Number one controller throwing game.

-I like to bash my keyboard during CS:S alot, that is when I get lamed. :(

-Also, Yes NFSU pissed me off something awful.

-I remember this one time, I got so pissed at a game that I took the N64 controller apart and stepped on the little peices inside...dont remember what game it was...probably Goldeneye...

-I have an anger problem.
WickedAngel said:
I thought about bringing that up...

That game pissed me off SO fucking much. The Blitz series is the only one I've seen that literally cheats to win.

Yeah, I don't really get that mad at games and never have I been so tempted to throw my controller then by that game for the very reason that the ai is delibertly cheating.
I_Need_Money said:
NFSU. You guys have got to agree that sometimes NFSU was E-X-T-R-E-M-E-L-Y frustrating. This is how it always went when playing that game: You're on lap 6/6, you get going very fast, enter a tunnel, then you hit one of the many little pillars and your car stops completely. Even though you've been way ahead of the whole pack until now, they manage to easily pass you, then you're forced to restart the entire race because there's NO WAY you'll ever catch up... It's happened to me so many times.

That brings back painful memories. That game is cool, but I can't play it anymore because it pisses me of too much.
Any game that is either so huge (hrm half life hrm) or so crappily made that there are small gaps to literally get stuck in piss me off :mad:
Anarchy Online

All the stupid bugs and design idiosyncracies need not be mentioned.

On top of that, you're in a team mission and some jackass opens a chest during a fight, spawning a FUCKING ROLLER RAT killing the whole team except him
scott77 said:
On top of that, you're in a team mission and some jackass opens a chest during a fight, spawning a FUCKING ROLLER RAT killing the whole team except him

At least its living up to its namesake ;)

I used to have a huge problem with those cycles/wave runner things. But I don't ever remember beating that stage where you're on that damn gear that sticks to the ceiling.
Sled Storms last final race to get the ultimate snowmobile. You had to be PERFECT in this race, absolutely NO SCREW ups or the AI would run you over and it would be all over.

This race was like freaking 8 laps or something so you had to keep your concentration at all times cause one screw up and it was all over.

I was on the last lap, my face was practically dripping with sweat and my hands were aching from playing the level over and over. I was coming into a turn and I somehow got distracted and slipped on a piece of ice and the guy right behind me slammed me into the wall and I lost the race.

I screamed and threw my controller so hard that it bounced up and hit me in the face and I screamed #$*&(#@*($&@#*(&!!!!! on top of my lungs again and smashed the controller with my foot gouging a piece of plastic into my foot and sent controller shrapnel all over the place.

Oh yes, and Battletoads must die forever, that cheap ass $#@#$#$@#$ freaking lame jet ski level :mad: :mad:
Moog said:
Street Fighter 2 definitely.

It got me a broken controller and a broken toe.

EDIT: I feel I should elaborate on the toe. I got into an argument with my real life opponent who tried to throw me over a table.

OMG, i almost pissed my pants laughing at this one. hahahahahah. oh man

Street Fighter 2
Battletoads vs. Double Dragon

Worst one was Prince of Persia for the genesis. I spend hours trying to land this one jump. finally make it guess what happens? the game FREEZES. I got so pissed i ripped it off the shelf and beat it to death with a foam bat which took a long time. worth every second. :D
Steel Battalion is it for me. The only thing stopping my ultimate revenge on it is:
a) still need to beat it
b) it's too exspensive to replace
c) it's a damn good game that needs to be copied.
Colt___45 (Speaking about NFSU) said:
That brings back painful memories. That game is cool, but I can't play it anymore because it pisses me of too much.

NFS:porsche. The original 911:Turbo, tailsliding like, well, an insanely rear-heavy car with far too much power for its own good. Zone Industrielle. (Think "Twisty maze of sharp edges".)
Oh, and in NFS:p you have to pay for reparations even if you cancel a track.


Certainly, the "lead through 5.9 laps of a 6 lap race"-effect in NFSU is frustrating, but nothing beats the "Hey, I might finally make this - boy, this is fast - Sh.tHellAbortAbortAbortAAAH!!! - *Crunch*" - feeling of Porsche. There's a special place in hell for track designers that put sharp edges (and pillars. Pillars!) in the fastest parts of tracks.

NFSU2 was a bit frustrating as well, until I noticed that I'd set the difficulty to "hard". (I managed, but some parts took a lot of tries. Downhill drift, especially.)

Some of the commando-levels in C&C (the original) were bad as well, but at least it was possible to save at any time.
any sports game if you play wit some ghetto peeps

and "thats some bullshh" usually follows the controller toss
Midnight Club II. I bit one of the analog sticks off my Logitech during the last few races.

