Nvidia Geforce 9800GTX Specifications released!

Uh wait anyone else notice this article was written June 3rd?

Might be kinda outdated:eek:

[edit] not even an article, its a comment..
And the rumor mill continues. I believe in some of the specifications, since part of them were already confirmed (or hinted) by NVIDIA's PR. As for the rest, they were part of my personal guess (namely the 512 bit memory bus). Guess we'll need to wait and see if they are true, but this definitely looks good.
What if it is louder, hotter and uses to more power then the HD2900, then what are you going todo
water cool and get a nucular power station :)
well they said it would use less power than the 8800gtx if you read the full article, and with there previous chips i doubt it would use more than the 2900 thats outrageous tbh
More rumors... imo. I don't buy the whole 'insider" thing. It's just too vague. You could say anything you want and say," Insider told me." BS until I see, or hear it from Nvidia. The end.
In case you didn't back up to it- here's the late May article that the forum resopnse reacted too.
I call bs for two reasons, that has been out for almost two months, and if it were to be real, we would see it at multiple places, not even the inq has attempted to spin it. Secondly, when that post was made, their is still over 5 months intill its suposid release date, everyone believed that G80 was a fixed pipeline design upto a month before its release, because people simply didn't know, and thats good work on the part of nvidia.

Also I call bs, because it looks like this isn't an "article" as much as it is a post on some xbit forums by some random person.

I also call BS because that post says 65nm, where nvidia has yet to have a 65nm part out yet, releasing their first 65nm design as a top end part, w/o working out the bugs (and their will be bugs) would seem a bit risky for both nvidia and TSMC, its common practice to release lower end parts with a new process before going full tilt on it.

I also call bs on the timetable, 12 months between generations, not even a refresh, just a brand new high end part.

Its not that I don't believe that nvidia is capable of what was listed in those specs, I just believe their smarter than that when it comes to both PR and design. I say PR because news like this would take focus off their 8800 parts, and people would wait 4-5 months for a card of this magnitude, and thats just bad business.

Then again, they released 680i with the 8800gtx, mite not be far off that they do the same thing here.

ninja edit: I wouldn't be surprised of this kind of speculation hurts them right now, just looking at other posts on the front, people jump to conclusions and hold off on their purchases. Nothing atm is set in stone as far as I am concerned.
Looking at the article again, the date, and the source, I can say that this source is probably bs

some poor kids wet dream i bet :rolleyes:

Bah, waste of a thread =/
I dont' think the whole thread is a waste. There was one feature in there that I don't understand why it isn't standard yet; which is the AA RAM. The function which does it isn't complicated or hard. It just takes up space and increases cost. However on $500+ video cards, why isn't it standard? For the people running at 19x10 or 25x14, I'm pretty sure they would easily dish out $100 for automatic 4xAA. Also, the dot-pitch of LCD's dosn't seem to be getting any better..

What is the limiting factor which is preventing nVidia and ATI from making this common place in the PC market?
Why would you get a 2900 over a 8800gts? Miss the latest [H] reviews?

Selective reasoning imo (hugs 8800GTS 640MB OC'd). Anyway, I think this whole thread just shows how much hunger there is for the G92 or was it..the 9800 :rolleyes: ? I won't deny that a new generation will be coming. However, most just jump on the bandwagon of such a thing coming out in a few months as being certain or truth. Especially when the 8800 series hasn't even made use of DX10, nor are there any actual DX10 games out. More time is needed for Nv with Vista drivers and developers with DX10, before a monster of a card comes out (or of a new gen imo). Otherwise they'll be playing catch-up for a long time while they spend millions more on new hardware just to meet expectations, because software development is lacking. Tossing hardware at the problem doesn't always work.

I'd "perfect" vista/DX10 drivers and milk the 8800 series for all it's worth during this transition to DX10, especially with ATI "down". Then once a few more better performing, and looking, DX10 games are closer to release, bust out with the G90 tech. This way they can spend the time they need to make it as best as possible for those demanding titles. Otherwise the 8800 was never really DX10 hardware, just "actual DX9 usage" with DX10 support. I think there's more use for it yet, for sure.

...65nm, where nvidia has yet to have a 65nm part out yet, releasing their first 65nm design as a top end part, w/o working out the bugs (and their will be bugs) would seem a bit risky for both nvidia and TSMC, its common practice to release lower end parts with a new process before going full tilt on it.

I also call bs on the timetable, 12 months between generations, not even a refresh, just a brand new high end part.

Its not that I don't believe that nvidia is capable of what was listed in those specs, I just believe their smarter than that when it comes to both PR and design. I say PR because news like this would take focus off their 8800 parts, and people would wait 4-5 months for a card of this magnitude, and thats just bad business.
and my 8800gts dx10 capable just went down the toilet.
Not if you got an EVGA.

(checks calendar)

Well, no, I guess you wasted your money. But there isn't anything in the computer industry that doesn't immediately become obsolete.
Not if you got an EVGA.

(checks calendar)

Well, no, I guess you wasted your money. But there isn't anything in the computer industry that doesn't immediately become obsolete.

The step up program is great if you want to pay 200$ more on a card than it's listed at at Newegg.

Forget that Shiat, if you sell your card on ebay and buy one off newegg within 3 months of your purchase it's way more reliable of a return on investment.

EVGA is an awesome company, but the step up program is pure marketing for suckers.
if it is going to be less than $700 i think i'll buy one. the gtx!
well looks like i know what im getting for my birthday in October. just gotta sell this 8800gts to some noob first.
I'd "perfect" vista/DX10 drivers and milk the 8800 series for all it's worth during this transition to DX10, especially with ATI "down". Then once a few more better performing, and looking, DX10 games are closer to release, bust out with the G90 tech. This way they can spend the time they need to make it as best as possible for those demanding titles. Otherwise the 8800 was never really DX10 hardware, just "actual DX9 usage" with DX10 support. I think there's more use for it yet, for sure.

Wrong. You hit your opponent while he's down. Not when he's getting up. NVIDIA does very well, in continuing this kind of pressure over AMD/ATI.
Also, your remark about 8800s not really being DX10, but rather "DX9 usage, with DX10 support", makes no sense. The fact that there are no actual games that take advantage of all DX10 features, is hardly the hardware manufacturers/designers fault, but the developers. Even so, 8800s are dominating the few titles that take advantage of DX10 features.
Yeah that is hard to factor, though it will probably be faster than 2 8800 cards in SLI.

eDram BTW is embedded Dram. A big cache of dram right on the die to speed up AA it appears, that would be nice.

sounds good in theory however in practice the edram would be huge for say 1920x1200 resolution let alone 2560x1600, plus the die size would also be frikkin huge.
To the guy who convinced me about the GTS, what should I get (Evga for sure) 320 or 640MB? I play at 1680x1050.
Wrong. You hit your opponent while he's down. Not when he's getting up. NVIDIA does very well, in continuing this kind of pressure over AMD/ATI.
Also, your remark about 8800s not really being DX10, but rather "DX9 usage, with DX10 support", makes no sense. The fact that there are no actual games that take advantage of all DX10 features, is hardly the hardware manufacturers/designers fault, but the developers. Even so, 8800s are dominating the few titles that take advantage of DX10 features.

So true. though if I had the control. I would have leaked little by little of the "new" specs (hype) and give a official release closer to the launch. Just to keeps ATi guessing and spinning their tails for a little. I'm up for good competition, but then again I am a Nvidia share holder.