you can't stash it.. but can you just drop it all in a designated spot?
I have dropped items on the street and they are still there even after I leave and come back. However, to store items I just use my house, my dark brotherhood sanctuary or there is a house whose occupants I killed that I use to rest and keep one or two items at.
You can store stuff in chests?

I didn't know that. But its ok as I don't really carry around that much stuff anyway. I usually end up selling the things I pick up along the way.

I haven't bought anything yet. I've looked at a few houses the one I really want is in Bruma but I don't have $2k yet. I would have if I hadn't bought a room at the Bloated Float for the night after just having joined the Thieves Guild only to awake and find it ahd been set out to sea by thieves. I didn't realize they were thieves until I killed 3 of them and saw the notice that I had been kicked out of the thieves guild for killing thieves. It cost me $500 to get back into the guild. I'm also really tempted to steal Armand's flawless diamond too, just haven't figured out a way to do it without being caught.
Ive been trying to buy a house but I cant find the person to sell it to me. How do you buy the houses?
I might try to store stuff if i ever buy a house, i have plenty of money to do it now. But i've been just selling everything that isn't important to me. I have my gear, a few sets for diffferent situations (sneaking, killing, talking) but i haven't concerned myself with saving everything, although i guess i might actaully get a house and save one of those cool huge daedric warhammers so that i can get a nice blunt weapon skill if i ever feel like it.
I lost my stash as well but it was only crap anyway... I thought it was the outlaws that shared the house that stole it for me... bloody thiefs to steal from a thief ;)
I think stores, homes, and containers "reset" after so long. I went in to an inn and ran over a table, knocking everything on the ground. A few days (in game) I came back later and it had all been cleaned up. I think the time is semi-ranomized, but it seems to be between two and five days. Sort of the same way flowers can be picked again after a few days.
discochan said:
Ive been trying to buy a house but I cant find the person to sell it to me. How do you buy the houses?

You have to goto the town you wish to buy the house, and raise the Count/King/Prince's disposition so that he'll sell it to you.

There is one in Imperial City that you can just buy, but its a tiny hole for 6K.

Houses usually start around 15.
Rich Tate said:
You have to goto the town you wish to buy the house, and raise the Count/King/Prince's disposition so that he'll sell it to you.

There is one in Imperial City that you can just buy, but its a tiny hole for 6K.

Houses usually start around 15.

Or pick up the quest in Anvil after buying the house from the guy at the Inn for 5k. Sleep in the bed after buying it for the surprise...lol!
discochan said:
How to do raise the disposition? By completing quests?

Use the icon to the far left with the face on it. That shows his dispo points, you usually have to raise it to a certain number.
Rich Tate said:
Use the icon to the far left with the face on it. That shows his dispo points, you usually have to raise it to a certain number.

If you are a full fledged vampire, you could just cast the "seduction" spell and they love you. Seriously, they will be one step away from humping your leg. The only person I have found it doesn't work for is the fence in Imperial City. He just screams for me to get away and tells me that I am not getting any of his blood.
prices of houses range, i dont know how though but the imperial shack wasnt 6k in my game, its 2k but in the same regaurd my chorrol place was $20k for me(not to mention full furnicher was another $20k) but others reported that house being as low as $10-15k in there games.....sorta like morrowind and how each game the armors never had the same amount of protection rateings
paranoia4422 said:
prices of houses range, i dont know how though but the imperial shack wasnt 6k in my game, its 2k but in the same regaurd my chorrol place was $20k for me(not to mention full furnicher was another $20k) but others reported that house being as low as $10-15k in there games.....sorta like morrowind and how each game the armors never had the same amount of protection rateings

the houses in all the different cities are different prices.

in morrowind, the armor had a static value that was shown in game as being higher or lower depending on your characters armor skill.
how long does stuff last in a barrel if U own the house. or if u put stuff in the abadon house like the one in anvil does it last the forever also?.?
I stash all of my ingredients (esp. the stolen ones) in the crate by the bandits campfire near Vilverin. Nothing stolen yet, I would imagine not too many NPCs make it out there anyway. Or it could just be because the stuff I'm stashing is all worthless aside from their alchemy uses.
Why are you bothing buying a house to store goods?
Save your money!
Go to a safe place, a place that you know you will not be seen when you pick the things back up (you know stolen things). Select the items from your inventory and drop them on the ground. They will still be there later. I do this every time I need to go to jail to get rid of my bounty, I don't want to keep killing off the population.
HydroSqueegee said:
the houses in all the different cities are different prices.

