Number one controller throwing game.

Ths first Metal Gear on NES. I remember playing that game for hours and never quite finishing it.
GTA: San Andreas
The "Supply Lines" mission. I'll be 30 years old, I'm a 250 lb man, and my wife said I was literally screaming gibberish at my TV. I hated that mission.

IKARI Warriors- NES
After you blew up the green "El Presidente" on the 4th (??) level, I could never find where to go. Me and my bro would just walk around until the missiles came from above and blew us up. Awesomely glitchy game (see also Jackyl, Bayou Billy, Gradius, Contra, etc)

Final Fantasy 7
After Yuffie (wasn't it?) took all your elemental stone thingys, then you had that fight with the creature on the mountain. Got a second PS1 after that :D

Secret of Evermore- SNES
Fighting the big rat boss in the destroyed mansion. It seemed I would wail on him forever and he just wouldn't die!
hahah...i broke my wireless intellimouse on Sunday night on some CS:S because of an AWP whore. Thing is I tapped it on the desk but no slamming. Part of the PCB inside cracked. Twas a good excuse to get me a mx310 or whatever its called...

Price of Persia...the original made me slam my keyboard on my old IBM PS1 a few times.


Earth Worm Jim made me break an Genesis controller...

im sure there are tons more. but those stick out in my mind.
I slammed my mx700 on the desk when it stopped responding yesterday.
(Was in a bad mood after doing troubleshooting for 7 hours on some proprietary 1300 dollar label printer from 1997. Family Business:mad: )
Well, after a few reboots and attempts to reconnect it got the sledgehammer.
Was tougher then expected, but once the cover was smashed off the rest went off like a bomb. :cool:

I'll dig out the digicam and take some pics.
bink said:
hahah...i broke my wireless intellimouse on Sunday night on some CS:S because of an AWP whore. Thing is I tapped it on the desk but no slamming. Part of the PCB inside cracked. Twas a good excuse to get me a mx310 or whatever its called...

Price of Persia...the original made me slam my keyboard on my old IBM PS1 a few times.


Earth Worm Jim made me break an Genesis controller...

im sure there are tons more. but those stick out in my mind.
Earth Worm Jim rocked [H]ard
Well you want a pic, here you go

thats me owning noobs on cs, pic take with my drebel 6.3mp. Then after that some noob owned me and i went and snapped a keyboard :cool:
MOTHER FUCKING FROGGER FOR ATARI!! i broke the joystick.... literaly cracked the stick right off the base.
also super mario 3 for nes. went through 3 controlers and put a decent sized dent in the wall when i was like 11 :D bastard mario wouldnt jump!
Well, I promised pics.................

Well, the rest of my mice always work now. :cool:

BTW, That is only what I could recover.........
Pong. I get so mad when I miss that little white dot with my paddle, I could *scream*!!!
bringing up an old thread but freaking Ninja Gaiden is killing me. I almost yanked the xbox out of my entertainment system still plug into my receiver and tv trying to kill the tanks. GRRR I damn near shit a solid gold brick when I beat Alma
metroid and zelda for the NES, man my mother would bitch and complain about how I would throw that controller in such a fit of rage and it would only go about 5 feet cuz the short cord, I also used to twist the little POS and try to break it in 2. ha ha ha ha ha good times!
Not really a controller slamming deal but one day me and my friend rented jet moto for his playstation on my moms video store card. (Year 2000 so we're like 12/13). Anyway we were playing for a little bit and it got real hard so we stopped.

Than me and my friends brother started playing the 1st NFL Gameday for PS1. Well I was down six with like a minute to go and my friend says give me the controller I can get a touchdown. So I give him the controller he drives the field and score the touchdown and the field goal and wins the game.

So my friends brother goes f*ck this and grabs the jet moto case and throws it against the wall. We looked at him and go you idiot the game is in there and naturally it broke. So his mom and my mom ended up splitting the cost of the game and I was never allowed to rent anything for anyone else's house again.
Kil4Thril said:
GTA: San Andreas
The "Supply Lines" mission. I'll be 30 years old, I'm a 250 lb man, and my wife said I was literally screaming gibberish at my TV. I hated that mission.

I about went insane trying to beat that fucking mission. It's damned near impossible.
Props to Corporal for finding this post :eek:

Update, Super Mario World for SNES, the one castle that involed a floating moving thing over cousin felt the blunt end of a chair :D
Corporal79 said:
GRRR I damn near shit a solid gold brick when I beat Alma
Heh, I can relate to that. Just two or three weeks ago I had to beat Alma on hard mode with only two health elixirs. I didn't know I was close to such a hard boss so I never bothered to stash up on elixirs. My brother and his friend and I worked together to try and beat her for quite a number of hours! But in the end it was I who was successful. :cool:
Id have to say the megaman series and metroid/super metroid.

Then there were games that never saved like metroid that you had to keep playing (for 11 hours the first time) in order to beat it. Took me a while to figure out "NOT" to pick up the bubble gun cause it was hard to find the ice gun again :)

DAMNIT! Now im gunna have to pull out some old school and start playin again :rolleyes:
mario sunshine. the plaforming (non-waterpack) are stupidly hard. its rediculous
yeah, definetly CS/CSS here, I don't know how many times I've shoved the mouse into the wall and stormed off with a loud "Fuck that shit!" Its round based gameplay really encourages sore losers. Nothing quite like getting smoked by some punk right at the begining of a round then waiting , fuming, till the next round only to have the same thing happen again. :mad:
street fighter 2 on the SNES. it was one level of anger to be on a losing streak. but when someone got a perfect on me during this streak, that is when controllers flew
FarCry volcano on realistic. The fight where like 50 elites spawn out of nowhere was frustrating as fuck.
I really have to wonder why there are so many "Ninja Gaiden for Xbox" mentions. Folks, the game is NOT that hard. The original games were much, much worse, NG2 especially. But I'm looking forward to Master Ninja difficulty in Ninja Gaiden Black, so maybe I'm just crazy.

