Nvidia Geforce 9800GTX Specifications released!


Feb 4, 2006
Source: http://www.xbitlabs.com/discussion/3953.html

the list of the new specifications of the 9800GTX

The card will cost:
-The 9800GTX for 549$>649$
-The 9800GTS for 399$>449$

- 65nm process technology at TSMC.
- Over one billion transistors.
- Second Generation Unified Shader Architecture.
- Double precsion support (FP64).
- GPGPU native.
- Over one TeraFLOPS of shader processing power.
- MADD+ADD configuration for the shader untis (2+1 FLOPS=3 FLOPS per ALU)
- Fully Scalar design.
- 512-bit memory interface.
- 1024MB GDDR4 graphics memory.
- DirectX 10.1 support.
- OpenGL 3.0 Support.
- eDRAM die for "FREE 4xAA".
- built in Audio Chip.
- built in tesselation unit (in the graphics core"
- Improved AA and AF quality levels
GeForce 9800 GTX will be over two times faster than a GeForce 8800 Ultra in real world games and applcations.

That is a quote from the article, while I think they can improve greatly on the 8800 cards (being first DX-10), two times in real world.

Also, why would they go from the 320-640-768 back to the 512 for the GTX, was there problems with having a different amount?
That is a quote from the article, while I think they can improve greatly on the 8800 cards (being first DX-10), two times in real world.

Also, why would they go from the 320-640-768 back to the 512 for the GTX, was there problems with having a different amount?
Er, it has a gig of memory on a 512-bit memory interface. The 8800GTS and GTX are 384-bit.
Cant.... hold.... on.... much.... longer....

I need a new gpu for my new quad core, but I WANT A 9800gtx
I just upgraded my PC to a quad-core and now I read about the 9800?

I call this Christmas in July!!! :D
I'm going to call BS. xbitlabs is generally pretty reliable, but 90% of what was listed was rumored to be included on the 8800GTX and/or the 2900xt before their releases. Definitely wouldn't get my hopes up.
i concur, I cant WAIT, can anyone say crysis 2560x1600 16xaa 16xaf with 2 of these things overclocked in sli :) Now if only nvidia would get there drivers up to par for vista.......
That is a quote from the article, while I think they can improve greatly on the 8800 cards (being first DX-10), two times in real world.

Yeah that is hard to factor, though it will probably be faster than 2 8800 cards in SLI.

eDram BTW is embedded Dram. A big cache of dram right on the die to speed up AA it appears, that would be nice.
I'm going to call BS. xbitlabs is generally pretty reliable, but 90% of what was listed was rumored to be included on the 8800GTX and/or the 2900xt before their releases. Definitely wouldn't get my hopes up.
why say so? we just have to wait and see
Load of BS, I doubt nvidia about the change there g80 style architecture anytime soon after spending 400 million on R&D...

A hypothetical 65nm card based on the g80 architecture will most likely look like the following.

160 SP.
30 ROP.
448bit bus.
960MB of RAM.
Nice, but expected. (Maybe the 512bit bus was iffy) I want to know how many stream processors they have.

Also, what it ATI doing these days? I'll bet that merger is probably throwing a wrench into the works. It might be a while before they catch up, but they really need to get on it.

EDIT: eDRAM for free 4x AA? That's unexpected! Although I wander at what resolution they're getting the free AA. Still, it can only help.
We'll see, frankly 2x 8800 performance? I can believe that for some specific areas, thats always the rule of thumb of new generation cards (2x the speed of old one), but some of the other stuff, eDRAM, and etc.

All I'll say is we'll see, we'll see (i.e. Don't count on it, but be prepared to be pleasantly surprised regardless)

For people to read about current R700 rumors (ati cards) go to this link.
whats with the built in audio chip? wtf?
i hope i can get £200 for my gtx, then with £300 saved i can get the gtx beastness!!!!
"over 1 billion transistors"?

Even @ 65nm, that will probably be one behemoth of a GPU core. Someone please tell me that NVIDIA will be optimizing the thermal output of these suckers.. There's only so much 65nm can do for lowering the heat (+thus the monster cooler/PSU requirements).
I know it's prudent to adopt a wait and see attitude about these performance projections, but where's the fun in that? :p
Wow. Just wow.

If true I can make the final decision on my new rig... by a cheap 8800 now and replace in November...
It has been a long time since I have found something worth posting as news over at GPUReview.com.
Thank you very much sladesurfer!
lol, how much did nvidia pay microsoft for that then?
i still dont get this audio thing though.
whats with the built in audio :S:SS:S
The card's no doubt HDMI and HDCP compatible. AMD's new lineup has audio chips, so it isn't surprising the new NVIDIA cards will as well (there won't be anything else that can send audio out HDMI until the October timeframe).

If these specs are even remotely accurate, I believe I've made my purchasing decision.
yes me too,
my rigs a year old now, and although my 8800gtx isnt slow, i want crysis in all its glory with more than 20fps!!! lol
and a nice quad core will do nicely.
that audio sounds cool, means i can save a slot on my mobo, well, i doubt the audio will be as good as x-fi but it means i can run more than 1 speaker set-up.
im guessing this will be a dual height card?
anyone know if it will be pci-e 1 or 2? or both?
PCIE 2.0 is backwards compatible with PCIE 1.0

Just 2.0 means more bandwidth and more power delivered through motherboard (might not require extra psu cables, though i'd still do it anyways for stability)
It will be PCI Express 2.0 but will be backwards compatible with 1.1 and 1.0
I think I might wait on the R700. Surprisingly Nvidia has been slacking on their driver support. No custom timings, omitting DV from various drivers. HDR w/ AA . Fast card, but this is unacceptable for a card that is over 6 months old. I'll probably wait a bit and see what ATI has to offer
Well, this is great. I just bought an 8800GTX. Here's hoping it releases early October so I can use the step up program!