Number one controller throwing game.

It had to be those early Megaman or Castlevania games. Unresponsive and twitchy controls coupled with some extremely difficult jumps and boss fights was aggravating to say the least.
rayg said:
How about CS? I've broken mouses by slamming it down on my desk.

I stopped doing that once I got my mx510 and my DB mouse.

I broke a keyboard playing CS and especialy when there is a sniper hiding...and you try to find him and everytime you respawn and go to where you died or any where near it he get's you in one hit...

I finally got a nice keyboard so I just keep the other...4 broken ones to bang on. LOL
WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I never get that pissed in any console game.. Some maybe alittle...bit. But here is mine. IF I PLAYED cs witha controller... I would have broke a million pads by now.
Marble Drop
The Incredible Machine
Torin's Passage

GTA 3 for ps2 : trying to get the dodo plane to fly.
GTA Vice City: Flying the damn RC helicopter
F*ckin FF7, trying to breed those damn chickens, then once I got a better PC I couldn't get it to run worth a damn.

Battletodas :(
Didn't happen to me, but when my Brother was playing some game on the N64, probably GoldenEye he threw such a fit, with so much stomping and thrashing about that he actually knocked the TV off it's purch he was shaking the entire room so much.

I remember trying to break NES controllers but those things were built like bricks. You'd hurt your hands on them before you did any real damage. I think NES had the highest concentration of frustrating games. You'd go and rent one from the video store, and the manual would be missing, so you'd just have to guess at the controls, dying constantly. Then you'd hurt your hands on the hard sharp edges of the controller trying to mangle the thing.

I remember I got so frustrated playing some game or another that I hit my friend in the head with an NES controller. I guess it really hurt him because he went home immediately and never spoke to me again.
Soul Calibur II.

After playing a few rounds of that against a player who's about equally matched, my entire body shakes and my breathing becomes erratic . . . if I lose, and the loss is caused by easily blockable moves or cheap combos . . . :shudder: . . .

However, I don't throw controllers . . . I have an inherent respect for electronics. Physically assaulting the other player, though, well that's a different story :p .
Namork said:
Didn't happen to me, but when my Brother was playing some game on the N64, probably GoldenEye he threw such a fit, with so much stomping and thrashing about that he actually knocked the TV off it's purch he was shaking the entire room so much.

I remember trying to break NES controllers but those things were built like bricks. You'd hurt your hands on them before you did any real damage. I think NES had the highest concentration of frustrating games. You'd go and rent one from the video store, and the manual would be missing, so you'd just have to guess at the controls, dying constantly. Then you'd hurt your hands on the hard sharp edges of the controller trying to mangle the thing.

I remember I got so frustrated playing some game or another that I hit my friend in the head with an NES controller. I guess it really hurt him because he went home immediately and never spoke to me again.

Word. word, word. Fuck, I think I lost all feeling my hands for weeks on end playing Bermuda Triangle and i'd clench that controller so hard my knuckles would go white..ARRRRRGHHHH!!!!!!
I'd say the Battlefield series is my most rage-inducing game.

The shit that happens in Battlefield is unbelievable (especially in BF2... just look at a vehicle and you die!)

Steerpike said:
Zelda for SNES. That goddamn BEEPING when you at one heart drove me fucking insane. should seek help.
Grand Theft Auto Vice City: Rescuing Lance mission. Mother fucker......I've never come so close to tossing my keyboard out the window and screaming at the top of my lungs that mission was such bullshit!!!!!
slowbiz said:
Pretty self explanitory title. What is the number one controller rage inducing game you have played?

I'm going to have to say Contra 3 for SNES. That game made me buy guns and shoot myself/others. Street Fighter 2 as well. New controllers were purchased after me and my brother rented that game.

Street Fighter 2 for me! I broke waaaaaay too many controllers and used a lot of my allowances for SNES gear. Not to mention my mom caught me using an excellent, 4-letter word that got me grounded for 2 weeks. Great post! LOL
Corporal79 said:
Street Fighter 2 for NES, oh man how I would get so freaking bent when Blanka would do the impossible move:
While walking towards you he would do that ball move which any human player would have to charge back for 2 seconds then tap forwards and punch I think, how the #$@! can you charge back while walking towards me mother trucker! :mad:

M. Bison could do the same shit with his torpedo chaeap ass move.

In the end I still love that game, wish they had a copy on XBOX, do they? :confused:

Don't they have the anniversary edition, which includes SF3 (I fucking love this game so much) and SF2 Turbo? I have it for my PS2.
also battle toads. The frist one for snes. OMFG what a bitch. Like the second FUCING level...with the race car things... up down jump back up down jump. Enough to make u go crazy. never could that game cuse it was so GOD DAM HARD!
Ron1jed said:
also battle toads. The frist one for snes. OMFG what a bitch. Like the second FUCING level...with the race car things... up down jump back up down jump. Enough to make u go crazy. never could that game cuse it was so GOD DAM HARD!

My friend literally commited suicide over the tower level at the end of the game, he would throw such a temper fit.

I remember some fucking level with these jet plaforms and this damn cavern that had deadly icycles that you die instanly if you touched...ARRRRRRRGHHH!!!!!!!
Ron1jed said:
also battle toads. The frist one for snes. OMFG what a bitch. Like the second FUCING level...with the race car things... up down jump back up down jump. Enough to make u go crazy. never could that game cuse it was so GOD DAM HARD!

I remember that level . . . the first two (side-scroller, then that vertical tunnel level) were easy enough, but the race car level was annoying. I'd just watch my hard-earned and saved lives go down the drain very, very quickly.

