Oblivion Availablility


[H] Brewmaster
May 17, 2005
Now that the lauch date is "official" has anyone had any luck picking up a copy?
There seems to be quite a few... everywhere....
I'm not sure there will be a shortage of thsi game - maybe a shortage of collector's editions....
I went looking last night at my local game store and Wal-Mart/K-Mart. No one had it :(
WesM63 said:
I went looking last night at my local game store and Wal-Mart/K-Mart. No one had it :(

This is the third thread on the front page about buying oblivion. Not about the game itself, about just buying it. Seriously now.
Since there are a bajillion threads to read... :( Quick skinny on whats in the CE?
Any merchant page has the full info on what's included in the CE :).

My local store just got it in, I'm going to try and go today if I can to grab it :D !
I just came from BestBuy and they told me that they wont have it until tomorrow. BS! Im pissed! Every other store in the area has it! i Have reward zone points i need to spend!
texuspete00 said:
Since there are a bajillion threads to read... :( Quick skinny on whats in the CE?

Just got my 360 CE, even though they listed the contents weeks ago you get a metal coin like the ones in the game. A faux leather booklet that explains the history of the oblivion world. A game map, and a bonus DVD which includes the making of oblivion thingy.
TheToE! said:
I just came from BestBuy and they told me that they wont have it until tomorrow. BS! Im pissed! Every other store in the area has it! i Have reward zone points i need to spend!

That prolly means it's in the back and they're too lazy to bring it out.. lol
Well best buy is dropping the ball..I bought my copy on line to be picked up this afternoon. After 2 hours, no confirmation, so I called the store and was told that thye have it but for some reason, the online purchase did not show. So, they care reserving a copy for me. Here's hoping that a copy is indeed reserved. Although, I should not play tonight as I need to sleep to recover from 16 hours experiment that ends at 7pm tonight and another 12 hours starting 7am tomorrow morning...I swear, gaming is really killing my life...
Just picked it up at Gamestop. They are the only ones that had it, I had to wait about half an hour for UPS to deliver the package to them. CC, BB, EB, Wal-Mart, KMart, Target all did not get it.

Installing now. If you don't hear from me for a while, send a search party after me. :)
Had it since yesturday afternoon for 360. Here's my quick first impressions...

I love it. I've already logged close to 7 hours in the game, and yet sticking very close to the story, I have hardly scratched the surface. I have not bothered with guilds, side quests, or anything of the like. Aside from selling items, all my time has been spent on the story...

A few things I have noticed that were very awesome... Enviroments as we all know, are gorgeous. Even cooler, there is seasons. You will start out in summer, there will be lots of trees and green foliage. Then falll wil come and you will notice trees start to change colors (which looks amazing BTW)... then winter comes and it snows. THere is alot less grass and stuff, and most of it is dead, but I did notice trees don't loose their leaves in winter. Makes the game prettier, though less real (not that its a very realistic game).

However, there is one ironic part to the scenery. As good as it looks, you will grow sick of it quikly ;). Someone here (to lazy to find the quote) said they were looking forward to just walking around in the forests... Believe me that wears off. When I started off the game, I ran everywhere... and there were times it would take me a good 10 minute to run from one town to the next. It didnt take me long before I started quick traveling as much as possible.

Also, something I strangly had alot of fun with is trying to kill a dear. I had only a sword, and chased the little faper around for 10 minutes. Was funny as hell.

More on the plus side, the game is VERY smooth. It appears to only run at 30fps, but it stays there. I've yet to notice a framerate dip or any hitching. Also, the view distance is crazy... you can see very far.

However, this comes at a price. For one, ground textures off in the distance are very low res. Its like a blob of colors, and honestly, looks like something outof MS paint. Usually trees can do alot to cover this up, but its still ugly in areas where there are very few trees. Also, there is some VERY noticable draw in. Trees and structures, to the best I can tell, are visible as far as you can see, ive yet to notice these popping in. However, rocks and foliage pop in rather close to you. It makes scenery look great from stand-still, but hurts the visual quality when your running. It's still better than nothing.

I gave third person a shot, and while it was more playable than morrowind, its still painfully obvios the game was meant to be played in first person. Thankfully, in first person, they nailed the combat. Much better than morrowind. Its spot on... a perfect blend of blocking and attacking, and magic if you chose. For those of you who like to play in gung-ho, I strongly suggest being a bit more conservative and block. It throws your enemy off guard and makes them easy to hit. Likewise, if the enemy blocks you, you stagger and can take some serious blows.