in morrowind, the armor had a static value that was shown in game as being higher or lower depending on your characters armor skill.
no im talking the same house same city differnt games.....
Blakestr said:
That, and I think Fighter's guild chest (or other factions) are safe...just not public chests...
I was wanting to store my items in the fighters guild, but before I did I put a couple potions in two different chests, and something on the floor. After awhile the items in the chests were gone, but item on floor was still there.

something weird happened to me though with one of my items. My arena heavy armor was too heavy.. I was in some guys house so I just put the armor in a chest so I could sell, then I would come back later for it. After a couple of days I came back into his house, looked in the chest and my armor was there, but it had that red hand icon next to it. So I "stole" back my armor lol. And if I drop it on the ground (I dropped it in fighters guild to store it), and someone sees me pick it up, they will call the guards for me trying to steal it.
i left some stuff in my new Skinsgard house (its a mod) and i was out adventuring. when i got home, there was a thief stealing all my shit, so i killed him. then it said i killed a member of the thieves guild. WTF?
Yeah, I just leave stuff on the ground, usually in guilds or blades buildings. I haven't lost anything yet.
I had literally hundreds of alchemy items, tools, and 7 extremely rare nirnroot plants all vanish from the Mages Guild in Skingrad. I am not so upset with losing the alchemy stuff but losing the nirnroot plants was a low blow. They are exceedingly rare in this game I think.
peacetilence said:
...and 7 extremely rare nirnroot plants...

extremely rare... lol. I have 50 of those things (my girlfriend is incredibly good at spotting them as I play).

I've stored stuff in a fighters guild chest (as a guild member) for many days and not lost any of it. Now I just use my house in Cheydenhal
There is a mod that creates a door to a seperate dimension, which consists of a simple room and storage. If you don't feel like going back and forth to store your stuff, you guys should look into it.
I found out the hard way. I killed bernadette penniless or whatever her name is, stored my stuff in her house, fought a couple of weeks worth at the arena, came back, and my stuff was gone. Whoever it was that said that you can steal peoples' houses is either full of it, or not telling the whole story.

Luckily I only lost a couple of levels and some gold, which I can recover pretty quickly.

Now that I can get 2000 gold a fight in the arena for at most a 100 gold investment (repairs/potions), I'm going to buy the 5000 house and set up camp there.
CodeX said:
extremely rare... lol. I have 50 of those things (my girlfriend is incredibly good at spotting them as I play).

I've stored stuff in a fighters guild chest (as a guild member) for many days and not lost any of it. Now I just use my house in Cheydenhal

Hey that's good to know. I thought that they might be more rare (I am only lvl 11 so far yet i have played over 30 hours!) I'm not so pissed I lost all my alchemy stuff in that case.
Though I don't have anywhere NEAR the amount to purchase a house, where do you think the best/safest place to buy it is? Where stuff will NOT get stolen! :p

peacetilence said:
I had literally hundreds of alchemy items, tools, and 7 extremely rare nirnroot plants all vanish from the Mages Guild in Skingrad. I am not so upset with losing the alchemy stuff but losing the nirnroot plants was a low blow. They are exceedingly rare in this game I think.

they are rare im having a hell of a time finding them..think ive got 3
but also ive got two bottles of this "shadowbanish" wine or something. and it give me a "quest" in my log but it doesnt do a thing..what do you do with this stuff?
anyways i figured out how hard to find that shadowbaish shit by stashing it and forgetting it.
I had to reload a game from like 5 saves back.
Very old thread, but I found it through google search searching for a safe place other than the one I found. Here's my addition:

Spoiler: In the Orwen priory, the brother's locked chest tha tyou get from, "Assistance"at the very beginning of hte game works for me and is hte only place I've found that works. My stuff was still there even after the place got attacked so I'm pretty positie it's the safest place..