What a great game, though.
NHL games and Madden games. On harder settings impossible for you to score yet sometimes you would get scored on from the redline.
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness

When you have to play the guy, HE WON'T MOVE. I gave up when you have to kill the spider girl. He's just too goddam slow.
Last mission of orginal ass still hurts from the butt raping I recieved from that level.
IceWind said:
My friend literally commited suicide over the tower level at the end of the game, he would throw such a temper fit.

I assume that's a variation of "literally" that means "not literally" (or even "figuratively")?
If not, that might, perhaps, be taking things a bit too serious. ;)
IceWind said:
Last mission of orginal ass still hurts from the butt raping I recieved from that level.

The Last mission from the sequel was just as frustrating. Trying to hit that borg like mothership with your huge cannon which took about a minute to fire, sucked.
Ghost and Ghoblins for the NES, and even Super Ghouls and Ghosts. I think G&G was one of the hardest games that existed, with all the difficult jumps and one-two hit deaths.
The first EA Sports football (prior to the NFL license) for Sega Genesis.. I used to beat my suitemate in college all the time with the 'New Jersey' Jets, no time on the clock, long bomb, spin move, 98 yard td for the win. Many controllers were sacrificed that year, I am lucky I am still alive (his nickname was Moose :D ).

Then of course a few years later they had a version with the "All Time Teams'. Me being a Jet fan, naturally picked the 68 Jets everytime. He had an obsession with trying to beat me. Tried every 'All Time Team' there was. But it was good ol Broadway Joe to Maynard for the Hail Mary and the win every time. He was pissed.

He would come to my room (i didn't even have Sega at the time) and declare 'Come on, 84 Giants and 68 Jets...lets go." So I would take a break and go to his room and we'd fire it up. The entire hallway was filled with spectators as it was an event to behold. Low and behold, one of the last times it was a neck and neck game and I Long Bombed him again. he would do everything to stop that pass, including trying to beat the crap out of Maynard before the ball was even snapped. Well, I won in the end (again)

I looked over at him with a sheepish grin, and saw him staring at the screen. Gently his face decided to retain more blood then usual and turned red and then purple. My grin turned to the "Oh Shit" look and I put the controller down and backed out of the room as his hands started to shake with rage. He snapped the controller in two with his bare hands, the hallway evacuated IMMEDIATELY and everyone ran for their lives(he was HUGE). It was quite possibly the funniest sober moment in my college history. Things flew across his room after he slammed the door, everyone peeked out from the hallway started suppressing laughter (they didn't actually want him to hear them). The R.A. walked down the hallway at that moment and asked wtf was going on. They told him I whipped his arse in football again and he started to laugh...good times.

:cool: :D
GTA San Andreas the game would freeze on me everytime time I was done with the OG Loc mission and I didn't get to save. This would happen on most missions. Long story short I screamed, shouted gibberish at my computer and tried to eat my own hand.

Command and Conquer the first, there was this one mission where you had this platoon of a couple guys, an APC and rocket buggys. You had to wipe out every NOD on the map, I lost so many times, I rammed into the wall and started punching whatever I could find. I sprained my wrist and gave myself 2 dead legs along with a small hole in my closet that I tried to cover up with elmers glue. I couldn't beat this map for 8 years until I found out what a trainer was.

Forgot to mention Battlefield 2, base camping snipers, I pee'd in my pants and stood still for 5 minutes I was frustrated.
enraged78 said:
Most frustrating game ever: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for NES (Not the arcade version). No save points, very easy to die, very easy to lose weapons you tried for hours to aquire. I finally beat that game about a year ago, on a Nesticle Emmulator with the save function. Too damned hard for a person to deal with.


totally. that game was soooo frustrating. i don't think i ever even got past the sewer level.
StraightEdge said:
my old copy of Halo, only because everytime i would get to a certain part, the game kept freezing...

On that topic, I nominate the original Morrowind for the Xbox. To be fair, I had one of the Xbox's with the DVD rom that went bad. It would freeze quite literally every 10-15 minutes on a good day, with plenty of glitches. I would frequently fall through the world, get stuck on corners, find myself in infinite dialogue loops, and random scripting events would not work.
Ghost and Ghoblins for the NES, and even Super Ghouls and Ghosts. I think G&G was one of the hardest games that existed, with all the difficult jumps and one-two hit deaths.-

OMG. I totaly forgot about htat. I beat it but i had to use a emu. Just save at like EVERY dam jump. Man that game PISSED ME OFF. Battle toads one i think will forever the game that pissed me off the most
If I wasn't at work, I'd sit down and dig through my NES games, and I would only dig through those.

I'm amazed at all the people mentioning new or relatively new games as their top in this list. Games just aren't made as difficult as they were back in the day. They're more complex. Having more than 2 operational buttons makes them guilty of that. They can be longer. That's not the point, however.

I've gotten frustrated playing CS a time or two, but come on. It can't possibly compare to the recently mentioned Ghosts and Goblins. That's not even near the best example of the type, either.

The key to a really frustrating game is a combination of 2 things: fun and repetitively hard

If a game is simply hard (take Friday 13th for NES for example) then you can get pissed off at it, put it down, and never pick it up again.

Additionally, on RPGs, I can see how they could be difficult or even monotonous. I can't see how they can be "frustrating" in the mind-numbing sense that we're getting at here (aside from a couple of specific situations -- mostly involving 1-hit kills).

All that buildup, and I'm not going to name a game. Isn't that pathetic?
Another factor that can really make things frustrating is the feeling that the computer cheats. Anyone who's played a NFS game and lost an endurance race after leading all the way until you touch a wall seconds before the finish line knows what I'm thinking about; the feeling that while you can overtake the opponents, it's flat out impossible to gain a real lead.

(NFS:porsche was fine, but the later ones ... :mad: )