Overall, the game is damn near perfect, except for one glaring issue. After you get into the game a bit, its no longer an issue, but when you first start off, the inventory absolutly sucks. Itsvery difficult to navigate, and there are many things represented only by symbols, with no doccumentation or tool tips on what they are. This is the first game is a long damn time where I have had to consult the manual (and I had to consult it many times) to try to figure out what certain symbols mean, how to find certan things in my inventory, and how to complete simple tasks that could have easly been explained in a pop-up. I don't like having to use the manual...but honestly, this and the draw in are my only gripes about the game. Since I have now figured out the basics, its really only the draw in... that aside, the game is perfect. A masterpiece among video games.
Viper87227 said:
Had it since yesturday afternoon for 360. Here's my quick first impressions...

I love it. I've already logged close to 7 hours in the game, and yet sticking very close to the story, I have hardly scratched the surface. I have not bothered with guilds, side quests, or anything of the like. Aside from selling items, all my time has been spent on the story...

A few things I have noticed that were very awesome... Enviroments as we all know, are gorgeous. Even cooler, there is seasons. You will start out in summer, there will be lots of trees and green foliage. Then falll wil come and you will notice trees start to change colors (which looks amazing BTW)... then winter comes and it snows. THere is alot less grass and stuff, and most of it is dead, but I did notice trees don't loose their leaves in winter. Makes the game prettier, though less real (not that its a very realistic game).

However, there is one ironic part to the scenery. As good as it looks, you will grow sick of it quikly ;). Someone here (to lazy to find the quote) said they were looking forward to just walking around in the forests... Believe me that wears off. When I started off the game, I ran everywhere... and there were times it would take me a good 10 minute to run from one town to the next. It didnt take me long before I started quick traveling as much as possible.

Also, something I strangly had alot of fun with is trying to kill a dear. I had only a sword, and chased the little faper around for 10 minutes. Was funny as hell.

More on the plus side, the game is VERY smooth. It appears to only run at 30fps, but it stays there. I've yet to notice a framerate dip or any hitching. Also, the view distance is crazy... you can see very far.

However, this comes at a price. For one, ground textures off in the distance are very low res. Its like a blob of colors, and honestly, looks like something outof MS paint. Usually trees can do alot to cover this up, but its still ugly in areas where there are very few trees. Also, there is some VERY noticable draw in. Trees and structures, to the best I can tell, are visible as far as you can see, ive yet to notice these popping in. However, rocks and foliage pop in rather close to you. It makes scenery look great from stand-still, but hurts the visual quality when your running. It's still better than nothing.

I gave third person a shot, and while it was more playable than morrowind, its still painfully obvios the game was meant to be played in first person. Thankfully, in first person, they nailed the combat. Much better than morrowind. Its spot on... a perfect blend of blocking and attacking, and magic if you chose. For those of you who like to play in gung-ho, I strongly suggest being a bit more conservative and block. It throws your enemy off guard and makes them easy to hit. Likewise, if the enemy blocks you, you stagger and can take some serious blows.

Overall, the game is damn near perfect, except for one glaring issue. After you get into the game a bit, its no longer an issue, but when you first start off, the inventory absolutly sucks. Itsvery difficult to navigate, and there are many things represented only by symbols, with no doccumentation or tool tips on what they are. This is the first game is a long damn time where I have had to consult the manual (and I had to consult it many times) to try to figure out what certain symbols mean, how to find certan things in my inventory, and how to complete simple tasks that could have easly been explained in a pop-up. I don't like having to use the manual...but honestly, this and the draw in are my only gripes about the game. Since I have now figured out the basics, its really only the draw in... that aside, the game is perfect. A masterpiece among video games.
What res and AA or AF. B/C I am stuck on a 6800NU O/C for a little while till the dumb 7900GTX's get back in stock.
Picked up a PC collectors edition from a compUSA in saint louis. None of the best buys have em btw here.
Vengance_01 said:
What res and AA or AF. B/C I am stuck on a 6800NU O/C for a little while till the dumb 7900GTX's get back in stock.