My list:
Mega Man 1, and the MM Zero games
GTA San Andreas' driving school (getting all gold is a PITA.)
Radiant Silvergun
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom (but only if you had no idea what you were doing.)
007: Goldeneye multiplayer for sure! ROFLMAO!

I don't throw my controllers but i've seen tons of people thorw their controllers while playing that game. People get worked up when they get beat. It was hillarious when my brother figured out the spawn patterns on all the maps and would come and blast ya before you even got a chance to move. LOL!
The PS2 itself. I swear, the damn thing will play almost all of my CD's. EXCEPT for my favorite ones! I'll put in an old burned Misfits CD and it will work fine, but I'll be damned if it will play most of my Megadeth CD's, which are perfectly legit. It pisses me off so much!
another vote for ninja gaiden, i broke a controller and im not a controller throwing type...
BF2. I destroyed my MX510 last week because of this damn game

ROFL it took until page 7 until someone finally mention BF2! Yeah seriously! :D

GT1/GT3 International Licences

Devil May Cry (eventually beat it. whee.)

Counter-Strike. argh the damn 13 yrs old playing. I wish there was a setting on STEAM so that only people 17 and up could play it.
BooyaAchieved said:
The PS2 itself. I swear, the damn thing will play almost all of my CD's. EXCEPT for my favorite ones! I'll put in an old burned Misfits CD and it will work fine, but I'll be damned if it will play most of my Megadeth CD's, which are perfectly legit. It pisses me off so much!
HA HA HA HA!! Sorry for laughing, but this is pretty much circumstance as well. It'll read games that are scratched to hell perfectly fine, but throw in a brand new prestine disc, and you will swear the drive is deliberately trying to fuck with you. I'm not even talking about dual layer games. Xenosaga is actually one of the games that DOES work great.

One way or another, it is infuriating when your damned hardware decides which games you will be able to play.
Star Castle. A very old vector graphics game that you can get for MAME. Very fun and addictive, but jesus christ its hard. Just when you think you got the hang of it, you get rammed in the butt.
so_cal_forever said:
Agreed. That and RC Pro AM.

Yeah - I gotta agree with that - nothing chaffed like RC Pro AM did.... although my bro did manage to make it somewhere into the 30-40 level area.
FFX - i know your thinking this can be one, but ill jog your memory...

If you were big into the game and wanted to get Titus' ultimate weapon you had to do a special chocobo race where you had to hit and avoid ballons and seaguls and shit and get it done with a really low time, it was almost impossible and it had to be done 100% perfect or you would get a failure. I never did get past the god damn thing.
DJ Zaki said:
ROFL it took until page 7 until someone finally mention BF2! Yeah seriously! :D

Well, it's not too surprising seeing as the first six pages were created in February. :p

Baldur Gate I and II both drove me mad at times. It was usually because I was anal about making sure that everybody survived and got experience for every battle, so I'd spend days attempting to make it through tough battles without losing anybody.

The battles in FFT where you had like, 4 in a row, and you could save between them, but you couldn't exit from them were terrible. Especially if you didn't know better and saved over your main game and then had to fight a rough battle with ridiculously under-levelled characters. Yeah, that sucked.

Also, Katamari Damacy :D. The Ursa Major and Taurus levels were terrible... you'd meticulously get a huge katamari and then accidentally run over milk or the bear statue and ruin the whole thing. And, not only did these levels piss me off, but I would, for some inexplicable reason, develop an intense headache whenever I played that game. And, for some even more inexplicable reason, I get a headache if I even think of that game. I think it broke my brain...

Addendum: the big 100 level dungeon (forgot the name) with the Master Tonberries and the stupidly hard boss in FFX-2 sucked.
Molingrad said:
FFX - i know your thinking this can be one, but ill jog your memory...

If you were big into the game and wanted to get Titus' ultimate weapon you had to do a special chocobo race where you had to hit and avoid ballons and seaguls and shit and get it done with a really low time, it was almost impossible and it had to be done 100% perfect or you would get a failure. I never did get past the god damn thing.
Holy crap. I must have blocked this from my memory, because I'm replaying the game. Arg! Hate that chocobo race so much! It's not based on skill at all. It's a damned game of roulette! I HATE roulette!
Molingrad said:
FFX - i know your thinking this can be one, but ill jog your memory...

If you were big into the game and wanted to get Titus' ultimate weapon you had to do a special chocobo race where you had to hit and avoid ballons and seaguls and shit and get it done with a really low time, it was almost impossible and it had to be done 100% perfect or you would get a failure. I never did get past the god damn thing.
I recently FINALLY unlocked Tidus' ultimate weapon and holy crap I was so fooking pissed off trying to get the 0:00 time. Ugh The chocobo noise was making me so mad I had to mute the receiver. I have 57 hours into it and haven't finished it yet. You would have thought I had just won the stanley cup the way I was running around my townhouse cheering for myself!
Gyrus for Colecovision. We FINALLY pass the last planet, and where do we land? Right back at the freaking beginning.

R-Type 3. This game was so frustrating I even broke the joystick in the arcade. Those friggen aliens that would crawl across the screen had poor hitboxes and would always kill me.

Ghouls and Ghost is another frustrating game. Any game where you get hit once and you die gets on you nerves quick.

Yes I Know you could get armor and gold armor in the game, but face it we all ran around as the stupid old naked guy the majority of the time.