Many years ago, back in the Commodore 64 era, I had this tape loaded game. Jungle warrior or some sh1t, I can't remember exactly. Now, this was a great game. You had to load it with a cassette back then, though. You put the cassette in the cassette drive, looks like a normal music tape, and then wait for the entire tape to load. Takes about 25 mins. Only then does the game open to play.

You play the game, and then just when it gets exciting, the fawking thing hangs. No saves either. Annoying the first 2-3 times, considering the load times, because you have to reload the entire tape if it hangs.

I've always had a temper, one of those where you're pushed and pushed and then you're eyes get glazed over with a red hue, and you wake up with pieces of computer all over the room.... ;) One of those....

Anyway, I was playing this jungle warrior and, as expected the game froze again for the umpteenth time. When I got my senses back, there was little pieces of cassette all over the room and the tape itself was draped like confetti across the room. No more god damn mother fukcing #@$#$%$#@%#@$ jungle warrior! \o/

Fortunately I've learned to control the anger with age..... :D
New School: NFL Fever for the XBox, playing the fantasy teams. And you thought Madden had a "no frickin' way" mode.

Old School: Tie Defender. At least with X-Wing I could get to the Death Star level.

Really old school: Oregon Trail. Come on people. You know you played it in elementary school. And you know you always died of starvation or drowned in the river before you even made it out of Kansas.
Need For Speed Underground Series.

When you are 5 seconds ahead of everyone else, and it is the last lap on a race you have spent around 10 minutes on, and the guy in second somehow gains an enormous amount of speed, and beats you in the last few feet of the race.
well, this isn't so much frustration as a bit of divine intervention.

back in about 2nd grade, my friend kyle got mortal kombat 2. (one of the best games of all times, hands fucking down) it was often difficult for me to perform the fatalities with liu kang, so i'd sometimes pray to God so i could perform the dragon fatality. (down-down-forward-back-high kick)
MrWoot said:
Need For Speed Underground Series.

When you are 5 seconds ahead of everyone else, and it is the last lap on a race you have spent around 10 minutes on, and the guy in second somehow gains an enormous amount of speed, and beats you in the last few feet of the race.
yea that is ridiculous... one of the reasons why i don't like nfsu anymore... it is easy to win as long as you don't gain too big of a lead on them... if you do... watch out. This is why i used mainly the integra, because it wouldn't destroy the opposition just beat em.
BooyaAchieved said:
I hated certain stages on Battletoads (the one for the SNES or the Genesis, I can't remember). Having to fucking hit the jump button in an exact sequence as you were going damn near the speed of light on those hover bike things pissed me off to no end. God I hated that game after I beat it. Fuck you Pimple, Zits, and Rash!
HHAHAHAHA! Battletoads in Battlemaniacs is impossible. I have punched walls for that level. The way your bike get smashed and you just fly across the screen, and get game over. AARGH!

I also failed to mention Far Cry. I realise that you can download a patch that allows you to save where ever. However I consider myself a purist, so I wouldn't patch that. But playing that game and spending a half hour sneaking around on your stomach in the prone postion picking guys off to have a fucking trojin (whatever they're called) tear your life away, and have to start over makes me destroy.
Oh yeah...

Mario 64. The pyramid level and the pre-Bowser levels that you can so easily fall off of.

Madness. The N64 controller was NOT built to last.
NCAA football 2005 for xbox and CS for the pc. In ncaa the opponent will just amazingly make an 85 yard td catch with 5 defenders surrounding him. I always end up winning but it pisses me off. Oh and cs, well thats another story LOL
Super Smash Bros, People have been hit in the face with controllers after heated matches.
roz1281 said:
Midnight Club II. I bit one of the analog sticks off my Logitech during the last few races.

Ahh man, I totally forgot about that game. I think I've repressed memories of it. The only part I remember is going fucking insane on the Paris level, 2nd or 3rd from the end. I restarted it so many times...
Need for Speed (Any version). Of course, the wheel was clamped to the desk so it was kinda hard to tear off.

@I Need Money
In NFSU2, the cars still go super fast but they're no longer on rails. There's a trick that lets me go through those V-turns and N-turns at top speed. The result is that when i don't slow down in the turn (actually, i accelerate) the cars behind me do the same, and a spectacular pileup usually results (I watched the replays). Then 5 seconds later, i'm suddenly overtaken at 150Mph like i was standing still!!! (WTF?!?!)

Same goes for NFS:HotPursuit2, except those guys ARE on rails.