Hrm, I didn't mess with my AA or AF, but I was able to play at 1280x1024 with no hitching at all. It autodetected my settings as ultra high with my setup (the first rig in my sig). The game plays beautifully. One thing is that you'll see a loading message every now and again, but it doesn't stop play -- you'll only notice a few things in the scenery change places, but nothing too bad... it doesn't distract from the game at all. Third person view is ok, but this game was definately made to be played in 1st person like the guy above said -- mainly because there is no reticle in 3rd person view and it's hard to gather herbs and fight in 3rd person view. I couldn't be happier with this game, honestly, but I'm sure it has its bugs (such as with the boots of blinding speed and random crashing and the missing quest mobs in morrowind).

As far as the deer goes, yeah they are fun to kill. The trick is to use stealth when you see one and bow kill it. If they see you, they run very quickly and for quite a distance. Anyway, I want to go back and play it.

I got mine at EB (the 20th) in case you guys are wondering. Seems they had them in consistantly from what I've heard.
Besbuy had like 35 copies of the game prolyl 15 collectors. Looks good, ultra high quality was detected. but i have yet to play.
Great report Viper! For all who are getting the run around (like me ) from best buy :
I was originally told they didnt have it. I called back and was told that they had it, but couldnt sell it. After speaking with a manager he told me that they had copy's in the back and he wasnt sure why his employees were telling people that they couldnt sell it. Bottom line :
Best Buy employ's a lot of dumbass's. Anyways I've got my copy now!
This is bullshit. I just went to EB games, walmart, bestbuy, and circuit city and none of them had it for PC. im pissed. wtf is up with that?
I just went to CompUSA and picked it up just like that for $39.99. But they have only 2 copies left and 1 more of CE which is $69.99 if I'm not mistaken.
Apparently if you pre-ordered from EB in the Seattle area you are out of luck. All the shipments to this area were apparently lost for a few hours yesterday and so they aren't going out until today.

I am having my wife run out to Gamestop and pick copies up from there and will let EB know I'm cancelling tomorrow.
Fry's in Sunnyvale does not have the game yet.... fuckers! damn... looks like BB in Palo Alto is the best bet for be now.. unless they get their truck in later... which could happen I guess.. I checked at like 11am..
Got mine 5 min ago. Best buy in San Diego. 20 on the shelf + cases in the stock room.
bazylik said:
I just went to CompUSA and picked it up just like that for $39.99. But they have only 2 copies left and 1 more of CE which is $69.99 if I'm not mistaken.
You're mistaken. It's $44.99.

Which goes to show, that pre-ordering isn't the best way to save money.
OK - Fry's in Sunnyvale CA got their shipment.. I am holding. :D

it was $37.99 for the basic flavor and $59.99 for the CE. They have a LOT of them also, lol. with a growning number of peeps standing and eyeing the box, I was like "out of the way people, unless you want to get trampled!!!" - er, not really.. *sigh*

ok - now to whip up some cold symptoms to get out of work early. ;)
revenant said:
OK - Fry's in Sunnyvale CA got their shipment.. I am holding. :D

it was $37.99 for the basic flavor and $59.99 for the CE. They have a LOT of them also, lol. with a growning number of peeps standing and eyeing the box, I was like "out of the way people, unless you want to get trampled!!!" - er, not really.. *sigh*

ok - now to whip up some cold symptoms to get out of work early. ;)

Say you have the RUNS... No one will ever question you!
Just got back from Fry's in Irving... they had about 20 for PC and 20 for 360... with a few CE's for 360 that I saw. I saw the players guides next to the PC version but I didn't see any CE boxes. Who knows. Anyway, I came back with the PC version for $37.99.
What the hell is the difference between the Normal Oblivion and the CE version?

Majin said:
What the hell is the difference between the Normal Oblivion and the CE version?


Fine, just stop your whining. The collectors edition has a booklet with backstory and lore, a commemorative coin (that supposedly has a use in the game), a map, and extra making of disc. Also it has far superior packaging to the standard pack.
CompUSA sold all of their copies at $40 by lunch time, I missed out because I waited. They used to never get games as fast as the game shops but now they do in my area it seems, bummer.
I'm downloading it from Direct2Drive right now, but the speed is atrocious (26 kbps on 5 Mbit cable). You'd think longtime, paid Fileplanet members would get a faster connection.

Only 45 hours to go, according to Firefox's download manager. XD
Picked up a PC CE version for $48.00 after taxes at CompUSA. Location I went to had at least five copies of each on the shelves... and this was at 5:30pm after I got off of work.