Hmm... NFS seems to be winning the poll.
would like to add tiger woods golf series

nothing pisses you off more than a putt falling couple inches or feet short
Vriess said:
Super Smash Bros, People have been hit in the face with controllers after heated matches.

I wish I could have played someone as good as I am so i could actually have that chance, I completely wreck everyone with Marth or Cpt. Falcon
Pvt. Potter said:
yea that is ridiculous... one of the reasons why i don't like nfsu anymore... it is easy to win as long as you don't gain too big of a lead on them... if you do... watch out. This is why i used mainly the integra, because it wouldn't destroy the opposition just beat em.

Isn't it possible to turn off catchup in the options, or does that only keep the opponents from slowing down when they lead?
definatly mario kart for super nintendo.. gaiden got a few throws too
Kevin003 said:
Almost forgot about mike tysons punchout for the SNES. YOU CANT BEAT HIM :mad: :mad:
What are you talking about? That game is for the NES. He's tough, but he can be beat. My Super Punchout!! scores are untouchable.
HHunt said:
Isn't it possible to turn off catchup in the options, or does that only keep the opponents from slowing down when they lead?
if there was that option... it wasn't on the pc
IceWind said:
Sled Storms last final race to get the ultimate snowmobile. You had to be PERFECT in this race, absolutely NO SCREW ups or the AI would run you over and it would be all over.

This race was like freaking 8 laps or something so you had to keep your concentration at all times cause one screw up and it was all over.

I was on the last lap, my face was practically dripping with sweat and my hands were aching from playing the level over and over. I was coming into a turn and I somehow got distracted and slipped on a piece of ice and the guy right behind me slammed me into the wall and I lost the race.

I screamed and threw my controller so hard that it bounced up and hit me in the face and I screamed #$*&(#@*($&@#*(&!!!!! on top of my lungs again and smashed the controller with my foot gouging a piece of plastic into my foot and sent controller shrapnel all over the place.

Oh yes, and Battletoads must die forever, that cheap ass $#@#$#$@#$ freaking lame jet ski level :mad: :mad:
a heartly LOL there. nice writing. I howled as I read cause I member those days well. those controllers for the atari 5200 had to be the worste made controlers EVA! we went through so many on that damn tank game and others
Daishiknyte said:
Steel Battalion is it for me. The only thing stopping my ultimate revenge on it is:
a) still need to beat it
b) it's too exspensive to replace
c) it's a damn good game that needs to be copied.
I still can't get past the damn 3rd level. I go up on the ridge and get gangraped by 5 guys at once.
haha!! This had me laughing so much I had to keep quiet here at work.

Games don't really piss me off. I keep the mindset that I play to have fun and not to get stressed and pissed off.

IceWind said:
Sled Storms last final race to get the ultimate snowmobile. You had to be PERFECT in this race, absolutely NO SCREW ups or the AI would run you over and it would be all over.

This race was like freaking 8 laps or something so you had to keep your concentration at all times cause one screw up and it was all over.

I was on the last lap, my face was practically dripping with sweat and my hands were aching from playing the level over and over. I was coming into a turn and I somehow got distracted and slipped on a piece of ice and the guy right behind me slammed me into the wall and I lost the race.

I screamed and threw my controller so hard that it bounced up and hit me in the face and I screamed #$*&(#@*($&@#*(&!!!!! on top of my lungs again and smashed the controller with my foot gouging a piece of plastic into my foot and sent controller shrapnel all over the place.

Oh yes, and Battletoads must die forever, that cheap ass $#@#$#$@#$ freaking lame jet ski level :mad: :mad:
Jesus Christ I just remembered another godforsaken game...Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec...Now don't get me wrong...the game fucking rocked...but for the love of God I couldn't get past like the fourth level license exams...GOD DAMNED THINGS....I'm getting pissed thinking about it. after failing to slide just perfect to beat the clock, I would screech like Konane did in the pwned and then I would wrench the controller in my hand and try to break it....oh the anger is growing inside me....but i digress..
I had an asciipad for SNES that had all of its screws broken, so I had to drill holes through the pad and bolt the controller halves together - it never did die on me completely. Playing R&R Racing, I used to bang the piss out of my controller against the chair I was sitting on, all the plastic along the bottom was gouged and chewed up.

punchout and superpunchout.. I remember putting my elbow through a door playing superpunchout.

And I've broken probably around 5 mice (edit - and 2 keyboards) playing teamfortress. Almost smashed my diamondback yesterday, luckily I have a new punching bag hanging about 10 feet away.